
Healthy Living Thread


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I hope you get a lot of potential buyers for your place. :wavey:
I am glad I am not the only one who finds making the bed such a work out. I ordered a set of cotton jersey sheets and was relieved they didn't show up today because I probably would have washed them and want to try them out.
Good deal you made huge progress on the back burner project. Go Dee Jay!

I didn't sleep well. I hate heavy blankets on my feet for some reason so it took me a while to adjust the 2 new blankets just right. Then I woke up hot so I flipped the top blanket off to the side. Then I woke up cold. Then that cycle repeated until my alarm annoyed me by going off. I put the fleece blanket away and will try just the cotton blanket tonight. The sad thing is this cotton blanket shrank in washing and drying so it's just as short on the side of the bed as the other cotton blanket i already had. :wall: I doubt I'll use the fleece much. Time will tell.

Work was busy today but i did finish my work about 5 minutes before going home. I had several one on ones with employees and finally got with the negative nelly for the first time this year and told her what helped her appraisal and hurt her appraisal. She set stone faced while I mentioned her errors, attitude and interpersonal relations all pulled down her scorers. She has such a victim mentality i am positive all she heard was nag, nag, nag.

Take care.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Winter came back today. Phooey. Tomorrow will be warmer then a big storm is moving in for the weekend. March snow storms are here.
Not much exciting going on here. I did my lifting tonight. A friend of mine came over and did her strength training as well. I made soup for supper since I didn't eat until about 7 and it's cold.

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, if you're getting snow tomorrow that means I'm getting snow this weekend. Ugh. I SO over this winter already! Didn't that damn groundhog see his shadow?!

I'm tired... The charity event yesterday was good but it was an All Day Thing -- set-up, dinner with speakers, etc., break down, late to bed... This morning I slept in a little and headed from TR's directly to a final walk-through at a client's place in the north part of the city (there was no point in driving home to go north again and then back downtown so I didn't get to my office until about noon. The closing was done pretty fast so I went over and picked up my part of the paperwork around 2, and now I have to take it to my real estate office on the way home tonight. I'm looking forward to getting into my jammies! I think I am coming to my office tomorrow to keep working on the project from earlier this week. There's actually quite a bit of good progress so I'm happy about that -- and my boss is happy so that's the most important part!

OK, off to clean up my desk and hit the bricks. I'm DONE for the day!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, they are saying we could get up to 8" of snow by Saturday night - it'll probably head your way Sunday or Monday. Yes, this winter seems long, cold and wet. Most of the mountains around here are already well past their annual snow pack totals. Sadly March and April are our wettest months. I think the groundhog said screw this and went back in his hole. :lol:
Glad to hear the closing went well today plus you got to work on that project. You did have a busy day. I hope you are home and in your jammies now.
I forgot to tell you I had a dream about you the other night. We are heading to Arizona in July for the in laws 50th anniversary and have already rented a place to stay. In my dream the place we rented was like a mansion and you happened to be down there so came over to visit. The part I remember most is you had this gorgeous 3 stone EC diamond ring. Then I woke up. :lol:

I slept through the night (without waking up once which is a treat) but at 5 am I was wide awake. I finally got up and went in to work an hour early. I was kind of dragging this afternoon though.
I decided to stop and have chicken nuggets for supper at the mall. Kays was having a remount sale so naturally I looked at everything they had. Some nice custom mountings but they are sure proud of them. I decided to come home and get my oval drop earring jackets and take them back to have them mount them on lever backs. While I was there I showed them pictures of all of the teddy bears I have from their St. Jude's program so they gave me one of their dogs. I am telling Marty the teddy bears now have their own guard dog to keep the killer rabbits away. Ha!

Marty just sent me a text from DIA and wants me to come get him. Poor guy is tired of that drive to the airport.

Take care.


Feb 27, 2007


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, LOL on the dream! If I somehow manage to get a 3 ct EC between now and July I promise to come to AZ, ha ha! The killer rabbits' guard dog is awesome!

Last night I ran by my office, went home and talked to one of my neighbors for a while, and went to bed earrrrrrly. I don't think I even moved until about 6:20 when I woke up, long before my alarm. Today I'm in my office but leaving at 2 to take my big client to see a house for the second time.

I have on one of my $14.97 cashmere sweaters from Costco -- I'm quite stylin'!

Tomorrow I have NOTHING to do. Well, until I go to a party tomorrow night. But NOTHING. OMG. I can't remember the last time I had NOTHING to do all day. When I realized it this morning I kinda went into a panic. I don't even have anything I want to shop for... ????? I guess no excuse then not to go to the gym (which I'm also going to do today after my client) so I guess that's SOMETHING... :eek-2:


Mar 26, 2006
Happy early Saturday kids!

I made it to the gym yesterday -- woo hoo! -- and I'm going back this morning for a body pump class. I'm sure by tomorrow someone will have to help me out of bed, LOL. First though I am going to run poor Luther (my Lexus) through the car wash. I could do it up at TR's but the one downtown (even though it's more expensive) will also wash out my rubber floor mats, which are disgusting from all the salt. Not sure what else is going to happen today while I kill time waiting for the party tonight. I thought about embarking on some more closet cleaning but I don't really want to make a big time consuming mess in case any showing requests come in. (Plus, I just don't really want to clean my closets, ha ha.)

OK, off to start the day!


Apr 27, 2007
Marcy-yay for your guard dog! Everybody needs a good guard dog to protect from the killer rabbits! Oh no you don’t like your new fleece blanket. I ordered all my new bedding from The Company Store. The reviews for fleece blanket I ordered all said it was warm but not heavy. I love it, but so does Matt. Most of it seems to be on his side in the mornings! I hear you about wrestling sheets. What a chore! I got the fitted sheet on okay today, but had a hard time with the top sheet due to 41 lbs of cat trying to help. I gave up and now they’re all stretched out napping on my clean sheets. Argh.

Dee*Jay- nothing to do? Whaaa?? You named your car Luther? My BMW is Bernadette, named after the song by The Four Tops. I love that song! My last BMW was Bonnie, and I called her Bon Bon. My friend who just got back from India is traveling to Chicago for trailing next week. Poor girl is going to freeze!

Last week was crazy. We had bad storms Sunday and went a day at work with no phones, internet or network. We had no cell service, cable or internet at our house for 2 days. On top of that, a tree fell across the entrance to our neighborhood, completely blocking the road. Somebody cut it in two and moved half to each side so people could get through, but there are so many trees down I imagine we’re going to be driving around that thing for a while. I can see trees down in our back yard in the forest area up the hill. A pretty major road in town is still blocked due to a massive mud slide. Poor Matt has a faulty key fob for his car, and it picked the worst time to engage the summertime mode and open all windows and the sun roof on the night it rained 2 inches. What a mess! Maybe now he will help me clean out the garage so he can get his vehicle in. We’re heading to Lowe’s to order the flooring after the dryer kicks off. Have a great weekend!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids! Happy Snowy Saturday.

Dee Jay, i had on a 6 carat 3 stone EC ring once; it was amazing. :love:
Good luck with the second showing for your big client. Sweet.
Glad to hear you are enjoying your cashmere sweaters.
Did you get Luther washed? How was the gym? I lifted this morning and certainly notice it.
Have fun at the party.

Deegee, glad to hear you like your bedding from the Company store, I'll check it out. I do like the fleece blanket but i didn't need both of them on at once. With the subzero temps we have starting today I might dig it out for an extra blanket. Too funny the cats think they need to help you make the bed.
i agree everyone needs a good guard dog to keep away killer rabbits. So far, it hasn't worked.
Too cute about your car names.. I used to name my cars but I haven't recently. I was calling the Porsche Blue Streak for awhile.
Sorry to hear about the flooding and trees down everywhere. I hate to hear about rain getting in to Matt's car. What a mess and hassle. My college car used to have a window that would just fall down for no reason. I often found snow drifts in my car. It was rather fun though if someone got in my car and shut the door and the window fell down. I'd say nice job breaking my window. :lol:

We are getting some serious snow today. I stayed in and finished a book. Marty went to the gym to lift since i was still asleep. I made a roast in the crock pot for supper but we ate early because the roast was done by mid afternoon.
We went out for supper last night then watched some TV when we got home.
I started laundry a while ago but will finish most of it tomorrow. With this cold and snow I don't plan on venturing out until Monday morning.

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Fvck fvck fvck! There is a showing going on at my place right now and the super heavy footed tenant who lives above me just texted and asked to borrow something, which I'm sure means he's stomping around all over up there. DAMMIT!!! He's so rarely home I pretty much forgot about him, and THIS weekend he's here. :angryfire:


Curby, I did get Luther washed yesterday, although after I went to the gym, not before, because they weren't open yet. I've not worked out THREE days in a row. Oh my achin' a$$!

Last night I went to my friend's party for a little while and then drove up to TR's since I knew there would be no traffic. This morning I went to the gym up here (only the second time since I joined in October!) and did a body pump class. Then I ran through Culvers and got the kiddos some lunch and took a quick trip through Miejer (a grocery super store, kinda like Walmart -- not sure if you have them there?) to get taco stuff for dinner. I also snagged a cute hoodie off the clearance rack for $10.80. Score! Alright, off to hit the shower.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, dumb freaking luck that noisy guy was upstairs today. Hopefully he wasn't stomping around.
I bet you are achy from working out 3 days in a row. I was going to take some Advil a while ago but accidentally grabbed aspirin and I took them before realizing I got the wrong thing. So I put some aspercreme on; my right knee is complaining a lot. :wall:
Good idea to head up to TR's last night to avoid heavy traffic. I suggested Marty go get us Culvers for lunch but he didn't want to venture out in the snow any more than I did. We don't have a Miejer around here but definitely Walmart. Tacos sound good. Nice that you found a cute hoodie on clearance.

I got up about 6:30 today and had my laundry done this morning. Sweet. i spent time this afternoon going through the Adwar solitaire charm settings (43 pages) looking for a similar slide that looks like the pendant I lost. I am considering having Whiteflash give me a quote to make me one. The pendant was a 1/4 carat; their lowest carat weight ACA or ES are .30 so maybe they don't have .25 ct ACA. Then again do I really need to spend money on jewelry? Probably not. I see Jared's has one for $1399 and it has a Heart's Desire diamond; I am sure even an ES would be nicer than what I had. You know how that goes - I want what I can't have. :lol:

We probably had about 6 inches of snow; it is hard to say because it drifted. It's 3 degrees right now. Heatwave.

Take care.


Apr 27, 2007
Dee*Jay- darn it about the heavy footed neighbor, what bad luck! We don’t have a Meijer either. All we have is a bunch of super walmarts everywhere. I prefer Target, but ours has very few groceries. If it had more, I’d never set food in Walmart again.

Marcy-the thoughts of your car window cracks me up! I bet that was a shocker to passengers. I don’t blame you or Marty for not wanting to go out in the snow today. It was sleeting this morning and changed to snow this afternoon. I lit the fire and stayed in all day. Jewelry is always a good thing to spend money on! One of my coworkers asked if I had given thought as to who I would leave my stuff to one day. She has some nice pieces and says her daughter is completely uninterested in them. The kids in my family are very uninterested as well. I guess I just need to make sure I have appraisals for everything so they will know what they’re worth when they sell them! Too bad you lost your pendant.

I had a boring day today. I brought my laptop home to work this weekend, but I had a pretty bad panic attack last week and have been trying make myself relax. Relaxing is hard. I didn’t work on work today though. A funny happened yesterday. Matt got a text from our neighbor that said “Do you know where your dog is?” along with a picture of Lily in their house eating their dog’s food. She never leaves our yard, but that little twerp decided she’d go visit her buddy Rowdy. She went in through the garage, gave the door a little nudge, went on in and helped herself to Rowdy’s food. It’s not like she didn’t have a full food bowl in her own house. Stinker. Have a great Monday!​


Feb 27, 2007
Deegee, I totally use to amuse myself with my broken car window. It was easy to fix to roll up - you just turned the handle the opposite direction and it would catch then roll up normally. It just didn't stay that way.
A fire sounds good; I should do that myself. I have actually been pretty warm in my sweats though.
It is kind of sad the kids in your family aren't interested in jewelry. Some of my nieces like jewelry but I don't know if they like my style. Maybe I'll take it with me. Ha.
I am so sorry you had a panic attack; I hope you are doing better now.
That is too funny about Lily; glad you have good neighbors. My nephew's youngest son used to go around and ask neighbors for a sandwich when he was pretty little.
You have a great Monday too.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, I SHOULD have taken some advil yesterday but I never got around to it. My hamstrings are pretty sore today and I kept waking up last night with my shoulder hurting if it got into the wrong position.

Deegee, that is too funny about your neighbor sending you a pic of Lily eating their dog's food! That's totally the kind of thing The Demon would do, LOL.

So the showing went well yesterday. The people love the place and said if it was only in the XYZ school district they would have written an offer on the spot. Um... the place wasn't in the XYZ school district when you made appointment to see it either... ??? Anyway, my realtor said there was no noise from above, so I was pretty happy about that. I've got another showing set up for tomorrow; not sure if it's a new looker or the people from yesterday again.

This morning I was on the road by about ten to six and was in my office by eight. Traffic wasn't bad. Maybe this is the new norm... ? We are heading into spring through so I'm afraid the construction barrels will show up any day now.

It's freezing here today again. I tried to take a pic of the "steam" rising up off the Chicago River when I walked across the bridge but I couldn't really capture it. -5. Brrrrr!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, ugh to being sore and waking up last night. I hope you are feeling better tonight.
That is great those people loved your place but what were they thinking if they want to live in another school district? That is very promising though.
Glad to hear traffic wasn't bad this morning and yes those construction barrels are warming up now.
I bet the steam rising off the river looked cool but yes -5 is cold. Marty's truck said -8 when he took me to work and wind chill was -35 at the time. I had on 5 layers of clothes and left 3 of them on at work. I was actually warm at work for a change.
I did send a note to Brittany at WF about that pendant. They don't have 1/4 carat ACA but their ACA mele is up to .25 carats; that would totally work for a little pendant. :appl:

Marty is off at the gym and am done with dishes already. Maybe Ill crank on the fireplace and watch a movie.

Take care.


Feb 27, 2007
Killer navigating on the way to work this morning. He thought it was cold too.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, your navigator looks right at home on the dash! And I was freezing yesterday too. I turned on the space heater in my office for only the second time this year and when I got back from the ladies room nothing in my office worked. I was afraid I'd blown a fuse but I actually just tripped the power strip (does that make sense... ?) but the office services guy was super nice about it. Whoops.

Last night I fell asleep on the couch waiting for TR. This morning I've been up since about four -- ugh. I did get myself to the gym, which I was quite thrilled about... until I realized I forgot my phone, so I had to go back home. That cut my workout down from the 45 minutes I'd planned to 25 minutes of cardio, but I guess it's better than nothing.

The people from the showing the other day asked their realtor to pull comps yesterday, but I haven't seen an offer yet. There is another showing there in about an hour so at least I'm getting a bit of activity.

OK, of to do some work!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I think we've had enough of this cold weather. Oh no for the power strip turning off; glad that is all it was. I have a feeling I left my desk lamp on tonight; I hope security shuts it off if I did. Whoops indeed.

25 minutes of cardio is good, darn that you had to go home and pick up your phone.

That sounds good the people from the showing asked for info on comps plus you have another showing. You'll be packing and moving before you know it. That sounds like work.

I didn't get much done at work today. I had to update about 12 reports to accommodate a new entry then post them for my team. I spent about 90 minutes talking to my boss about that appraisal mess and then had to reword some comments I made about being negative on one of my employees. Tense times ahead for sure there.

Marty and I went out to supper tonight. We ate in the bar at Olive Garden and there was a family in there with some very loud children; that is why we usually eat in the bar. I guess they passed that last year here where children could eat in the bar.

More snow is expected tomorrow and Saturday but at least it won't be quite as cold.
Take care.


Feb 27, 2007
Oh we had our cabinets all cleaned / oiled today (whatever you call it.) They don't look a lot different since they weren't really looking bad but they do look nice.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I'd be annoyed if I had to eat in the bar with kids! Does that new change mean you can take a glass of wine and sit on the floor at a day care and drink it?

Last night I went up to TR's. I threw a load of laundry in the washer and the time kept getting longer the more it went... ??? Finally I have up and went to bed and TR threw the stuff in the dryer when it was done. This morning I got up and came downtown to do an early workout. It was OK... but I so not a morning person... I did 35 mins of cardio (5 on the gauntlet, 10 on the rowing machine, 20 on the bike), and could have probably eeked out another 10 somewhere but I wanted to be done by 8:00ish so I'd have no trouble showering and getting to my office by 9:00. There are small signs of impending construction on the highway, but the bigger problem right now is the sun. It hits the horizon at a certain spot and traffic just STOPS. Of course next week we change the clocks so it will get delayed a month or so and then we'll be in the same boat again. Oh joy. I completely forgot I agreed to have lunch with a vendor today that provides one of our electronic monitoring systems. I've been putting him off for a year but I finally gave in in a moment of weakness and agreed. At least it's a nice restaurant and it's close to the bank. which I have to go to today anyway. Not further word from the people who were pulling comps the other days, and the guy showing my place locked himself out yesterday. The good news is I have a lockbox at the property so I was able to get him back in easily. No feedback on that showing yet... but I'm also not sitting here with an offer so I guess that IS its own sort of feedback, LOL.


Apr 27, 2007
Ladies, I had to pop in and tell you my dream before I forget it. Both of you had come to visit me in West Virginia. You got to my house really late and everybody went straight to bed. The next morning when I got up at 6:30, Matt told me you had already packed up and left because you weren’t waiting for me to get out of bed. I said yeah, they always post about getting up early. How rude! Then I woke up. Haha!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, we aren't thrilled with that change of kids in the bar. I like the idea of drinking wine in a day care.
Glad you had a nice workout this morning. I did my strength lifting tonight. My arms and back are kind of complaining but not bad.
I hope lunch was okay with the vendor today; sometimes you just have to agree to go out with them.
I can identify with you on the sun; it's just getting high enough now that I can get it behind the visor in the morning; next week it will be right back on the horizon and I won't be able to see. At least it won't be in my eyes driving home.

Deegee, your dream about us visiting is pretty funny. i can't believe there wasn't any drinking involved. :lol: Have you heard from your jeweler yet?

We had sleet and snow most of the day. Work was chaotic with lots to do, one person out on vacation on top of giving all of us new computers. Programs won't work, we lost links to saved sights, logins won't work. You know fun stuff like that. My new computer is about the size of a play station; more room on my desk for teddy bears.

Take care.
Curby / Marcy


Feb 27, 2007
Deegee, I thought of you when I saw this; it's as bad as a tree. Our state has rocks sliding down the mountains now. This doesn't look any fun either.
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Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Deegee, LOL, don't worry, Curby and I will just sit in the living room and have a breakfast cocktail while we wait for you to get up! :bigsmile:

Curby, I keep forgetting to ask -- what was the motivation behind you starting the workout program? Are you happy with your trainer or do you think you might seek out a new one? :cheeky:

Yesterday we had an improv guy come in for the BBBS session. It was a lot of fun but I could tell some of the kids weren't very comfortable when they were the center of attention. After that I went to a client's house and helped her do her taxes. She has a regular job and is also in the military reserves, plus she got a corrected W-2 for her military pay and this was the first year she owned her place. I could see why she needed some help. After that I went to bed pretty early, which meant I was UP pretty early. No gym for me this morning since I've gone five days in a row, but I did walk to work since it was 12... positively balmy! :lol:

Today and tomorrow are training, training training. Ugh.


Apr 27, 2007
Marcy-holy cow, that IS as bad as our trees sliding off the hills! Winter is absolutely for the birds. I like Dee*Jay’s remark about your trainer. Tell him you need comment cards or a suggestion box! I’m going to have to call the jeweler. He’s usually pretty quick with repairs, but this has been a few weeks. If I didn’t have a fear of getting mowed over in the crosswalk, I’d March across the street and check in person!

Dee*Jay-I can totally hook you up with breakfast cocktails! I need to work on training materials for my staff, but I have so much other crap to do I can’t get to it!

Since my full blown panic attack last week, I’ve had lots of panic episodes where I have to talk myself down and take deep breaths. I have been working at an almost frenetic pace and I’ve got to slow it down. Last year, we had 2 people have heart attacks at work, 2 strokes at work, and 3 unexpected deaths not related to the heart attack & stroke people. After a bad panic attack at work last year, my mantra was “I will not have a heart attack at or because of work.” My mom is having her knee replacement surgery on Monday, and I’m sure that’s a big factor in my panic episodes. She’s 81 and spunky as heck, but I’m still terrified. The doctor believes in recovery at home, so she goes home the next day and it’s up to my sisters and me to take care of her. One of my sisters has pneumonia. Argh! It will all be okay, it will all be okay... I’m off to read and then hopefully it’s an early night to bed. Goodnight!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, we will definitely have a good morning cocktail while we wait for Deegee wakes up. My motivation to start lifting was Marty kept asking / hinting / nagging - and I thought it sounded like it could help my knees. Luckily I kind of like it. I added a whole pound yesterday. My trainer can be obnoxious and gives me crap but he doesn't charge me for his coaching.
Glad the BBBS session went well. Good luck with all that training. That was nice of you to help out your friend with taxes. I have an appointment next Tuesday to turn in our taxes.
Isn't it funny how warm 12 degrees can feel after subzero weather. We had a day above freezing today and it was practically shorts weather.

Deegee, I don't think I'd want a tree or a rock falling on me. They are having avalanches in Colorado this week. I'd like to avoid them as well. I like the idea of comment cards and a suggestion box. I actually couldn't reach the marker on top of one of his white boards so I found another marker and wrote on it "put the markers where I can reach them' and pointed an arrow to the one on top. I also wrote Teddy Bears are awesome. No response yet. Definitely call the jeweler and then drive to pick up your jewelry; no need to risk your neck. Sorry you are having panic attacks; it is so hard to let go of stress. That is awful so many people at work died last year. I hope your mom's knee surgery goes well. My sister did great with her knee replacements. Give her a hug for me.

Good old March Madness is going full blast at work. At least I got my work done today. Marty and I went out for supper again.

I got a price from WF for that pendant. WG is $950. I think I'll order it.

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Deegee, DO NOT have a heart attack at work -- or anywhere else for that matter!

Curby, I totally forgot about March Madness since I'm not a basketball fan, but I'm sure it will be in full swing in my office too.

Last night I had drinks with a friend of mine from Goldman Sachs and a bunch of other people. I let her wear Uni and one of her friends wore Sunshine the whole night. They could barely talk for looking at their hands, LOL.

TR and I had a stupid spat when I got home. He switched over to Sprint so now we're on the same network. It was hard for me to tell if the connection was any better because I'd only talked to him in his truck that point, and different connections sound different at different times. Well last night when I called it almost sounded like he was on speaker phone, and he does occasionally answer on his ipad so it's not out of the realm of possibility. I asked to be sure so I didn't say anything the children shouldn't hear and he got all riled up about "different connections sound different at different times" and for some reason it just set me off -- like he was mocking me for using that phrase before, but I really did mean it. So we hung up on each other. Super.

Anyway, I made it to the gym this morning, but I only had time for 40 mins instead of a full hour. I did walk there though, so that counts for something!

Today: training, training, training!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy early Saturday kids!

Yesterday I worked out on my way to work, trained half a dozen people, and left by about 3:30. It was a good day in the office, ha ha. Last night I touched up my nails -- somehow I managed to chip two of them in the past week doing god knows what -- so hopefully I'll get another week out of them.

Today I'm going to a class at the gym at 9:00 and then I'm taking a client to see one property. I'm trying to motivate myself to do some minor closet cleaning in the afternoon, and then I"m going out for Indian food with a friend that I haven't seen for ages.

Tomorrow morning I'll do a different class at the gym and then head up to TR's. Hopefully by the time I get there the chaos left behind from the oldest child's sleepover birthday party will be cleaned up haha!

I also keep toying with the idea of listing some stuff on LoupeTroop but I never get around to it...


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids! I hope you are having a great weekend.

Dee Jay, I am not a basketball fan at all but sadly sports dominate my world at work.
That was nice of you to share your beauties with your friends last night; you may have triggered a love of bling in them. Someone needs to cut me off that's for sure. (See options below). :lol:
To bad about the spat with TR. I swear we have the dumbest little spats anymore. They are brief but both of us get defensive. Must be this long, brutal winter, eh? We just had one this morning. Marty ordered an instata pot. I started laughing and said good luck finding a place to put it in the cupboards. He got irritated and said I went negative immediately. Um no, our kitchen cupboards are full so every time we buy something new you have to find somewhere to put it. :wall:
Nice that you got so much done yesterday including going to the gym. I am heading downstairs to lift shortly. I so need to do my nails again. Probably tomorrow night.
You certainly have a busy weekend planned. Hopefully there isn't any remnants from the sleepover party that require further attention. i would imagine a boy slumber party gets a bit more rowdy than a girl's sleepover. I remember a lot of giggling at ones I went to as a kid.

Work was thoroughly Madness yesterday with things still not working correctly or at all on our new PC's. My manager who is grumpy in general was getting more irritated as the day went on. Instead of telling me how to go fix issues with reports he insisted on doing them himself. Um tell me where and what to fix and I'll take care of it. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOO that makes sense.

We had tacos for supper last night and watched TV. Both of us slept in past 7 today which is a real treat anymore.

So for my jewelry decisions - Brittany from WF got back to me and the mounting I picked for the .25 carat ACA melee is a bit smaller than what I had so I am passing on that idea. This is an occasional piece I'll wear when some of the WG / Platinum rings I wear and I don't want to spend a great deal on it since I still owe myself the last 1/3 of our Amish furniture. Brittany found a mounting similar to what I lost for a 1/2 carat but that puts the pendant at $2000 or more. Right now I am leaning towards a .40 carat ACA plus pendant maybe in the $1500 range. Plus an ACA is always up-gradable. So this image shows the pendant I lost plus 3 options with Stuller mountings. I will probably got with a F diamond although G would be fine. Which one do you like?




Apr 27, 2007
Marcy- I like the pendant you lost! Darn it!! I also like the one on the far right, but you wouldn’t go wrong with any of them. Whatever you choose will be beautiful! Sorry to hear work is madness, especially due to new computers. They’ve been changing out computers at work, and it seems like they never get everything people need on them. I think you’re right about winter and everybody getting snippy. I seem to be out of patience these days and I’m probably a little too defensive.

Dee*Jay- Good idea to stay away for a sleepover! Matt keeps wanting to have something at our house for his youth group, and I haven’t asked out loud yet but I’m thinking “do I have to be here?” If he gets serious and starts planning, I’m going to suggest a few chaperones from church and I’m going to stay with mom. Do you have any yellow gold drop earrings you’re thinking of selling?

I’m having a lazy, boring Saturday. I stayed up late last night and slept in today. I’ve done 3 loads of laundry and picked up around the house, which wasn’t much since the cleaners just came Thursday. Several people last week asked how much weight I’ve lost, which made me feel good. I haven’t weighed since before Thanksgiving because I get obsessed with the numbers. I haven’t been dieting exactly, but I made changes to my diet based on what I’ve been learning in my nutrition lessons and have been taking lots of walks. I can now pull my size smaller jeans down without unzipping them. Yay! A few more pounds and I’ll be down another size. I am looking forward to start taking walks in the park and walking trails when it gets warmer and hopefully stops raining so much. We’re heading out to do some errands. Have a wonderful weekend!
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