
Healthy Living Thread


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, no... my annual review STILL isn't done... but I'm making progress! And poor Marty -- what happened? Did he take a header?

Last night I worked until after six (on a Friday no less!) and then went and returned some things at Costco and BB&B. I skipped dinner because I had a big lunch and also snacked all afternoon. This morning I woke up about 6 but fell back asleep until 8. Now I'm sitting on the couch finishing a second cup of coffee and contemplating scrubbing the master shower... Instead of going into the office today I'm going to work on a project for someone at home. I've had it spread out on the dining room table since Thursday night so it's already kind of organized, I just need to DO it!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, since your annual review is only once a year you can put it off a few more days, right? Yay for making progress on it though.

Marty's bike got in some soft sand and gravel so it just slid on it's side. He hit his left knee directly but he managed to play golf today and it loosened up by about the 5th hole so we are guessing it will just be bruised and sore with road rash on it. I told a few guys at the golf course he came in the house, called me and name and asked where his dinner was and that's what he got for it. Ha!

That is dedication working late on Friday. Cleaning the master shower sounds like a big project on a Saturday but it will feel good to get that done. I'd work on your other project from home too since you already have it organized on the table.

Marty's nephew foolishly decided not to play golf with Marty and stayed home with me today. He's almost 19 - and wanted me to cook him bacon and eggs for breakfast. WRONG!!!! I immediately said "how old are you and you don't know how to cook your self breakfast?" I talked him through it but by gosh he cooked it. He was so proud he took a picture and sent it to his mom. Even Marty commented last night how lazy he was and he hasn't offered to pay for one thing. He was so busted last night too. After Marty and he went to bed I stayed up a while and I kept hearing his bedroom door open then close. About 20 minutes after I did go to bed the house alarm goes off and says motion in the basement. We didn't shut off the alarm at first since we didn't know what was going on but finally found him out in the living room and he said he went downstairs. He claims he was talking to a friend on his phone and showing him now nice our house was - um first I'm not thrilled that you are showing your friends my house but if you were walking around the house to show it off wouldn't all the lights be on upstairs? I suspect he was looking for the beer or scotch that is downstairs. The alarm company called to see if everything was okay so Marty had to talk to them. Out of all of our nieces and nephews only 2 of them are conscientious, responsible, aware adults. That's pretty bad odds out of 11 of them. I also made him strip his bed and gather up his towels. Ha!

I am working on laundry today and I guess Marty is golfing in Nebraska tomorrow with a group of 8 guys. They let the early riser make the arrangements so Marty has to leave our house by 5 am. It will get him read for Monday morning since he'll need to be in his car by 4:30 am to get to DIA by 6. Sounds like a lot of interference with my sleeping to me.

Have a great day.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby... whoa... your nephew sounds like a *handful*. How long is he there for (or maybe he's gone already)? How is Marty faring with his injuries? As for getting up at 5 am for... ah... "recreation"... I can't even imagine... Unless there was bling at the end of that rainbow, ha ha!

Yesterday my big accomplishment consisted of sitting on the couch (various couches actually) and reading a 400 page novel. I did also paint my nails, but my left thumb is a little screwed up. Trying to decide if I'm disturbed enough to do anything about it or if I can just ignore it until this polish comes off...

This morning I've been up for thee and a half hours but so far all I've done is put sheets in the washer, take a shower and clean out a couple of drawers in the bathroom vanities that are vaguely out of control. The CB said they should be getting on the road any minute now but it will take them about hours to drive back so I've got time yet, LOL.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, Marty's injuries ar better. He is going to have an ugly bruise and scabs but no permanent damage. Thanks for asking.

Marty's nephew left yesterday. Let's just say my SIL and her ex didn't do their kids any favors the way they raised them.

I am with you getting up for recreation at the crack of done is not my idea of fun either. For some free or seriously discounted bling maybe.

Moving from couch to couch certainly means you did things yesterday while finishing a complete novel. I am off to read as soon as I post this.

I hate when I mess up just one nail. Sometimes I'll try to redo just one then end up trashing another one in the process. I broke several nails in the last few days but I should paint them too.

Ooh good idea to clean out some vanity drawers. I should do that too. It's amazing how quickly junk accumulates in those out of sight places.

I've been keeping the hamper empty this weekend since Marty has to pack for a two week trip I want to have everything washed. Usually I think I'm good and he'll ask for something at ten pm. Not this time. Ha!

I dug out my knitting last night. I started this scarf while my mom was in the hospital so I kind of had no interest in working on it but I decided I love to knit so I'll finish it. I am making it for work since I am always cold at work. Maybe I'll be inspired and make some scarfs for Christmas gifts.

Have a great day.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, I ended up fixing my nail, LOL, because I knew if I didn't it would bug me every day -- multiple times per day! -- until I change the polish so I just sucked it up and did the fix. I always think of you when I have this color on BTW because I know you favor mauves!

Yesterday I worked on some accounting stuff for my friend that that makes the cowhide bags. Man... her stuff is genuinely F'd up... The good news is she's a very small fish in a very large pond so I don't think she would ever be audited, but just for the sake of know if she's even making or losing money it would be nice to have accurate records! I can't remember if I told you but she referred me to another lady who has a small shoe store and I'm trying to help her out too. She's as screwed up -- really I think more so -- than the cow bag lady. I have her info spread all over my dining room table right now but it's just in piles, I haven't even started so much as one spreadsheet yet... Oy.

The CB came home around 4:30 and we went out for a burger. We sat outside and a friends of our with their three year old came by so it was fun. I had two glasses of wine, came home and packed up the accounting stuff, and went to bed early!

This morning I'm here... right back at it... If this annual review doesn't get done soon I'm going to commit hari kari with a letter opener...!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I am not surprised you fixed you nail. It would drive me crazy too. Yes, I do favor mauve; I must have a dozen shades of mauve and an occasional other color here and there.

That is so nice of you to do some accounting for your friend that makes cowhide bags and also her friend that has a shoe store. Sorry to hear both of them are not organized with lots of receipts. I have no idea how Marty is doing on his gym but so far he has no clients so it's just a hobby now.

Your evening sounds quite enjoyable. 3 years olds are always enjoyable.

Don't commit hari kari; darn that pesky annual review.

Marty drove to DIA in heavy rain; he said he barely saw any of the lines on the highway it was so heavy. He spent the day putting out fires that popped up on his 2 days off. I am kind of ticked that his sister dumped her son on us for 2 days when Marty was so busy. Oh well, he could have told her no and didn't. He is off again for the eclipse in a few weeks so hopefully he doesn't get too far behind.

I had my eye exam and didn't like what he told me. I have a small cataract on my left eye that has gotten bigger and that eye has a scar in the cornea that has always given my shadows or double images anyway so between those 2 things and astigmatism I can't see very well. It's like a smudge in the middle of my glasses then seeing things double on top of it. He said if he was me he's just get new glasses. He doesn't think removing the cataract would help much right now. Sigh. I can't imagine a new prescription will help it that much. I am also seeing wavy lines.

I picked up groceries on the way home tonight. I at least have food for the weekend now.

Take care.
Curby One Eye
Maybe I can claim a double deduction on my taxes now? :lol-2:


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby One Eye, I'm kind of baffled as to how new glasses will help...? And does he suggest removing the cataract in the future? As for Marty's drive in the rain, the CB went through a storm for an hour when he was heading up to Wisconsin last Thursday. He said it would rain like he was Florida (and it don't rain NOWHERE like it rains in FLORIDA!) for ten minutes and then almost completely stop just long enough to get up to a decent speed on the highway again and then start downpouring all over.

Last night I worked until about seven and then I went through all the paperwork for the lady with the shoe store. I didn't actually DO anything constructive with it, just put it in piles that make organized sense. She's gonna be a tough nut to crack... I think I'll try to go spend some time with her on Friday before we head to Michigan.

I've got a bunch of things tabbed out in my annual review in terms of who I need to ask for things, etc. So today I am going to make PROGRESS!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I've been in a rain storm in Florida and yes that is some rain storm. What really was strange to me is that the temperature went up instead of down. Here the temperature plummets about 30 degrees after a rainstorm. The drive CB had doesn't sound very fun at all. Glad he made it there okay.

Organizing and stacking paperwork always looks productive anyway. I hope after you spend some time with her you'll find a method to her accounting.

I hope you made a lot of progress on your review today. I struggled to get through my work but I did make it.

I am totally with you that new glasses won't help me. Last night I dug out the receipt from my glasses last year and discovered they hadn't ordered me the thin, lightweight lenses and I asked about them at least 4 times yesterday. This makes the 4th year in a row their optical shop messed up my order. I was at their door when they opened this morning so supposedly they ordered the other lenses today for me at no charge.

While I was there I asked to talk to the doctor again. The receptionist wanted to have him call me and I said no; I had a question that required "show me". Plus after their optical shop screw up I wasn't in the mood to be pushed off. I had to wait about 30 minutes but he took about 10 minutes with me. It is a macular scar so I honestly would have been better to have a big old cataract because they can at least remove it. I wanted him to show me relative to the scar how big the cataract is and he said you can't even see it on that image. He said it had nothing to do with wearing hard contacts and it was probably caused by some trauma, infection or disease or looking at the Sun. I asked why I am noticing it more and he only suggested the cataract gets a halo around it and kind of bends light so that just makes the distortion from the scar more obvious. He reassured me I wasn't going blind but he did say to take good care of my right eye.

The cataract is still very tiny and he said would maybe get large enough in 20 - 30 years before he needs removed.

I also told him how awful his optical shop has been for us. I got a free pair of lenses for my sunglasses out of it. We'll see if my glasses are right when they are ready.

I didn't sleep worth a darn last night; I was angry at the optical shop and worried about my vision. It's 8:15 and I am yawning already.

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, good for you for standing up to the doc and telling him what's what! I'm glad you're getting the right lenses (which I'm sure you paid extra for in the first place) and free lenses for your sunglasses. They should also rename the store after you as far as I'm concerned -- Curby One Eye Optical!

Last night I went up to see the cow bag lady. I didn't get there until after seven and it was almost midnight when I got home. She wears me out! I did make some good progress on my annual review yesterday, but my boss and I are having one of our spats and I need some things from him, which makes it a pain in my a$$ to go in there and ask for them knowing he's going to be snarky. These are the days when I'm tempted to marry a millionaire and give up this working for a living crap! Hmmm... I should call the CB and make sure he bought a lottery ticket!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I like the idea of naming the vision clinic the Curby One Eye Optical. Aargh. Good idea.

I am glad you had a nice time visiting the cow bag lady last night. Darn that you and your boss are having a spat that is slowing down progress on your annual review. At least you made progress though.

Definitely tell CB to get on winning the lottery. That reminds me I do have a ticket to check. Since I haven't heard about any local winners I am sure I wouldn't be buying a Lear jet and house on the beach.

About 8:15 today my eye doctor called me and asked me to come in so they could take a 3D image of my retina. All at no charge. Wow! I went down and they did a few tests again, checked my vision again and took those images. He pulled up the retinal images from Monday, a year ago and 4 years ago to show my how the scar had changed. The one Monday shows it has clumped together so he said it formed a pigment there. The 3D image of the retina really shows what is going on. Holy crap! The image on the left is my right eye and that is perfectly normal. The image on the right side is my left eye. The indent in my right eye is your central vision.

He again said there is nothing they can do for me. He wants to take the images again in 3 months (again at no charge) to see if anything has changed. I am supposed to find a clock or grid that check it once a week to changes. If I see anything I need to get checked. I sent my images to Missy to have to check them and she agrees with his assessment. She suggested I see an retinal specialist so if I do get better I'll look for one in Denver.

Naturally my sick sense of humor has kicked in already. My obnoxious friend said I can wear an eye patch and change my name to Marrrrrrrrrrcy. I said I could wear a Killer Rabbit on my shoulder. I told my team I'd better never get stopped for suspected drunk driving. They'll ask me to walk a straight line and I'll say "that's not funny!" I can't even see a straight line.

I grilled a little steak for supper and had a salad with it. I am so short with short arms I can barely reach the top of the lid to put back down on the grill. Too funny.

Have a fabulous evening.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby One Eye, I TOTALLY think you should get an eye patch! And tie a scarf on your head and wield a sword too! Oh -- this is SUCH an opportunity!

When in October is Marty going to be here? The CB and I would love to have him over and take him to our favorite Italian restaurant if the timing works out! Of course he may be fully tied up with the event, which I totally understand, but if he's got any time we'd love to host him!

Last night we had cocktails on the veranda with our neighbors. It had been a while so it was nice to catch up. I woke up about 6 am but stayed in bed reading the news and doing pretty much nothing until around 8. Today there's almost no one in the office, although my boss did come in, which kind of surprised me. Maybe I can take advantage of the quiet to get some stuff done...


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, good idea to complete by look with a scarf tied on my head and a sword. I'm set for Halloween too.

I will get with Marty about when he is there. I think it's the last weekend of October. That is so nice of you and CB to offer to take him to dinner. That would be really fun. I know the strength session in Denver was Fri 5-9, Sat 9-9 and Sun 9-7 so he may have a very full schedule. I'll get back to you.

Drinks on the veranda sounds really fun. I need to get a bottle of wine chilling for this weekend.

Glad you got to lounge around this morning and had a quiet day at the office. Those days are rare but always a treat.

We had a crisis going on when I got to work this morning. Luckily we only put the fire out; we didn't cause it. About 2 hours later though another issue came up that one of my employees caused so that took up the rest of my morning.

Since all of my reports at work at either lined or in a grid I decided I will just go on disability and told my girl friend I planned on living off her tax money. Ha! Actually I took a break between each report and found if I hold them in my lap the lines aren't as wavy and the greyed out smudged part isn't as obvious. At least now I know why I always said my left eye never seems to have the right prescription in my glasses.

We are in the 60's today and rainy here. I have on a winter sweater at work; it's always chilly with the AC.

Marty has his air compressor plugged in to something in the garage and that sucker kicked on this morning while I was in the shower and freaked me out. I have no idea why it is plugged in and turned on but oh well; at least it wasn't something wrong. I'm going WTH is that? Our sprinklers were running and at first I thought a pipe was struggling to come on and I had visions of the sprinkler system blowing up.

Have a great evening.
Curby One Eye


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

I am pretty happy it's Friday. I met a friend for lunch today and watched the clock most of the afternoon.

We had an intense but brief rainstorm tonight. I watched from the den because there was a lot of cool lightning. Now the sun is out again.

Not much going on this weekend. If I had sapphire or platinum money to spend I'd go to Denver but I don't so I'd best stay home.

They are saying Casper, Wyoming is expecting about 185 planes to land the morning of the eclipse about 2 minutes apart. How crap! I guess they are busing them all to some part of the airport to watch totality then they'll get bused back to their planes so they can take off. That is a lot of planes for a small airport. I swear staying home that day sounds better and better.

Have a fabulous weekend.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

I got up early in case my cleaning lady showed but she didn't. She never answered my text yesterday so I should have known better. Sigh.

I went to Kohl's since I had $30 credit so I got myself a new sweater and a baby gift for $16. Sweet.

I went out for lunch today and think I'll have a movie / popcorn night tonight.

It's raining again with a serious thunderstorm going on right now. Glad I got my car home before the storm started.

Have a fabulous weekend.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday Night kids!

Curby, I'm starting to get a little excited about this eclipse! In Chicago we'll only have about 90% but my adopted family in Missouri will be right in the path. I just found out that Sister #1 is going down to visit the 'rents next weekend and combine it with an eclipse viewing. Hmmm... perhaps I should join her!

This weekend was yardsalepalooza! We found that the best ones were generally barn sales (they were bigger) and off the beaten track. The more organized ones, like in church or school parking lots where people could set up a "booth" had a lot of crap, but the others... well... it was still crap, but it was at least *interesting* crap! I bought a few dishes and glasses for the boathouse and there was a wooden hippo that kind of spoke to me yesterday but he really started speaking to me in the wee hours of the morning so we went back after breakfast and got him. I named him Potter (yanno... because he's a hippoPOTTERmus) and he now lives on top of the little wine fridge.

Speaking of breakfast, we went to the volunteer fire department's pancake breakfast this morning. It was fun to see the fire trucks! I also got some extra hats for my boss's two sons (I think they're about 6 and 4) and I think they'll like them. If I had been thinking I would have told him about the breakfast and he could have brought the boys over. Next year!

We cleaned up a bit today and even go the kitchen cabinets mostly organized. Progress! When we came back we stopped at my friend's placed to drop off a cowhide phone cover she was buying for a coworker and we looked at some new decorating stuff she's doing in her place. There is a street fest going on at the end of our block. We took a stroll through but didn't say long. Now I'm online ordering things for next week so I don't forget.. coffee... dish towels... kitchen garbage can... I've got a long list!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, that would be really cool if you joined your adopted family for the total eclipse. I keep trying to figure out a way to get me to totality but unless I find a nice cozy place that's not going to happen. I saw where another astronomy club was granted access to an artillery range at the Wyoming Army Guard camp but it takes about 45 minutes down a dirt road to get there and there is absolutely no conveniences or utilities there. I did try a few pictures of the Sun with my solar filter but they didn't turn out well. I need to get my UV filter off my adapter but I must have screwed it in crooked; that sucker isn't coming back off. I ordered myself another adapter; it was only $9.95 so it should show up this week.

It sounds like you hit a lot of yard sales this weekend. Potter sounds pretty cute. He will guard your wine for you.

I am sure your boss's sons will love their fire hats. I bet they would have totally enjoyed seeing the fire trucks too.

I see you are ordering things online; do you get your groceries delivered?

I rented "Snatched" today; it was entertaining at times. Not great not horrible either. I am reading the new Micheal Connelly book "The Late Show". It's been good so far.

Have a great evening.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday morning kids!

Curby, I meant to take a pic of Potter to post for you but I forgot. I'll get one this weekend. And I DO get my groceries delivered... by the CB! :lol: Actually I've never done Peapod or any other similar service, but I have thought about it many times. There are a few things I order on-line, like coffee pods from Nespresso and a French Vanilla Creamer from Costco (because they never seem to have the brand I like in the store buy they always have it on the website), but that's about it.

Today after work I have to go over to a unit that's closing tomorrow for the final walk-through. The previous tenant left about six weeks ago and the electric company cut off the power to the unit so I let the incoming owner know that last week so she could get it turned on by the closing. Hopefully that's all taken care of or else she'll be sitting there in the dark!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I'll be anxious to see a picture of Potter. He sounds great.

CB and Marty are definitely qualified to be our grocery delivery guys. When Marty is in town he does most of our grocery shopping and I don't mind a bit. Marty orders in Nespresso pods too. We only have one local store that delivers so I may look in to it sometime.

I hope your client gets the electricity turned back on okay. At least it's not the winter when you need heat running.

My day at work zipped by; I was revising reports and enjoying every minute of doing something different for a change. We had some rain again tonight. Eclipse fever is ramping up around here. A week from now it will be history.

Have a great evening.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I did some dreaded grocery shopping tonight. I needed some dead animal and veggies for suppers so after eating out I picked up some stuff. I also got snacks for the eclipse on Monday. One of the ladies is my astronomy club is coming over that day. She is totally on board with my idea of watching it online and on TV then occasionally go outside to look at it for real. Marty asked me today if we going to get in a fight over who gets our solar scope. I answered. No. It's staying here with me. :lol-2: I sure crack myself up. I actually had no intention of him leaving it at home but I he's not as careful with stuff in the wild as I am. I'll be more worried about my tripod than the solar scope. I guess it will survive a weekend in the great outdoors. I'll have him leave me my 4" scope with solar filter. I am going to try and figure out how to get some eclipse glasses on my point and shoot camera.

I forgot to tell you about my suggestion from Facebook. I had a notice on my phone "Suggested for you. A book on FB - "I'm Okay...You're a Pain in the A*s". It totally cracked me up. I sent it to Marty and said "what is FB trying to tell me"? The smart arse responded "wow FB must have an algorithm that really nails what people are like."

My baby car got hailed on this afternoon but the hail wasn't any larger than 1/2 inch. My boss said some of the first hail stones were larger. Oh no! I told him I am outta here and I'm not coming back until this hail crap is over. He pointed out it will be snowing then and I'll want to stay home because it's cold. Good point.

I have my scarf over half done already. I might knit some more things when I get my scarf done.

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I'm super sad I waited so long to try to get glasses for the eclipse and now there are none to be had... I guess I'll be watching it on TV too.

Yesterday I survived jury duty down at criminal court! I picked up my friend who works down there (as a polygraph examiner) around 7:15 because he had to be there by 8:00. That's was all well and good, but even though employees can go in, jurors can't enter until 8:30. So I spent 45 minutes out in the courtyard experiencing phone calls going on around me -- virtually all of them to attorneys, and none of them happy! In the the jury room I stationed myself in the far back corner with my laptop and just worked head down all day. There was a lady in another corner doing yoga the whole time and a guy in the same row as me on his phone (loudly) trying to put together a drug deal (I kid you now). It was *fabulous.* NOT. They didn't start calling panels until after 1:30 and about 2:30 they said if we hadn't been called yet we could go. I collected my check for $17.20 and beat it!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, if I knew you needed eclipse glasses they'd already be in the mail to you. I really doubt they'd show up in time if I mailed them tomorrow. Darn. You can do the projection viewing technique. A colander works or a spoon with circles in it. You can punch a small hole in cardboard and use that. If you want directions I will get you a link. I don't want to insult you by telling you something you already know.

That's good you survived jury duty. I bet most of the calls to attorneys aren't happy, go lucky discussions. Wow is about all I can say to someone trying to work out a drug deal in court. I am glad they didn't select you and what are you going to do with your fabulous bonus check?

Marty told me tonight all of the guys he started with are now gone. The guy that really helped get him in the door said he understood they are keeping their top talent which Marty said made him feel good - for now. But he is still nervous. All the guys lets go were on projects too so I think he just got even busier. That's good though he was pretty happy when he had a lot to do and traveled a lot.

One more day of work for me this week. I have a 4 day weekend and I am ready for it. However since Marty will be gone most of the time I'll be bored. I am giving a program on the eclipse to the retirement home down the street and will go have coffee break with my dad's buddies. Not much else planned. I am topping off my gas tank tomorrow in case the eclipseolypse changes life as we know it in Wyoming.

I am rethinking paying for Amazon Prime. I accidentally signed up for it last month and getting things shipped free with 2 day delivery is nice. Of course I've just been ordering more things than normal so that's why I noticed it. Do you have it?

Have a great evening.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, if I had been thinking I would have texted you my Fed Ex account number and you could have sent me some glasses. Let's make that the plan for the next eclipse... 38 years is it?! As for Amazon Prime, I used to order a TON of stuff (like 85 orders in 2016 -- I looked it up!), but in protest about them offering Trump family products I've stopped using them (and also stopped shopping at stores that carry those items). I miss Prime sorely, but it matters to me. I did send them an email telling them why I would no longer use it. Strangely though I don't seem to be spending any less money... ?!?

Last night I did some more accounting for the lady with the shoe store. Oy. She's even more messed up than the cow bag lady, which I didn't think was even possible. I'll get them whipped into shape, but it will be an uphill slog the whole way!

I may have to drive over to the boat house tonight because the granite people are coming tomorrow to polish out a couple of scratches from when the stone was put in. They have yet to tell me what time they're coming, but if it's early I'll just go tonight. I also have to remember to take some more wine over. The wine fridge I got is supposed to hold 12 bottles but the only way I can get prosecco in there is to take out the top shelf, so that takes it down to 10. And then tall bottles (like the pino grigio and malbec that I drink) can only go in 4 upright slots. That leaves 6 other spaces, but they can't be big bottles (I don't think even the chardonnay I like will fit) or tall. Figuring out what to put in there is like one of those math problems... if two trains leave opposite stations at the same time going at different rates of speed... !!!


Mar 26, 2006
Curby, I forgot to say yes, please, if you wouldn't mind sending me that link I would appreciate it! When it comes to dealing with me, just assume I know nuttin' about anything!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday from the boathouse kids!

Curby, I keep forgetting to ask how Marty's shoulder is doing...?

Last night I drove over the boathouse and didn't get here until about 10:30 eastern time. It was weird to do the drive alone and in the dark. There is a very convoluted detour that involves (as far as I can tell) driving in two complete circles to get off and back on the highway due to road construction and in the day it's a nightmare, but at night it's almost impossible. Plus, the work crews are out at night (strange, we NEVER see them in the day...???) and digging around with giant equipment and these huge blinding stadium lights. I was happy to get out of that mess!

After the granite people come today my friend is driving over to have lunch. It's starting to look like rain though so our rooftop patio idea might have to be revised...


Mar 26, 2006

Here is Potter guarding the wine!


Mar 26, 2006
Curby... one more thing (and sorry for posting a zillion times in a row on this thread!)... you are always way more up on technology than I will ever be and I am thinking of getting the new Apple watch 3 that is rumored to come out in the 4th quarter. If I'm understanding right it will actually have connectivity of its own so it doesn't have to be tethered to your phone. If that's correct (i.e., that I can get/send texts and emails from it while my phone is elsewhere) I'm very interested. But I wonder if I'm misunderstanding the capabilities somehow? Also, would you be able to surf the net on it? It's not clear to me if V3 wil have the ability to make/receive calls unteathered, although that isn't as important to me as text/email and hopefully net surfing. I just have so many times (especially here at the boathouse) where I would love to be able to walk out the door and not have to carry a bag just because I want my phone with me. And god knows they don't make women's clothes with POCKETS! Anyway, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this if you have any insight.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids,

Dee Jay, it sounds like Amazon Prime saved you a lot of money; I might sign up for a year. We order from them quite a bit.

I hope you get the cow bag lady and shoe lady more organized to make their accounting easier for you.

Juggling wine in your wine frig sounds somewhat life figuring out what square peg will work in this round hole but I am sure you'll find what works. What brand of Chardonnay do you like. I think La Crema is my favorite.

Darn we didn't figure out how to get eclipse glasses to you earlier. Our local DOT ended up with 1000 of those counterfeit glasses and had handed them out already. My best friend works there and is on the eclipse committee so I gave her a little over 100 glasses yesterday. Marty took 10 and I've got 10 still setting here. Darn. I tried to take a picture of the Sun today about the time of total eclipse will be but immediately found a flaw in my methodology - my camera by no means blocks out the sun from my eyes so forget that. I've already got enough vision problems. I could build some cardboard sleeve or something to put the came in but honestly it's not worth it to me so I'm using my solar binoculars, solar filter on my scope and mostly the projection method. Here is an easy way to make a projection board to view the eclipse. And a colander works GREAT!!!
I hope the get the scratches fixed at the boathouse for you. Your route there sounds like the route we take to get to Marty's parents from Phoenix. You go straight then south then east then back north to continue your path south. (Or whatever direction we are going).

Potter is fabulous! I can see why you couldn't resist him. He is a perfect keeper of the wine.

I believe what you heard about the Apple Watch 3 is correct. I will look in to it today or tomorrow. I know Marty loves his Apple 2 watch and I kind of remember him talking about those features.

You are so right about pockets on our clothes. I miss them too. When I used to sew I had pockets on EVERYTHING I made. If any of my shirts have a pocket a phone won't even fit in them.

It took Marty 3 hours to get home from DIA. That's about double the normal time. He and his sister took off for the scout camp about 10 this morning. I love giving my SIL crap. She was telling us last night about her roommate that is driving her crazy. The roommate writes her notes even complaining about things. She tried to get my SIL to pay $1200 to her for her share of the bills so my SIL hunted down the bills and that was about $400 more than 50% of the bills. So anyway while my SIL and Marty were out getting food this morning I wrote her a note and left it for her. She went to our favorite restaurant last night and didn't bring me a piece of peach pie and then this morning her and Marty went out to breakfast before I got up since they figured I was going to work today. So my note started with "Dear you ***king didn''t bring me a piece of peach pie and eat breakfast without me ***ch". No wonder your roommate can't stand you. Then I told her I complained about her to the decent human gods and they officially put her on their "wrath" list and she should expect some dramatic warning in about 3 days when they take away her light. And to remember they can always do it again and warn her down to the precise moment. I was highly amused with myself.

I am off to the grocery store before the shelves are emptied by crazed eclipsers. I am having the butcher shop make me some ground sirloin; I like it so much better than hamburger. The guy said it could cost me $7.99 a pound and I said that's fine. I want it. I foresee a grilled burger for supper today.

I also have to get a new powerball ticket. Looks like my expired ticket is worth $11. What shall I do with my winnings?

Have a great day.
BTW I drove over a curb with my back left tire yesterday. :wall: It doesn't look or feel like I did any damage.


Feb 27, 2007
Your wine frig is the one Marty eyes all the time. Let me know if you like it.


Feb 27, 2007
Dee Jay, looks like everything you heard about the iWatch 3 are still rumors. Hopefully most of them will be available when the watch comes on the market.


Mar 26, 2006
Thank you so much for looking into it Curby... I never know what to believe, coupled with the fact that I'm a tech moron, so I end up being the last person in the world to get something!

The wine fridge is good so far with a couple of caveats on size. The only way I can fit in prosecco is to take off the top shelf and put two bottles opposite each other (so the corks are at opposite ends, if that makes sense). Doing that makes it a 10 bottle cooler instead of a 12 with the top shelf out. I'm not sure if a regular chardonnay bottle will fit on the racks either because I brought over a Kim Crawford savagnon blanc last week, which I think is about the same size, and I really had to jam it in there (to the point that the label got scraped off). If your La Crema bottle is a fat one you'd probably have to do what I do with the prosecco and lose the top shelf. My tall skinny bottles (like the malbec I drink and sparkling pino grigio that I get at Trader Joes) fit in the four upright spots, but they are too long for the door to close if I put them laying down. So the bottom line is this fridge will work for me because I like a bunch of different things with bottles of different shapes and sizes, but there are limitations on what fits where. Not sure if that is important to Marty... ? I've kept it down at the lowest setting (48 degrees) and I think it's doing a pretty good job of staying there (or close too it). If you open the door and futz around the temp will get warmer by a couple of degrees, but it goes back down again pretty quickly. The unit is quiet, which is important to me! I found it for sale (online) at several places but I ended up getting it at Walmart because that was around the cheapest place I saw it and also because they have a physical presence that I could take it back to in case any thing went wrong or if it arrived damaged. Let me know if you or Marty have any specific questions or want pics of anything and I'm happy to oblige!
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