
Healthy Living Thread


Mar 26, 2006
Forgot to say that I'm THRILLED for Marty and his three personal bests! Please tell him I said so!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, Marty says thank you. He sure enjoyed himself. He just watched a video of some guy at one of the other competitions pull 701 pounds off the floor. It looked easy.

That is the only nice thing about white stuff this time of year - it does melt quickly.

I like the idea of mismatched dishes for the boat house. I think those will be fun and definitely it's nice you won't mind if one of them gets broke.

Phooey the painting isn't done yet. You should be in it though by the time the weather really gets nice.

I saw today April wasn't eating so they think the baby is near. It's a nice break from our day, huh?

Shopping can be tiring. I did some grocery shopping this morning. My list had 8 items on it but I wandered the store - spent $135 and had about 8 bags to carry inside.

Marty and company got home about 3. I made a crock pot roast but he ended up going to the club for some drinks so I ate about 5:30 when I got hungry. Marty had picked up a chuck cross rib roast and it was really fatty - I told him we didn't need to bother to buy one of those again. I think more than half of it will get thrown out.

Spent some more time today fixing issues because my employees can't follow a check list. Maybe if we move I can get away from this babysitting crap.

Have a great Monday.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, 701 pounds... yeah... NO! That's crazy! As for April, every computer I use I'm split screen so I have her up on half. I'd be SO mad to have watched this much only to have her produce Baby G when I'm working on a spreadsheet or something!

The CB's ribs were delish last night! I ate WAY too much though... After my friend left I finished painting my nails. The jury is still out on this new color. I'm not generally a fan of peachy colors but I got this one as a break from my usual light pink and mauve that I switch off all spring/summer. It's kind of growing on me.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids,

Dee Jay, 701 pound - WOW!

I haven't heard - has April had her baby yet?

CB's ribs sound delicious. Ribs are also so dense too; I am always stuffed when I am done. I had some leftover soup for supper. Marty even loaded all of his dishes in the dishwasher too. Sweet.

I usually use light pink and mauve polish too. I had a few peach colors before we moved but I threw a lot of my polish out then. I had red too but usually only wore it for Christmas. I need to file and then paint my nails. I took off a bright pink yesterday.

I worked about an hour late today and I see 3 updates came in tonight. Ugh. They are all for tomorrow too but oh well we will be busy in the morning.

Marty bought a little Igloo lunch kit on his trip and I inherited it for my lunch. It kept my food way more cold than the cheap Snoopy lunch kit I bought on Amazon. I sent him a text at lunch today and said "my food is so cold I felt like I was sticking my hand in an Igloo". He didn't think I was funny - but I was amused and that's all that matters.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, no Baby G yet. I read a post yesterday that someone has been tuned into the live cam since around the end of February. Yeah... no. My attention span is not that long! And pffffft on Marty not thinking your igloo comment was funny -- *I* thought it was funny!

Last night we had some left overs for dinner and I went to bed early. Too early... at 3 am I was wide awake. And of course I was in and out of dozeland until I actually got up at 8. I really need to make myself stay upright until at least 10 or so!

The carrier bringing my bathroom vanity for the boathouse called and they will be making delivery to me (in Chicago) on Thursday. Hopefully this will all unfold better than the situation with the flooring a few weeks ago! I think I'll park my car right outside the gate that day so when they come maybe I can get them to just take it off their truck and stick it in the back of my SUV.

We have out annual condo meeting on the 18th and I've been soliciting proxy forms from the people who don't come to the meetings. As far as I know no one else is running for my board spot, but I am not taking any chances!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I am sure April is ready to have that baby too.
Thanks for thinking my Igloo joke was funny. It's always better to be entertained.
I do the same thing if I go to bed early. I hate dozing in and out and watching the clock. I hope you sleep better tonight.
You are definitely coming along on the boat house. Good plan to park somewhere easy to load the vanity in your SUV. Is your SUV the mid size or large size?
I hope someone volunteers for your board position. We have a HOA meeting Thursday night but we are going to dinner with friends that evening. Can't say I'll be sorry to miss it. I should vote Marty in for one of their open positions. Ha Ha. That would be funny.
Work was heck again today. I offered to help 2 of my employees get their stuff done and then listened to them all blather while I was working. Yes, they were working too but obviously not concentrating much. Then I go back to my reports at about 4 and find one of them didn't report any of the discrepancies they found. I ended up staying until 6:45 sending out updates. Then found one more to do and broke the schedule builder. Joy!
Is tomorrow Friday?

Take care,


Mar 26, 2006
It's a super rainy Wednesday kids!

My SUV is the mid-size, an RX330. The big version sounds great in theory to me but I'm not sure I can be trusted in something THAT large, LOL. As for someone else taking over my board position, frankly I would LOVE it it there was someone qualified and willing to do it. But alas...

Last night I worked a little late and then the CB made hamburger helper for dinner. You can take the girl out of the trailer park, but... HA! Today both my boss and my boss's boss are out of the office. I think I'll get a lot done! :cheeky:

And speaking of getting stuff DONE, that damn giraffe is STILL pregnant. Every time she makes a move, I'm like "OH, this is IT!" And then... nada.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I knew it was rainiy there - I hope it clears up soon.

I know you've enjoyed your SUV. I guess my SUV is small or compact but it's even a little high for me. I don't think I'd like a large one; when we were in Pebble Beach we rented the large BMW SUV; it was great as long as Marty parked by a sidewalk so I could get in and out easily.

I know we can't find anyone willing to take on any of the astronomy club jobs. It's like these positions are for life. Every time I spend club money and someone asks me if I need a receipt I always say "no, I'm trying to get fired".

There are a few hamburger helper's I like; we used to take them camping a lot.

Hurry up baby G!

Work was still busy today but I was determined to leave work on time and I did. Ha! We had homemade tacos for supper. Marty is restless tonight. He's back down in the man cave.



Dec 28, 2005
Hey......I guess there was some system upgrade or something and it dawned on me, I was no longer receiving notifications. So, I'm sorry to have been absent so long. I scanned through the posts, but didn't really read them all.

DeeJay, your tax meeting sounded like fun. Wow on the CB waiting 8 days to seek medical help. Yes we men are not great at going to doctors. I didn't see what was found out? Marcy, I'm glad the jeweler is refunding what you paid including shipping fees.

I'll try to read up when I get a chance. Promise.

So, I've been sick again. As soon as I went off the antibiotics, it took about 4 days for some of the same (though not nearly as severe) symptoms to return. I didn't have to stay home sick, but I've been back on antibiotics for almost two weeks now. I'm having the prostate surgery on April 20th. I'm both looking forward to hopefully having some relief, but also not looking forward to it. I'll be in the hospital for a couple days. The strain of E-Coli I have seems to have some resistance to antibiotics, so I'll be on a new one for two full months. Yikes.

I'm doing well at work even with me not feeling well. At least I'm making some money.

That's about all the news I've got. I hope you all doing well.


Apr 7, 2017
Hi everyone. Spring is finally here. Our weather has been amazing here with almost 70 degree weather. It makes for nice afternoon walks and sure makes you want to get outside and be more active. What are your plans for spring time workouts and changes in your dietary habits?

I met a friend for lunch today and had a soft shell taco. We went out for supper and split a sandwich then went to the club to have a drink. Tomorrow is poker night so I think we will meet somewhere for lunch then have fruit and cottage for supper. Marty won't be excited bout that but it sounds good to me.

We are slowing down a little bit at work so hopefully I can start an afternoon walk again soon.

I have been in a lot of pain with my tooth. I think I will make an appointment soon for an extraction. I need to get it done while Marty is in town. I had Advil 3 times today. It helps but I am going through spells of ouch this really hurts.

thanks for sharing you can check the solution of your problem at this link : bosch dishwasher error it has worked for me hope it will work you tooo.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, our rain was gone yesterday and today an tomorrow and tomorrow are supposed to be beautiful! The forecast says partly cloudy on Sunday, but that's OK because it will be in the 70s!!!

Rod, glad to see you back! Sorry to hear you are back on meds, and will be for a while, but I really hope the surgery on the 20th turns out to solve your issues. The CB just tweaked his back, so nothing major, but at least it go him to go to the doc!

Last night we met with the Alderman. The next step in the plan to get permit parking for the building is to take in a petition signed by the residents. Everything is such a damn *process.*

The guy who is painting the boathouse texted me yesterday and said "who picked the lavender paint color?" WHAAAAAAT?! I lost my mind! He then texted back, "just kidding, it's a nice silver grey." I practically had a heart attack! Especially since I have had issues with the store where the paint came from mis-mixing colors before. I've got a spot in my guest bathroom, three years later, that is still the wrong color because we had to touch something up and the newly mixed batch is more greenish than bluish. I'm really looking forward to going over tomorrow and seeing what the whole thing looks like! I also need to get an update on the furniture because I haven't heard a peep about that. And the vanity came yesterday and the guy put it in my car no problem, so that was great! There were three separate boxes (vanity, top, sink) but it all fit even though it's a bit tight. The curtain rod is supposed to show up today too so in a perfect universe we'll at least have sheers over the sliding glass door, although I want to see the cabinetry in place before I pick a final curtain color because that will all be very close together.

OK off to start my adventure!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids,

Rod, glad to see you here again. I am so sorry you are still sick; it sounds like this is really awful. I understand not looking forward to the surgery but it will be nice to get it behind you and on the mend. Big hugs to you and keep us posted. Good luck with the antibiotics, that sounds like a long time to be on them. I am glad to hear you are able to work. Take care and rest up a lot. Snuggle with the cute kitties.

Dee Jay, good deal the weather cleared up there. We are going to be near 70 tomorrow too. Yeah for nice spring days! Yes, everything is a damned process. LOL to the text from the painter. That is awesome. Glad the vanity all fit in your SUV; I'll be anxious to hear what you think of everything if you go up there this weekend. How exciting for you.

I am so glad it's Friday. I have to dial in and work a little bit in the morning but hopefully that will be all I have to do.

We went to supper with friends last night. I am such a light weight with alcohol anymore - I had 2 glasses of wine and needed a nap. It was kind of fun to go out though. I was so tired I didn't even clean my jewelry last night. Oh the horror of it all! I was surprised everything still sparkled today. I better get out my steam cleaner tomorrow to get the grease and grime off them.

Have a great weekend.
Curby / Marcy


Dec 28, 2005
Happy Saturday.

What's that reply to you Marcy with a link for a Bosch dishwasher error? Me thinks it's Spam.

LOL on your paint guy calling about the 'lavender' color paint. It sounds like the BH is all coming together nicely. Will you be all furnished and staying there in the near future?

Boy did I ever sleep last night. And I only got up once to use the restroom. For me that's remarkable! We were supposed to get together with a young couple we've been friends with for a few years. They have two young'uns so we don't often get to see them. But they can't get a baby sitter, so we have the entire day to ourselves. I need a break from the every weekend family Saturday dinner. Since it's a simply gorgeous day, we're going to ride over to the beach and have dinner at a beach side restaurant. It's nothing fancy, but has decent to good food. Grouper sandwiches, peel and eat shrimp kind of place.

Crabs have started to run again. I got some last weekend for the first time since near the holidays and they were wonderful. If they ever tell me I'm allergic to shellfish, you may as well spread my ashes somewhere.

Have a great day and weekend!

PS: The old avatars in the updated forum were huge and out of focus. I changed mine to something that works better.
Last edited:


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Rod, I love your avatar - great photo! My old avatar wasn't totally blurry but I was able to find my original photo so I just uploaded the full resolution photo. I had one of my teddy bears up for a day or so though.
I would say that reply to me was Spam. Nice. Nothing is safe.
That is awesome you slept so well last night. I went to bed late then I heard the contractors working 2 houses over about 7. Grr. I will be happy when they are done building around us but that will be years.
Driving over to the beach and having a nice dinner at a beach side restaurant sounds fabulous. I hope you enjoyed yourselves.
Good deal the crabs are good now; I can't eat shellfish at all.

Not much new here. I got laundry done and did some work for work. I met Marty for lunch at the golf course and we have friends coming by tonight for cards.

Have a fabulous Sunday.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

Rod, the new avatar is marvelous! And I completely understand the (almost guilty) feeling of glee sometimes when people cancel, LOL.

Curby, so tired you didn't even clean your jewelry?! Your PS card is revoked as of this moment. Please divide up all of your sparklies and send half to me and half to Rod immediately!

So we are back from today's adventure at the boathouse. The drywall and paint look better than I thought -- thank god! There are a few places to touch up, but the guy is super reasonable about all that and I'm sure will get in it done really well. We actually didn't get any of the floor down because the CB decided to take advantage of the guy being there to help him put in the shower walls, which was QUITE a project. I have to say it looks great though, and I think once the corners get caulked it will totally exceed my expectations.

Tomorrow we will go back and do (hopefully) at least half the floor, and it I would be thrilled if we got more than that done.

The vanity, however, was a bust. The quality was for sh!t on the wood furniture piece itself and the top and back splash didn't match well enough to suite princess, so back it went. I know $942 isn't all the money in the world but why should I pay for something I'm not happy with right out of the

OK, off to take a shower and open a bottle of wine!


Dec 28, 2005
Marcy, I hope you enjoyed lunch at the golf course and you had fun with your friends playing cards.

DeeJay, I'm glad you like the paint job and things continue to progress at the BH. Sorry the bathroom vanity is a bust. Better to find out before it's installed and you go Oh NO!

Today was just a wonderful day. Turns out the beach we were going too has our jeweler along the way, so we dropped off our rings for cleaning and polishing and the spa store is over there as well, so we picked up some things we needed as well. Then we went to a kind of dive beach restaurant we hadn't been to for years. It's popular, but not fancy and the food was really good. Charlie had clam chowder to start and I had steamed shrimp. For dinner, we both had fresh grouper sandwiches and the fish was so fresh and good.

We came home and our next door neighbor came over for wine and when he left, we got in the spa with the full moon.

A nice day for sure. Not being sick certainly helps! Not sure what we'll do tomorrow, but it will be a quiet day. Likely having the spa water checked and grocery shopping.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I so get the feeling of glee when I cancel on people. My friend who has FOMO has a hard time getting me to agree to do things with them. I did agree to us going over there on Easter tonight. I am feeling bad because I keep turning her down.
LOL that my PS card is revoked and I have to divide up my goodies between you and Rod. It's only fair though.
Glad to hear things are coming along so well at the boathouse. It worked out well that CB had help getting the shower installed. Good luck on the floor tomorrow and I don't blame you for returning the vanity. No sense putting something in you don't like.
We had wine tonight too. We polished off a bottle or two of Freakshow.

Rod, we did have fun playing cards tonight. 2 of my friends came over and Marty played cards with us girls. We used his poker table and played hearts. I lost.
I am glad you had a wonderful day and how nice to get your rings cleaned and polished. Your lunch and dinner sound good and sometimes those places that look like dives serve the best food.
That's funny we all had wine tonight. The moon was beautiful tonight, wasn't it?
I am glad you felt good enough to have a great day.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

I've been productive today. I got my Easter cards written and mailed, mailed my MIL birthday card and managed to go to the post office and back without any curbing incidents. I walked in instead of trying that drive through obstacle course. Ha!

I made work badges for a little Snoopy and a Broncos bear I have at my desk, they hang out with 2 other Teddy Bears. I copied my badge and then put their picture and name on it; the other 2 bears have badges. I am so easily entertained.

We are having about 50 mph sustained winds today here. It did a number on my hair walking in to the post office. Such fun! At least there isn't a bunch of horizontal white stuff with it.

Have a great day.
Curby / Marcy


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, I was at CVS a little while ago and they had stuffed Woodstocks in pink rabbit ears, LOL.

Rod, a restaurant that is good but not fancy sounds perfect to me!

Yesterday we got half of the floor put in. We then moved everything to that side then and prepped the other half of the floor to do this coming weekend. I've also got the electrician lined up, assuming the lighting is in by then. If not, he's got about a dozen outlets/switches and a hardwired smoke detector to keep him busy anyway. We're actually going to stay over about 5 miles from the boathouse at a B&B on Friday and Saturday night to get more time there accomplishing stuff, although we'll have to head back early on Sunday to do Easter with the CB's family.

Not much else to report -- was a boathouse work filled weekend! We did go to dinner with the CB's daughter last night for her birthday, and her boyfriend and the CB's mother went with us. The food was good and I've got a TON of left over pasta. Like literally enough for the CB and I to both eat dinner tonight. SO much food!

Speaking of food, we're waiting for lunch to come out now. They're slow today!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey......Sunday was a nice day. We did our errands, then came home and had a glass of wine with some great cheese outside, enjoying the spectacular weather. We made our favorite orzo pasta, with shrimp and scallops and mushrooms and spinach and peas and cherry tomato's and parm cheese. So so so good. I had leftovers for lunch today.

I got a huge offer out to a candidate today. I don't know if he's going to take it, but I hope he does. It's with a great company and it's a director level role.

Marcy, 50 MPH wind? That's pretty potent. Good idea parking and not dealing with the drive through, wheel scratching lane.

Sounds like you're getting closer to the finish line at the BH DeeJay. Staying at a B&B to be near over the weekend sounds like fun!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Rod, that's awesome about the big offer! When will you know if it's a go?

Light lighting distributor is, totally by coincidence, about 10 miles from my house, so they are going to set up the order and rather than ship it I'll go and get it from the warehouse. That would make my life so much easier! We're also going to go and look at a vanity and top tonight that is In Stock, so if that works out we'll be able to take those over with us this weekend too. I still need to find out about the furniture delivery, but it would be fine with me if it was still a week or two out!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, OMG I need to find a Woodstock like that. I love bunnies in general. Sweet you got about ½ of the floor done already. Good plan to stay at a B&B next weekend so you can be closer to your project. Nice you brought home enough pasta from dinner to have an instant rerun. That will work out great you can pick up the lighting and maybe get the vanity to go this weekend too.

Rod, woo hoo on the great job offer for a client. I hope he accepts it. You Sunday sounds very nice and pleasant. I like wine and cheese together. Homemade pasta is always good. Yes, we get pretty serious wind here. I always like to say “what wind” when people complain about the wind. My FIL made us a mallard that had wings that spin; he dug its way in to the ground and broke many times. It was too delicate for the wind here. Wheel scratching lane. LOL.

The crap and people at work got to me yesterday. I was so angry I was ready to cry which of course makes me more angry. My team had an error and of course the 3 people who touched it all said “it was fine when I did it”. Um, no it wasn’t and I have proof but I didn’t get in to that with them yet. Way to be a responsible adult. I was better after lunch today.

Marty’s trip to the Ukraine is cancelled but he may be going to Australia. He has lost his status with United since he didn’t go many places last year; so he’ll be in the back if he goes anywhere. He’d better check in early and try not to get forcibly removed from the plane. Wow! I saw a lot of funny meme and slogans on FB about United. They didn’t do themselves any favors with that spectacle.

Have a great day.
Curby / Marcy


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, the Woodstock was at my local CVS so if you have those there (?) maybe stop in and check out the seasonal isle!

We went to look at vanities last night... no go. The one I liked was described online as ivory but it was really quite yellowish in person so that won't go with everything else. We did get Six Hundred Dollars worth of Outlets and Switches though... WTF?! The furniture delivery people are set up for the 28th -- woo hoo! And now I'm trying to figure out how/when to get the wardrobes and kitchen cabinets from Ikea because they won't delivery to the Michigan location so it looks like we'll be renting a truck. Ugh. I'm sure the CB will be oh so pleased to hear that -- NOT! Oh well, it is what it is...

Tomorrow I've got to spend most of the day with a client at his new place getting measurements taken by multiple vendors for window treatments. But today I am SWAMPED! OK, off to be uber productive!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, we don't have a CVS but I will check online. I did pick up some bunny ears already for one of my teddy bears. Ha!
Darn that you didn't find a vanity you like. I know the outlets and switches can add up fast. We'd upgraded all of them at our old house and ended up getting some of the same ones for our kitchen here. That's great your furniture will be there soon. Phooey you'll have to rent a truck to get the things from Ikea there. Can you ship it there? I wonder if that would be cheaper or easier. Just a thought.
Window treatments are not cheap either but well worth it. We had the little eyebrow over our front door done 3 times; it took forever but they finally got it right. I am glad they made all the measurements instead of me.
I hope you were uber productive today.

We kind of slowed down at work but will still have some off and on craziness for another month.
I had some chicken for supper. I thought worst case scenario I can stay home stick tomorrow. :lol:
Marty keeps hiding a stuff rat in my stuff and it keeps scaring me. I must get even.
Have a great day!


Dec 28, 2005
Happy Easter.

I'm on my own this weekend as Charlies in Buffalo visiting his family. It's been a quiet weekend, but very nice. Since I'm able to eat anything I want, it's been a fun weekend. Pizza. Chinese, Sushi and tonight lobster.

Thursday is my surgery, which I'm truly not looking forward to. Turns out I have to stay in the hospital overnight. I've never spent the night in a hospital.

I thought you'd like this video of a 15 carat diamond from the jeweler who made our wedding rings:



Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids! Happy Easter!

Rod, good luck with your surgery on Thursday! Wishing you a speedy recovery. Sleeping in the hospital is a challenge; it is so noisy there. Other than that it's not bad. PS dust coming your way!
I am glad you could eat what you wanted this weekend. I need to adjust my eating habits again now that Marty is eating so different. I am not getting as many fruits and veggies as I used to and that's not good for me.
That is some diamond. It is quite sparkly. Sweet.

We had a quiet and busy weekend. I worked a little bit yesterday. I washed bedding and swapped out our flannel sheets for cotton sheets. That is a sure way to get our spring blizzards to come back. We are scary dry here this year.

Marty played golf both days this weekend. We had Easter lunch with friends today so had a nice time. I took a mixed fruit salad so I just had some of those leftovers for supper. She cooked ham, scalloped potatoes, deviled eggs and tossed salad.

Have a great week.
Curby / Marcy


Feb 27, 2007
And Dee Jay - it's a boy! :appl:


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

So today I got up, went to work, came home, ate supper, did dishes and watched TV. Tomorrow will be a repeat of the same. The excitement never ends. :lol:

Curby / Marcy


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Rod, I hope you are doing okay both waiting for and dreading Thursday. PS Dust for a speedy recovery!

We went out for supper tonight. Woo hoo! Marty had to get home for a 7 pm conference call. I think he is getting closer to maybe heading to Australia for work. I hope so; it would be good for his department to get some business.

Have a great day!
Curby / Marcy


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Sorry for being MIA -- I've been crazy busy! I'll do a bigger update later but just wanted everyone to know I was still alive!
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