
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 9th Feb till 15th Feb

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all!

It is hard going here at the moment due to the pants weather we have been having, but I am determined not to let it get the better of me. As it is so cold, our little gym is freezing and a blow heater doesn't make much difference. So I am going to get Hubby to move the elliptical or treddy into the house so we can continue to work out. I have tried as weather permits but it just isn't working for me, so as I feel the benefits I get from working out outweigh the inconvenience of having equipment inside the house then it should be ok on a temporary basis.

Sometimes we have to make a little more effort so we can keep on track, if there are many factors which can put you off working out - in my case freezing cold room, equipment which doesn't work efficiently due to the cold, messed up TV and DVD again due to the cold then you are really setting yourself up for failure as I have discovered. It is going to be very inconvenient having gym equipment inside the house, but as my overall health and well being is a huge priority then that is what I will have to do. And look forward to the warmer days ahead.

Hopefully once these stumbling blocks have been eliminated, I will be able to get back on track without too much difficulty. So it might be worthwhile just having a think about your workout/ eating routines and if there are any ' saboteurs' that need removing in order to help you work towards your goals more efficently. What may not seem to be particularly negative circumstances can quickly become a PITA and interfere with your best efforts if you don't keep an eye out for them and send them packing. Heres hoping that I get back on the elliptical with a vengeance!

Have a great week


Feb 27, 2007
Good morning.

Great opening Lorelei! I hope you get one of your pieces of equipment in the house soon. I wouldn''t get anything done either if my workout room was cold.

Merry, congratulations on losing 1 pound.

Ara Ann, we look forward to getting to know you a little bit better.

Have a great and healthy day! My cold is pretty bad this morning but I will take some Day Quil and go to work.


Ara Ann

Jan 5, 2009
Good morning!

This is my first day getting back to a healthier lifestyle...feels good to be back on track.

For a little info on my goals since I'm new...

I turned 41 in the Fall. I was looking forward to turning 40 last year...I HATED turning 30, but 40 felt good, I was going to make it be a great I got back into shape, lost 72 pounds before I hit the big 40 and everything was great for my 40th hubby planned a beautiful "Princess Party" for me and did a great job, it was so special and wonderful. I was really enjoying life... But right after my birthday, my husband had a kind of an emotional breakdown...he had a huge issue he had kept to himself, since childhood and he had never fully dealt with it... everything came to a head right after my b-day... Last February, he went into therapy and counseling with our pastor friend at church as well and built a great support system for himself. But I didn't handle his issue very well... At first I kept myself together, I didn't gain any weight back and was trying to not let his issue affect me, but after about six months, I started eating too much again...

A year later, we are doing great again, he is able to handle his issue and we are renewing our vows next spring... But my recent illness has thrown a new monkey wrench into getting back to my healthy lifestyle.... I had planned to get back on track after the holidays (my typical diet and exercise time of year), I wanted to lose 50 more pounds total, but came down with 'Bell's Palsy' on Christmas Day. So for the last six weeks, I have had to rest...I really had no energy for many weeks after the BP hit, so now, even just doing the laundry or house work is a workout! And I GAINED another 15 pounds, between taking steroids and having to lie around all the time... But I am finally feeling better physically and although my face isn't fully recovered yet and I can't force that to heal, I have realized I CAN control what and how I am eating, so I have decided to do what I can do, to be healthier and feel better, while my face heals.

My workouts are going to have to be light because I am still recovering, but I want to do at least 10 minutes a day to start. And I am cutting back on portion sizes, especially the BREAD, which I had been eating a lot of. Bread always does me in.

So that's my recent life in a nutshell...I've had a weight struggle my whole life...I have been very thin and pretty heavy on and off my whole life...I just want to find a good place for myself, weight wise and emotionally too, so I am not yo-yo-ing like this the rest of my life.

Thanks for reading and hope to get to know all of you better too!


Apr 30, 2005
Ara ann, welcome to the thread, its great to have you with us!

I really think you will find the thread helpful as we are not about perfection here, some of us - myself included - have health issues which can make taking care of ourselves even more important, but more challenging perhaps. So you are among friends who understand and will support you!

I am now in my forties and feel and look better than ever, so it has been a really positive experience for me! And I am living proof as are many of us than you can find that good place for your weight and health and stay there. I could write pages on the misery and struggle I have had over the years but I did find my way in the end!

Ara Ann

Jan 5, 2009
Thank you for the welcome Marcy and Lorelei!

It just feels better to have my mind back on track, even if the rest of me will take a while to get there!
And it''s nice to not have to go it alone...I hope to be a help to others too, in some way!

Thanks again!


Jun 25, 2007
Good morning everyone! Happy Monday! I love your opening post Lorelei because it does take effort, there will be stumbling blocks.... sometimes there will be mountains to climb, but it is so worth it in the end. I want everyone to take a few minutes to take time to reflect on what they feel is blocking them from working towards their goals at times. Is it cold temperatures? Is it time? Is it lack of equipment? Is it simple frustration? Whatever it is, take time to think of it, then find a few ways you can beat it! If you lack equipment, turn on the radio and dance, if it''s cold, get some weights and work inside, if you are frustrated because you don''t seem to be making progress, get up and do some work, or simply take time to find some good things that have come from your work outs and healthy eating! I have more energy, I have more fun, I made new friends. Anything!

I didn''t get the most extensive workouts in this weekend, but I did get in about 30 mins at So''s grandparents while we were down south, did some ab work and some yoga, which felt really good. Today I am working out with a friend of mine, and planning my meals for the week and hopefully I''ll get to the grocery. Wish me luck!


Mar 16, 2005
Good morning! Hope everyone had a great weekend. We sure did. Did some shopping for some clothes which is always fun (I hardly ever treat myself anymore since having Andrew)! We signed Andrew up for t-ball, which starts in March. It should be so much fun to watch the little ones out there. I feel really good that I have gotten him on the right track early playing sports and eating healthy. I worked out both Saturday and Sunday at the gym. Took today off and will work out tomorrow am. Everyone have a great day!

Lorelei, great opener. Hope you get some of the gym equipment moved inside. I would have a hard time working out in the cold as well.

Hey, Marcy! Good to see you. Hope you feel better.

Ara Ann, Hi there! I am losing weight that I gained from steriods as well. I had to be on them for 2 months during the summer for a sever allergic reaction I kept having....It was literally impossible to control my appetite while on them. I also gained 15 pounds in that short time. We can do it!

Hi, Dragonfly!


Nov 29, 2004
I went to my TBT class today. It was a good workout. We did our first round of the stations for 1 min each, and then for the second round, the stations were 30 sec each, but we had to 30 jumping jacks before starting each station. Also it didn''t seem as tough endurancewise today I think its because I did my walk/jog routine yesterday. Also coworker #1 and I will be starting with the PT session again...she has really enjoyed working out on Tues with the new trainer, so we are going go back to Thursdays together. Plus I had my measurements and weight taken on Thurs afternoon and it wasn''t as good as I was expecting even though I''ve been good lately...I''m hoping that since it was after lunch at TTOM, that my results were skewed...I might have a remeasure and weight before lunch this Thursday just to confirm.

AA, Welcome to HLT! The important thing is that you know the steps you need to take to achieve the results you want. Even though you are taking small steps at the moment they will be the key for your journey.


Jul 18, 2007
Hey! My ''fat'' pants are loose! Yes they are! Yes they are!


Jeans were loose last week. Fat pants this week. Yippee!!


Mar 16, 2005
Date: 2/9/2009 2:08:19 PM
Author: HollyS
Hey! My ''fat'' pants are loose! Yes they are! Yes they are!


Jeans were loose last week. Fat pants this week. Yippee!!
Woohoo! Way to go! I do the same thing...I have "fat" jeans, "medium" jeans and "skinny" jeans! I''m in the medium ones right now....on the skinny ones next! Congrats!


Jul 23, 2005
Good Morning HLer''s,

Hope everyone had a good weekend. Just popping in to say Hi!

We attended a 50th birthday party on Saturday. Lots of tempting food but I held back and made consious decisions. I have been working out on the TM daily and doing a variety of exercises. Marty wants to get a workout bench so we will go on a hunt for one sometime soon. It will be easier to workout with weights with a bench.

Lorelei: Great opener as usual. Cold and wet weather seems to be the biggest excuses we have, not to exercise. I know I used it many times but since having a treadmill, I can''t use that excuse anymore. Hope you get one of those pieces of equipment inside.

AA: Welcome to the HL''s thread.

Take Care and Be Healthy!



Feb 27, 2007

Hi.I had a short day at work.We have a supervisors meeting with our manager at 8:30.He told me I looked like crap – go home.Just what every girl wants to hear – they look like crap.I did see myself in a mirror though and he was right.I look like I’d been on a weekend drunk and cried all weekend.I am truly going to try and nap.Marty called me awhile ago and when I answered the phone he said “Ha!I knew you weren’t napping.”

Ara Ann, glad to hear things are looking up again for both you and your husband.Tough times do make it difficult to focus on healthy eating.As Lorelei mentioned many of us do have health issues that somewhat alter or inhibit what we can do but we all do the best we can with what we are able to do.Good for you getting back on track, cutting back on food and starting to workout.As Lorelei often reminds us slow and steady wins the race.We are definitely not alone in our journey and goals to lead a healthier life.

Lorelei, I know I too am finally healthier than I’ve been as an adult.It’s a nice feeling, isn’t it?

Dragonfly, very helpful ideas there on just finding ways to make things work.When I began my journey and started feeling strong enough to walk more my added steps of taking the long way to go anywhere was about all I could handle then; but as time went by I was able to do more and more.

Steph, I am so glad to hear you bought yourself some clothes, you certainly deserve them.I haven’t purchased any new clothing in over a month.I truly can’t justify a new piece of clothing as I bought so many new clothes in the last year.Isn’t it crazy how some medicine can make you hungry?I am taking Day Quil and an antihistamine and keep thinking homemade cookies sound good.I don’t know if it’s meds, boredom or comfort food.I have some chocolate chips are eager to give their lives so that I can eat them in a cookie.LOL!

Appletini, glad you had a great workout today.

HollyS, yippee for loose fat pants.That is awesome.

CDNBlingGal, kudos for making careful choices at the party on Saturday.I am glad you are using your treadmill every day.

Well, I truly am going to try and take a nap.




Ara Ann

Jan 5, 2009
Hi again everyone! Thanks for the warm welcome and encouraging words!
And congrats to all on your successes!

Well, today I pulled out my 'step upper step' and did 12 minutes...nothing too intense, just regular stepping, but it felt good to move. I'd like to get a mini-trampoline too, not right away, but at some point...I had one years ago and loved it. But I lost most of the last 'batch of pounds' (LOL) doing my step upper (it has different heights to increase the intensity), Pilates and walking around our neighborhood...we have both paved walking trails and sidewalks, with slight hills throughout, so it's a good workout. Hubby and I will be able to walk in the evenings again this spring and summer as I build up to that.

After my step up thing, I vacuumed the house, did my nails and then took a 10 minute nap, LOL! But I have read naps are good for the heart, so I think it's alright to exercise AND nap in the same day!

And Steph, good to know I am not the only one who gained on steroids...I wasn't on them very long, but I am super sensitive to ANY meds and I had every side effect possible from the steroids (not the life threatening ones or I would have gone off)...including acid reflux if I didn't eat...but of course I ate anything that wasn't nailed down! They made me hyper and I couldn't sleep, which wasn't good for my recovery...I HATED being on them and hope I never have to take them again!
I hope you don't have a bad time with them if you have to take them again! Good luck!

And it sure helps to know I am not the only 'health challenged' person here...we need the support, but not the bashing or guilt that comes from not being able to run a marathon in a week's time, like the 'challenges' on The Biggest Loser' TV show...not sure if anyone watches that, but I hate how they push the people SO hard some even throw up!! That's no good. I don't watch that show's not motivational to me for that reason.

Marcy, I hope you feel better soon....make some healthy chicken soup instead of the 'CC" cookies, LOL...I know it's not the same, but it's better for your cold!

Keep up the good work everyone!


Feb 27, 2007
Ara Ann, glad you did 12 minutes on the stepper. I did have chicken soup for lunch and it was quite tasty.

The wind is really kicking up here so between that noise and a stuipid phone solicitor I am not getting much sleep.


Aug 17, 2005
Happy New Week, HLTers.

I''m super-duper excited to report that I RAN A 5K! I know it''s only 3.10 miles, but it''s a huge accomplishment for me. I NEVER would''ve thought i''d enter a race, and actually RUN it (OK, i walked a couple of paces). My time was 32 minutes. Not bad!

Hubby also ran the race- i tried to keep up, but it was tough heading up the first hill (yep, it was HILLY) His time was about 5 minutes faster than mine.

We''re now going to shoot for running the GREAT RACE OF AGOURA HILLS 10k in late March. I''d love to work improving my pace.

Needless to say, i didn''t make it to bootcamp this morning. My legs and back are a little stiff, so i thought i''d take a day off. However, tomorrow it''s back to the grind!

*Lorelei- I have NO DOUBT that you''ll be back on that elliptical with a vengance! Sorry to hear the weather is pants.
*Marcy- Listen to Marty and NAP! take care of yourself
*AA- Welcome!
*Dragon- Here''s to planning meals for the week. Get yourself to the grocers, girl!
*Steph- How nice that you treated yourself to some new clothes. you deserve it!
*Apple- I always like hearing about your TBT class.
*Holly- watch out, it won''t be long before your pants will be falling off!
*Cdn- Good for you for making good food decisions at the bday party!


Mar 13, 2008
Charger! Hooray for the 5K!!! I knew you could do it. And 32 mins is a really good time for your first!!!

Lorelei, Thanks for the great opener. I hope you can get your equipment moved indoors. For me the hurdle is lack of motivation but it''s gotten so nice and warm I think I''ll start running outside to take advantage of it. I did my first run (3 miles) on Friday and my legs were sore all weekend. It felt good though.

Marcy, Sorry your cold is still lingering. I''m glad you went home. I''ve had that "You look like crap" comment too when I was sick and/or studying & working. It doesn''t feel great, but at least you were able to get home.

Ara Ann, welcome! Great job on the 12 mins of the up steps! And I see nothing wrong with napping and exercising in the same day. :)

Steph, hope Andrew likes t-ball. I think it''d be super fun. And you can run around the track during his practice if you want some extra cardio :)

Apple, I FIXED MY OVEN!!!! My sister came over to help. Glad TBT was a great. How was the PT session?

HollyS, YAY!!! loose pants = great results!! Keep up the good work!!!

CdnBling, great job at not getting tempted by the food. Way to exercise self control.

It''s FINALLY gotten to a nice temp that I can run outside again. Not doing it tonight because we''re getting together at a girlfriend''s, but I''ll probably run outside tomorrow. My sister and I decided to do yoga for another month. After that I''m hoping it''ll be warm enough to just work out outside. I made some oatmeal cranberry white chocolate cookies this weekend. Along with mac n'' cheese (didn''t have that much, good for me!). I have on deck : meatloaf and lasagna to make for James. I''m going to Denver this weekend for some skiing so he needs some reheat-able meals.


Dec 29, 2006
Happy Monday! I feel like I should apologize for writing a "poor me!" post over the weekend. Gosh, it was really whiney! I really appreciate the words of encouragement I received. Thank you!

Let''s I didn''t make it to the gym today as I had planned. I ended up going to two different bookstores after school to try donating a bunch of books I''ve read but no longer want. Next time I think I''ll just donate the books to my town''s library. It was such a pain -- one store was closing the location I went to so they weren''t taking any donations and the other one doesn''t handle donations for some reason (even though they have a used book section). Anyway, I ended up running all over town and never made it to the gym. Oh well -- there''s always tomorrow.

Not much new to report. I discovered the 100 calorie packs of craisins recently and I''m in love. I love all things cranberry and I like how convenient the 100 calorie packs are.

Tacori -- thank you very much for taking the time to write such a detailed reply to my post yesterday! I appreciate it! You''ve mentioned Zumba a few times, and I think it sounds like fun. I''m scared of taking it at the club I belong to though because all of my kids'' (students'') parents belong there too. I can just see myself walking into the studio in my sweats after a lond day at school and being near one of the perky hard body moms of one of my kids. Ugh. I may have to scope out alternate places.

Lorelei -- thanks for the great opening! I''m glad you''re going to be moving your gym equipment to a warmer spot.

Marcy -- get better soon and get plenty of rest in the meantime.

Ara Ann -- it''s great getting to know you. I read your thread in BWW and I love the idea of renewing your vows.

Dragon -- great suggestions! I find that I suffer from pure laziness at times and it''s just too hard to get away from the computer or whatever I''m doing and work out. That''s not good. Sure, there are times when I genuinely don''t have time but usually it''s just because I make one excuse or another. When my husband gets a job, one of the first things I''m going to do is to make a bunch of appts. with my trainer. That was very motivating!

Steph -- that''s great that Andrew will be doing T ball next month. It''s so fun to watch kids play sports!

Holly -- yay for loose pants!

Appletini -- I''m impressed with the amount of time you put towards working out. Is it tricky doing that at lunch time? Do you find that you get as good of a workout during the work day as you do afterwards or on the weekends?

CdnBling -- good for you for making conscious decisions at the party you went to! It''s a great feeling when you turn down something tempting and it doesn''t bother you.

Charger -- congrats on running a 5K!! That''s awesome!

Lliang -- have fun in Denver this weekend! You''re so thoughtful to cook meals for James to reheat while you''re gone. You''re way nicer than I would be. My husband would totally be on his own!

Skippy -- I thought of you this weekend when I made brownies, ate only one (okay, it was a big one AND I had a spoonful of batter) and then threw the rest away. I know how you always do that with pizza or other things. It made me laugh. I have been craving brownies for a while and I finally gave in to temptation. Hey, it could have been much worse. I could have devoured the pan!


Aug 13, 2008
Hi guys,

So sorry I missed last week''s thread, and it looks as though I may need to miss this week''s as well. It has been a not so great time in ILE''s world.

The say when it rains it pours- and oh wow!!...

1.Found out that my lil sis''s cancer has most likely returned with a fury (she just got married in Novermber)....she lives many states away now since she''s been married and my whole family''s been scrambling this week to help support her.

2. A student of mine (who is only 11) just advance to stage 4 leukemia - and was told he most likely won''t live until the end of the year!

3. Last but not least I found out I probably won''t have a job next year due to budget cuts in our county.

GRR- all I''ve been able to do this past week is keep my head up, try and stay positive and keep moving forward. Thankfully my workouts have been my saving "me" time. (Sounds weird and selfish- but true) Right after I found out about my sis, I hit the treadmill for 6 miles I was so upset.

So anyways, if I''m MIA in the next week..I hope y''all will forgive me. In the meantime....good thoughts my way please..

Have a great week evereryone!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
So tired after Zumba...

Zoe, you should try it. It is fun (and humbling) and the hour goes by fast. It is a better workout than a treadmill could give me.

Marcy, hope you are feeling better!

Lor, hope you can get back on track (in warmth).

dragon, sounds like you are doing great girl!

steph, yay for a great weekend! I never buy myself anything fun either. Curse of motherhood.

apple, hope you get better numbers.

Holly, AWESOME news!!!

Cdn, willpower is important...I lack it! Haha.

CG, I saw the picture and you look good! I am proud of you!!!

lliang, Sounds like you are doing great too.

iluv, sorry it has been a horrible week! You and your family are in my thoughts.


Nov 24, 2006
Hi everyone; my allergies are pretty bad so I won't be able to workout outside so Lorelei's opening is perfect timing for me. I started taking Zyrtec so hopefully it will help. hehe I took today off but tomorrow I will be at the gym. Tonight I made some low fat banana oatmeal cookies; they go with hubby to work tomorrow. hehe I ate a Healthy Choice Steamer for dinner and an apple. I have been super snacky!

Have a great Monday everyone!

LORELEI, great opening, hope the it warms up there soon! I will be going to the gym!

MARCY, you poor sweetie pie; I am so sorry, hope you feel better soon!!

ARA ANN, welcome! I am sorry you have BP, sending you a hug. We are here to cheer you on!!! Have you seen the Oreawheat light breads or Sarah Lee Deelightful? Also, I like Thom's double fiber english muffins; just some suggestions on low cal breads.

DRAGON, yay for working out even at so's grandparents.

STEPH, great to see you friend! Yay for Andrew starting tball! Yay for the gym too!

APPLE, woo for TBT

HOLLY, wooo hoooo for lose pants!!!!!!!

CDnBLING, yay for holding back at a party; awesome, I think those are the hardest!

CHARGE, wooo hooo for your 5k; you rock woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LLIANG, yay for being able to run outside!!! hehe I made oatmeal banana cookies tonight. Yum to mac n cheese.

ZOE, don't apologize!!! Oh wow, I didn't know they made 100 cal packs of craisins, yum. hehe for thinking of me; I am doing the same today; all the cookies go with hubby I did have a big one. hehe I will trade you a brownie for a cookie!

ILUVEMERALDS, oh no, I am so sorry about your sister.
Prayers outgoing for her and a huge hug for YOU! Oh no, I am sorry about the job and about your student; I will keep you in my prayer for sure!!

eta: TACORI, wooo hoo for Zumba!


Feb 27, 2007

Hi.Thanks for the well wishes.I did take a 2 ½ hour nap this afternoon.I woke up boiling about 4:45 and called Marty to see if he needed a ride home and he did so I went in to pick him up.He was working on some emails so I had to wait for him about 45 minutes.He cooked supper for us when we got home and is going to do the dishes.Yeah!

ChargerGirl, congratulations on entering and completing a 5K run!That is awesome.Congratulations to your husband as well.All right for going to for a 10K next month.

Lliang, sounds like you are getting some good meals ready for James to have while you are gone.Have fun skiing.I will wave at you since you’ll be in my part of the country.

Zoe, no worries about your post.This is a great place to vent.The 100 calorie packs are convenient.I will have to try the craisins.Good job eating a brownie then throwing the rest away.Brownies are one of my occasional treats too.

ILuvEmeralds, sorry to hear your bad news.Hugs to you.What kind of cancer does your sister have?How awful for her and also how sad for the boy with leukemia.I hate to hear about maybe losing your job.

Tacori, glad you had a great workout.

Skippy, I was snacky today too.Lucky for me I only have things like baked lays, dry roasted almonds, 100 calorie English muffins, etc.





Jun 15, 2006
Hi all, I have a computer...HOORAY!

ILE, I am so sorry about your sister, your student, your job. What a difficult week. My thoughts are with you.

Welcome, Ara.

Lorelei, great opener, as always. Such a good reminder to eliminate road blocks.

Tacori, I read your message to me last week. I am very lucky to have a brilliant husband who has managed to navigate this economic mess successfully, but it has changed our life in some ways. Thanks for your kind words, we could be in a much worse place than we are. My goal is to maintain, not lose anymore weight. I''ve been in a good place, sans the Christmas gain this year, for about a year and a half. I''m sure you''ll meet your goal.

Skip, so sorry about allergies.

Marc, sorry about the cold.

Charrger, great job on the 5k! You''re such a champ.

Had to write a report this afternoon for my second job before heading over to do kidsitting/respite/whateveryouwanttocallit so I couldn''t hit the gym. It''s a crazy week for me, so tomorrow and Wed. are out too, that means lots of exercise Thur, Fri, Sat, Sun, and that''s okay.

Tacos for dinner, yum! Night all.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey......It was a typically long Monday at work. I did my 9th and last (for now) hour long training session this morning, which went well. I guess it's becoming routine that I don't get to leave till after 6, so today was no exception. I met Charlie right after work for sushi, then I stopped off at Sbucks for some deccaf on my way home and we split a cupcake for dessert. Tomorrow's an 'uber' Tuesday, with a gym owrkout immediately after work. I'll check in tomorrow night, but it will be a fly-by at best.

Great opener as usual Lorelei. I love how you related your real obsticals as an impediment to working out. And you're going to overcome it and keep on trucking towards the healthy Lorelei we've all come to love and admire!

lliang yesterday you asked what a Gasparilla is. It all started before the turn of the centuryy when Jose Gaspar (a Pirate) tried to take over the small city of Tampa (unsuccesfully). So, the city leaders turned it into an annual festival, where all these "krewes" dress like pirates and stage a takeover of the city, including attempting to get the key to the city from the mayor. And it's the biggest street party of the year, with a huge parade filled with floats and pirates tossing beads to everyone on the parade route. This year's event drew over 350,000 people, so it's a pretty big deal for Tampa.

Marcy, I guess no one wants to hear they don't look good, but I'm glad your boss suggested you go home and get some rest. Good for you having chicken soup. It really is good for a cold.

Welcome again Ara Ann. We've all had episodes in our lives that derailed us. I'm glad things with your husband and you are great and you're ready to start working on a healthier you.

Hey dragon, I'm you got some exercise in this weekend. It's ok to take some time off once in while too.

Yay for some new clothes Steph!! It sounds like you're doing great!

Yay for loser pants Holly!! Woo Hoo!

Hey Cdn! Good for you making healthy choices at the party!

I'm very proud of you for doing so well in the 5K Charger!!

Zoe, we're all here to help each other and this is the perfect place to be able to write about your frears and frustrations. So, no apologies, OK? You should feel free to write about how you're feeling and know that we care.

Oh my ILE. I'm so sorry to see about your sister's cancer, the student's leukemia and your job situation. The fact that you turned to exercise to help overcome your frustration. I know what you mean when you say your workouts have been saving you. It's been a couple of difficult years for us and the gym has been my salvation and the only place I can go and not worry about anything. Please stay in touch and let us know how you are doing. Lot's of PS Dust to you, your sister and your student.

Zumba must have been a good workout if you're tired Tacori! Good for you!

I'm sorrry your allergies have been difficult Skippy. I'm sure Zyrtec will work well for you. You take care sweetie!

Yay for having a computer Kimberly!!

OK......That's it from me. I hope your week started on a good note........


Feb 27, 2007

Kimi, that is great news you have your computer again.Kudos for being in a good place for a year and a half.I sure appreciate how much harder maintaining is than losing.Good luck with your crazy week.

Rod, I am sure you’re relieved to be finished giving your classes for awhile.Mmm, the cupcake sounds good.Good point about exercise being a great way to work out frustrations.I was going to go walk on the treadmill but every time I stand up my sinuses start hurting so I think I’ll just get ready and go to bed early.

Sweet dreams to you all.




Nov 29, 2004
Zoe, Working out at lunch isn''t as bad as I ever thought it would be. However if I didn''t have a gym in my building it would not be an option, but since its there I have no excuse. Also a lot of coworkers go down to workout at lunch so its a motivational, accountability, social environment. I really enjoy it and work hard. However I often take a rinse shower and blow dry the sweat into my hair...although if I get super sweaty then I''ll wash my hair and wear it in a wet bun for the rest of the day. After work I usually just want to go home and watch some tv or cook dinner. Although when the time changes I will start walking or walk/jog routine in the evenings since it will get dark later. My at home exercise is so differnt though b/c I like to be outside to walk/jog...I don''t have the motivation on the treadmill at the gym b/c I''m not going anywhere and the scenery isn''t changing.


Feb 27, 2007
Appletini, it is nice you can workout during the day. A lot of people where I work go for walks at lunch. We have a lot of dust and weeds aorund work so I don''t know if my allergies would handle it. It sure would be nice to get in some exercise during the day. I am never motivated enough to get up early to do it.


Jun 15, 2006
Date: 2/9/2009 11:21:38 PM
Author: marcyc

Kimi, that is great news you have your computer again.Kudos for being in a good place for a year and a half.I sure appreciate how much harder maintaining is than losing.Good luck with your crazy week.

Marc, maintaining is a strange place in the beginning, because there''s no loss goal involved anymore, it''s all about finding a happy medium and sticking put.

Hope everyone has a great day!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Yesterday I did my PT in the morning, and then I had the busiest real estate day that I''ve had in months. Wrote an offer, put on a listing, ran searches for clients, spent time on the phone with other clients. 12 hours of non-stop craziness. I forgot what the active spring market was like, LOL!

Today I did an hour on the dreadmill and then a HARD arm circuit. I feel like I''ve been neglecting my arms lately so I need to get back into that.

They care coming to do the virtual tour of my house today, so fingers crossed please for a good VT!

Not much else to report. Be back later!

Ara Ann

Jan 5, 2009
Thank you for the welcome: Charger Girl, lliang_chi, Zoe, Skippy, Kimberly, Charger And Rod!

Charger, congrats on your run! That''s awesome!

Lliang, I hope your skiing trip goes well! Sounds great!

Zoe, the craisins sound yummy! And I hear ya about ''gym workout intimidation!'' I hope you can find a class you''ll feel comfortable in!

ILE, I am so sorry to hear about all the upsetting news you''ve had this week...I will pray for your sister and your student!

Tacori, sounds like you had a good workout!

Skippy, thanks for the hug! And I do better if I avoid wheat/breads''s not just the calories, something about the wheat makes me hungrier than if I avoid it. Thanks for the tips though!

Kimberly, I hope you schedule settles down soon, sounds like you have a lot going on. And maintaining has always been my biggest struggle too! It takes a different mindset than losing does, for sure.

Rod, hope your day goes well and your workout too!

Appletini, when I worked outside of the home, I also worked out on lunchtime... a group of us power walked through the building for 35 mins., it really helped to get that in before getting home! Make the most of it!

Today I did another 12 mins. of step ups, and now I am off to clean my bedroom and bath. Seems like that few minutes of exercise pumps me up enough to do other things I haven''t had the energy to do these last few weeks! And I have been keeping the meals small far so good!


Mar 13, 2008
The plan is for late yoga tonight. Going with my sis and a girlfriend. I already started making dinner for James, so I don''t have to rush around and do it before yoga.

ILuv, I''m sorry about your upsetting week. You and your family are in my thoughts. It''s good you''re using your workout time as "me" time.

Zoe, don''t need to worry about the poor me post. We''re here to help you for all sorts of support, even the poor me support. :) Mmmm... 100 calorie packs of craisins? I need to look into that. I''m a huge dried cranberry fan. And I figure James is taking care of our monster dog, so the least I can do is make dinners for him. :)

Tacori, Still hitting Zumba? Sounds like it''s really working you out! I''m going to try to look up some classes here in Chicago. Do you have to be really coordinated to do it? Any more childcare adventures for T?

Skip, bad allergies? Ugh!!! I have really bad seasonal allergies in the fall. Hope the Zyrtec is helping you.

Marcy, Are you feeling better today? How''s grandma doing? I"ll make sure I wave back from the top of the mountain. :)

Kim, Hooray new computer!!! :)

Rod, hope your uber day is a good one today. Sounds like work''s really grueling. Hope you get all that stress out on your uber workout :) Gasparilla parades sounds really amusing. James''s parents live in Parrish (outside of Bradenton) I wonder if they go to that parade....

Dee, I''m hoping you have a good VT today. How do you find the Chicago market?
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