
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 9th Feb till 15th Feb

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Nov 29, 2004
I went to yoga during lunch today and also plan to exercise with coworker #2 after work today.


Aug 17, 2005
ugh. i'm having a bleh day. it was so chilly this morning, and BC was downright unpleasant. then there was NO movement on the scale for my usual Tuesday weigh-in. WHY, oh WHY can't I get to the 20lb loss mark? i'm sooo close.

sorry for the debbie downer post. it's just one of those days.

many THANKS for your nice words about the 5k. i need to get back to the high i experienced when i crossed the finish line. that should help me get out of my funk!


Mar 16, 2005
Hello! Well, today I turned the alarm off when it went off at 5am....I was just too tired, I tossed and turned all night and Andrew woke up once. So I am about to make myself a big grilled chicken salad and then get dressed to go to the gym when Adam gets home. I am going to do circuit training and the elliptical and then come home and watch American Idol! Hope everyone has a great night!

CDNBLING, great job on holding back at the party...that is so tough to do!

Marcy, sorry you are feeling bad.

Apple, sounds like you are doing great on your workouts!

Araann, I was the same way of steroids...couldn''t sleep and had a huge appetite...hope I never have to go on them again either!

Charger, yea on your 5k...that is awesome!

Lliang, yea for skiing...have fun!

Zoe, I love craisins too...I will have to look for the 100 cal packs.

Iluvemeralds, so sorry about your sister and all the other bad things going on....hope everything turns around really soon.

Tacori, so glad you are liking Zumba...I''m sure it is a killer workout. How''s Tessa adjusting to the gym daycare?

Skippy, sorry your allergies are bad...hope Zyrtec works for you. I used to take that when we lived in GA, but I don''t need them here in FL.

Kimmy, yea for getting your computer back!

Rod, glad your training sessions are over. Hope you and Charlie are doing well!

DeeJay, Yea for business picking up, that is good news these days!

Jodi, yea for your weightloss and fun gifts!


Dec 29, 2006
Thanks, everyone, for being so supportive! It''s a difficult time for many people out there, and I realize that we could have it much, much worse. I think part of the reason this bothers me so much is that we were hoping to start a family sort of soon. We''re going to wait now though until things are more stable. Thanks for letting me vent and blow off some steam.

Appletini -- thanks for the explanation about working out during the work day. I think it''s a great idea!

Marcy -- I''m telling you, craisins are the best! I have a slight addiction to anything with cranberries.

Hi Jodi -- welcome to PS!

Nothing new to report here. I forgot that I had to leave work early today to go for a follow up eye doctor appt., so I couldn''t go to the gym. I woke up before 5:00 today but I couldn''t drag myself out of bed. There''s always tomorrow though. Really. I''ll go. I promise.

I hope everyone has a good night!


Feb 27, 2007

Happy Tuesday.

I slept 9 – 10 hours last night so I do feel better.I did stay home today though.I told Marty he could take the car to work because I wasn’t planning on going anywhere; that turned out to be a bad idea.First I found I needed something to bake my roast beef for supper; but I improvised and hope it works out.Then the dentist called and had an opening at 2 this afternoon.The F250 extended cab full bed truck is here but me parking it at the dentist office just is not likely so I said sorry I don’t have a car today.Oh well, maybe they will get me in tomorrow.

I baked some muffins to take for my mid morning snack.Yes, I ate 2 of them hot with butter but mind you I made more of them than the box called for so they are about 150 calories each.For lunch I had an easy mac.

I frosted my cake (poorly I might add).I took it out of the freezer but didn’t get to it in 15 minutes as suggested.A lot of crumbs pulled up as I frosted.I wasn’t going to frost it again but OCD got the best of me and I did frost it again; the crumbs are gone but now it’s not smooth.Hopefully I will get better with practice.I mixed up my colors for a rainbow decoration we are doing tomorrow night and mixed up some thinner icing for writing.I packed it all up in 2 crates to haul to class tomorrow night.It seemed like a lot of work getting it all ready.I need to pick up gloves to wear when I work with dye as my fingers are now green and blue.Wish me luck tomorrow evening when I actually try to decorate it.

Kimi, maintenance is very strange.I feel like I eat more treats or extras than I used to but then I get very strict again for awhile until I lose that extra pound or two.So far so good.

DeeJay, glad to hear you are so busy with real estate.That is awesome.Good luck closing some of those deals.

Ara Ann, that is awesome you have more energy to do things around the house.

Lliang, I have dinner cooking already as well.I do feel better today.Grandma is about the same.Strange thing I sent an email to the in-laws that she seemed pretty blue and some of the comments she’s made and their response (don’t know if it was my FIL or MIL) seemed a bit curt like it irritated them.I guess I won’t offer up any more info or opinions to them.Thanks for waving to me from the mountain top.

Appletini, yeah for 2 workouts today.

JodiS, congratulations for reaching your goal and losing 6 pounds.How nice you get a reward for reaching your goals.

ChargerGirl, hang in there reaching that 20 pound mark.You will get there.Definitely focus on the excitement you felt crossing the finish line from your 5K.

Steph, sorry to hear you had a restless night of sleep.I hope you got rested today.

Zoe, I will pick up some craisins.I used to drink crangrape juice a lot.

Have a great day!



Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Hello! I went to Zumba AGAIN tonight! My mom is coming tomorrow night. I am planning on going to a class on Thursday night but probably won''t workout again until she leaves on Sunday. I went by myself which took a lot of inner peace. I just went in the back and helplessly, hopelessly tried to keep up. Tessa at child watch was *VERY* traumatic tonight. She cried as soon as I handed her over (a handful of other babies were crying too). I stood in the hall (looking in the window) and she looked SO sad!
I spent the whole class looking at the door expecting to see someone with a sign saying "tessa''s mom." But 90 mins later there was no sign so I went to pick her up. I *heard* her cry before I even saw her. It was SOOOO heartbreaking. She was just sitting on the floor bawling, clutching her sippy while some other kids cried and/or stared at her. It was clearly a rough night for MANY of those kids. She was still sobbing when I was holding her. They said she cried on and off for the WHOLE time! Also she would NOT let go of that sippy. Maybe b/c it is familiar, from home...I don''t know. The ladies seemed kinda amused by it. She only perked up to say bye and wave to the lady when we were leaving. Of course the lady was SO nice. Told me to bring her back, it will get easier, kids cry when they hear others cry, etc...and she totally melted when T turned on the charm saying good bye. I''ll of course bring her back b/c I have no choice but it''s stressful!

Skippy, hope you had a great workout at the gym! I have to try those healthy steamers. I bought one and thought of you!

marcy, hope you are feeling better. Good luck at class. Take a picture!

kimberly, brilliant DH is ALWAYS a good thing!
Maintaining is a GREAT place to be. I can''t wait! Maybe by her 18 month b-day. That would be a great way to celebrate
Wish you lived here. I NEED a babysitter!

Rod, there are few things better in life than a chocolate cupcake. Good for you for splitting! I am tired tonight too. It is hard core cardio.

Dee*Jay, hope your house sells quickly. It is so pretty. I am sure someone will fall in love at first sight.

Ara, cleaning is a good workout too!

lliang, went again tonight. I am SURE there are lots of classes in Chicago. I am so NOT coordinated (I walk into door frames often) or am a good dancer. I am sure I am not pretty to look at but everyone seems to be concentrating on their own thing and it is a great workout. let me know if you try it.

Jodi....ooh, gifts are ALWAYS fun and motivating. My motivation is not wanting to cry when I see myself in the mirror everyday. Haha. That works too!

CG, I haven''t lost any weight in a long time too. You WILL get there girl. I know it.

Steph, 5 am...ugg! I could never get up to workout at that hour. I tossed and turned all night too but I do EVERY night. *sigh* Hopefully Tessa will do better next time. That really nice there. I bet a kid has to be really bad to get a parent but it seemed everyone has had it happened at least once. Hope you had a great workout.

Zoe, things will get better soon!


Apr 19, 2004

howdy ya''ll!

Shovelled fluffy snow for 1/2 an hour today--so that was my workout. Not much new otherwise.......



Feb 27, 2007

Tacori, how sad that Tessa cried so much and held on to her sippy cup.She loves her mom!I am sure she’ll get better and it’s good for both of you so be brave and keep going to class.That’s cute she turns on the charm to leave when her mom is there to back her up.Good for you making it through the Zumba class.Have fun with your mom coming to visit.My cold is better but my tooth is bothering me again tonight.I will have fun at class tomorrow.I’ll post a picture – good or bad of my first creation.

Sharon, fluffy snow is the best to shovel.We are expecting snow later in the week.



Nov 24, 2006
Back from muscle hour; I am already sore and did it about 1 hr ago.
Okay, will respond to everyone. Off to read.

Okay, I had the beef tip Steamer and did not like it
I do like the chicken ones so I warmed one of those up and threw the beef in the trash.

I saw a bunch of you post in that one thread in Hangout about PS Reputation; I LOVE ALL YOUR POSTS Healthy Lifestyle friends, I read them and enjoy all of them, you all contribute so much!!!!


Nov 24, 2006
MARCY, glad you took the day off and are taking it easy. Sounds like the decorating class is great, you should post in the cupcake thread when you get a chance. eheh

KIMI, yay I am glad you got your computer back!!!

ROD, sorry it was such a long day, huge hugs friend!!!

APPLE, yay for your workouts.

DEEJAY, yay for your workouts and lots of real estate work flowing in!

AR, yay for step!!!

LLIANG, hope you went to yoga!

JODIS welcome!!!

CHARGER, hugs, you look great in pics i have seen!!! You are doing awesome!

STEPH, wow, 5am, that is early! I am sorry you didn''t sleep well, yum to chicken! Yay for the workout!

ZOE, yes, hope you go to the gym tomorrow sweet friend!!!

TACORI, bless little Tessa''s heart; I am so sorry. hugs Tacori. great job on the workout though.

CANUK, yay for your workout!!!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey......This will be short. It was an ''uber'' day, but one where I had a splitting headache and I slept about 2 hours last night. So, since I was feeling pretty crappy, I decided to come home and (gulp, I can''t believe I''m writing this) skip the gym. I slept for a while and with enough extra strength pain relievers, finally got rid of my headache. Charlie worked tonight, so he picked up a salad earlier for me and I just ate that and am fleeing a little better. I''m hoping to sleep tonight, that''s for sure. I won''t be going to the gym tomorrow night, but will absolutely, without question, no excuses, must do it, whether I''m dragging or not, go Thursday night. Poor Sakai has to have her teeth cleaned tomorrow. She has had dental problems for the last few years (seems to be common to the Burmese breed). For some of you who remember our 5 months in Raleigh fieasco, she''d had her teeth cleaned just before we went up there and she got depressed and stopped eating and almost died. So, we''re aprehensive about taking her to the vet, but we have to take care of her mouth. Please keep her in your thoughts tomorrow.

I''ll try to write to everyone individually tomorrow. I''m going to shut down and get some down time, so I''m really ready to go to sleep and really sleep.

I hope everyone had a good day and a better tomorrow.


Feb 27, 2007
Skippy, glad to hear you had a good work out at muscle hour!
Too funny about throwing out food you don''t like. I do that too. I WILL NOT waste calories on food I don''t like.
I plan on going to bed early tonight as well and will probably go to work tomorrow.


Feb 27, 2007
Rod, I hope you sleep really well tonight and feel better tomorrow. Lots of PS dust coming to Sakai hoping she doesn''t get too upset over visiting the vet. Scratch her behind the ear for me.


Nov 24, 2006
Marcy, I hope you get into the dentist tomorrow, bummer; I am sorry.

ROD, I hope you sleep better friend. I hope Sakai is okay tomorrow; sending hugs to Sakai that things go smoothly.


Dec 29, 2006
Good morning!

Tacori -- I''m sorry to hear that T. had a rough night at child watch. I''m sure it will get easier for you both as time goes on. Have a great visit with your mom -- I''m sure it will be fun having her there.

Marcy -- have fun at your class tonight!

Skippy -- you''re so sweet!

Rod -- I hope you feel better and are able to get more rest tonight. Best wishes for Sakai today!

I''ve been waking up super early lately, like before 5:00. I have managed to stay in bed until about 5:15-5:30 and then I get up for the day. I know I could go to the gym if I''m waking up that early but I can''t drag myself out of bed. It''s just so warm and comfy. I''m really tired this morning, but hopefully once I get out of the house and begin working, I''ll get out of this fog.

I just finished breakfast which was regular oatmeal and lower sugar apples and cinnamon oatmeal, mixed together with craisins. Yum! Oh, I also had a string cheese. I''ve been feeling very snacky lately (much more so than I''d like), but I''m determined to keep healthy snacks on hand. Today is cake day at work but I won''t have a piece. I think I mentioned this before but one of my coworkers always brings in a cake that her housekeeper makes for the staff.

All right, I have to finish getting ready for school. Have a good day!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 2/10/2009 3:46:25 PM
Author: JodiS
Hey Charger, Congrats on the 5K!
About a month ago I decided that it was time to start dieting. I am about 5''6 and weight 145 pounds. I set a reasonable goal for myself to lose 5-8 pounds a month. Since I''ve started my chicken and salad diet, I have been doing some light running to tone up the body. I do about a mile every other day, so Charger you should be proud that you put in 3.10 miles no matter how long it takes you. Since the soreness kicked in, I have been slacking on the running. Clearly I am not as motivated as I set my mind to be. So my husband made a deal with me, that if I meet my goal every month he buys me a present. So I am very proud to say that I met my goal this month (6 pounds gone) and I get double the presents because of Valentine''s Day. I was on the JIC website, which is so cool because they have a gift finder which gives you an assortment of jewelry. I found a pretty heart necklace. My husband should be thrilled that I found this website that feeds me new trends and a never ending assortment of jewelry.

Welcome to the thread!!
How lovely to have some sparkly rewards along the way!!!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
marcy, it was heartbreaking. Guess being a parent means having your heat swell AND break multiple times a day! I hope you can get your tooth fixed ASAP! Can''t wait to see the cake.

Skippy, yay for muscle hour! Is it like sculpt? Good to know about the beef tip steamer.

Rod, sorry you aren''t feeling well! Hope today was better.

Zoe, I hope it does. Poor girl. I bet her head hurt from 90 mins of sobbing! She looked so very sad just sitting there and wouldn''t stop crying until she was in my arms. That image is still burned into my brain. Hopefully it will fade before we try it again.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids! Did a hard 30 mins on the hampster wheel this morning, then finished up with 35 mins on the dreadmill. Tomorrow is my PT in the morning.

Food wise I don''t feel like I''ve eaten much today but I''m sure if I added up all the cals I would (as always) be surprised by the number that came out, LOL.

Gotta hop. Meeting a late client.


Nov 24, 2006
Hi all; I had my nephew with me today. He came over and was a little cranky but a nap made him all better. hehe He is lots of fun; I put him in the jogger and went for a walk today. The walk was hard because my arms are super sore and I had to steer the jogger. Hubby and I had Teriyaki Chicken bowls for dinner. I ate a egg white sandwich for breakfast, carrots, cheese sticks, apple, celery sticks, a slice of bread and then the chicken bowl.

TACORI, yay for your clothes fitting loose!! Muscle hour class is 60 min were we have steps and we do squats on the step and we are in motion. I guess we work upper and lower together so if we are doing squats we will do biceps. We do planks, sit ups, kind of the whole body during the work out. We will do lunges and do the triceps at the same time so yes like sculpting but a bit more movement I guess. It is fun. We have a salsa class I should try those. Funk, salsa classes look fun but I can't move my hips like those people; I should try it though. hehe
Have a wonderful time with your mom and wooo for the workouts!!!

ROD, how did Saki do today? I said some kitty prayers today.

ZOE, you are loved by us all honey! I love string cheese!!

LORELEI, hi friend!

DEE*JAY, woo hooo for your 65 min workout woman!!!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey........It was a better day for me. I did sleep last night. All night. I had to get up earlier to get Sakai to the vet early. Poor thing. I don't know how cats know when something's up, but somehow she knew something was and of all mornings for her to decide to hide under the bed. Charlie and I had to crawl under there and pull a very frightened kitty out and into her travel case. Her experience at the vet went well........BUT, poor thing, she had two abscesses and had to have two teeth pulled. Mind you, we have her teeth every year and she keeps losing teeth. It's evidently common to the Burmese breed. I just feel so bad that she has to go through this every year. The vet says it's possible if she lives long enough, she may lose all her teeth. She's almost 12. But the doesn't really shew her food all that much, so she'd likely be OK, even without teeth. We just hate to know she was in pain. Anyway, thanks for the good wishes for our baby. She's curled up in Charlie's lap as I type this. Work was long as usual, but at least I felt fine today. Tomorrow will be an 'uber' day as I AM going to the gym immediately after work tomorrow night.

Thanks Marcy.....I hope you're feeling better, are getting lot's of rest and got in to the dentist.

And thanks Dear Skippy. Salai didn't have a great day, but at least we got her dental problems taken care of for the year.......I'm glad you got to spend time with your nephew today, even if he was a bit cranky.

I'm sorry you're getting up so early Zoe. As long as you're feeling snacky, at least you're having healthy ones!

I meant to welcome JodiS! I hope you do get a gift every month for hitting your goal!!

Thanks Tacori. I am feeling much much better today. I'm sorry it was so heartbreaking for you......

I'll check in tomorrow night, but it will likely be a fly-by since it will be a bit late.


Mar 13, 2008
Hi everyone,

I''m going to make this quick because I''m sick
I took the day off to sleep all day (I slept most of the day), I"m hoping I''ll be better before my trip to Denver. I''m DETERMINED to hit the slops on Sat!

Anyway, I''ll check in, hopefully I''ll feel better tomorrow.



Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone.The cake class was as expected more funny than just fun.We did have a good time.My cake turned out pretty good except my last “O” went crooked.I am kind of OCD on messes and getting things on my hand so I was kind of driving the teacher crazy cleaning my tips and throwing things away.She would scrap my frosting back in my bucket and I’m like “ewe”.I wasted a lot of frosting and disposable bags but that’s fine with me.

No luck on getting in to the dentist today.It sure is a nasty hole I hope I get in tomorrow or Friday.

Zoe, I am like you; I’d rather stay in bed as long as I can where it’s warm and comfy.So you get a cake at work every week?I plan on taking my cake in to work tomorrow.I didn’t want to bring it in the house tonight because I didn’t want to eat a piece of it.

Hi Lorelei.Did you get one of your pieces of workout equipment moved in to the house yet?

Tacori, I am sure it was heartbreaking to see poor Tessa so sad.Hug her for me.Hopefully she will get used to it soon.

DeeJay, it’s sad how quickly those calories add up during the day.

Skippy, I am glad your nephew’s mood improved after taking a nap.Maybe I will suggest that to some people at work.LOL!

Rod, poor Sakai.I am glad the vet fixed her up.I am glad you slept better.

Lliang, I hope you feel better.That would be awful to go on your trip and be sick.

Well, take care and have a great Thursday.


Feb 27, 2007
I posted a picture of my cake in Mara''s cupcake thread. I didn''t think I should post it here.
I did not eat a lick of frosting tonight either.


Dec 29, 2006
Marcy -- yes, we get a cake every week. It''s so sweet of my coworker''s housekeeper to make them for us, and they''re really good (I think the cakes are from mixes though, made with canned frosting). It''s so hard to stay away from them, but I try.

Skippy -- thanks! I love you all too!

Feel better soon Lliang!

Gotta run -- have a good day everyone!


Apr 30, 2005
I have been dusting Sakai like crazy!!!!

Ara Ann

Jan 5, 2009
Checking in to say a quick hi everyone!

I did my 12 mins. yesterday of stepping, but felt really tired after...and I think I overdid it with the cleaning/dusting the day before, I didn''t wear an eyepatch and my eye was irritated all day yesterday. I babied it with lots of extra drops and took it easier yesterday...but then, I realized WHY I felt out of it...I got my ''visitor'' TEN days EARLY!
I have a really bad time anyway, so this was not a welcome event, to say the least. Ugh. I took some Aleve (the only thing that helps) and hopefully I''ll feel better today.

I am hoping all of you have a great day today! Sounds like a few of us are under the weather or a bit down...let''s not get off track or discouraged by that!!!


Mar 26, 2006
Well we had a little excitement here this morning. I was in the gym with my PT and my phone rang but I didn''t recognize the # so I ignored it. A few seconds later the doorman paged me through the intercome system to tell me that MY DOGS WERE RUNNING FREE BY THE RIVER.

Somehow they got out and took themselves for a W-A-L-K. Apparently they followed the exact path I use when we go out. They are indeed creatures of habit. The bad part is they approached some other lady''s dog and she got hysterical (two big loose dogs, etc., I probably would have been a little unhappy too). No harm was done other than the other dog got a little spooked ("traumatized" to use her word) but all was good in the end.

When I got the call the PT came downstairs with me and we separated, each of us heading for opposite ends of the complex to catch the dogs between us, and when we got over with all the drama we went back up to the gym and he said, "Damn you are FAST. Don''t give me any more of this bullsh*t about how you don''t run. Get on that treadmill. Now." So my cover is blown, LOL, and it looks like there might be some running in my future.

Anyway, finished the PT session and now I am at home with my two monsters just trying to get through the rest of the day. I think I need a nap...


Nov 29, 2004
I started back up with the personal trainer today. It was a good, tough workout but I feel energized now. Our PT wants coworker #1 and I do a clensing challenge through next weekend since this weekend is V-day. Only eat fruits, veggies, beans, eggs, and seafood. Yogurt is okay too. That is going to be tough for me, I''ll have to get creative.


Mar 13, 2008
Dee, that''s a pretty funny story about how your dogs blew your cover for running :) I guess your PT is happy to know how else to kick your butt!

Marcy, yay for cake decorating!!! I''ve given up on applying stuff (e.g. sprinkles, toasted almonds, toasted coconut) along the sides of the cake. If you learn how they do that trick please share. :)

Tacori, Tessa will probably get better @ childcare. Sorry it was so tough, but she''s a big girl I''m sure it''ll get easier with time.

I''m feeling a little bit better. I''m working today since I''m taking tomorrow off. I''m hoping to do some kind of activity tomorrow, but am not going to push it. I want to be in relative health to hit the slopes this weekend. There''s no way I''m flying all the way to Denver and sit in the lodge! One of my friends that''s coming with me is a novice skiier so I''ll probably stick with her if I''m too tired in the afternoon.

I think I''m going to make a belated V-day present for James. I''m going to make homemade truffles. I''ve never made them before. I told him I want to take a chocolate making class and he was like "I''m DOWN!" Mind you the man NEVER expressed ANY interest in a cooking class. So maybe we can do that together when he''s done with school :) I think if we really like it we can use that as favors at our wedding.

Other than that I''ve been hanging pretty low. No working out this week...


Nov 24, 2006
This is going to be a quick post; I have my sister, her hubs, and my nephew coming over for spaghetti and meatballs. No workout today but did get some things done (errands). I will try and check in and catch up later tonight!
Hugs to you all
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