
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 2nd Feb till 8th Feb

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Happy Tuesday kids! Just a quick flyby. Did an hour on the dreadmill this morning. Have had kind of an odd eating day (including a cheeseburger and fries from McDonalds!!!
) but if I''m good for the rest of the day I can still salvage it.

*** ROD *** please check your email. There''s a message in there from me!

Gotta hop--be back later!
Hey all. I want to apologize for my recent hiatus. I''ve had a pretty stressful past two weeks. I''ve been out having fun when I can which is good but we''ve been dealing with the psycho ex which isn''t fun and it''s only just now dying down. We''ve also had my best friend break up with her bf so I''ve been trying to be there for her. So I apologize for lack of faithfulness!
I''ve been keeping up with workouts, doing 100 regular crunches and 50 bicycle crunches a night, 30 leg lifts (to work lower abs), cross punches with weights, 50 squats, 30 lunges, and a series of weight moves for my upper back and sides every night. I walk for 45 mins every other morning and am still jogging on the weekends :) I promise I''ll be doing individual responses and good posts again, just kindof hectic here lately.
On a sad note So''s mom''s dog died today, she was very old 18.
On a good note, I''m down to 111 and sitting happy right there mostly working on toning at this point. I''ve been eating well for the most part, but chicken wings have become a tuesday night tradition... uh oh haha. My friend and I went out for sushi as well which I really want more of.
How is everyone?
Afternoon all; I was going to go to muscle hour but I hardly got any sleep last night.
I kept waking up and probably got 3 or 4 hrs of sleep so I am a super cranky pants today. I got my haircut and it has a bit too many layers but maybe I am just cranky so I will be able to tell better tomorrow. I am going for a quick walk in a few mins with hubby. Tomorrow I have an appt to fill the 1st ever cavity I just got; they had me scheduled for end of March but I told them it hurt all week so they had a cancellation so they are getting me in tomorrow morning; I also have my nephew so I will see how this goes. My mom said to call her if I need her help which is sweet. I hope my post is more cheerful tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great evening, huge hugs to you all!

DRAGONFLY, no worries, we all have things come up and we can't post for some reason or another. Great job on the uber workouts you skinny minnie!!

ROD, yay for the uber workout you machine! Yummy to the healthy breakfast sammies at the Bucks! hehe

KIMI, prayers continued for your sister. I am glad you are healthy too friend; sending you a hug my dear friend!

DEEJAY, sending you a hug and I think you deserve a burger and fries.

MARCY, yum to your low fat pizza. Yay for Marty being home and wooo for 60 degree weather. It is suppose to warm up here too.

MISCKA, yay for good scale news!!! Yay for a WHo's who for you!

GECKO, how are you feeling? eek, sorry you are sleepy from the meds.

LLIANG, ah, thank you for the sweet welcome!!! You made me smile! Wooo for yoga! I hope your wrist feels better soon!

APPLE, woo for your yoga!

Waves at LORELEI and LINDA, xoxo

TACORI, yay for Zumba tomorrow friend!
Rod, she did good. But we''ll see what happens next time! Rod you lift for two hours! You must be ripped!

Kimberly, thanks. I am going to be a wreck when kindergarden comes!

Dee*Jay, you are so funny. I was so nervous about it which I now feel silly about. It''s good to know I do not have to rely on DH being home to go to the gym!

skippy, thanks friend. Hope your muscle hour went well!

Marcy, cake decorating sounds so fun! Post pics of your masterpieces (maybe in a different thread though. Haha!)

Linda, Haha. I am hoping next time there will be a kid her age. She LOVES watching other kids (more than strange adults). But you are MORE than welcome to babysit!

Lor, no she was on her BEST behavior. I was surprised she didn''t mention it. She did look rather guilty when I caught her slipping T chocolate frosting but I was angry with that. I look at that as a *treat* vs. a *daily* beverage. KWIM?

Miscka, yay for liking the number on the scale! That is HUGE! I was sad walking away from her but she is too young to feel abandoned right? Haha.

Steph, I mean to say that is AMAZING you went 31 days. I cannot go 31 HOURS w/o sugar.

geck, thanks. Hope you feel better!

lliang, she is one sassy girl! She has a lot of personality and is very independent. I think I might take a yoga class one of these days. It''s always been something that I wanted to try.

dragon, sounds like your work-outs are going great. Sorry for the stress in your personal life. Hopefully that is taken care of. I will never see 111 lbs again! Haha. Good for you!

Okay, onto me. I was suppose go to Zumba today and take T to the child watch. Wouldn''t you know it she was such a crab and went down for nap at 4. The class was at 5:30 and there was no way I could wake her up, feed, change her AND get her checked in before class. So I called my neighbor to cancel. At 5:10 she called and said "hurry up! I just saw your DH in your driveway and he said he would watch Tessa!!!" So I quickly got dressed and we got there just in time. Okay, I am REALLY out of shape. I haven''t been that tired in a long, long time. But it is an awesome work-out b/c you are MOVING non-stop for an hour straight. I am sure I looked at stupid as I felt. Some moves were nearly impossible for me but I got through it and would go back. The teacher said it takes 3 times to "get it" but I think it will be much longer for me. When I came home DH''s buddy was over and I haven''t seen him in months. The first thing he said was how I look like I have lost some weight.
Always nice to hear. I am taking tomorrow OFF. I cannot do 4 days in a row and I promised I could go to a class called Cardio Funk on Thursday. I am going to be sore!
Back from my Walk and a lot less cranky. hehe

TACORI, awesome for Zumba!!! Yay!
skippy, I didn''t see your post before. Sorry you had a bad day. I have only had 2 cavities and they were no big deal. Yay for a nice walk. Hope you get some sleep tonight!
Date: 2/3/2009 8:46:53 PM
Author: Skippy123
Back from my Walk and a lot less cranky. hehe

Miss Skippy cranky? Impossible! Sorry about your cavity.

I could have ran outside today, as it was warm--but ran around with errands instead. I am getting bored indoors exercising--but such is life in a country with snow. Push on.

Hope ya''ll are well

Hey.......sorry this has to be pretty short. It's almost 11 and I'm just now getting into the HLT. It was certainly an 'uber' Tuesday for moi. Got to work early, left late, but thanks to all the Superbowl people who were clogging our roads, who have now left (YAYAY), getting to the gym took much less time and I was on the gym floor by 6:30. I had a strong workout. I'm sore, so I know I must have worked pretty hard. Tomorrow's a day of rest and Charlie's off, so he'll cook something at home for dinner tomorrow night.

DeeJay........I got your message and wrote you back. WOW!

Oh dear sorry about the cavity. Feel better soon sweetie!

I wish I could say I was ripped Tacori, but alas, I'm not. I am in pretty good shape though and have developed some pretty good muscles in my arms and chest.

Hey everyone else. I'm sorry I can't write you all individually, but it's late and I need to wind down so I get some sleep before starting a new day.
Hello everyone!!

Deejay, do you think we''ll have a warm enough March? How''d you do post McD''s? After you mentioned Indian food earlier I HAD to organize a Devon trip with my friends. 1) I''m running low on spices, 2) I want to get my eyebrows threaded and 3) most importantly jones-ing some Indian food now!!

Canuk, where are you that it''s warm in Canada? I''m jealous!

Dragon, hope life calms down a bit more for you. Congrats on the happy weight state.

Skippy, glad you''re feeling less cranky. Sorry you have a cavity. I''m going to the dentist on Monday. So far no cavities, I''m hoping for more of the same. But my teeth have shifted and I have some gaps. Going to talk to them about getting a retainer or something. Gosh I feel like I''m in the 7th grade...

Rod, hmm.. SBucks breakie sammys? Intriguing. I might have to check it out, I"m usually a non-sbuck-er since I drink tea not coffee. I''d suggest Peet''s for tea if you''re ever hankering for a change. And tea''s very good for you with antioxidants and what not. :) Hooray for uber workouts!!!

Marcy, glad Marty''s home, you can tell him the 60F weather melted the driveway. hee hee. Hope he like AZ.

Apple, yes! you would know exactly what I mean about missing an oven. Except you had it worse, right around X''mas (or T-giving). I couldn''t even imagine!!! What was wrong with yours? Did the ignitor go out? That''s what happened to mine. Yay for yoga! Are you doing a lunch workout with coworkers #1 and #2 tomorrow?

Tacori, what''s Zumba?
[goes to put on dunce cap] Glad you liked it enough to go back. I''m sure you''re more coordinated than you give yourself credit for. It''s great that your neighbor is your gym buddy. Hooray for gym buddies. And T might be sassy, but I''m guess she''ll definitely be a heart-breaker and sassy when she gets older. It''s great that she''s so independent. A big high five for the compliment from DH''s buddy.

For me :
Yoga tonight started as tough but ended up being REALLY good. It was quite crowded, but I think I"m just getting "immune" to it. I''m still not sure if I''m going to do it in Feb or not, but the pilates studio we were looking at doesn''t have a monthly pass. So we might do just one more month of yoga. Then I''m hoping that it will be warm enough to start running outside.

I came back from yoga STARVING. I made myself some masoor dahl (lentils) and rice. Mmm, mmm satisfied my Indian fix for now, but alas means I''ve further diminished my spice stock....

Hi everyone.

I hope you had a great day.I had a “sweet” day.
I did eat normal food but was greeted by a chocolate frost Krispy Kreme (which I ate) and I had a brownie bite at a birthday party this afternoon.Other than that I did eat my usual food so I guess it wasn’t that bad.

I was so angry at myself last night.

In my obsession to get the laundry done I didn’t go through everything and I washed and dried a silk shirt I bought Marty for Christmas.The bad news is now it doesn’t fit him but maybe it will fit me.

We went to see grandma right after work then went out for supper.I ate ½ my supper and will have the rest for lunch tomorrow.

I walked on the treadmill so I probably walked off my brownie bite.


Tomorrow night I am going to start a cake decorating class.That will be fun for me.

Linda, I am sure you and Tessa would have a great time together.You’d spoil her a lot.

Hi Lorelei.

Appletini, I can’t wait to start my cake decorating class.I am sure I will have a new appreciation for the price you pay for a cake at a bakery.

Miscka, congratulations for having nice results on your weigh in.

I will let you know how I like the class.

Geckodani, get better soon.

Lliang, I hope your oven is fixed.You have quite the variety of food planned to bake.I hope your hand gets better soon.Marty never noticed or mentioned our driveway and sidewalk being cleaned off so I guess he didn’t think about it.


DeeJay, some days you just need McDonald’s fries.


Dragonfly, sorry to hear about the stressful things in your life right now.Congratulations for being down to 111 pounds.


Skippy, sorry to hear about a short night, a sore tooth and a hairdo you aren’t fond of so far.What a day for you.I hope your tooth feels better after tomorrow.Sleep well tonight.I am sure your nephew helped brighten your day.Post pictures of your new hairdo if you want.I bet it looks great.I always find it takes me a few days to adjust to a new hairdo.

Tacori, I don’t know if I’ll have any masterpieces to post but we can be hopeful I will have something to show off.I am sure you will have a hard time leaving Tessa at school on the first day.Glad to hear your husband made it home in time for you to get to the zumba class.It sounds like quite a workout.What a nice compliment and fun to hear that you’ve lost weight.


Sharon, our snow is melting finally.Of course I know there is more lurking out there in our future.

Rod, I am glad you were able to get in one of your terrific workouts tonight.

Well, take care.


I am very glad MIL was on her best behaviour, you did good and will probably need to keep her on a very tight leash Tac but hopefully now she has realized she will need to be respectful!!! She made me so mad with the juice issue over the Holidays!!!
I thought I''d share with y''all my smoothie of the week...I had to wait until today to make it because all of the bananas at the grocery store on Sunday were very green. Also today I made the full recipe (2 servings) so DH could have one too...he loved it and wants me to enough for him every morning too.

I don''t remember the name of this one, but here are the ingredients...

1 (6 oz) container lite/FF vanilla yogurt
1 cup pomegranate juice
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 cup frozen peach slices
1 banana, sliced into rounds
So here I told y''all about liking the # on the scale...and then I ate a bunch of ice cream last night.

I don''t know what came over me! I think it was that darned *something* that DeeJay was talking about.

Ugh. So today NO sweets and trying to be extra good.
Hey everyone. Well today seems to be a bit brighter. I started Monday on a fruit fast to help cleanse, but by Tuesday was coming down with a cold, which I''m fighting but I seem to be beating it. But on Monday Night I had gone to the grocery to get fruit for my fast, and now I have ton o fruit! I had to stop the fruit fast yesterday b/c I needed good sick battling foods. So I''m just incorporating it all into my diet. I have frozen mangoes, oranges, apples, I ate my nectarines and my anjou pear already, blueberries, strawberries, pineapple and bananas! I got in 45 mins on the tread mill yesterday morning just walking (trying to finish a book) then last night did crunches, leg lifts, squats and jumping jacks. Tonight''s plan is to do jumping jacks, jump rope, cross punches, push ups, sit ups, crunches, leg lifts, 100, plank, squats, lunges, and weights. It''s freezing 20-30 degrees here so I''m eating chili for lunch to keep me warmed. That was also dinner last night. We attended SO''s mom''s dog''s funeral, and it was nice, she is buried under SO''s mom''s window as she always protected her. We''ll be planting wildflowers over the grave. I was supposed to have run a 5k recently but had to cancel due to differing schedules with everything, so I''m looking for a new one to plan for.
Skippy - good luck at the dentist, you''ll do fine!
Tacori - glad you enjoyed Zumba, and yay for the great compliment!
Lliang - have you tried yogatoday? Online?
Marcy - Oh no! Hope the shirt fits you
Hey lliang,

If you get time sweets, I love lentil recipes so I would love to hear more about the lentils and rice!
Today I''ll be skipping yoga. I''m going over to a friends house to help make wontons for her annual "Winter Wonton-a-thon." We''re making 500 wontons and she''ll be having everyone come over for wonton soup (and drinking) on Friday. My dad used to have a Chinese restaurant (and I worked there on the weekends) so making 500 wontons is a snap for my sister and I. So to make up for skipping yoga I''m going to try to do some working out at home. I''ll do some arm lifts, push ups, crunches, squats etc.

Dragon, what''s your daily routine? I haven''t checked out yoga today I''ll give that a look :)

Miscka, on Sunday I was telling James I was really feeling some ice cream, but we didn''t have any in the house so I didn''t get to have some. I think the craving passed, but I dunno, I haven''t bought ice cream at the store yet.

Apple, I love pomegranate juice! I actually love everything about pomegranates.... Your smoothie sounds tasty (well, I would sub the yogurt with silken tofu), hooray that DH wants you to make it for him. You should tell him how to make it himself, so he can make it for you. Hee hee :)

Marcy, Yeah, I do have a wide array of baking stuff lined up for my oven. And I want to make cookies too. Chocolate chip and some kind of oatmeal. How''s the cake decorating class? Any tips you thought was cool you''d like to share? Sorry you ruined Marty''s shirt but at least you can wear it now...
lliang, wonton-athon...what a cute idea! I would tell DH to make it, but when I leave for work in the morning he is usually still sleeping. I thow everything in the blender the night before, put the pitcher in the fridge, and then give it "whirr" [Ellie Krieger term] in the morning, so the fruit is all thawed.
Hi friends; I went to the dentist and it turns out I don''t have a cavity, yay, but the bad news is that I might have to have a root canal (on a different tooth). I acutally saw the other dentist in the office during my x rays recently and he wasn''t thourgh so from now on I am going to ONLY see my dentist. I go see the specialist on Monday so I will find out for sure re: root canal. Thanks for all the good teeth wishes!!!

I slept well last night; I think the walk helped. My nephew is doing well, just taking a nap right now. Hopefully when he wakes up he will want to go for a walk.
I made some chicken lentil veggie soup that I will be eating tonight!!
Have a great day all!

TACORI, wooo hooo on your hubby''s friend noticing you lost weight; that would make me feel super good! Yay!!!

CANUK, hehe I was cranky from lack of sleep but all better now. Yay, i hope it warms up soon for you; yay for errands!

ROD, yay for your uber workout!!! What did Charlie make for dinner?

LLIANG, yay for no cavity''s, lots of flossing. hehe Oh I bet the retainer will help! Yum to Indian food; I love lentils (so healthy and good for you)! Glad you did yoga, that is great! yum to the wontons.

STEPH, hi friend where are you? How is Andrew?

MARCY, yum to a donut. hehe Oh no sorry about shrinking the shirt; can you wear it? woo for the treadmill.

LORELEI, love the kitty snowcone pic, hehe makes me laugh!

APPLE, the smoothie sounds yummy!

MISCKA, I love ice cream.

DRAGONFLY, yay for the hard workouts!
Date: 2/3/2009 11:04:55 PM
Author: lliang_chi

Canuk, where are you that it''s warm in Canada? I''m jealous!

Wellllll my idea of warm might not be yours--it was prhaps 12C today? Missed my window for a run outdoors in the slush.....

BTW your wonton-athon sounds like a hoot! 500 wonton "nothing"??? When''s dinner?? yum

Hey.......Man......IT''S TOO COLD DOWN HERE!!! Brrrrrr, they''re saying it will be a hard freeze and dip into the 20s tonight. I feel badly for the citrus and fruit growers. They''ll have a really tough night tonight and it will definitely cause devastation to crops. It was a typically long day at work. Lot''s of pressure these days. I didn''t leave the office till after 6:30. At least Charlie had a nice hot meal ready for me when I got home. He went to Fresh Market and thought he bought regular chicken thighs (with skin and bones), but alas, they gave him boneless, skinless thighs. They were good, but I honestly prefer bone in chicken and yes (even though it''s probably not that good for me) nice crisp skin. We also had steamed veggies. We had a couple pieces of dark chocolate for dessert. Tomorrow''s an ''uber'' day again as I''ll go to the gym right from work.

lliang, I''m glad yoga worked out well for you. Tough can be good. Not all Sbucks serve food, but if you find one that does serve the breakfast sandwiches, I must admit they''re really good and surprisingly non-greasy! Thanks for the advice on tea. I''ve just never been much of a tea drinker, except when I have a cold. For some reason, tea with lemon is a comforting beverage when I''m not feeling well. A wonton-athon sounds like fun!

How cute Marcy......A "Sweet Day!" I hope the now shrunk silk shirt does fit you. I''m guessing the way you and Marty shop, he probably wouldn''t even notice it was no longer in his closet........LOL Yay for walking on the treadmill to work off the sweets!!

Hey Lorelei.......I saw how it snowed in London. Did you get snow too?

Yummm to that smoothie apple! Thanks for the recipe.

Chances are some ice cream isn''t going to derail your progress Miscka. Besides, we have to have some fun now and then, right??!!

I''m sorry you''re coming down with a cold dragon, but it sounds like you''re fighting it really well. I read recently that moderate exercise when you have a cold is really good for your immune system. If you do it at the gym, just make sure you wipe everything down after you''re finished so you don''t give anyone a cold.

Skippy, I''m sorry to see you may need a root canal. But, if you do, you''ll be pleasantly surprised at how painless they are. I had one a couple years ago. I''m a night grinder (I now have to wear a dental guard every single night to prevent grinding) and I actually cracked a tooth and over time the root became damaged, but it only hurt really bad at 30,000 feet when I flew. Anyway, fear not sweet girl. If you need one, you''ll hardly notice it at all.

OK......that''s a wrap from me. I hope everyone''s doing well.
My computer is going crazy, my third attempt responding.

Hi all. Gym, walk on the beach with kiddo I sit for, fish for dinner (soon!).

Skip, thanks for thinking of my sister.

Dragon, no need to apologize, life happens.

Everyone else, hope all is well. Hitting submit before the stupid virus shuts me down again!

Hi everyone.I went to my first cake class tonight.I am in over my head in skill – and it will cost more than I planned but it is going to be fun.There are 4 of us in the class; 2 are from work and the other lady I know as her husband used to work for Marty.I am going to make a star cake to take in to decorate next week.The teacher passed around her buttercreme frosting to taste but I was good and passed it on.It did smell delicious though.

Poor Marty had a tissue tumor cut out of his back today.They got out about the size of 3 golf balls.She told him he is going to be bruised and sore for a few days.They thought it was the size of an egg but turned out to be larger than expected.He is very stubborn about not taking medicine so we’ll see if he gets out some aspirin or advil to help with the pain.He’s had a long day too as he got called from work at 5 this morning and neither one of us could go back to sleep.Now he is at work and has to go back about midnight again.With a sore back and no sleep he is going to have a long and miserable night.

Hi Lorelei.

Appletini, your smoothie sounds really good.I might have to start making those on the weekends.

Miscka, I doubt some ice cream did a great deal of damage.Have you tried the slow churned?I love it and it is pretty low calorie and low fat.

Dragonfly, I am glad to hear your day seems brighter.Good luck getting over your cold.I think the shirt will fit me but I can’t find it.I wonder if Marty threw it away?Maybe he put it in the laundry.

Lliang, have fun making 500 wontons – that sounds like a lot to me but you must be a pro at it from your dad’s restaurant.I did learn a few things at class.You should freeze your cakes on cardboard with foil (after they cool of course) as frozen cakes are easier to frost.Take them out of the freezer about 15 minutes before you want to frost them.Also I always put the bottoms of the cakes together in the middle but you put the top up on both layers when you put your cake together.She had this amazing tip that is about 2 ½ inches wide that you use to frost the cake and easily covers one layer at a time on the side.When you frost around the sides you should never lift your spatula.She also made a few roses tonight and it looked so easy when she did it.We’ll see how well mine turn out next week.

Skippy, I am so sorry to hear you might have to get a root canal.I am sending you mega good luck wishes that you don’t have to have one.I am sure the shirt will fit me okay and I have some jackets that it matches.That’s one way to get me a silk shirt.

Sharon, we were in the 50’s today which is very pleasant for this time of year here.

Rod, I heard you were having a cold spell in Florida.Stay warm.Do you need one of my fleece blankets?I have them everywhere in our house.Sorry to hear you are under a lot of pressure at work; I am glad you have your workouts to help relieve some of that stress.You are correct in that neither one of us would really miss having a shirt or two anymore.I honestly have so many clothes now I am not even looking at them when we go shopping.I have been on a quest to not repeat a top until I’ve worn everything.It started after the New Year and so far I haven’t repeated a top yet.I think I’m good for awhile too.

Kimi, rats for having a computer virus.They can be so nasty.

Well, I need to get ready for bed as I am pretty tired.


Hey everyone. So I ended the night well. I found a great workout in Fitness magazine that I did along with 150 crunches, squats, and some cross punches. This morning I did 30 mins and 1.5 miles walking on the TM. Breakfast was kashi go lean cereal, with 2% milk and mid morning just had a few goldfish cuz I needed a treat, It''s COLD. I''m not used to this sub 30 degrees bs. Tonight we''re taking SO''s mom out for her birthday. I''m going to make myself be good. This weekend we are off to West Palm, so maybe try to get some workout in somewhere, but it''s rare when we''re down there. Lunch today will be tuna and crackers, maybe with an orange.

Lliang - Daily I do 100 crunches, 50 squats, 100 jumping jacks and I''ll either do walking/jogging on treadmill, strength, or yoga with yoga today. I''ve found their sessions to be very good, I learn how to do things correctly which is nice, and they''re free.

Skippy - Yay no cavity!!!!!!!

Rod - 20''s PPPPPPPPPPPSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it was 9 at my house this morning right near UF. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

marcy - tell him we said feel better!
I worked with coworkers #1 and #2 at lunch today...we had a good workout and are considering starting 3way PT sessions together b/c it would be really cheap...just need to convince coworker#2. I am really enjoying my breakfast smoothies...I will definitely keep it really keeps me full through lunch.

Have fun in class...for my class we didn''t do a real cake until the last one, I can''t imagine having to decorate a real one each week, the tempation would be impossible to resist.
Back from a 3.5 mile walk.
It was beautiful today 60 degrees and it is feeling a bit like spring weather as the days are getting a bit longer so I had to soak in the sunshine during my walk which I LOVED
Oh last night hubby wanted chocolate cake (a piece from Whole foods) so I had a few bites but it was way too sweet and rich, funny how your taste buds change.
Tonight we are having soup and spinach salad. Have a great day all!!!!!!!

SHARON, wow that is chilly out there! Stay warm.

LORELEI, stay warm!!

ROD, wow that is cold for Florida; my neighbors are out there right now so I bet they will be happy to come back to sunny NM. Oh no, I am sorry about the stress at work; I am praying out economy improves soon! hugs to you dear Rod. Thank you Rod I am crossing my fingers the specialist says I don't need a root canal.

KIMI, oh no, I hope your computer doesn't have a virus. Wow, gym and walk on the beach sounds nice.

MARCY, my dad did a cake decorating class and it was the cutest thing; he was the best in his class and the women would ohhh and ahhh over his decorating. I bet you are having a great time!!!! You need to post some pics in the cupcake thread of your creations!

DEEJAY, thinking of you!!!!

DRAGONFLY, you do awesome with your workouts!!!

APPLE, yay for your great and inexpensive PT session!
Hey, guys. Quick fly-by. Sorry I have been MIA this week, but Adam has been working a different schedule for the past few days, so he has had the morning and afternoon off with us, so we have been really busy. Anyway, still doing my has been exactly 1 month since joining the gym and I only missed 3 days. I have lost 7 pounds so far and several inches, so I am super proud that the work is starting to pay off. Anyway, hope everyone is doing well and enjoy your evening!
Okay, that class was NO JOKE! The instructor said people can burn up to 1,000 calories in the hour
It was so much harder than Zumba but then again I am as far from hip hop as one can get! It''s really hard for me to follow moves My brain is slow when it comes to moving my body. He also didn''t really instruct...people just seemed to know what to do. I am so tired but at least I tried!

lliang, Zumba is a cardio dance class. It is the new rage...think 21st century Jazzercise. If you google it you can find more info. I am SCARED when Tessa starts dating but I have a feeling she will not be pushed around!
How cute is your "Winter Wonton-a-thon." Hope you had fun!

marcy, we all deserve a treat once in awhile! I love donuts...too much! Nana Linda would TOTAL spoil my girl! After all she doesn''t HAVE a grand daughter. I am so sorry to hear about Marty! I am thinking of you and him.

Lor, she makes me angry too! Hopefully things will go smoothly but I know it will be IMPOSSIBLE not to have our moments once she moves here. (free babysitting, free babysitting, free babysitting)

Miscka, you are tall girl! One bowl of ice cream will NOT do you in!

dragon, you are a work-out queen! Hope you are doing well.

Skippy, oh no! Yay for no cavity, boo for the root canal! I am always willing to accept a compliment!
As I get older they are getting fewer and farther in between. Yay for your walk! I miss 60 degrees! Soon...soon...

Steph, good for you! You are almost at your goal!!!

Rod, I love Fresh Market
It is so cold here too but yet suppose to be 70 degrees on Sunday
Hey, from your worn out friend in Tampa. I''m sure you know my day by heart. Got up early. Went to work early. Worked hard. Work day was long and stressful. Left work after 6. Went directly to the gym. Worked out hard. Came home to find that Charlie went to Fresh Market and bought waaaay too much food for dinner. He went crazy. Creames spinach. Green beans with squash. Sesame noodles. Coconut chicken. It was a bigger dinner than I would have typically had, but I must admit it was all good. At least I ate all these calories just after a workout, when my metabolism is at its highest. Tomorrow is Friday.......YAYAYAYAYAYAY. We''ll have our usual Friday night sushi. Saturday will be a crazy day here as it''s Gasparilla, which is the adult version of the parade we had two weeks ago. It''s an annual city wide party, where the "Pirates" take over the city (they actually show up on a pirate ship, fully decked out as pirates. Then they have a huge parade and the floats throw beads at people for several hours and people get drunk. It''s something to see once, but we live on the parade route, which means getting in and/or out of condo will be pretty impossible on Saturday. Oy..........

It''s pretty late and I need to relax, so I can start a new ''fun'' day at work in the morning. I hope you''re all looking forward to Friday and the start of a great weekend. Oh, it was soooooo cold down here today. I know it''s colder elsewhere, but we''re just not used to waking up to temps the 20s. But they say it will warm up to the low 70s by Saturday.

Hi everyone.I am shot tonight.I had about 3 hours of sleep so I hope to get to bed a bit early tonight.We went out to supper, went to see grandma, and then came home.I bought my cake decorating kit today (the deluxe model) so went through it and put a bunch of it in the dishwasher.I am so in over my head on this but it does look fun.

Marty’s back isn’t hurting him too bad; it’s just sore.Yeah.

Dragonfly, stay warm.I think it’s warmer than that here today.Thanks for the well wishes for Marty.

Appletini, that is impressive your smoothies last you until lunch.That is awesome.I thought of decorating cake pans then washing them off but I will just buy cheap cake mixes and pick flavors that aren’t my favorite.Marty doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth so if we never cut it at home I am sure I can pass them on to someone else.

Skippy, how wonderful to enjoy some springtime weather on your walk.It is funny how really sweet things aren’t as appealing as they used to be.That is too cute your dad was the star of the cake decorating class.Marty is still thinking of the taking the class and I bet he’d do better than I will.I will post pictures of my cakes.I had fun going through my kit tonight.

Steph, congratulations on losing 7 pounds and several inches so far.

Tacori, your class sounds like a wonderful workout.I guarantee you all of us would spoil Tessa for you if we lived by you.Thank you for thinking of us.Marty is doing better than I thought he would be tonight.

Rod, let’s hope we both get a good night’s sleep tonight.The parade this weekend sounds fun.Stay warm.

Take care and I’ll check in with you probably Saturday sometime.


Marcy take them to work so they''ll end up on someone else''s waistline.
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