
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 2nd Feb till 8th Feb

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all!

Everyone is doing a great job - well done!!!

Today I wanted to discuss the times when things don't go so well and having realistic expectations. Even though I have been following this way of living for almost four years now, I still get days where I feel heavier than others, unsatisfied with my appearance, struggle with trying to make the best choices - the list goes on. I wish I could honestly say that it has been plain sailing since I have been trying to live a healthier lifestyle, but it hasn't been quite that easy. One thing I will say though is that it is so worth it in making the effort to try to stick with this way of living. I still remember the days where I knew I was getting it so wrong, eating badly and not feeling my best, but due to the bad advice I received in my earlier years and silly stupid diets, it appeared it was either a case of be starving hungry and exist on tiny amounts of food I hated, or eat what I wanted to, so invariably I chose the latter....Until the penny finally dropped that maybe I could find a way to live without all this anguish with a modified approach and try to kickstart my metabolism into working more efficiently with some exercise.

I am now reasonably at peace with my body, which will never be perfect - but despite my back problems and the resulting issues, my body works well for me and I am grateful for the better health I can enjoy thanks to my healthier lifestyle. I try to think of calories more in terms of fuel, and trying to balance what I eat compared to my activity levels. I am a work in progress and always will be, as I realize the day where I have all the answers and never have to worry about working hard to keep a healthier body isn't going to come - ever. But thats ok, each new day is an opportunity to do better, learn more and importantly be grateful that now those days of starvation and absurd starvation diets are firmly in my past - where they belong.

Have a great week
Well I am back home for the afternoon. The snow was quite bad here this morning so school closed at 11am.

So now I can post properly. I''ll copy/paste my news from this morning...

Lost 3lb this week. That''s 11lbs total so far. I''m approaching my first stone.

It''s great. I don''t feel or look any different though because I am so overweight, but I am not going to let that dishearten me at all.

Plus, this is the first time in over a year and a half that I have weighed UNDER 21 stone! Current weight is 20 stone 12 lbs!


Lorelei - great opening as always. You always give us food for thought.

Have a great week everyone!

YAY Merry thats brilliant!!! VERY WELL DONE!!!!!

Also I am sure the weight loss is noticeable even if you don't see it yourself, but remember 11 pounds IS a lot and that it is certainly enough lost to start having a positive impact on your health!!!
Nice opener Lorelei! Yay Merry! Congrats!

No news to report on the weight front. I had a bit of a medical drama this weekend. Had to be admitted to the ER yesterday with sever hives, and had to get a shot of epinephrin and IV benadryl, pepcid steroids and something else I can''t remember. And they''re coming back.
So I called in to work and am sitting here waiting for the allergist to open. I am going to go and CAMP OUT if necessary!!!
Morning All.

Thank you, again, for all the kind words about my sister. She''s home and healing, which means lots of rest for her. She is doing better than I expected, so nice to see.

It''s back on the wagon for me today. I actually lost a bit more weight while gone, I only went on one run, but I spent much of my time running around her home. I ate lots of toast while there, and other healthy foods, so my trip was successful food wise. I''m back to work and the gym today.

Merry, congratulations on more success. It''s so fun watching you progress!

Gecko, I''m so sorry about your hives/ER trip. I hope they figure out what is going on with you and that you heal soon.

Lorelei, thanks for the great opener. I was looking at my icky belly this morning, left over from being overweight, thinking eck! But, if I''m being honest with myself, it''s not so bad considering where I was and where I am. My body takes great care of me, back issues like you and all, and I''m so lucky for that.

Have a wonderful day all.
Good morning everyone!!!

Great opener Lorelei.

Merry!!! Congrats on the 11 lbs!! We''ll cheer you on the whole way! That''s awesome!

Gecko, OH NO!!! Get better! My sister used to get bad allergies like that (not so bad that it''d require a hospital though). We never figured out the reason, but that was before she was more careful with allergy stuff. Now she''s been pretty good for years.

Kim, It''s good to hear you sister is doing better than you expected.

The plan is to hit yoga again this morning. Hopefully my sister will join me.
I went to TBT today and had a great workout...tomorrow I''ll go to yoga during lunch. I was really bad at the superbowl party last night with lots of queso and brownies, but hey it was a special occasion. I''ll trying a new WW recipe tonight for dinner so if its yummy I''ll post it for y''all.

Merry, Congrats on the weightloss! keep up the good work! You should take pictures of yourself occasionally to visually see the progress...I''m always amazed by Marcy''s incredible shrinking woman collages.
Hey, guys. Had a pretty bad weekend foodwise. Saturday we went to the Cheesecake factory for lunch. Although I split an appetizer with Andrew, I did eat some of the cheesecake Adam can you resist at such a place? It was the first time I had any sweets all month (I lasted 31 days!), and it was wonderful and worth every calorie, but I got an instant headache from the sugar rush. Sunday was not much better as Adam made us some yummy football food including empanadas, guacamole, and spring rolls. I did however, manage to go to the gym both days, so at least I worked a fraction of it off! Anyway, today is back to healthy eating for me. Hope everyone is having a great Monday!
Sorry I have been MIA. My MIL was visiting for a week and life just got busy. I have been doing good though! I went to the gym on Thursday, Sunday, and am going to try to go tonight. This will be my child watch test to see if Tessa completely freaks out. They wait 15 mins (and try to calm the child) before they come and find you. She has never been in a daycare situation so she is a wild card. I realize that I cannot depend on DH to come home early. Not fair since he works so hard and this month is EXTRA busy for him. Once March comes things should calm down but I don''t want to wait a month before working out. I could do stuff at home but will I? Probably not! PS is far too tempting. Already keeps me from doing stuff I need to do like cooking and cleaning. Haha.

Merry, congrats on the weight loss!
It was a so so weekend for me. On Sat, I had a few drinks and had take out Chinese food. Then on Sunday, I polished off the rest of the food with some help of my sister and dh but I had the good bulk of it. Talk about feeling guilty. I knew when I was eating it, it was probably not the best thing for me. But I couldn''t help myself, I hate for it to go to waste. I have all week to make up for it.

Merry: Woohoo!! Congrats on the 3lbs.

Lorelei: Great opener as usual. Thanks for the food for thought.

Gecko: Hope your feeling better.
Hi All! Happy Monday.

Not much for me to report on this rainy cold day here in FL. Its going to be a crazy week work wise so I am trying to prepare myself. I''m finally over the majority of my cold/sickness thing from last week. I''ve never been so happy to workout! I hit the treadmill this morning for 2miles of speedwork and then my 10 minutes of abs before getting ready for work. It totally changes how I start my day. I felt SOO much better today. I''m almost to the 2 month mark for the wedding, and I have 5 lbs left to lose (of my orignial 10lbs goal)....feeling positive about it so far. I tried my dress on yesterday and it was actually LOOSE !!!

Lorelei- awesome opener...what a great way to put it into perspective. Thank you as always for the uplifting thoughts.

Merry- WOW 11lbs..I''m sure you look different even if you don''t feel it. What a great accomplishment!!

Gecko- so sorry to hear about your allergies. I hope you feel better soon. :)

Kim- glad to hear that your sister is feeling better....what a great way to think of our bodies...that they take care of US. Cool.
Lliang- hope you and your sister had fun @ yoga

Apple- yes please do post the new receipe....I''m sure its yummy and I''m always looking for new ideas!!

Steph- cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory??? That is TOTALLY worth it in my book!! good for you for getting back on track this week. :)

Tacori- good to see you on here. Hope you find your time @ the gym.

Cdn- oooh Chinese food....makes me hungry just thinking of it.

Marcy, Rod, and Skippy - HI!! Hope you had a good Monday! :)

Have a good night all,
Happy Monday kids!

Went to a Super Bowl party last night (yay for my beloved Steelers getting their sixth SB win!!!) and was pretty good only because I was too excited to eat much. A couple piece of veggie pizza and two small brownies, but it was all eyes on the game for me.

This morning the trainer worked on my a$$. Yowch! LUV that guy!

Been pretty good food wise today but I want *something*. You know--that "I don't really *need* anything but I *want* it" feeling. If only I could figure out what that *something* is...

Lor, great opener, and spot on, as always!

Merry, 11 lbs is awesome! Congrats!

Dani, you poor thing! I hope whatever it is gets identified easily and goes away fast.

Kimi, so glad to hear your sister is home and on the mend.

Lliang, you are the yoga queen!

Apple, sounds like you had a good time at your Super Bowl party too!

Steph, I could never resist the cheesecake at The Cheesecake Factory either!

Tacori, I can't wait to her how it goes with Tessa and the care at the gym. Fingers crossed for you!

CDN, even more than Chinese, my downfall is take out Indian food. DO NOT get between me and fridge when there's left over chicken tikka masala in there!

ILE, good for you for being half way to your goal!
Hi Friends, nothing too exciting here; I took the day off from working out. I indulged in some pizza Saturday so this week I am back on track and yesterday too. hehe Today I had a double fiber english muffin, w/egg whites, canadian bacon,
and for lunch I had an apple, banana, salad and a couple sticks of cheese and crackers. Tonight for dinner I probably will have a chicken vegetable lentil soup and some almonds. Tomorrow is muscle hour, allergy shots and a haircut; kind of a busy day.

Hope everyone has a great start to the week!

LORELEI, great opening friend and that is a great reminder to look at food as fuel for our bodies:)

MERRYMUNKY, woooo hoooo; you are doing awesome with your weight loss!!! Yay for 3 lbs

GECKODANI, oh no, that has happened to me one time. Cold showers help to get the pollen out and benedryl. I am sorry and I hope you are okay. I hope you got to see the allergist soon, eek! Keep us posted.

KIMI, I am not sure what happened to your sister; I tried looking back but couldn't find your post. I pray for a speedy recovery. Yay for running and losing weight, great job!

LLIANG, hope you went to yoga!

APPLE, yay for TBT

STEPH, I had pizza Saturday and could resist so having a goodie isn't bad. I love the Cheesecake factory, yum. Oooh, I love guacamole.

TACORI, wooo hooo for the gym; you are doing awesome! I hope your dh has a less stressful week next week.

CDNBLING, yay for getting back on track this week; I am too.

ILUVEMERALDS, hope you feel better soon. Great job on the treadmill and yay for 5 lb loss!!!

DEEJAY, how was Aspen, you should have skipped over to NM. hehe Woo hooo for the awesome workout today!
Okay, we did it! I seriously was getting teary. I have never left T in a daycare situation before. So I checked her in and she was the only one in the "baby room" (up to 17 months). I guess they are slammed during the day and obviously slower at night b/c most people *have* DH''s that come home for dinner
Anyways, I told them this was her first time and they were really nice. Their policy is after 15 mins. of crying if they cannot calm down the child they will come and find you. So I only planned on a half an hour anyways to ease into the situation. So I left her
stopped to see her in the glass window. She was just STARING at the childcare working like "WTF!" So I did 20, hard mins on the elliptical. I was so stressed about Tessa was doing! So when I went back I peaked in the window and I swear she was standing in the same place but this time staring at the lady *and* a 7 month old. They said she did well (but TOTALLY hesitated!!!) So I asked how long she cried and the lady said just a few mins and she was much better once the other little girl joined them. The lady said she tried to hold her and Tessa did NOT like that. Haha. I said she doesn''t even like her MOM to hold her. Not my little indy girl. But they said they were no where close to coming to get me so all in all a success! I think she will have a much better time when she moves into the "toddler room." That won''t be for a few months but physically she has always been ahead of the game so the "baby room" is probably boring for her.

Tomorrow my neighbor is making me go to Zumba!
I am SOOOO nervous about it. I have never done an exercise class of any sort, not sure I can do an hour of cardio straight (I am really, really out of shape) and get really embarrassed in those situations. But what doesn''t kill us makes us stronger.

Iluv, you are half way there! Awesome!!!

Dee*Jay, you should have seen T last night in her little Steeler''s shirt. She was cheering (b/c that is what she does when she hears other people cheering and clapping) and doing her arms in the air touch down move. So cute. I LOVE chicken Tikka. If and when we ever meet we must eat some for lunch!
I bet you are getting SO skinny!

Skippy, it will be bad for at least a month. I can''t fault him. He does NOTHING for himself. All so he can take care of us
Good luck tomorrow! I haven''t gotten a haircut in so long! Bad Tacori!

Hope everyone else is doing well! I had my low fat mac & cheese for dinner
Love it!
Tacori, that is awesome!!! Ahhhh, she will get use to it, hugs and yay for working out!!!! My nephew was the same way; he would cry a few mins and then be fine.
Skippy, I think when she realized that I was not behind her she got upset. I put a snack trap (with goldfish) in her diaper bag and she was holding it when I got back so she was obviously crying long enough for them to search for something! I didn''t put much in her bag b/c I didn''t want her stuff to get lost. She looked so *little* standing there
Poor kid.
Hey.......It was a long Monday, but a somewhat productive one. I conducted my 7th hour long graining session this morning. It went well. I worked till well after 6, then I met Charlie for dinner at favorite sushi place #2. It was a dreary and rainy day in Tampa as a cold front is coming through. So I stopeed off at Sbucks and picked up coffee on the way home. I did indulge and got us each a cupcake. I know I didn't need to eat a whole cupcake, but heck, I've lost 5 lbs., over the last few weeks and I diddn't really need to lose them, so I can have an extra treat or two. Tomorrow will be an 'uber' long Tuesday, with the gym immediately after work.

Such a wonderful opener Lorelei. You always start the thread on such a positive note and we can all relate so much! I'll never be truly happy with what I look like, but I am truly happy with how much healthier I am, how much more energy I have, how much better I look in clothes and how much more strength I have.

WOO HOO WOO HOO Merry!!!!! 11 pounds is such a wonderful accomplishment and you should be so proud of yourself. You may not see the difference. But, I'm betting is shows. And remember, it's really hard to see the changes in ourselves. I lost a lot of weight, and didn't think it showed at all. Plus, when you look in the mirror, what you see and what others see is completely different. Anyway, I'm very excited for you and hope you know we're all rooting for you!!!

Oh my gecko. I'm so sorry to see that you had to go to the ER with hives. I hope they figure out what's causing them quickly.

I'm glad your sister's healing well Kimberly. It's not easy to lose weight away from home, so good for you!

Hey lliang, I hope yoga was good.

Yay for a great workout at TBT apple!

Steph, I'm sorry you got a sugar headache, but I'm thinking a bit of cheesecake won't derail you with all the time you're spending at the gym.

Good to see you Tacori and I'm glad to see you're doing well with working out. I hope Tess does well at the gym-care center.

Doesn't sound like you did too badly Cdn! There are far worse things you could have eaten, that's for sure.

It was a rainy cold Monday in Florida ILE. I'm glad you've gotten over most of your cold and you're back to working out. You surely won't have any trouble losing 5 more pounds in two months. I hope the lofe changes and progress you've made won't go away after the wedding.

I'm glad you had fun at the party DeeJay.

YAY.......Skippy is back! Now don't go away. OK?!! Speaking of a double fiber english muffin, our Sbucks under the oak has started selling healthy breakfast sandwiches on whole fiber english muffins. They're super yummy and unlike most breakfast sandwishes I've had elsewhere, they aren't greasy at all.

OK.....that's enough for Monday. I'll check in tomorrow night after my workout.
Hi All.

No kidsitting for me tonight, to the gym straight from work and then home. We''re having tortilla soup, salad, and bread for dinner.

Skip, I don''t think I mentioned what was going on. My sister has been in multiple car accidents and as a result has a neck injury. She had surgery to have a disc removed and two others fused with a stint.

Tacori, as time goes on Tessa will become more accustomed to being left for short periods of time. It''s a great opportunity for her to socialize, especially when she gets to the toddler room, and it''s important for you to take care of yourself, you''re setting a good example for your girl that living a healthy lifestyle is part of being happy. I''m sure it was hard for you to leave her, but good for you for taking care of yourself and her needs.

Ilove, I do believe my body takes care of me. I feel so lucky to be healthy and able to be active and take care of it too!

Have a great night all.
Tacori - I totally had to log back in and see if you posted about how Tessa did! Good for you for doing it, even though I''m sure it was hard, but now at least you know you can go to the gym when you want to and she''ll be OK.

Kimi - Dinner sounds delish! I personally had pretzels dipped in hummus. I was tempted to add a glass of wine (or two!) but since I''ve just graduated down to the next size smaller jeans (today!) I though I''d save the cals. I''m kind of bummed though because the new ones I got are a different/darker blue than the old ones, but oh well.

Rod - I bet you''re glad now that your city will clear out from all the SB craziness!

Skippy - your english muffin, egg whites and canadian bacon sounds SO good to me right now! If I come over will you fix me one?
The WW pomegranate shish kabobs were a success...they were quick and easy to make in addtion also tasty, filling, and a great source for a variety of veggies.

Pomegranate Glazed Shish Kabobs

1/4 cup low sodium low fat chicken broth
2 Tbsp pomegranate molasses (this part takes a long time to make and needs to be done in advance.
1 tsp salt
1 lb boneless sirloin, trimmed and cut into 1 inch pieces
4 mushrooms halved or 1 portobello mushroom cut into 8 pieces
1 green or red bell pepper, cut into 8 pieces
1 red onion, cut into 8 pieces
1 zucchini, cut into 8 pieces

Spray a broiler rack with pam and preheat the broiler.
Combine broth, molasses, and salt in a small bowl.
Thread 4 skewers with veggies, mushrooms, and meat. Place skewers on the broiler pan and brush with half the broth mixture. Place broiler pan under broiler and broil for 4 minutes. Then turn and brush with remaining broth mixture and broil for an additional 5-6 minutes.

4 servings (1 skewer = 1 serving)
189 cal
6 g fat

prep 10 min
cook 10 min

I must have posted about the same time as a couple others.........

Tacori, I'm glad Tess was OK at day care. It was probably harder for you than for Tess. Good luck at Zumba class. An hour of hard cardio will be a great challenge.

Speaking of, there was a health expert on TV tonight and I was surprised to learn that lifting weights burns more calories than Cardio? I always thought cardio was the major calorie burner. I must burn a boat load of calories when I work out since I lift for nearly 2 hours before doing my 30 minutes of cardio at the end.

To the gym right from work? How Rod like of you Kimberly!!

Apple, those kabobs are drool worthy! Thanks for the recipe.

Yes DeeJay, we are delighted the SB visitors are on their way home. I'm sure it was great for the local economy and it was nice to see our city looking so good on TV last night, but enough is enough. It was actually better getting to work this morning.
Kimi, prayers outgoing for your sister; you are a good sis!

Rod, wooo for buring a boat load for calories!!! I missed you all. yum to a cupcake!!

DeeJay, sure; come on over! We could workout together too. hehe I would love to see you again!!!

Apple those look yummy!

Marcy, hi friend! I have your dear Grandma in my prayers too!

Tacori, ah, it is good for her; it probably is still sad. You are a good mom and have fun tomorrow!

Hi everyone.I made low fat pizza for supper.It is always a treat for us.I am working on laundry tonight.Marty brought home quite a stack of clothes since he was gone 8 days.The forecast for later in the week calls for 60’s.I can hardly wait.

I am going to take a beginning cake decorating class at a local craft and hobby store.It should be entertaining.I am not what you would call artistic.

Lorelei, it’s nice to be at peace with your body and to work every day at being better and healthier.I sat her nodding my head in agreement with your opening thoughts.I know for me it’s been a complete balancing act between eating what I want but in moderation and continuing to work at improving my health.

Merry, congratulations for losing 11 pounds.Keep up the good work.I agree with Appletini; do take pictures of yourself as you go along.I missed about the first 70 pounds and sure regretted it later. I am cheering you on from afar.

Geckodani, how awful for you!I hope you get better.

Kimi, I am glad to hear your sister is home and coming along better than expected.Congratulations for losing some weight while helping her out.

Lliang, I hope your yoga session went well today.

Appletini, brownies are a major weakness for me so thanks for eating some for me.I am glad you enjoy my collages – they still kind of freak me out and I lived it.

Steph, it sounds like you had a fun weekend and no worries about a few extra calories.You are back on track today.

Tacori, I am glad to hear Tessa did okay at the day care in the gym.She will probably start to enjoy it.

CDNBlingGal, I often spend my week losing a few pounds from my weekend splurges.I was much stricter when I was losing weight but now I do enjoy treats on the weekend.

ILuvEmeralds, glad to hear you started your day out with a wonderful workout.All right for your dress being loose.

DeeJay, it sounds like you enjoyed the outcome of the Super Bowl.I hate days when I know I want something to eat but can’t figure out what it is.We stopped on the way home last night to pick up some of the 100 calories English muffins because they sounded good to me then I had popcorn, chips and cheese and crackers instead.I am still hungry for the English muffins.Of course those can easily be worked in to my usual calorie range.

Skippy, our low fat pizza was pretty good for supper.I am glad you enjoyed some this weekend. Thank you for the well wishes for grandma.

Rod, congratulations on losing 5 pounds.You certainly deserve an entire cupcake yourself.

Kimi, your soup and bread sounds very good for supper.

Take care.


Date: 2/2/2009 9:10:03 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Skippy, I think when she realized that I was not behind her she got upset. I put a snack trap (with goldfish) in her diaper bag and she was holding it when I got back so she was obviously crying long enough for them to search for something! I didn''t put much in her bag b/c I didn''t want her stuff to get lost. She looked so *little* standing there
Poor kid.

Ack!!!!!!! My poor little Tessa. Ok that does it, Nana Linda is flying to your house to take care of little Tessa
Date: 2/2/2009 2:44:54 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Sorry I have been MIA. My MIL was visiting for a week and life just got busy. I have been doing good though! I went to the gym on Thursday, Sunday, and am going to try to go tonight. This will be my child watch test to see if Tessa completely freaks out. They wait 15 mins (and try to calm the child) before they come and find you. She has never been in a daycare situation so she is a wild card. I realize that I cannot depend on DH to come home early. Not fair since he works so hard and this month is EXTRA busy for him. Once March comes things should calm down but I don''t want to wait a month before working out. I could do stuff at home but will I? Probably not! PS is far too tempting. Already keeps me from doing stuff I need to do like cooking and cleaning. Haha.

Merry, congrats on the weight loss!
Did she mention the J word Tac??? I hope she has learned her lesson!
Marcy, You will enjoy the cake decorating class. Its definitely harder than it looks but still fun.
Quick flyby...still here, still eating ok. I weighed myself again and got really good news so that was pleasant. Now to keep it up!

Tacori, poor Tessa! That breaks my heart! She will get used to it, but I can imagine it is equally hard on you!

Congrats, Merry!

Thanks for the opener, Lorelei!

Marcy I keep meaning to take a cake decorating class too! Let us know what you think!

Gecko you poor thing!! I hope you find out what is going on and feel better soon.

Steph...31 days!!! Wow! I don''t think I lasted 2 or 3. LOL my sweet tooth is ridiculous

DeeJay, I definitely know that *something* feeling! I hate that.

Skippy your breakfast sounds great!

Rod, I love cupcakes. I wish there was somewhere where I live to get good ones.
Hi all.
Still zonked on lots of meds and not focusing very well, so this''ll be short. Tacori - I''m sure Tessa will get used to it! I think it''s always harder for parents than the kids. ((HUGS))
Hello everyone!!!

Hoping to hit yoga today. James left me the car, so I can actually drive to it. It makes it a lot easier, but last time I drove @ 6PM I got dinged for a ticket.
Anyway, I''m not sure if my sis will be up for it, she''s got a bit of a fever, so I might hit it solo.

I hurt my right hand/wrist so it''s actually kinda painful to type. Maybe I should call in sick

My oven part came in so I can actually start using my oven again (once I fix it)! I''ve got tons of meals planned already all involving baking. Meatloaf, mac n cheese, roasted chicken, lasagna. I don''t really use my oven much, but when it wasn''t available for me, I started to really miss it.

Tacori, Hooray for big girl Tessa!!! I''m sure you had a harder time than she did. At least you know you can do a quick gym trip if DH isn''t home. T sounds like she''s going to be one of those really precocious kids that everyone loves. AW!!!!!

Rod, Hope your uber day goes well. Hooray for not crowded gym

Skippy''s back!!! Yay!!! You meals have sounded very healthy.

CdnBling, we''re here to get you back on the wagon. Have you been running outside again? It got too cold here... again.
I cannot WAIT until it''s warm again....

ILuv, Great you''re feeling better. The exercise in the AM must help you "get going" in the morning! That''s great! I''m sure you can loose 5lbs in 2 months. Have you started your fittings yet? I think I''ll start mine in June/July, I just emailed a seamstress that is pretty popular in Chicago. That gives me 5-6 months to get buff! Ha ha.

Deejay, Hooray for your Steelers! James wanted the Steelers to win because AZ beat the Eagles. Good job on being good at the SB party. Did you find your craving? I''m always in a danger zone when I feel like that because I just start noshing on everything until I find that something. So Iock myself in my office with a liter of water and hope it passes. Have you hit Devon for some Indian food?? It''s FAB.U.LOUS. And Indian food is always better the next day. James isn''t a fan, so I have to get my fix whenever I go out with friends. :)

Steph, my brother used to work for the Cheesecake Factory as a cook. He totally changed how I thought of the cheesecakes after he said they''re all shipped frozen to the restaurants each day. I dunno, it''s just not the same for me anymore. Don''t get me wrong, they still taste wonderful, but I dunno, maybe I''m just a baking snob, it lost it''s glimmer now I know it''s not baked fresh.

Marcy, Cake decorating!!! So fun! I used to make cakes for ppl''s birthdays when I used to work in an office. Now I just bake for James. But that sounds like a super fun class. I hope you like it.

Lorelei, I realize I never responded to your opener. I actually recently became honest with myself and finally said out loud, I''m not happy with how I look. Since starting up with this thread, I think I''ve lost a few inches (using a smaller belt hole now), but not so much pounds. But I think I''m getting more days where I''m happier with how I look. I did try on my wedding dress yesterday and feel I have more ways to go. But I''m happy of the choices I''m making now: to watch what I eat and making healthier choices.

Miscka, have you hit yoga again? Good job on the weight loss! Keep it up!!!
I went to yoga during felt great to stretch and relax.

lliang, Enjoy catching up on your oven...I feel your pain b/c I was without mine for awhile too.
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