
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 23rd March till 29th March

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all!

This week I just wanted to bring up safety issues, it is often a good reminder for us to make sure we are keeping ourselves safe when working out or exercising.

Make sure the equipment you use is safe to use and in good working order as far as possible.

Wear the best clothing for the activity you are doing. Don't wear loose clothing that can get trapped or catch on machinery. Check that shoelaces if worn are tied and double knotted. Wear helmets if doing an activity that require doing so.

If you feel unwell - DON'T work out, tomorrow is another day. If you begin to feel unwell while working out STOP and seek medical attention.

If you are running or jogging outside, keep a cell phone with you and make sure someone knows which route you plan to take, the time you left and the time you will be expected back. If you have any medical issues that need to be known, make sure these are on your person so that these are seen by emergency personnel.

Try to keep to busier areas and keep your wits about you, avoid secluded areas especially at sunrise and sundown or in the dark.

If anyone can think of any other important safety issues we should address then please post them. Please everyone, just take a minute to run through your workout routines and just make sure you are doing everything you can to prevent accidents and keep yourselves safe while working out.

Have a great week!
Date: 3/23/2009 2:26:11 AM
Author: museikchik
Hey everyone. I met with my trainer this morning and did an awesome workout. I was in a zombie like state for most of it so it wasn't too bad. I didn't go to bed until 2am and had to be there by 8 am. Both my trainer and I are not morning people so it was definitely an experience. One of the exercises she had me do was doing push-ups on a balance ball. The ball kept rolling so she put it up against the wall and I continued my push-ups. Don't ask me why but all of a sudden I realize how close my face was to the balance ball. I started thinking what if this ball totally exploded in my face right now that would wake me up. Then I almost started cracking up as I was doing my push-ups. I told my trainer because I had a huge smirk on my face. She didn't think it was funny and tried to reassure me that a ball would not explode unless a person had all their weight on there. I wasn't really that worried it was just a thought that entered my head that broke my concentration.

Rod: I am sorry to hear that you are not able to run right now. I never really understood the whole 'runner's high' thing until I started running last year. I remember I would be soo exhausted but totally felt like I could run a marathon or something. I was supposed to go yesterday but decided to be lazy and just lounged around the house. Maybe I can convince my fiance to go with tomorrow as he wants to get in shape too for our wedding in May.

Marcyc: Thanks you. I am pretty proud of myself considering how much I tried to talk myself out of going.

Appletini and Burk: I know it sounds weird but I can't do intervals, I totally cheat and will start walking the whole way. I go jogging at a lake near where I live so it is actually not boring. I just pop in my earphones, push play on my ipod and I am ready to do. Seriously I don't know what I would do without my ipod. Nothing is creepier then listening to yourself get all breathless.
Here is Muse's post from earlier this morning.
Thanks Skip!
Good Morning, I had some nice walks over the weekend.
Before I went to bed last night it got so windy out so today is suppose to be cold. It is a good day to take off from a workout so my muscles recover and to prevent injury (or at least that is what the experts say). hehe I need to get my allergy shots anyway. I think I will stop by Sephora to check out what they have since it isn't too far from the allergiest and then I have some work I have to get done.
Have a great day all

LORELEI, great reminder and opening thanks!!! I read somewhere more scary things happen at dusk because it is difficult for cars to see people, thanks!

MUSE, yay for your workout; that is funny you were teasing about the ball!

ROD, hope you sell the condo soon. I hope your leg feels better too.

MARCY, great cakes, both are beautiful. I ordered some pearls; I posted my valentine's pearls on ps too. We have a new section for pearls, yay!

KIMI, I miss you!!!
Morning everyone!!

Got back from my ski trip this morning. The flight was delayed 2 hrs, I finally got home around 3AM. GROAN! The dog woke me up @ 5AM for breakfast. T.I.R.E.D.

Skiing was good, we had a big storm the last day there. It was pretty much white out conditions, but we got some decent snow. I only did a half day since I was pretty beat from the last run we did the day before.

Going to do yoga this week, but probably non-hot yoga.
Happy Monday kids!

Back from Aspen. Love it there, but happy to be home.

This morning I had my PT for the first time in 2 weeks. Wow, I missed him!

Starting tomorrow I am getting serious about losing this last 15 (used to be 10!
) lbs. Azazing what two weeks of non-stop eating out and drinking every night will do to you...

Lorelei, great opener! Your post is timely, especially in light of that poor actress that died from hitting her head skiing. So sad.

Skippy, can''t wait to see what goodies you bring home from Sephora!

Lliang, welcome home! Where do you do the regular yoga? The girlfriend that I''ve been going to hot yoga with said there is a place a little farther south on Milwaukee Avenue that she used to go to, but I can''t remember the address off the top of my head.

Tons of catching up to do from being gone. Off I go!
I went to my TBT class today and had a great workout! I''m hoping to make it to yoga tomorrow during lunch.
Thanks for the safety tips Lorelei!

Dee Jay -- I''m glad you had a great time in Aspen.

Appletini -- I''m glad your workout was a good one today.

Skippy -- so, what did you find at Sephora?

Lliang -- I''m glad you had a great time on your ski trip.

I need to find ways to make lunches more exciting. I''m tired of turkey, unsalted pretzels, and grape tomatoes, which has become my standard lunch for a while now. It''s still too cold to enjoy salads, so I need other alternatives. Any ideas?

I have my formal observation tomorrow morning, and I''m kind of nervous about it. We have a new principal this year, and she''s doing the rounds in my school. I think I''ll be the fourth to be observed. I''m planning on doing a reading lesson, where the kids will be in small reading groups doing centers when they''re not reading with me.

Have a good night all!

Howdy ya''ll!!

Lately my exercise seems to be consisting of shovelling snow--YES STILL!!!! We got 10 cms of the heavy stuff on Sunday--and I''ve had it. But shovelling and pushing the snowblower is a good workout.....

I walked to Starbucks today to meet a freind. Snow was deep in places and walking thru that was a challenge. Nice bright day and fresh air did me good.

That is about it. I''ll go to the pool next week and run in the river, just can''t get there earlier.

Keep well folks!

Sharon, I''m with you and just about done with winter. I got my last dose of snow this weekend on my ski trip and I''m DONE with it now.

Dee, I''m going to go to Moksha Yoga studio on Huron & Carpenter, right off Milwaukee. It''s like 5 blocks from my house.

Lorelei, great job with mentioning to stay safe & healthy during the workouts. Also for running while still dark out, make sure you''re wearing reflective clothing and/or have blinkie lights or something.

Skip, hope you enjoyed your day off. Hope the weather gets nice again for you.

Zoe, good luck on your observation. Sounds like a great plan for the lesson. Idea for lunch, can you heat up leftovers from dinner? I find that keeps thing interesting. Otherwise, I''d say add some interesting veggies into your sandwiches. Cucumbers, alfalfa or radish sprouts instead of lettuce, avocados instead of spread, sun-dried tomatoes pureed with olive oil to a paste consistency. Hope this helps. Also if you have grape tomatoes, I''ve got a great slow roasted tomato recipe. Preheat oven to 225F. Cut all your grape tomatoes in half and place them on a parchment lined baking sheet cut side up. Smash but don''t peel 4-5 cloves of garlic and place on sheet with tomatoes. Drizzle tomatoes with olive oil. Sprinkle with salt & pepper and whatever herbs you desire. Don''t need a lot of herbs. Pop in the oven and slow roast in oven for about 3 hrs, depending on size of tomatoes.

Also, everyone thanks so much for your concern on the slopes. Everything was fine and lots of fun. See everyone tomorrow!
Date: 3/23/2009 5:30:19 PM
Author: ZoeBartlett

I need to find ways to make lunches more exciting. I''m tired of turkey, unsalted pretzels, and grape tomatoes, which has become my standard lunch for a while now. It''s still too cold to enjoy salads, so I need other alternatives. Any ideas?

Soup! It''s my go-to lunch when I need a quick change from my usual grilled chicken salad.
Hi all!!! I''ve thought about joining the Healthier Lifestyle crew so many times and then just stopped...but no more! Sounds like everyone had really good weekends! I was on Spring Break (yikes...tons of eating out) and it was really hard to go back this morning. At least it''s starting to warm up around here, and the park nearby is starting to fill up with runners/walkers, which is good motivation.

So - why I''m coming over to this neck of the woods: over the weekend, I saw some photos that my dad took of me (with the fam) and I was horrified. I do not look the way a 25 yo woman should look, and I need to do something about it - preferably before my friend''s wedding in July where I''m a BM. So, DH and I went to B&N and bought a healthy cookbook (by the American Diabetes Assoc) that gives you a grocery list and meals for 4 weeks for each season and we started with dinner last night. I think our next step is to sign up for a 5k and start training.

Zoe - our lunch today was a variation on turkey, but we did roll ups in corn tortillas with tomato, romaine, a touch of swiss and a little bit of avocado. I''m not a huge fan of lunch meat in any capacity, but it was pretty good. The corn tortilla was different, but good.

One of the things that is killing me is how long everything takes to prep, especially the lunch menus in this book. I''m probably going to repeat the wraps tomorrow just because I don''t have the time to make pasta AND soup in advance (which is what''s supposed to be the menu for day 2). Can I add to Zoe''s question by tagging on what are some quick ideas?
Hey everyone. Last week I only made it to the gym three times
but I did take T on several walks so it wasn''t a total wash. Went to Zumba tonight and I am TIRED! That class always kicks my butt. Will go again tomorrow. I need to come up with some low fat meals since I have been working out for 8 weeks and haven''t lost any weight *cruel...very cruel* But I do think things are getting tighter. I am in between 2 dress sizes for my sis''s wedding and really want to order the smaller one
At least I have been sleeping better!!!
I am worried b/c we are taking some trips soon so there will be no gym for me. Hopefully I don''t fall off the wagon.
Hey.......It was a typical long Monday. I met Charlie for sushi at 6:30, which was really good. We diceded to try 3 different rolls (all one form of tuna or salmon), which was a nice change. I stopeed off and picked up a couple cups of decaf on my home and we watched Chuck (we love that show) and had a couple squares of dark chocolate for dessert. Tomorrow will be an ''uber'' Tuesday, with the gym right after work. My leg is bothering me more today than yesterday, but I''m determined to not let it get in the way of working out. Things like this just go away eventually. At least I hope it will...........

Thanks for the safety tips Lorelei! All are great!

WOW Marcy.......The cakes are fantastic! Do you ever taste them? I''d have a hard time making cakes and not being able to have a sample. My candidate who is being flown into Casper later this week is actually from Romania and currently lives in Detroit. He has no preference for location. He just wants a good job and is used to a cold climate (which is good because I saw Casper was under a blizzard warning for tonight - eek!). If Marty has difficulty getting people to come to Wyoming, ask him if he ever works with recruiters? I cover the entire nation and I''d certainly be happy to work with him if he''d be interested.

museikchik, I never understood the runners hight thing either. In fact, I used to laugh that the pain on a runners face was not something I would ever experience. But, after Rebuild Rod and I did start running, I found that a runner''s high is euphoric to say the least. Once my leg get''s better, I plan to start running again. For now, my leg has not prevented me from running hard on the elliptical, which is a good thing.

I hope you enjoyed your day off from working out. Sorry you have to have your allergy shots though.........

Welcome home lliang and DeeJay!!

I''m betting you''ll do great in your evaluation Zoe!! I''m sure your students are very lucky to have you for their teacher! I agree with charger about lunch. Soup can be a great alternative.

Hey there Sharon. I''m sorry to see you''re still shoveling snow as your primary source of exercise. I''m sending PS dust for wamer weather soon.

OK.....Rod out. I''ll check in tomorrow night, but it will be a quick one after the gym........

Hi everyone.

Well the blizzard did not materialize here.We had some rain, a few snowflakes and lots of wind.It is however starting to snow right now.FUN.

One of my gold crowns came out today.I hope they get in to the dentist office tomorrow.It doesn’t really hurt it is just sensitive.

Muse, too funny about getting that thought in your head while you were on the balance ball.I will do that sometimes too get some silly thought in my head and just start cracking up.I am not a morning person either.

Lorelei, great tips and reminder for all of us to be safe when we are exercising and especially when we are out.I was a mugging target one day that Marty stared down (he was about 10 seconds behind me) and since then I am A LOT more aware of my surroundings.

Skippy, I am glad you rested your muscles and knees today.Did you find something fun at Sephora?I want to try their nail polish.Thanks for the kind words about our cakes.I will have to go find your pearls.

Lliang, I am delighted to hear you had fun skiing.Rats for a short night’s sleep.My 5 hours doesn’t seem so bad now.

DeeJay, it sounds like you had a blast in Aspen.Rats for gaining a few pounds but I am sure they will go away soon.

Appletini, woo hoo for a great workout during lunch.

Zoe, we sure get tired of the same old lunches too.I have been trying to make extra on the weekend so we can have some leftovers for lunch.Good luck with your observation tomorrow.

Sharon, I guess some places north of us got over 2 feet of snow today.We have about an inch on the ground right now.Stay warm.

ChargerGirl, soup is one of my favorite lunches too but Marty is not much of a fan of soup.

Elmorton, welcome to the thread.

Tacori, LOL at “cruel”.Hang in there lady, sadly it takes time to see results.

Rod, I hate to hear your leg is still bothering you but pulled muscles take a long time to heal.I have tried some of my cupcakes and ate some of the chocolate frosted cake we took to the in-laws last weekend but the cakes for class I have managed to avoid eating.We are taking the cakes to work tomorrow so they will disappear quickly.Luckily the one Marty decorated is the chocolate one and mine is yellow; I’d be more tempted to eat chocolate cake.I am putting up all our decorating tools for now so I probably won’t be baking any cakes again soon.I will ask Marty if he is interested in finding someone through a recruiter.Casper is getting smacked today.They are still under a blizzard warning; we are under a winter storm warning here.I think they got about 20 inches of snow.YUCK!

Well, take care.


Hi all! I maintained this week, which is fine with me.

I''ll try to come back later and reply to everyone, but in the meantime, I hope all is well with you wonderful folks!
Happy Tuesday kids!

Did 65 mins on the dreadmill (just walking) this morning. The backs of my thighs (but not my butt?
) are sore from my PT yesterday.

Got on the scale this morning and screamed out loud. (Scared the hell out of the dogs and the XHH came running too.) 128.6. MUST STOP THIS NOW. Goal is 110. Starting as of three hours ago, Dee is being ***GOOD*** with a capital G. Was 119.5 not to long ago, and now look. ARGH!!! OK, enough.

Apple, yay for a good TBT workout.

Zoe, I second the soup idea. There are a bunch of Progresso options that I really like.

Sharon, wading through deep snow...

Lliang, I''ll ask my friend if she''s ever been to Moksha.

Elmorton, welcome! We''re thrilled to have you!

Tacori, three times to the gym is not shabby at all my friend!

Rod, Romania to Casper--wow, that would be an interesting justaposition!

Marcy, more snow... Ack!

Dani, maintaining is a good thing!
I went to yoga during lunch felt great to stretch!
Hello Lorelei and the rest of the Healthy Lifestylers.

I am a long time lurker that gets a lot of motivation from reading all of your success stories and some things Lorelei mentioned hit home. If I could recommend a couple of ideas that my running group uses to stay as safe as possible?

One of the things that none of us leave home without is our Road ID. If you go to, you will find a site dedicated to the safety of athletes and they sell engraved bracelets, shoe tags, necklaces, etc that you can customize with any contact information, health issues, etc that you would want emergency personnel to know about you. My DH and I both wear ours when we are walking, cycling, kayaking, whatever just in case we get separated or are working out alone. I bought one last year for both my dad and his dog so that when they are hunting or even on long hikes, someone could get help for them. (Jake, the dog, has the same info as my dad and indicates he is hunting w/ my dad so that emergency personnel would know to look for my dad in the corn fields if Jake was wandering alone if my dad became ill or hurt).

I know I sound fanatical about these but having working in an ER for quite some time, not knowing some of this information could cause a delay in proper care. I just look at them as cheap insurance.

DH and I always make sure the other knows our routine, route and location so we could look for the other if they were not home when expected.

Another idea is to program a contact into your cell phone for I.C.E. (in case of emergency). From what I have been hearing, this is becoming an international trend for emts, etc to look for someone to call in case you are hurt. I think it started with the London bombings many years ago and was "recreated" after 9/11 as so many victims were unable to speak for themselves and hospitals, etc did not know who to call for help. My family and I have all put pertinent phone numbers under our I.C.E. listings.

Stay safe everyone! We are all working so hard to be healthy that it would be a shame to not stay safe at the same time.

Blessings, Julie
Hello all. Just popping in to say hello. All of the visitors are gone, so I spent yesterday cleaning up and now it is back to the normal routine. I kept up my workouts during the last few weeks, but eating could def. be better. It is hard when we are going out to eat so much. Anyway, it is back on the eating healthy wagon...I am going right now to check out some recipes at Everyone have a great evening!
Hi all, I decided to try Interval training tonight; it is similar to sports challenge and taught by the same teacher. I have watched the class and it looks hard and there are some men (in good shape) so I thought the class must be hard. It seriously kicked butt!!! The way it worked was there were different stations and you did something for 1 1/2 min such as lunges with weights and then you do 2 mins of nonstop cardio and then 1 1/2 mins of squats with the bosu while lifting the bosu over head, 2 mins sprinting fast, 1 1/2 min of push ups and then 2 mins of jump rope, and so on and so forth, etc.

Gosh I am glad I am doing some of these challenging classes; I am NO way in as good of shape as some of those people but it I really get a good workout where I am soaked when I leave class and pooped out. hehe Also, the good thing is that i am throwing in some of that stuff into walking; like when I walk a half mile and then sprint for 2 mins and then walk so more and then sprint; it really gets the heart rate up.

Well today I met my parents for lunch which was nice. Oh and before I forget I got some Ojon dry shampoo at Sephora which smells yummy. Tomorrow I babysit my nephew. I hope everyone has a wonderful evening!!
I will be watching Dancing with the Stars. hehe

LLIANG, yay for skiing and that we have you back; we missed you!!! yay for yoga!

DEEJAY, woo for skiing; you will lose the weight; remember what Mara said about flying that it sometimes takes a few days for your body to get back to normal and that it holds on to weight like salt?? I think it is true so wait a few days. Glad you are back!!

APPLE yay for TBT

ZOE, I love the boca burgers like tomato basil and avocado on whole wheat bread with sprouts and a side salad or carrots and cucumber slices.

SHARON, yay for working out; you are so good with your workouts! Stay warm!

CHARGER, hey girl!!!!!!

ELMORTON, yay for joining us and welcome!! Sparkpeople is a good site to check out; I do weight watchers and it is helpful and heart healthy cookbooks are fab!

TACORI, yay for your walks and the gym. I think walks can be great; I have hills here so it works my behind walking up hills and I bet push a stroller up hills is hard. You should be proud of all your fab workouts, yay! I agree; it takes diet too; I wish cardio made it easy to lose weight but 2 summers ago I age what I wanted and did tons of cardio and I was stuck. I am stuck now so I think I need to watch what I am eating more closely but at least we aren't gaining! thanks for the knee info too!

ROD, yum to new rolls, I love Salmon rolls or just salmon alone, yummmmmy! Rod, I get allergy shots weekly so I am use to it and it has been 13 yrs I have been getting them, I think I just need to move away so I am not allergic anymore. hehe Hope you had a great day and your leg feels better!!

MARCY, oh man, snow!!! woweeeee Here is the new area hehe Stay warm hon!

GECKO, you will lose this week! Good to see you

JMTOMAUI, yay for joinging us; thanks for the info!!!

STEPH, I missed you glad you are back!!!! Yay for working out and healthy eating!!
I got back from my volleyball tournament late Sunday night so I didn''t get to catch up with you all in last week''s thread. Sorry! We won our volleyball tourney.
I was pretty sore yesterday from playing 8 volleyball matches in 2 days but I''m heading down to our basement to run on our treadmill right now and then do some light weights.

Zoe~Read your post on the other thread. Yep, I''m a teacher. I teach 6th and 8th grade. I am counting down the days until summer. Luckily I''m only part time, but you know how it is, you get to a point where it''s time for a great. We''re on spring break right now and hopefully this will be what I need to get me through the last few weeks. Do you have a rough class this year? Good luck with your observation!!

Lorelei~Good tips!

muse~nothing weird. My sister is the same way. Whatever it takes.

Skippy~It was crazy windy in our parts the past couple weeks, too. I used to get allergy shots, too. What are you allergic too? Sounds like you had a great class tonight!

lliang~Glad you had fun skiing!

Dee*Jay~Welcome back from your trip!

canuk~Yuck for snow! I''ve read that shoveling burns a lot of calories, though!

Elmorton~Welcome...I just joined last week, too!

Tacori~Glad Zumba went well! Order the smaller size!
You''ll be in it come August. So glad to hear your sleep has been better!

Rod~Sorry about your leg! Hope it feels better for your workout! Re: my shoes. I went to a specialty store and they said I have high arches. They let me return the first shoes even though I had wore them outside and helped me pick new ones. The new ones were fabulous so I''m just glad it all worked out.

steph~Hey there! My eating habits are my down fall as well! It''s hard!

jmtomaui~I just joined from long time lurking last week! Glad you joined in!!

Sorry if I missed someone...I was so far behind!
BURK, wooo hooo for the tournament!!!!!!!!! Congrats woman!!!
Volleyball is hard work!!! You use to get shots too; why did you stop? I am allergic to animals and I love dogs. I am allergic to lots of weeds, mulberry trees are lethal and some grasses. How about you?
Thanks Skippy! It was super fun. Volleyball is a great workout. I had sore muscles that I forgot I had!
I''m allergic to dust. I stopped the shots when I was pregnant with Tayva (even though my doc said it was perfectly safe to do them I figured I would at least try it) and seemed to do okay without them so I''ve been without them ever since. How long have you been doing the shots?
skippy, I love interval training! Especially b/c if there is something I don''t like I know I don''t have to do it for long, but I always feel like I got an awesome workout.
Hey....It''s almost 11 already and I have to make this super short. You know the drill. It was an "uber" long day. I got to the gym around 6:30 and left around 9:30. I pushed as hard as I could and the gym was really crowded and warm. My leg was really bothering me before the gym. For whatever reason though, I don''t seem to be limited during my workouts. In fact, my leg often feels better while working out. Go figure. Had some leftover chicken for dinner and a Fuji apple for dessert.

Sorry I can''t write everyone individually. I did want to welcome Elmorton to our healthy workout family!

See you all tomorrow evening...........

Hi.I did get my tooth fixed today.It seems a bit lower than before but it’s probably just something I need to adjust to again.

Our cakes are all gone.We took them to work and they disappeared quickly.I packed up all my cake decorating things and put it in a storage bin in the garage.

Gecko, yeah for maintaining this week.I a pound of the few pounds I gained last week.The rest of this week looks bleak but as always I go back on track as soon as I can.

DeeJay, you know I scream too.Marty at least knows why any more.It’s good that it freaks us out that much.

Appletini, glad you had a nice time at yoga.

Julie, thanks for the great ideas.I like having emergency numbers in your cell phone.

Steph, glad to hear everything is back to normal for you.

Skippy, the exercise class sounds like a serious workout.Have fun with your cute nephew tomorrow.I found your pearls; they are really pretty.I am setting here under a fleece blanket right now.The snow all melted today but we are expecting more on Thursday.

Burk, glad to hear your won the volleyball tournament.I hope spring break is nice and relaxing for you and remember now the end of the semester is in sight.Woo hoo!

Rod, I hate to hear your leg was bothering you so much before your workout.That is strange it doesn’t bother you that much at the gym.Do your clients pay for your services?Our company is pennywise and I am sure wouldn’t pay for a recruiter service but if you wanted to refer someone there that is completely a different matter.

Take care.


Thanks for the great alternative lunch suggestions. I''ll have to try them.

Burk, I''ll go back to the other thread in a minute and read my post. For some reason, I thought you taught Kindergarten. My class is pretty good this year. I have 17 kids, which is great. My school is K-6, with a really small population. We have under 300 kids. This year has been challenging but it doesn''t have anything to do with the kids. Administration issues, mostly.

I''m looking forward to trying Zumba tomorrow night. My left foot has still been bothering me but I''ll pop a few Tylenol before hand. Hopefully that will help. It''s funny, my right foot was the one that was bothering me so much when I exercised. I got orthodics, and now it''s my left foot that is bugging me. It hurts most of the time now -- it feels like a cramp on the arch and my heel hurts too. By the end of the day, I''m practically hobbling to my car.

I think my observation went well yesterday. It''s so hard to tell what my principal thought though. We''re meeting to talk about it this afternoon. I used a Powerpoint presentation I found on a great teacher''s website that goes along with our reading program. I also had some of the kids use our new mini laptops as one of our centers. Including technology into a lesson is always a bonus. It''s funny, I think teaching is the only profession where you have your boss sit and watch you do your job while he/she takes notes. Bosses of people in other professions don''t really sit in someone''s office or at their cube, watching them work. Odd.

Okay, I''ve got to finish getting ready for work. Have a good day!
Hey everyone.
I am de-lurking from the LIW board. I''ve been on a healthy lifestyle plan (or "diet" for short!) since mid-January. It took me at least a month and a half to see any results, but then I started recording my calorie intake and the weight started coming right off! The key for me is not to restrict myself. I still eat ice cream and cake, but then I adjust my other meals so I stay around 1500 cal a day. I''ve been steadily losing 2 pounds per week and have lost a total of 12 lb! I am about halfway to my goal, which is my pre-college weight.

Losing weight in college is tough! I have no oven (just a microwave) and a 9''x10'' dorm room to work out in. I would say things are going pretty well all things considered. Wish me luck, and good luck to all of you!!

I have a question though. At what point did you reach a plateau (if you did), and how did you overcome it?
UGH!! Worst past few days EVER! I dunno if I just stepped into some alternate universe or something but for some reason I keep screwing up and everyone around me is either pissed at me, or not talking to me. The last night of my ski trip I got into a fight (like literally pushing each other around fight) with my sister. We''re kinda brushing it under the rug now, and are going about like nothing happened. Then last night James got mad and stopped talking to me. Now I just need something really, really good to happen to break the streak. Or something really really bad to happen so I know it''s not going to get worse than it is now.

Did fondue dinner last night with James & his friend. He''s doing "market research" for his masters program. I''ve never been a big fan of fondue so me explaining why spoiled the evening. Ride home in the car was uncomfortable. And they say girls are grudge-y... I let things go way faster than James does....

Tonight''s going to be a new yoga studio with my sister. We''ll see how it goes.

Please tell me how great things are going with you guys. It''ll give me proof that things are still right in the world when my friends are happy & doing well. :)

Zoe, I''m glad your observation went well. That''s a very good point with the boss watching you do your job. My boss would do that if I worked in the same office as he did. I hope your foot is okay for Zumba. Try taking it easy a bit and keep it elevated when you can.

Marcy, retiring from cake decorating for now? I''m glad you had fun with your class. I''m glad your tooth got fixed.

Rod, have you gotten a doctor or physical therapist to look at your leg? I hope your uber day was good.

Apple, Where do you do your interval training? Is it a led class like Skipp''s?

Burk, congrats on the v-ball tourney! I don''t have the coordination for V-ball so I''m impressed!

Skip, how''s the nephew? Interval training sounds AWESOME! I love workouts that kick your butt! What''s "dry shampoo"?

Oh yeah, I still don''t have a scale so I don''t know if I lost any more weight but yesterday I used my "skinny belt" to hold up my skirt when we went out for dinner. Woot!
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