
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 16th Feb till 22nd Feb

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Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Dinner last night was FABULOUS. But then again, for $420 it BETTER be fabulous!!! I wore a new dress and my high boots and it was a lot of fun.

Did an hour on the dreadmill this morning in segements of 8 min walking/6 min running. Just as I was done the XHH sent me a message saying that he misunderstood his HR dept and it''s not that I had 31 days after the divorce to get new insurance, rather it''s that I was off the insurance immediately and the 31 days was a notification period. YIKES! So I stopped running AT THAT MOMENT lest I hurt myself by some fluke, and now I am in a mad scramble to get on my company''s plan. Needless to say I will be treading very carefully until this all gets worked out. And I just booked another trip to Aspen (March 10 - 18) so it HAS to be in effect before then because there''s no way in hell I''m going to risk hurting myself with no insurance. Ack!!!

Forgot to weigh myself this morning, but given last night''s dinner that''s probably for the best, LOL.

Lor, the UniVite diet sounds GRIM!!!

Tacori, the thing I really love about kids clothes is that the sleeves are the right length. Sleeves that are too long are the absolute BANE of my existence!

Stephbolt, welcome!!! Wow, to those ultramarathons!

Zoe, I love Key West!

Lliang, L20 was great, but Expensive (with a capital E)!!

Marcy, salty food really makes my scale number skyrocket too!

Rod, Bill says hello back to both of you!

Apple, I know what you mean about not enjoying the limited choices on an eating plan.

Skippy, hope you''re doing OK with that root canal girlfriend! Take it easy and enjoy as many milkshakes as you want!

Dragon, so sorry about the bad week. And good for you for planning to do the 5K and half marathon!

Steph, hi there!


Dec 29, 2006
For those of you who have been to KW, do you have any recommendations of must sees or must dos while we're there? We're not really adventure types, and we like to have a mix of lounging around and doing stuff (shopping, eating out, walking, seeing the sights, etc.). I'm so bummed because my mom booked a sunset sail for us to go on one night and I can't go. She must have forgotten how motion sick I get, even after taking dramamine, bonine, or something similar. It sounds like a great thing to do and I'd push myself to go if I wasn't so scared of getting sick on the boat. I haven't read too much about KW just because I want to explore once we get there and see what there is to do without the pressure of having a lot of things planned ahead of time. Swimming with dolphins has always been something I've loved the thought of doing, but I'm conflicted. It isn't natural for humans to hold onto a dolphin's fin while swimming. It doesn't seem fair for me to take part in making the them do tricks. So I think that idea's out.

My husband and I got married 7 months ago (wow it's been that long?). We went to Quebec City on our honeymoon and we had a great time, but it wasn't too relaxing. This will sort of be like our tropical honeymoon, but uh, with my family there too.


Oct 17, 2008
Hello all,

Sorry I haven''t checked in untl today. As expected, the weigh in was not so good this week. I gained a lb or 2. I have no excuse, it was my own fault so I am working hard to stay on track this week.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Went to Zumba again tonight. Tessa had another rough night. At least she was not crying when we walked into the room. She was just standing there staring at this baby. She FREAKED out when she saw me. Started screaming/crying and tried to leap into my arms. They gave T her Paci this time (I told them too b/c that girl loves it) and she took it out to say "Ba bye" and wave to the lady. She is so darn cute sometimes. I think I will take tomorrow off and go to class again on Thursday night. I have gone the past three days so my body deserves a break. Still up 3 lbs so now my total is 9 lbs I want to lose. Why is it going up?!?

Lor, that sounds like a crazy diet! 330 calories a day?!? Holy cow!

Dee*jay, good luck with the insurance. We buy our own since DH is self-employed. Yay to a yummy dinner.

Zoe, we went for a wedding so besides shopping and laying by the pool it was all wedding related stuff. We did go to the southern most tip of the US. Kinda cool, kinda a let-down.

merry, don''t beat yourself up. We all have the bad weeks. You''ll do better this week!


Nov 29, 2004
I worked out this evening with coworker #2. Also DH and I made veggie kebabs (zucchini, bell pepper, red onion) with brown rice for dinner...quick, easy, tasty. Another coworker delivered the 2 boxes of girl scout cookies I had took all the self control I had not to open them. Also the trainer had to reschedule our weighin and measurements for tomorrow morning instead of Thursday, so I can cheat a little sooner...although will still have healthy meals through Thursday.

I ordered cashmere sweater that was on sale...I can''t wait for it to will be perfect for my ski trip.


Dec 11, 2008
Well, grad school adviser wanted to have a meeting at 6 pm today so no way to make the class I was planning on at 6:15. I still dragged myself to the gym when I finally got out of work at 7:45 and did 30 min on the bike but I was really disappointed with my workout, I was struggling so much! I think it is probably a combination of getting over a bad cold and recovering from a weekend of hard home improvement labor refinishing the basement at BF''s house. I know I should focus on the positive - I ate healthy all day today and I did work out even if it wasn''t super high intensity.

Tacori, how long have you been doing Zumba classes? They offer them at my university and I have been very curious about them. Do you enjoy them?

appletini, I admire your gs cookie restraint! I know if I had a box of Thin Mints right now they would not last longer than 48 hours, luckily I have not had any cash when I passed by the scouts at the supermarket lately.

Everyone else, hope your week is going well!


Mar 16, 2005
Date: 2/17/2009 7:46:30 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Went to Zumba again tonight. Tessa had another rough night. At least she was not crying when we walked into the room. She was just standing there staring at this baby. She FREAKED out when she saw me. Started screaming/crying and tried to leap into my arms. They gave T her Paci this time (I told them too b/c that girl loves it) and she took it out to say ''Ba bye'' and wave to the lady. She is so darn cute sometimes. I think I will take tomorrow off and go to class again on Thursday night. I have gone the past three days so my body deserves a break. Still up 3 lbs so now my total is 9 lbs I want to lose. Why is it going up?!?

Lor, that sounds like a crazy diet! 330 calories a day?!? Holy cow!

Dee*jay, good luck with the insurance. We buy our own since DH is self-employed. Yay to a yummy dinner.

Zoe, we went for a wedding so besides shopping and laying by the pool it was all wedding related stuff. We did go to the southern most tip of the US. Kinda cool, kinda a let-down.

merry, don''t beat yourself up. We all have the bad weeks. You''ll do better this week!
Hey, Tacori....just wanted to chime in and say don''t worry about the weight gain. Mine did that too when I first started going to the gym in Jan. I was like, what the heck...I''m working out like a mad woman and I''m gaining weight? But then after about a month, it finally started going down pretty dramatically. I think maybe our bodies are just freaked out by the sudden burning of all these calories and it wants to hold onto fat in case it goes into starvation mode and then it relaxes a little when it realizes we are still going to feed it. Just my guess, though I''m no expert


Dec 28, 2005
Hey......This will be short. I didn''t sleep well again last night. It''s just been a bit stressful lately. I was at work well before 8 this morning and didn''t leave the office till after 6:30. I had a throbbing headache and was just feeling I chose to just come home and take a nap and have dinner. Charlie worked tonight, so I just had an evening to myself, which is sometimes a nice thing. Dinner was a salad and left over chicken from last night. I will go to the gym tomorrow night, whether I sleep tonight or have a headache, or feel blech.

Merry, no worries on the weight. We all have setbacks. The trick is getting past them and getting back on track and I know you can do it.

Wow DeeJay. For that much money, it should have been spectacular. Hey back to Bill.

Zoe, go to the Butterfly Museum in KW. It''s on Duval and it''s well worth it, educational and relaxing. Shopping is the order of the day down there. You have to watch the sunsets at Mallory Square. We always go snorkeling when we''re in the keys. And the last time we took a kayak/snorkel combo excursion, which was a lot of fun. KW is filled with fabulous restaurants. Seven Fish is a standout. And you have to go to Louie''s Back Yard. It''s such a cool restaurant with a huge Banyan tree all lit up with little lights and you eat looking over it (but it is kind of $$$). KW is such a walking place and you have to woak through the old neighborhoods and enjoy the architecture.

I hope you''re feeling OK Skippy........

Hi to everyone esle. I''m just pooped and am going to shut down and try to relax before heading to bed. I''d better sleep tonight...........

See you all tomorrow.......


Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone!

I lost over ½ my extra weight already.Silly salt.

Work today was worse than yesterday.I had one person on vacation and the other lady was still home with her sick baby.So I did their work then mine and got it all done 20 minutes till 5.I can’t say I was ever bored.

Tonight I went to see grandma after supper and she thought I was my sister.She kept asking me about farming and my girls.Then I stopped by to see my parents.My dad is having cataract surgery tomorrow so I wanted to wish him good luck with that.

Lorelei, that is great your knee is feeling better already.Great point about how this thread really helps us stick with our goals and commiserate with our setbacks.

Zoe, rats for losing your long post.I am sure the scale will go back down.I see the STUPID Easter candy is out already.I used to love the holiday candies- now I just walk on by.Enjoy the warm weather in Florida for me.

Stephbolt, I am tired just hearing about an ultramarathon.What an amazing accomplishment.I hope you get over your cold soon.

Tacori, I never add salt to my food so when I eat salt it seems to really bloat me.I am enjoying the cake class.Marty and I practiced this weekend making roses.That is neat about your mom just deciding to lose a few pounds.Woo hoo for a flatter stomach.

DeeJay, I hope dinner was GREAT for that kind of price.Good luck getting your insurance in place before you head out to Aspen.I can’t believe how much salt impacts my weight either.

Merry, I have been thinking about you and wondering how you are doing.No worries on a setback; we all have those along the way.You are working at staying on track now.Yippee!

Appletini, I ordered a few boxes of girl scout cookies too.We will split them with my parents.I could set a pack of them in one setting no problem.That is great you have a cashmere sweater on the way, theirs are very nice.

Steph, I would guess that is exactly why you gained weight at first instead of it going down.

Rod, sorry to hear you didn’t sleep well and had a blah and stressful day. I am glad you took the evening off and had a quite time at home.

Skippy, I was thinking about you all day and hoping you are feeling okay.I just remembered yesterday Marty forgot to get my some of those ginger cookies at TJ’s when he was in Arizona.I think I’ll go tell him “thanks for forgetting about my present”.He’ll have NO IDEA what the heck I am talking about.


Well, I must get to bed.Tomorrow night is cupcake decorating.FUN!




Mar 16, 2005
Hey, guys! Still rockin and rollin on my weight loss! I have now lost 8 pounds....2 more pregnancy pounds to go, woohoo. Then I have to work on the 15 I gained while on steriods...ugh! Oh well, I think 8 lbs in 6 weeks is pretty good. It seems like I lose 2-3 pounds, then I gain 1 back, and so on but I know I am doing what I need to be doing. Anyway, hope everyone is having a great week!

Lorelei, glad your elliptical has been moved inside and you can get back into your routine!

Marcy, I saw your cake on the other thread...soooo cute! You are talented. The cupcake biz has slowed down quite a bit, which is fine with me. I found that I'm not sure if it's worth all the time and effort for what I was charging for them, but it is still fun to make and bring to parties and things.

Lliang, Skiing sounds like such a great workout. Glad you had fun!

Apple, my DH would never make it on a cleansing diet with me. He tried to do low carb one time and didn't make it to lunch without carbs!

Tacori, you are doing great at the gym. Keep it up and don't get discouraged...the weight will start dropping off when you body gets used to all the exercise!

Stephbolt, hi and welcome

dragonfly, hope you don't stress too much this week. Yea for the 5k!

DeeJay, you are a skinny mini if you are in the children's department! Don't blow away in the wind!

Skippy, thank you VDay was great...the pasta turned out to be wonderful, although not healthy! It was a nice treat though. Glad your root canal is over and hope you are feeling better.

Rod, hope you get some good sleep tonight. Sorry work has been so stressful for you.

Zoe, have fun in Key West. I'm sure it will be beautiful. It has been a little chilly in the mornings here in Orlando, but in the afternoon it warms up in the 70s and is PERFECT!!

Merry, no worries on the weight gain. It happens to all of us, just get back on track and you will lose it in no time!


Apr 30, 2005
Thanks Steph, amazing how much easier it is to workout now I am no longer freezing....


Jun 25, 2007
Hey everyone. Yesterday morning i got in a fantastic work out. 1.5 miles on the treadmill, plus a hard core abdominal work out and some weights and squats. Gave myself the night off and had a great wing dinner with my friends. There''s not a whole lot going on buttttt I''m thinking of changing my major to Personal Fitness/ Nutrition and become a personal trainer/ dietician / nutritionist. What do you guys think?

Reason I am thinking of doing so is because lately I''ve had friends ask me for help with routines and getting in shape. I''ve been helping them get ideas for workouts, make good grocery lists, and have found myself explaining the whys of things and how things work for your body. I''ve also had several friends contact me to say how I inspire them. It''s made me feel really good to know that I can help, even when I''m still working towards goals myself.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
stephb, I do like Zumba. Keep in mind I am not a good dancer NOR am I good at following dance moves but the hour goes by really fast (at least the last half) and it is a really good workout. I am guessing you burn at least 600 calories. I am in another cardio dance class and the instructor said you can burn up to 1,000 calories an hour. So my ego takes a little bruising but if I lose the weight it is worth it. Plus everyone else is just trying to keep up too so I doubt that many people know how bad I really am. I was really nervous about doing an hour of cardio b/c I am out of weight and frankly never have done a full hour in my life. But every class I get through it and it is getting easier. Try it!

steph, thanks that means a lot. I am only on my third week so I remind myself it took a lot longer than that to put this weight on. I am hoping it starts to melt off soon. DH says I look better but who knows! He is proud b/c I have never been very dedicated to exercising.

Rod, sometimes ya need a nap! Hope you feel better!

marcy, that is AWESOME! Hope your dad''s surgery goes well. If it makes you feel better my grandma always thinks I am my mom and asks who''s baby Tessa is. Kinda sad b/c she always talked about being a great grandmother. I don''t add salt to my food (after it is cooked) either.

dragon, I think you need to do what you love. My dad always told me to get obsessed and stay obsessed (when it comes to career). You are a fit person (I''ve seen the pics
) so you obviously know what you are doing.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Did a quasi-hard hour on the hampster wheel this morning. Didn''t get in the full 65 mins (only 60) because I had to be at my office early. Tomorrow would normally be PT but I have an early showing so I will just do the dreadmill. I''m kind of into this running thing but I don''t want to overdo it so maybe I''ll just hampster wheel again tomorrow too and save that for Friday.

Have eaten lots of random but low-cal stuff today. Whatever.

Have our first showing on the house in half an hour. Fairy dust please!


Nov 24, 2006
Hi friends; this might be tmi so skip ahead if you don''t want to read tooth stuff. I was having problems with my tooth, for some reason he left the tooth too jaggedy and it needed to be filed down so I was miserable.
I finally called and they looked at it about 30 mins ago and filed it down. Who knew it would make such a difference; I am a happy camper now!!!
Yay!! I didn''t exercise yesterday because it still hurt. I am feeling much better. I will go for a walk after I type this.

This morning I went to the car dealership and i need my gas tank replaced so they are ordering that. Hopefully I can get 2 or 3 more years out of my car.

Have a great day all!!!

MARCY, I hope you slept better, hugs! yay to losing half the weight!!! Bummer on the ginger cookies, bad Marty.

ZOE, dramamine doesn''t help you? I get seasick too but I really badly wanted to go on this boat ride and finally I took some medicine and it helped; I usually have a super weak tummy. I am sorry
Your trip sounds wonderful!!!

MERRY, you will lose, you are doing great; hop back on!!! Seriously you are doing awesome and you can overcome that little set back, huge hugs and keep going friend!!

TACORI, sorry about Tessa. Glad you had a great visit with your mom. Yay for all your workouts you superwoman!!!

ROD, thanks for thinking of me; I was miserable but now a million times better, who would have know?!?! I am sorry work is so busy; sending you a gaint hug. I would have gone home too, you poor sweetie pie.

DEEJAY, yay for Aspen!! Yanno, that isn''t too far from here. hehe
Have a wonderful trip!

APPLE, yay for your dinner.

STEPHBOLT, your kitty is so cute!!! 30 mins on the bike is awesome! I hope you feel better soon!

STEPH, hi friend, glad you had a great V-day! Yay for 8 lb loss

LORELEI, stay warm; I am getting ready for my perfume report. tee heee

DRAGON, wooo hoo for your workouts.

sorry if I missed anyone, hugs to you all


Nov 29, 2004
Well I''m still at work, but I did just do 30 min on the elliptical at the gym...I have a big deadline for end of the day tomorrow and DH is working late tonight I''m going to try and get to a good stopping point and go home and not bring the lappy with me.


Jun 15, 2006
Hey HLTers! Long time no see. My satellite modem died, so after getting the virus fixed I still had no computer. GRR! I''m still here and chugging along. J and I are going to the central coast this weekend, a late graduation present from my parents. We leave tomorrow and return Sunday. I''ve been exercising and eating right and doing my normal stuff, all is well.

Welcome, sbolt.

Steph, congratulations on weight loss!

Skippy, sorry about the tooth.

Marc, I remember the days of not being remembered with John''s mom, it was hard sometimes, but we laughed about it a lot, it seemed the best way to muddle through the sadness.

Rod, sorry you''re so stressed, glad the MD figured out what''s going on.

Tacori, don''t worry about the number on the scale, think in terms of overall health and wellbeing and let the rest fall into place. Easier said than done.

I''m going to drag J out for a walk.

I''ll be back in action on Monday. I''ve missed you all.


Nov 24, 2006
KIMI, I was wondering where you were. I am sooooo glad you are back!!!! Have a safe and wonderful trip!!! Yay for your walk with dh!! thanks.

APPLE, don't work too hard. yay for the 30 min workout.

Walked only 15 mins, it was freezing out!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey.......I slept last night. Work was really long, but I did make it to the gym and had a really good, long and productive workout. Maybe having an extra day off didn''t hurt. Charlie was off tonight, and he made a great dinner. Red Beans and Rice, steamed veggies and chicken thighs. I had a piece of chocolate for dessert. It''s going on 11, so this will have to be short.

Thanks to everyone for wishing me a good night''s sleep.

Skippy, I''m glad you got the tooth issue resolved.

I''ve missed you Kimberly, and I''m glad you''re back! Please say hey to J.

I''m sorry work was tough Marcy. It sounds like you handled it really well. Good for you for losing 1/2 the extra weight!

Yay for losing 8 pounds Steph! The next 15 will melt off you in no time.

Dragon, I think you''d be great as a trainer, etc. There will always be jobs in the health and fitness world, so you''d have a good future and do something you are passionate about. Good for you!

Thanks Tacori. I''m glad you''re enjoying Zumba and it''s good for you too!

Lot''s of dust for a successful showing of your house DeeJay.......

Ok.....time to get some sleep. No gym tomorrow night. Charlie''s off all day so, we may meet at our favorite little diner for dinner after I get off work tomorrow night.

Sleep well everyone.......


Jan 18, 2005
Date: 2/17/2009 7:46:30 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Went to Zumba again tonight. Tessa had another rough night. At least she was not crying when we walked into the room. She was just standing there staring at this baby. She FREAKED out when she saw me. Started screaming/crying and tried to leap into my arms. They gave T her Paci this time (I told them too b/c that girl loves it) and she took it out to say ''Ba bye'' and wave to the lady. She is so darn cute sometimes. I think I will take tomorrow off and go to class again on Thursday night. I have gone the past three days so my body deserves a break. Still up 3 lbs so now my total is 9 lbs I want to lose. Why is it going up?!?

Lor, that sounds like a crazy diet! 330 calories a day?!? Holy cow!

Dee*jay, good luck with the insurance. We buy our own since DH is self-employed. Yay to a yummy dinner.

Zoe, we went for a wedding so besides shopping and laying by the pool it was all wedding related stuff. We did go to the southern most tip of the US. Kinda cool, kinda a let-down.

merry, don''t beat yourself up. We all have the bad weeks. You''ll do better this week!
Tacori- I read Bob Green''s book a while back that he did with Oprah, and he had written that if it was up to him, no female would weigh themselves the first 4-6 weeks (or something like that. It was LONG) when they begin exercising and dieting because the female body fluctuates so much in just water weight and their cycles. I weigh myself about once/twice a week personally, but though that was interesting when I read it!


Nov 24, 2006
Rod, your dinner sounded yummy, yay for the uber workout and sweet dreams and hugs.

Marcy, I am sorry about your grandma. My dad just had cataract surgery and he can see much better so I am sending lots of healing vibes to your dear dad; hugs.

FEB, great info!


Feb 27, 2007

Hi HLT’ers.

My cupcakes turned out okay but again I stood and bent over them for a few hours then came home and cleaned the kitchen plus my tips so my back is killing me right now.I will have to remember to set down some next week.Rats. I can take standing but bending over is hurting my lower back. I did have fun and my cupcakes turned out okay.I will post pictures on the cupcake thread in a day or two.

Steph, congratulations on losing 8 pounds.That is awesome.After tonight I know I would never want to take up making cupcakes for hire.What a chore just to frost 20 cupcakes.I bought the tubes of icing but had trouble squeezing them enough to get the frosting to come out correctly.BAD IDEA.Oh well, I took my dad over some of the cupcakes tonight and he enjoyed them.

Lorelei, I don’t do much of anything when I am freezing.

Dragonfly, that is really nice to hear you inspire your friends and they seek you out for advice.It does keep you motivated too.

Tacori, I am back to within a pound of where I was B.S. (before salt LOL) so I am happy about that.My poor dad’s eye got bruised really bad like a black eye from the needle they used to freeze his eye.He said tonight he is seeing a split image and that is concerning him.He goes in the to the doctor tomorrow morning.He enjoyed my chocolate cupcakes tonight.I left him ½ of my cupcakes and will take the rest to work tomorrow.It is kind of sad when they don’t remember you but sometimes they do.

DeeJay, good luck with your house showing.

Skippy, I am so sorry to hear about your tooth.That sounds absolutely miserable.I am glad you are doing better now.I could not sleep for some reason last night but I did get about 5 hours in maybe.I will tell Marty you said he was bad for forgetting my cookies.LOL.I hope your car lasts for a few more years too.I would have only walked 15 minutes too since it is freezing.Thanks for the well wishes for my dad.I am glad your dad is seeing better after his surgery.

Appletini, good luck with your big deadline tomorrow.

Kimi, have a great time on your trip.What a nice graduation gift.That is about all you can do is laugh about it when someone doesn’t know you.I told the girls at work today at least she mistook me for my skinny sister.

Rod, glad you had a great workout tonight.My day at work was much better today; everyone was there.Enjoy your trip to the diner tomorrow night.Today at lunch one of the security guards was in the break room and was going on about how much weight Marty has lost since he started there last summer.He was teasing me about eating all his food and starving poor Marty.He asked Marty how much weight he has lost and was saying how amazing it is that someone could lose 40 pounds.I just chuckled to myself because he never saw me before and had no idea I’d lost weight.Very cool.

FebruaryBride, when I was losing I weighed myself in the morning and evening.Now I try to only weigh a few times a week – usually Tuesday and Friday.I don’t want to obsess about it but want to keep myself on track.

Well, I think I’ll go play “old Marcy” and set down while I get ready for bed.LOL.I did take 2 Advil so my back should feel better soon.

Take care.

Marcy Who Ain’t Going to Be Decorating Too Many Cupcakes in the Future




Dec 29, 2006
Good morning!

Hi MM! Good for you for getting back on track!

Tacori -- we''re thinking of going to the southern most point in KW also, just so we can say we''ve been there. I''m not sure we''ll actually see much. T. certainly knows how to turn on the charm, doesn''t she? What a cutie!

Rod -- thanks for the suggestions! I''ll report back when we return (if not while on vacation) and let you know what we saw.

Marcy -- sounds like you''ve been pretty busy soon. Hopefully things will calm down for you.

Steph -- thanks for the weather report! It sounds like you''re doing well -- good for you!

Dragon -- based on what I see here, it sounds like you''d be a great personal trainer and nutritionist. It seems like you really are in tune with how the body works and what a person needs to become healthier. It could be worth looking into.

Dee Jay -- I hope the showing went well yesterday.

Skippy -- I''m glad you''re feeling better! I take dramamine and bonine but it doesn''t seem to do a whole lot. Maybe I''ll just suck it up and try going on the sunset sail. I''d hate to miss out on it. I just have to get over my fear of being stuck on a rocking boat in the "middle" of the ocean.

Hi Kim -- we''ve missed you! Glad to hear you''re doing well.

Hi Lisa, Appletini, and Februarybride!

I hope I didn''t forget anyone. I need to rush out the door for an early staff meeting. Have a good day everyone.

Ara Ann

Jan 5, 2009
Hello all! Just checking in... I''ve been MIA all week, first my computer died, so I am using hubby''s laptop when I can.

I had an up and down week, after Valentine''s Day, with trying to eat healthier...but I came down with the flu this week....I''ve been feeling really sick, a bad headache, body aches, nausea, etc., so I am having to take it easy again this week. ugh. Feeling a little better today, but still not 100%.

Happy to read all of your updates! I don''t have time to reply to everyone right now, but keep up the good work!!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Stephb, totally read your question wrong. I have gone to 5 or 6 classes so far. I just started doing Zumba the last 2-3 weeks.

Dee*Jay, hope you sell your beautiful house soon!

Skippy, sorry you are having tooth issues! Hopefully the filing did the trick! Also hope your car is well

kimberly, it is easier said than done. But luckily I am not discouraged...yet.

Rod, you deserve a day off! Glad you got some sleep.

Feb03, how interesting! I honestly try not to weigh myself that often b/c it makes me want to cry. I KNOW I must be burning tons of calories. So hopefully I will see the rewards of my hard work soon.

marcy, my mom and I made these insane cupcakes for T''s first took the two of us 5 hours just to decorate!
I think people do not realize how time consuming they are. I look forward to seeing pics! I bet your dad enjoyed them. Hope his eye is better soon! Yes, it is sad when their memory goes. My other grandma is SO in love with Tessa. I wish my mom''s mom could feel that too.

Zoe, we also went to the Hemingway house which was interesting. T is slightly manipulative (already) Haha.

Ara, I am such a freak when I sick I HONESTLY think, oh well at least I will lose weight. Haha. Last time I had the flu I lost 3-4 lbs in less than a week. Of course I eventually gained it back. Hope you feel better soon.

Not much new with me. I took yesterday off but am going to class tonight. Luckily DH promised to come home early to spare T the trauma of day care. Then I will go food shopping after. Anything to avoid taking T with me. She + errands do not mix these days.


Apr 30, 2005
Ok so now the elliptical is pants, the resistance isn''t working * I despair.....* So I was determined and went outside to do my workout BACK IN THE COLD on the treddy.

Did I mention I despair?


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All, I''ve missed you too.

Tacori, it''s most definitely easier said than done. I go through phases of scale fixation (after Christmas this year was one of the worst for me!). It''s hard to remember to just be pround of ourselves for taking care of our bodies.

Skip, I missed you too.

Zoe, thanks for the welcome back. I have no KW advice for you.

Rod, I''m glad you slept. I''ve had a cold and sleeping has been difficult, I can''t breath, which is not fun since I''ve been off this week and could sleep in!

We leave this morning, our plan is to do some walking, lounging, site seeing, and just relax. Have a great weekend all!


Apr 30, 2005
Hey Kimmy!!


Nov 29, 2004
I got to weigh in take measurments today...the results were good! Although the funniest part was that PT was like OMG your chest is so much smaller, and then I reminded him that last time I was wearing a normal bra and not a sports bra. Worked out with coworker #1 b/c PT had a scheduling conflict.


Dec 29, 2006
I had a weird thing happen today. I called my dad after school today to go over last minute things before we all leave for FL. My parents got a new dishwasher installed today, and as they were cleaning out the spot it was in (before putting the new one in), the workers found a piece of paper. They gave it to my dad who discovered that it was a check, written out to me NINE years ago -- written by a family I used to babysit for. It was for $100. He couldn''t believe that I had forgotten all about it. We have no idea how it ended up under the dishwasher. So now I''m not sure what to do. I''m assuming that it was cancelled a long time ago, but I think it''s weird that the family never contacted me to ask why I hadn''t cashed/deposited their check. Well, I don''t remember them doing that, but it was nine years ago. I guess I could call them and see if I can mail it back to them, but that would feel strange. I only knew them for a year and I worked for them only occasionally. Maybe I''ll just shred it. What would you do?

I went to B&N today and got a few books with a gift card I had gotten for Christmas. I got the new John Grisham book, Marley and Me, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, and a "chick lit" book. Now I have to figure out which one(s) to take with me.

I hope you all had a great day. I''ll try to check in later.
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