
Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advice.


Apr 5, 2016
Howdy there, I'm just starting to look at rings and diamonds and I'm not necessarily in a rush or anything. My girlfriend has expressed interest in a particular setting that she found on blue nile however that setting is not available from them any longer. So I am looking for something similar in style.

This is the setting:$phab_360$ (sorry original link didnt work)

I found something I thought could be similar in style at White Flash:
I was hoping they could possibly switch out alternating diamonds for pink sapphires. I contacted them and they were unable to do that with that ring.

I haven't found very many rings that are similar, or when I do, I Just don't like the look of it. I also have not found very many that offer pink sapphire, I hope that maybe I could have them inserted in one in place of a diamond?

She wants a princess cut diamond, I have been looking at them and honestly it seems overwhelming. Would a bigger diamond of lesser quality or would a smaller diamond of greater quality be more desirable? My budget is quite a bit smaller than most peoples seem to be on here, I would like to stay about the lower 3K dollar range for the setting and diamond together. If I must I could go slightly over but not more than 4k.

This is a Diamond I found interest in:
Is this a good selection? Should I look elsewhere? I don't have any need to be at a certain vendor, I just want to make sure I get something fair for my money and make my future fiance happy.

I sure appreciate ya'lls time, thank you for any advice you may have.
Re: Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advi

Is she sure that's what she wants? Princess cut diamonds are popular with younger women, but otherwise are largely past their peak of popularity. If she's going to go with a colored gemstone, ruby and blue sapphire probably have more staying power than pink sapphire. If she likes square-shaped diamonds, there are square hearts & arrows diamonds now, and also cushion, but cushion tends to be a deep stone and thus most cushions face up small for their carat weight.
Re: Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advi

Farrahlyn, those rings are very pretty, I will certainly contact James Allen and inquire about those settings or similar, thank you very much.

Adabeta27, she has told me that the princess cut is what she wants. She sent me a few photos of rings in the past to give me ideas of what she likes. The ring I posted is the one I liked of her suggestions, I didn't care for the others and I wouldn't really want to buy her a ring I didn't at least like a little. All of the examples she sent except one had pink sapphires on it. Pink is her favorite color and I think she just wants a little of that in her ring. She also is in my opinion a younger woman still (28) as you mentioned princess cuts being popular with them. Thank you for your opinions and ideas, I will look at the other square cuts you suggested as well.
Re: Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advi

Just FYI, we ordered our engagement ring from Blue Nile yesterday, and there was a setting no longer offered on their web site that they are making for us, and it was only a $200 price difference for the identical setting with the same quality diamonds and platinum metal. It may be worth it to call them and see if they can custom order the setting, since that setting is what your girlfriend really wants. As for the diamond, it is definitely key to go with the best cut you can afford -- one thing I would worry about on that particular diamond is that the girdle is thin, which makes it more prone to cracking.
Re: Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advi

MollyMalone, thank you, I did decide to contact JA and they are going to be getting me a price to put sapphires in one of the settings farrahlyn linked. I just have to wait for them to email me a price. I was looking at their diamonds and it seems like I might have to spend a little more for one. This one caught my eye:

Trillioncuts, thank you for letting me know that, I will have to contact BN and see if they can accommodate me like they did you. Sounds like you got what you wanted at price that was right for you. You mentioned the girdle was thin on the diamond I had posted, do these break frequently? Would that usually be covered by a company under warranty?
Re: Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advi

Can I just make a suggestion? Putting pink sapphires in the engagement ring is going to extremely limit what you can do for the wedding band. How about all diamonds on the engagement ring and then get the pink sapphires in the wedding band??? That way, if she ever gets tired of pink sapphires, she can alternate with other bands. I think it is a mistake to get the pink sapphire in the engagement ring.

However, if you do it, I would advise having the ring made by David Klass. James Allen has stock settings and that is not where I would have customizations done.

The diamond you picked at Whiteflash is beautiful. Definitely go for a high quality diamond.

I would suggest this ring (for princess cut) and then get a wedding band with pink sapphires and diamonds.
Re: Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advi

diamondseeker2006|1459910013|4015990 said:
Can I just make a suggestion? Putting pink sapphires in the engagement ring is going to extremely limit what you can do for the wedding band. How about all diamonds on the engagement ring and then get the pink sapphires in the wedding band??? That way, if she ever gets tired of pink sapphires, she can alternate with other bands. I think it is a mistake to get the pink sapphire in the engagement ring.
However, if you do it, I would advise having the ring made by David Klass. James Allen has stock settings and that is not where I would have customizations done. * * *
Well, I wouldn't pick pink sapphires myself, but that's because pink is my least favorite color ;)) BAC, however, is being very attentive to his wife-to-be's desires
BAC80 said:
She has told me that the princess cut is what she wants . . . All of the examples she sent except one had pink sapphires on it. Pink is her favorite color and I think she just wants a little of that in her ring
and I think that's great :appl: Were she longing for tanzanite, opals or morganite, I'd be cautioning against those stones for an e-ring (even if channel set), but sapphires are a practical, durable choice. So I'm thinking it would be presumptuous for him to unilaterally decide otherwise.

Besides the fact that there are PSers, like Niel, who have had JA do custom work (i.e., with CADs) and been happy with the results, having JA swap in calibrated sapphires to take the place of some of the diamond melee doesn't strike me as "customization"; rather, a simple task that even the most basic bench can handle competently. Not sure what you mean by Putting pink sapphires in the engagement ring is going to extremely limit what you can do for the wedding band ? Off the top of my head, I can't think of a wedding band -- other than one with "clashing" colored gems -- that wouldn't be compatible; what concerns in this regard haven't occurred to me?
Re: Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advi

i like that the OP is going with what she specifically asked for, she's old enough to know what she wants. I know a few ladies that have a massive affinity for pink and pink in an ering makes them giddy.

how about this one? It's AGS 000, only slightly smaller than the other JA diamond... but size diff shouldn't be visible to the eye. And closer to your price range. The pricing is due to the Medium Blue flourescence so pass if that's something that would bug you. I personally love it and wish my center stone had it! Some of my melee has flourescence so that makes me happy. :love: Just make sure and have JA check the stone to make sure there are no negative effects of the flourescence but it should be ok.
Re: Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advi

I was basing my thought on the fact that she did give him one e-ring example without pink sapphires, and lifelong experience knowing one would likely tire of that over time. I just think the set would LOOK better with the sapphires in the wedding band and perhaps she hasn't thought about that.

I really wish he'd post all the examples she gave him.
Re: Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advi

farrahlyn|1459953335|4016141 said:
i like that the OP is going with what she specifically asked for, she's old enough to know what she wants. I know a few ladies that have a massive affinity for pink and pink in an ering makes them giddy.

how about this one? It's AGS 000, only slightly smaller than the other JA diamond... but size diff shouldn't be visible to the eye. And closer to your price range. The pricing is due to the Medium Blue flourescence so pass if that's something that would bug you. I personally love it and wish my center stone had it! Some of my melee has flourescence so that makes me happy. :love: Just make sure and have JA check the stone to make sure there are no negative effects of the flourescence but it should be ok.

This stone is better than the .77.
Re: Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advi

I don't know, maybe it is a glass half full or half empty thing but if all of the examples she sent except one had pink in it, she sounds like a lady who would like pink in her ring! Perhaps what she liked about that one setting was not the lack of pink but the prongs or something. :confused:

Pink is my least favourite colour but I have a friend who would be absolutely giddy about having pink in her engagement ring. She is about same age as OP's future fiance, has always loved pink, has almost pink everything, and it would be incredibly fitting for her to have pink in an engagement ring. I am not sure why it would be harder to find a wedding band, whether it also has pink sapphires or uses colourless stones, or is a band without any stones at all.

OP, I hope JA comes back with a reasonable quote for you. You will have some great advice here regarding the diamond from others, and I think you will get a lovely ring for your budget.

Re princess cuts - I live in an area where princess cuts still seem to be a fairly common choice (after rounds) so I don't think that is that unusual either. Not everyone keeps track or cares about what cut is popular or not at any given time. They like what they like.

It is good that you are taking such great care to find her what she wants :))
Re: Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advi

RaiKai said:
I don't know, maybe it is a glass half full or half empty thing but if all of the examples she sent except one had pink in it, she sounds like a lady who would like pink in her ring! Perhaps what she liked about that one setting was not the lack of pink but the prongs or something. :confused:

Pink is my least favourite colour but I have a friend who would be absolutely giddy about having pink in her engagement ring. She is about same age as OP's future fiance, has always loved pink, has almost pink everything, and it would be incredibly fitting for her to have pink in an engagement ring.
I can identify with that; thus, my emerald e-ring =) But I think people who aren't captivated by a colored gem, or particular color, have a tough time conceiving that there are women will indeed be happy with an e-ring that doesn't consist of solely white diamonds. Awhile back, there was a guy who asked here in Rocky Talky about shopping for a diamond-halo'd, blue sapphire engagement ring & was met with a couple of comments about how that wouldn't be a good choice (he knew that was his SO's desire) because it wouldn't go with everything in her wardrobe, she would get tired of it. You never see that kind of efforts at dissuasion over in the Colored Stones forum! ;))
Re: Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advi

diamondseeker2006 said:
I was basing my thought on the fact that she did give him one e-ring example without pink sapphires, and lifelong experience knowing one would likely tire of that over time. I just think the set would LOOK better with the sapphires in the wedding band and perhaps she hasn't thought about that.

I really wish he'd post all the examples she gave him.

Yeah, I think a pink band would be a stunning look too. True, she probably hasn't considered it, sometimes we girls can be so focused on the e-ring, we forget to take in the WHOLE picture.

diamondseeker2006 said:

YAY! I THOUGHT it was but wasn't positive... i'm still learning!
Re: Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advi

Okay, pink sapphires it is. :-) The pointy corners of princess diamonds are fragile and prone to breakage. The setting you showed in the 1st post has a peg head, which is a head with a post that inserts into a hole in the shank part of the ring. Peg heads are interchangeable. I suggest a different head with vee prongs for better protection for the corners of the diamond. vee heads also tend to make the diamond look larger, as do bezels and half bezels. The ring you showed is a shank + a head, two parts soldered together.

Re: Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advi

In case it isn't ckear from AdaBeta's observations re pegheads, BAC, there are pegheads with the V prongs/corners; shouldn't be a problem for JA or anyone else to use one of those.
Re: Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advi

Ok, thank you all for your advice, I'm sorry I don't have much time to individually address everything right now, I leave for work in 10 mins. I will do my best to post the examples my gf showed me that she liked, she had text them to me one day just so when the time was right I would have an idea of what she wanted. It appears there was actually two images without pink. I was with her today at Sam's Club and we walked past the jewellery counter and she said "ohhh sparklies." We just grazed over a couple mins looking at the rings, and I said.. "none of these have pink on them, didn't you tell me you wanted pink on your ring?" She said "yes, I definitely want my ring to have pink on it."

I will message more in a bit when I get a chance at work, it is much more difficult to do on the phone. Thank you for your time again and understanding and patience.

It said i need to upload photo's to pricescope? how do i go about that?
Re: Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advi

Here is some of the pics she sent:




Re: Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advi

Re: Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advi

Adabeta27, thank you for your wonderful knowledge and recommendation about a v setting. I will also look at the small diamond forum topic you posted.

MollyMalone thank you for helping to clarify what Adabeta27 meant about the settings.

Farrahlyn, the diamond looks very nice, the medium blue florescence makes me unsure/nervous. Why would this diamond be more desirable than the .77? I do like that it fits better in my budget.

Diamondseeker2006, I did consider the idea of pink in the wedding band, however after her reiterating to me today that she wants pink in her engagement ring I think I must stick to it.

I spoke to JA and they said a v prong setting could be done on this ring. [url=Http://[/url]
They also told me they could alternate the pink sapphires in the setting for me as I desired at no additional cost. I really think I like this ring and it seems they can accommodate my needs. That just leaves finding an appropriate diamond for it.

If we don't find the right diamond is it feasible to purchase a diamond and a setting at different places?

I've really appreciated everyone's ideas and help so far, thank you very much for making this experience so much less confusing and difficult.
Re: Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advi

Oh I'm so glad AdaBeta brought up the V-prongs (I obviously had breezed by the fact they aren't routine features in those JA settings) & that JA was quick to agree to that.

Now that you know that JA will produce a setting that your SO will like, and at a price that's comfortable for your budget, I think you should stick to JA as the source for the princess. Otherwise, you'll have to get insurance on the loose stone so you're covered in case it gets damaged/lost at the vendor doing the setting; pay for an extra, insured shipping trip (from dismond supplier to setting vendor); and generally bite your nails while the process unfolds. It really is much easier to do it all in-house. And what you are seeing today on JA's web site isn't all you can expect to see as their inventory in the foreseeable future.

Of course, I'm sure you, and she, are getting increasingly eager for the e-ring to make its appearance. So maybe time is more important than I've been thinking, based on yiur first post.
Re: Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advi

MollyMalone, I'm still not in a hurry, I have no issue with waiting for the right diamond to come along at the right price. The most important thing is to get something I can feel good about. Even if I do find the right ring, then comes a whole new stress of figuring out the right way and time.
Re: Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advi

If you think you might upgrade one day, compare each vendor's upgrade or trade-in policy. Some, like Good Old Gold, even offer a buyback policy. If you live outside the USA, like overseas, also consider the shipping and return policies.

Yes, you can buy setting and diamond from different vendors. But when I've done that, I sent the setting to the vendor that I bought the diamond from. The reason for that is liability for damage to the stone in the setting process. If the vendor selling the diamond sets it, they cover any damage or breakage that occur. If you have someone else set it, then you might just have to rely on your personal insurance (if they will even cover it) because most jewelers will assume liability for a stone they didn't sell. Jeweler's Mutual (Perfect Circle) insures unmounted diamonds, but I can't recall if they will also cover it during setting.
Re: Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advi

BAC80 said:
Adabeta27, thank you for your wonderful knowledge and recommendation about a v setting. I will also look at the small diamond forum topic you posted.

MollyMalone thank you for helping to clarify what Adabeta27 meant about the settings.

Farrahlyn, the diamond looks very nice, the medium blue florescence makes me unsure/nervous. Why would this diamond be more desirable than the .77? I do like that it fits better in my budget.

Diamondseeker2006, I did consider the idea of pink in the wedding band, however after her reiterating to me today that she wants pink in her engagement ring I think I must stick to it.

I spoke to JA and they said a v prong setting could be done on this ring. [url=Http://[/url]
They also told me they could alternate the pink sapphires in the setting for me as I desired at no additional cost. I really think I like this ring and it seems they can accommodate my needs. That just leaves finding an appropriate diamond for it.

If we don't find the right diamond is it feasible to purchase a diamond and a setting at different places?

I've really appreciated everyone's ideas and help so far, thank you very much for making this experience so much less confusing and difficult.

awesome that JA can do the V prongs. i have a marquise and have V prongs on the ends. i like that they look like tiny hearts hugging my diamond :bigsmile:

As far as the diamonds, this is all from my basic knowledge, i am no pro. I like the sparkle in the .73 better for one, less darkness. (see, no technical explanation there. loL!) $600 more if you go with the .77 and the .73 has better clarity (VVS1 vs VS1). i prefer the Medium-Slightly thick girdle vs the Thin-Slightly Thick girdle of the .77. And the actual size difference is so slight, you are not going to notice that slight of a difference side by side. This is all nit picky stuff but why not save yourself $600 and go with the .73? Maybe someone else can chime in on a less novice explanation. lol!

The only time you'll notice the fluorescence, really is in direct sunlight & UV light. i love that some of my melee glow when i do gel nails and sit under the light. However some people don't like it. a very small number of fluorescent diamonds can have a milky look to them but it just takes having JA pulling that particular diamond and confirming that there is no hazy/milky effects from the fluourescence.

some good info on fluorescence:
Re: Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advi

Adabeta27, I do not anticipate her wanting to upgrade some day, I feel like she would hold a sentimental attachment to the ring as it was given to her. I personally would feel like that was the diamond that our future was started with. Maybe I think of things like this in a strange or silly way but that's just my opinion.

I appreciate your input on separate vendors, basically it just sounds a little bit more complicated and as if it would be easier to use just one.

Farrahlyn, I contacted JA about the stone and they assured me there would be no ill effects of the medium flourescence. I asked about having the diamond pulled and looked at like you suggested. They said the diamond was one of their best diamonds, that's why it is in the true hearts collection and that there was really no need to pull it because it was in the top 1%. They said if I still wanted them to pull it, they would and that it would take up to 5 days to get it on the bench. What is your take on that? I will strongly consider this diamond. The diamond and setting fit together very nicely in my budget. If I do decide on it should I ask them to pull it and check it anyway just in case?
Re: Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advi

BAC80 said:
Adabeta27, I do not anticipate her wanting to upgrade some day, I feel like she would hold a sentimental attachment to the ring as it was given to her. I personally would feel like that was the diamond that our future was started with. Maybe I think of things like this in a strange or silly way but that's just my opinion.

I appreciate your input on separate vendors, basically it just sounds a little bit more complicated and as if it would be easier to use just one.

Farrahlyn, I contacted JA about the stone and they assured me there would be no ill effects of the medium flourescence. I asked about having the diamond pulled and looked at like you suggested. They said the diamond was one of their best diamonds, that's why it is in the true hearts collection and that there was really no need to pull it because it was in the top 1%. They said if I still wanted them to pull it, they would and that it would take up to 5 days to get it on the bench. What is your take on that? I will strongly consider this diamond. The diamond and setting fit together very nicely in my budget. If I do decide on it should I ask them to pull it and check it anyway just in case?

wouldnt hurt just to put your mind at ease to have it looked at before being set if this is the diamond you're leaning toward. After all, it's a lot of money! And then you'll feel less anxious while it's being set and until you have it in your hands. I cant wait to see the finished product! Which setting are you leaning toward? FWIW, I was looking back and I think I prefer the second one I posted. The tapering near the diamond enhances the diamond more so than the other I think. one of the finished rings pictured has a .73 princess so you'll have a good idea what it'll look like when it's done.
Re: Having trouble finding a setting, also need diamond advi

I was looking at the profile view of various V prong settings, I have a slight concern about it that maybe you could add some insight about. The majority of these prongs see to be squared up the whole way to the stone, not just at the top. The regular prong setting that is on the ring I like fits nicely with the style and curves of the ring... it looks natural. My concern is that a V would look boxed up and off from a profile view of the ring. What is ya'lls opinion on this?