
Have you see this with an RB?

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Sep 20, 2004
Has anyone seen this setting with an RB center stone? I've got my choices down to three this being one but I've only seen it with the ascher. Any ideas?

Boy that''s gorgeous! Leon Mege makes a very similar ring with a round (or probably whatever shape you''d want). I''m sure he could slightly modify his design


Leon Meage''s work!!! Luv it!!
but my budget is already maxed!! I will need to wait on the custom setting. However, my jeweler says he can get something similiar to the Daniel K if I''m interested. But I can''t picture it with a round center stone.
Date: 11/23/2004 1:23
9 PM
Author: LuvthatSparkle
Leon Meage''s work!!! Luv it!!
but my budget is already maxed!! I will need to wait on the custom setting. However, my jeweler says he can get something similiar to the Daniel K if I''m interested. But I can''t picture it with a round center stone.
i bet that a mege setting similar to the daniel k will cost you much less than the daniel k (or other similar designer) itself. just a thought. the DK setting is awesome. good luck!

Ok I am really sorry I have to ask..but.. I love your ring. Really love/dream of it. I look at pictures of it everyday. I was wondering if you could please, please give me a ballpark figure for the setting. Put me out of my misery so I can put it out of my dreams for good! And now you just said that the meage setting would be less then daniel k so I have this tiny, tiny flicker of hope in my heart! So cruel!
OK, I gave Leon a call and all he can give me is a ball park figure. The Daniel K is $5,000 retail Leon is over 1/2 that.
I like this one too, having trouble deciding

Dahne and Weinstein.jpg
Date: 11/23/2004 12:39
8 PM

Has anyone seen this setting with an RB center stone? I''ve got my choices down to three this being one but I''ve only seen it with the ascher. Any ideas?

This one looks like the Britney Spears one.. I thin she has a cushion cut in there. I am not sure how it would look with an RB though??
where is this ring from?? it is amazing!
The Daniel K website has an example of this ring with a round diamond (check under the bridal section).

Sorry, I tried to cope and paste a picture of it here, but was unable to do so.
Cool, I''m gonna check that out.
LTS--so that means that the mege quote was around $3k, or did i misunderstand you? if so, that''s not a bad price for that setting, IMO.

also are you SURE that that daniel k retails for only $5k? i''ve tried on a very similar setting of his and it was almost $10k. plus as i understand it you have to buy the stone from him if you want the setting.

i also love the dahne and weinstein you posted. seems to me that you can''t go wrong with either option!
Date: 11/23/2004 2:19:25 PM
Author: allycat0303

Ok I am really sorry I have to ask..but.. I love your ring. Really love/dream of it. I look at pictures of it everyday. I was wondering if you could please, please give me a ballpark figure for the setting. Put me out of my misery so I can put it out of my dreams for good! And now you just said that the meage setting would be less then daniel k so I have this tiny, tiny flicker of hope in my heart! So cruel!
thank you for the compliments! i don''t mind sharing how much the setting cost; after all the point of this site IS consumer education. leon charged us $4200, including the cost of the melee (1.6 carats). it would have been cheaper if i had been willing to forego the "bubblework" on the underside of the ring.

i hope that helps. feel free to PM me if you want!
Date: 11/23/2004 7:40:54 PM
Author: reena
Date: 11/23/2004 2:19:25 PM

Author: allycat0303


Ok I am really sorry I have to ask..but.. I love your ring. Really love/dream of it. I look at pictures of it everyday. I was wondering if you could please, please give me a ballpark figure for the setting. Put me out of my misery so I can put it out of my dreams for good! And now you just said that the meage setting would be less then daniel k so I have this tiny, tiny flicker of hope in my heart! So cruel!

thank you for the compliments! i don''t mind sharing how much the setting cost; after all the point of this site IS consumer education. leon charged us $4200, including the cost of the melee (1.6 carats). it would have been cheaper if i had been willing to forego the ''bubblework'' on the underside of the ring.

i hope that helps. feel free to PM me if you want!

Reena, you are so awesome- I have always been a bit perplexed by the reticence of some people to talk actual dollars here. As you mentioned, this is a consumer site, and people are PURCHASING jewelry.

I went to a Daniel K show the other day. Oh my gawd, I''m still in diamond pulchritude overload. I didn''t see that particular ring, but I did see some similar ones that were waaaaaaay more than $5K. LM''s prices are very reasonable, especially considering the quality of the work he does, and the fact that everything is custom.

Your an angel
Thank you so much! I was reading what luvthatsparkle wrote and I thought it meant that it was 5000 + 1/2 again that. I nearly cried. Wow. Ok so it is definitely in my price range!!! I''m all excited. I probably will forgoe the melee (is that the bubblework??) It is beautiful of course and adds so much to the ring (I love it on your ring!!) but if it keeps me in the budget then I''ll have to make sacrifices. It''s not getting done anytime soon, but it''s good to dream about the attainable! Honestly I think your ring setting was a steal it looks so beautiful and outrageously lavish.
Date: 11/23/2004 2:42:51 PM
Author: LuvthatSparkle
I like this one too, having trouble deciding
Personally, I would suggest you go with this one. I think it is more timeless. With the other ring, I think you will tire of the split shank design. Also, there is really nothing you can do with the first one -- it can''t be worn with a band or anything whereas this second style can work with many options (matching bands to the shank on one or both side of the e-ring, pair with an eternity band of larger stones, pair with a plain band, etc.).
Date: 11/23/2004 9:28
1 PM
Author: allycat0303

Your an angel
Thank you so much! I was reading what luvthatsparkle wrote and I thought it meant that it was 5000 + 1/2 again that. I nearly cried. Wow. Ok so it is definitely in my price range!!! I'm all excited. I probably will forgoe the melee (is that the bubblework??) It is beautiful of course and adds so much to the ring (I love it on your ring!!) but if it keeps me in the budget then I'll have to make sacrifices. It's not getting done anytime soon, but it's good to dream about the attainable! Honestly I think your ring setting was a steal it looks so beautiful and outrageously lavish.


just to be clear i'm not really sure what LTS meant, i couldn't tell if she was saying the quote was a little more than half the $5k or something different. maybe she'll chime in and tell us. but i doubt that the quote on the setting she's referring to would have been $5k plus half on top of that, though.

regardless, i'm glad to see that it looks like it could work out for you! if you're looking for a straightforward pave bezel setting then it should be less than the $4200 i paid (due to eliminating the design on the underside of the stone). (of course the quote does depend some on stone size and finger size, etc.) if you're trying to keep the cost down even further you can always go for one sided instead of three sided pave, too. i'm excited for you--and i know how you feel! i was prepared for leon to quote me along the lines of the other designer settings i had seen (in which case using him wasn't going to be feasible for us), so i was surprised and thrilled when he gave such a reasonable quote. i think we got a pretty good deal, all things considered! definitely keep me posted.

PS when i said that the $4200 included the cost of the "melee"--that means the small diamonds in the setting. he charged me $750/carat for the stones, so at 1.6 carats in the setting that means he charged right around $3000 for the platinum and the workmanship. eliminating the design under the stone not only means there's less workmanship involved, it means you need less diamonds! so that should definitely reduce the cost for you.
The one on the right actually is an RB. I''ve never seen a front-on view either though.
This is it with a round, but it''s not a front-on view ...

Hello all, Thanks for the input. I didn''t mean to confuse everyone on Leon''s pricing, but I haven''t had any work done with him all I do is call and ask lots of questions and I have felt uncomfortable about posting the costs of peoples work on this site. But hey maybe I''m being a silly so if the gloves are off lets go for it. Leon has never quoted anything above $5000. One setting was for $1500 with no stones, another was for around $3000. He can''t give me exact figures because he needs to see what kind of stone he''s working with first.

As for the cost of the Daniel K, I went to Michael C. Fina in NY and I could swear he said $5,000 for that setting. Then again I''ve seen so many setttings and so many different numbers.............I could be confused

Headlight, thanks for the input, that''s a great point. I do want to wear my engagment ring and wedding band on the same hand, I want my right hand free to wear my antique rings.
Date: 11/24/2004 4:37:56 AM
Author: michela002
This is it with a round, but it''s not a front-on view ...
this ring is just beautiful! i love it with an RB. if you''re concerned about the split shank though, i have tried on a setting nearly identical to that except not split shank, and it was to die for.
Reeyonce (Reena)!

I have to admit it is an excellent idea to maybe do a one pave band and then maybe have the basket (I really love the basket). Last night I spoke to my boyfriend, and initially he had wanted to propose this summer, but I wasn''t ready so I had my brother tell him not to do it. Which made me wonder if he had already bought a ring/diamond. I choked it out of him last night because I am obsessed with your ring!!! Well it turns out he has brought me a temporary ring, its 1.5 carat sapphire with two trillion diamonds that are 0.25 carats each. He gave it to me last night, not as an engagement ring, but because I was telling him what I wanted in an engagement ring, and I was thinking I wouldn''t mind getting engaged this summer...pure greediness on my part. We were going to have a long engagement anyways, so what''s one more year???

SOOO I showed him your ring...and he was amazed! He actually said that it was amazing. This from a guy who doesn''t know the difference between platinum and white gold! So you know its something special. I talked about it with him, options that can keep the price down, but he said that its the only jewellery I''ll wear, and if I don''t get what I want now, I''ll probably demand an upgrade. And honestly Reeyonce, seeing the way your ring looks has ruined me for all other options!

MORE questions for you
Sorry! I am never going to see or try on any potential ring. And there is nothing like that in Canada (0.15 carat stones everywhere) Could you tell me how wide the band of the ring is? And do you find the setting high? Well that''s it! My boyfriend said I could have between a 1.5 to 2.0 center stone, and my ring size is 4.5 (probably closer to 4.25 because I can shake a 4.5 off my finger) but if it looks anything like it does on your finger I will be very, very, happy.

Your a saint for answering all these questions
although I suspect you are probably doing the same for a lot of people.

I am concerned about the split shank only because I want to wear my band on the same finger. I have small hands and size 4 fingers. Now my diamond is 2.77 in size, and I would like a low setting, would it make sense to have pave on the basket in a low setting? Will I even see it?

wow, thank you so much, i am overwhelmed by your nice compliments. and by the way i would LOVE to see pictures of your sapphire ring--it sounds amazing. what a cool boyfriend you have!

as for your questions . . . i know how you feel because i also was not able to try on my ring, or anything like, it beforehand. (all of leon''s pieces are custom so all he had laying around was another entirely different pave ring.) i pretty much just pointed to a picture and told him, "make it like that, and please make sure it looks really delicate". that''s it. i didn''t know in advance how wide the shank or bezel would be (i just said, thin please!), or anything else. i just totally had to trust him. i am a control freak, so that was scary. but, i figured he knew a lot better than i did what would look good, so in the end i''m glad i did that. i probably would have insisted on one thing or another that would have screwed up the appearance, otherwise.

anyway, as for how wide the shank is--i actually don''t know for sure. but it''s pretty darn thin--maybe 2 or 2.5mm? and the setting is not high AT ALL--it''s actually very very low. one of the lowest i''ve seen. (i really need to tilt my hand in order to show people the pave on the undercarriage.) that''s actually one of the things i like the best about the ring--i''m not a fan of high settings, and plus it''s great because it never catches or bangs on anything.

also we have the exact same ring size--4.25--so you should be able to get an idea of how the ring would look on your finger. what shape stone are you considering again? (sorry if you''ve told me before, i forget.)
Oh and Michela002 thanks for posting those pics, I was going crazy trying to do that!
reena- are you stunned with the responses and inspiration your ring has inspired?? :) like alleycat, i am absolutely in love with your ring (it''s my wallpaper!). my bf isn''t really allowing me to be too involved in picking out my ring, but i think i will definitely send him to leon. his work is stunning, and so reasonably priced compared to many of the big names. that''s so great to hear that you don''t catch it on things either. i''m going to be a physician, so it''s probably important to have a ring that won''t beat up my patients when i examine them hehehe...
Date: 11/24/2004 11:24:43 AM
Author: icekid
i''m going to be a physician, so it''s probably important to have a ring that won''t beat up my patients when i examine them hehehe...
lol! although i guess if i had to be injured, by diamonds is the way that i would choose . . .

death by diamonds! i love it!
Date: 11/24/2004 4:37:56 AM
Author: michela002
This is it with a round, but it''s not a front-on view ...


OMG- I''m completely in love with this setting. I waaaaaaaaaaant it!
I just checked it out on the website. It''s just enough sparkle to compliment the center stone.
Soooooooo what kind of band do you wear with this type of setting?

I am like you, total control freak, so I'm hoping that by getting all of this ironed out my boyfriend won't get it wrong. I think we have the same tastes, delicate and not too high. My boyfriend will be buying a 1.7 to 2 carat center for me. I still have to decide on cushion or cushion brilliant. I'll have to find out if the setting will work with a cushion brilliant. Exciting though, but I'll only be getting it in a few months. The more you describe your ring, the more perfect it sounds, it is really getting ridiculous! As for my sapphire and diamond ring, it is pretty (I'll try to get a pic up) but its not really my style! The shank is a bit wide, so I've decided I'll wear it when I wear jeans! I wear jeans once in a blue moon, so its not going to get much wear but I thought the whole sentiment was really sweet.

So now that the proposal is done, when will you be getting married? And what kind of wedding band are you going to pair with that gorgeous ring? I have a feeling if I get that ring (please let there be a GOD) I won't wear a wedding band. Thanks again for being so patient with the questions. Your a jewel! (A diamond more precisely

Here's a pic after he gave me my sapphire (I'm wearing it on my other hand) but it was such a sweet moment.

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