
Gyno Help?

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Oct 19, 2005
Hey guys, sorry this may be possible TMI (what am I saying, it is TOTALLY TMI), but I need some help. For the past two months, I''ve had painful urination and sex, so I''ve refrained from the sex. I found that I had two small tears inside my "area" (cleared up before the sex), and went to see the gyno. I was tested for everything and there wasn''t a problem.

I don''t know what it could be, to be honest. Same partner for four years, and before two monogamous partners who were tested as well. I''ve been on BC for 9 years, the same pill- if that makes a difference. Other info: Major allergies, and I tested positive for anti-nuclear anitbodies (found in Lupus patients), but not the lupus, so I don''t know if that attributes to connective tissue problems.

If anyone can help or just give advice it''d be greatly appreciated. The pain is agonizing. And we''re going to be married in 7 months and I''d really like to have a nice honeymoon- if you get what I mean.

Thank you all.
Date: 3/19/2007 5:19:12 PM
Hey guys, sorry this may be possible TMI (what am I saying, it is TOTALLY TMI), but I need some help. For the past two months, I''ve had painful urination and sex, so I''ve refrained from the sex. I found that I had two small tears inside my ''area'' (cleared up before the sex), and went to see the gyno. I was tested for everything and there wasn''t a problem.

I don''t know what it could be, to be honest. Same partner for four years, and before two monogamous partners who were tested as well. I''ve been on BC for 9 years, the same pill- if that makes a difference. Other info: Major allergies, and I tested positive for anti-nuclear anitbodies (found in Lupus patients), but not the lupus, so I don''t know if that attributes to connective tissue problems.

If anyone can help or just give advice it''d be greatly appreciated. The pain is agonizing. And we''re going to be married in 7 months and I''d really like to have a nice honeymoon- if you get what I mean.

Thank you all.
Hi AM, There must be some kind of problem. Painful urination is not normal. Your gyno didn''t give you any suggestions? Just left you out in the cold? You need to find another doctor, if that''s the case, until you find someone that has answeres for you. Unfortunately, I don''t have suggestions...sorry
Thanks Marvel, that''s what I thought. It has to be SOMETHING. It''s unbelievably frustrating, and just makes me so sad. I think I will go to another doctor.
Find someone that will truly listen to you. Can you get recommendations from friends or co workers?? It''s such a bummer that you were kind of left out in the cold so to speak. Today, we have to be so proactive for our own health and well being. I''m sure you will get the answers you are seeking, just will have to keep at it to find out what you are dealing with. Good luck!!!
Amber, Are you in the LA area, by any chance? I have a great ob in Marina del Rey.

No such thing as TMI with me! You might be too dry. I got that a little when we were trying to concieve and she said I should put an cortizone ointment (not cream). She said it was "surface" burning which happened b/c urine can irritate you if you are dry. Hope that helps. It is worth a try! Also try some lube during sex. Sounds like that may be your problem.
Honestly, it sounds like have a UTI (urinary tract infection). To help the painful urination, you can get otc products like AZO standard, baridium, urelief, etc. Beware, these medications will turn your urine orange and can stain. The discoloration lasts about 6 hours I think. There are also products that you can use to test your own urine to see if you have a uti. It is much like a Pregnancy test.
Make sure you urinate right after intamacies. Also, you should urinate before intamacies as should your partner. Make sure you are both clean. From experience in having these issues, you should not have intamicies if you have not washed that day (again, both of you). You can also use personal cleaning products for both of you before intamacies.

I don't know if lubrications have changed since I tried them, but every time I would use them, it resulted in yeast infections. Just make sure your body feels up to the task before you begin as being dry will cause you little nicks or tears and then bacteria breeds.

All of these issues are very common, just do an internet search.

Hope this all helps you.
Yeah, at first I thought it could be a UTI too, but in my experience you DEFINITELY KNOW(!) when you have one of those. You wouldn''t be able to sit down for 2 minutes without having to feel like you need to pee, yet nothing would come out. So I don''t think it''s that...

Do you see any more ''tears'' there? I would try to get to a dr quick when you see that so they could take a better look or scrape the area and see if anything weird is going on.
Date: 3/19/2007 7:28:46 PM
Author: FireGoddess
Yeah, at first I thought it could be a UTI too, but in my experience you DEFINITELY KNOW(!) when you have one of those. You wouldn''t be able to sit down for 2 minutes without having to feel like you need to pee, yet nothing would come out. So I don''t think it''s that...

Do you see any more ''tears'' there? I would try to get to a dr quick when you see that so they could take a better look or scrape the area and see if anything weird is going on.

I agree about not being a UTI (though I could be wrong of course). If the urine smells funny and is cloudy those are signs. But in my (horrible) experience if you wait long enough (less than a week) there will be blood in your urine. If this happens go to the DR ASAP you REALLY need a perscription to clear it up. Chances are though your DR already tested your urine when you when in for your appointment. I reallly thing you are tearing b/c you are dry. Try K-Y jelly or Astroglide.
Sorry I didn''t get back to you all sooner, I had a meeting with the Priest who will (as of today) be doing our wedding.

To answer the questions:

Marvel, yeah I am in LA! I would LOVE to know the name of your gyno.

I''m pretty sure this isn''t a UTI, unfortunately, prior to my FI, I got at least 6 a year. Not fun.

But no, these tears are like little papercuts, not a large cut or anything, just like tiny little slices. And yes, it''s a pretty as it sounds.

Tacori, I really appreciate your advice, I think it may be something like that, because I can''t pinpoint the exact spots. Not fun.
Oh no, I am so sorry to hear about this. It sounds like this problem is way beyond dryness or UTIs, although these would be the first things I would think of too. Not sure what exactly you''ve been tested for, but have you had an ultrasound to see if there are any cysts or tumors pressing against your bladder? Also it could maybe be a kidney stone apparently. Did you have a urinalysis? Did they test you for vaginal infection?

I remember you saying before that you were on long-term steroids which then caused you some problems, I wonder if this could be a complication related to the steroid meds you were on???

Do you have any lower back pain? I wonder if it''s kidney related/kidney stones causing inflammation in that area.

Bottom line--you need to find a good doctor. Sounds like you''ve been hung out to dry. You poor thing. I hope you get to the bottom of it asap.
Ooh ouch! Sorry to hear you''re in pain. Definitely get another doctor who listens to you because it does sound like something must be wrong.

I know this will sound crazy and way too simple, but is it possibly a yeast infection? One of the symptoms (aside from others that just may not be very noticeable) is irritation in the form of very small tears around the v. area. It''s possible that when you went for your exam and had cleaned up really well before hand that there wasn''t much evidence of a YI. I remember going to the gyno once and thinking everything was a-ok, then got a msg. on my cellphone telling me they saw signs of a YI and I could just treat it OTC. I had no idea, honestly, and I''m pretty aware of what''s going on with my body!
Thanks for all the replies everyone... I guess I''m going to have to make another appointment. BLAH.
I had something kind of similar. My gyno said that sometimes hormonal BC thins something or another down there and makes that area more susceptible to tearing. (I can''t remember the technical details, but that was the gist.) I haven''t had any problems since changing BC. I know that you''ve said that you''ve been on the same pill for a long time, but it took a while to show up in me and went away almost immediately.

That being said, I''m clearly not a doctor and would recommend getting checked out by another doc.
My aunt had similar problems, and oddly enough she was irritated from her underwear! She has to wear plain white cotton panties and hasn''t had any issues since she''s switched!
Hey Amber, I don''t have any suggestions i''m afraid but I just wanted to chime in and suggest going to another doctor. I used to have a obgyn that didn''t actually *listen* to me and it was very frustrating. I would ask a question about side effects of birth control and she would basically just suggest that I get over it...

Anyways, I hope you feel better soon. No worries about TMI, it''s great to have ladies here to ask for help when you need it.
Amber, Here''s a link to Dr. Parks. Make sure you call his office in the morning and make an appointment!! Going to the OB suxs, but you''ll feel better once he tells you the problem and he can help with any pain you are having. Good luck!!!
Everyone, thanks so much for all the help, advice, and just well wishes. Marvel, thank you for Dr. Parks!! Blenheim, I''ve heard that, too. AND, I also plan on changing undies. My Fiance will be soo intoxicated by my cotton undies come wedding night.
I''ll let you know how it goes. Thank you all!!
Date: 3/20/2007 2:14:27 AM
Author: AmberWaves
Everyone, thanks so much for all the help, advice, and just well wishes. Marvel, thank you for Dr. Parks!! Blenheim, I've heard that, too. AND, I also plan on changing undies. My Fiance will be soo intoxicated by my cotton undies come wedding night.
I'll let you know how it goes. Thank you all!!
Have you changed your laundry detergent, fabric softener, or soap recently? If so that could be a cause of irritation.

It is best to use a perfume/dye free detergent, fabric softener, body wash along with cotton panties. I'm glad your getting checked out again by another Dr. Best to get down to the bottom of the problem so you can be comfy again.
Vegas, we did change detergents, actually! I thought of it, but kinda let it go, but I''m going to get the "free" stuff today. Thanks for reminding me.
it doesn''t sound like it, but it wouldn''t hurt to ask the dr. about vestibulitis or vulvodynia. some drs don''t know about those conditions but they can cause pain. good luck!
Are you taking baths or showers? The reason I ask is as I went through a stage of feeling small cuts down there, itchiness and slightly painful sex (with a small amount of bleeding). I put it down to the baths, and went back to haveing showers, not one problem since. Sounds weird but it worked for me, I also used vaginal itching stuff to soothe the area.
Cheekyprincess, that sounds JUST like what I had! (That irritation is gone now- I''ve been taking L-Lysine, don''t know if it changes anything!)

Thanks also, about the possible other things, the vulvodinia (spelled wrong), and the other one, which I am not even going to try to rplicate here.

I''m trying to rearrange my work schedule so I can make an appointment. Thanks again everyone!
I used the clear free detergent once before and because it''s clear- once I got to the last bit, as I poured it into the laundry tray, something came out with the detergent!!! I have no idea what it was!
Chiming in late with something else...

My Dr. once suggested that I use Johnson''s Baby soap (which smells yummy) for the *downstairs* because it''s very gentle and non-irritating!
Hmmm...I think the use of any kind of soap downstairs is controversial, if not totally unrecommended. Soap kills off the bacteria that is needed to keep the yeast in check. If you do use soap, focus on the external areas so that you don''t get a yeast infection. God, it is like a whole ecosystem down there! What us ladies have to deal with some times....
I think I am rather late chiming in too but anyway

I had a similar problem - my doctor said it was something called Vaginal Fissures. It seemed to be linked to my menstrual cycle and I sometimes still have problems. Its worse just before my period. They are just like small paper cuts and drive you mad when you urinate.

Wow that was probably a bit too much info but if it helps...... lol
Date: 3/24/2007 1:24:43 PM
Author: Kit
Hmmm...I think the use of any kind of soap downstairs is controversial, if not totally unrecommended. Soap kills off the bacteria that is needed to keep the yeast in check. If you do use soap, focus on the external areas so that you don''t get a yeast infection. God, it is like a whole ecosystem down there! What us ladies have to deal with some times....

My doctor says the same. She recommends NO soap at all just warm water.
Date: 3/24/2007 11:24:51 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

Date: 3/24/2007 1:24:43 PM
Author: Kit
Hmmm...I think the use of any kind of soap downstairs is controversial, if not totally unrecommended. Soap kills off the bacteria that is needed to keep the yeast in check. If you do use soap, focus on the external areas so that you don''t get a yeast infection. God, it is like a whole ecosystem down there! What us ladies have to deal with some times....

My doctor says the same. She recommends NO soap at all just warm water.
Yup, and NO bubble baths if you''re having any issues as well. The "downstairs" area has it''s whole own cleansing system and really shouldn''t be messed with if one can help it. I think the word "ecosystem" is absolutely appropriate here, Kit! In fact, back in my college days we used to refer to the area as the "rainforest," LOL!
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