
Got any clothing pet peeves?

asymons412|1307996188|2944940 said:
I hate when people over the age of 15 wear shirts with words or witty little sayings on them! Around the house is one thing, but to go out in that...?
Hahaha--I love punny shirts! When I taught high school I definitely made a point to wear punny shirts on a regular basis. Word play: all the cool kids are doing it. :cheeky:

My favorite shirt has a picture of a loaf of challah bread on it and the word "Holla!" written across the top. I never wore that one to school because I was probably the only Jew in the building, but talk about punny.

Dreamer--I am SO with you on the boob seam shirts. Why? Why buy a shirt with an under-boob seam that hits you mid-boob? I will never understand.

Add me to the list of those who refuse to wear products with labels all over them. Yuck.
No, not really. When you have no sartorial sense, nothing is that offensive. I'm sure there are things that should be. Sigh.
Dreamer_D|1307996709|2944946 said:
I find it really disturbing when a woman buys a top that has a seam that is supposed to go *under* the breast, and for some unknown reason, they buy it too small and wear it with the seam running accross the *middle* of the breast!

In defense of the busty ... sometimes when you buy said shirt, you don't realize you'll need to adjust it every three seconds to keep from doing that, since it's being in motion that causes it to happen.

TRUST ME, it hurts us more than it hurts you.
merilenda|1308004428|2945053 said:
jaysonsmom|1308001105|2944997 said:
I have a couple:

Button down blouses/shirts with buttons positioned in correctly, leading big gaping hole in the breast area. I'm not even big in the chest area, so I can't imagine how the chestier ladies deal with it.

Another is the skinny extra long tank tops. Who needs tank tops that reach their knees? Am I just short waisted?

I forgot about the button down issue. But yes, that's another HUGE pet peeve of mine. I wear a D cup and I can only button around the chest area if I buy a shirt that's waaaaaay too big. I get around this by wearing camis underneath and then just not buttoning around that area if I have to wear one. But this problem is why I very rarely wear button down shirts.

Look up a company called Tracy M. They put stretchy panels on the side under the arms, so the shirts actually fit properly - the cheap solution to proper tailoring. GENIUS! Ever since I discovered these, I've been so very happy.
Circe|1308006570|2945088 said:
Dreamer_D|1307996709|2944946 said:
I find it really disturbing when a woman buys a top that has a seam that is supposed to go *under* the breast, and for some unknown reason, they buy it too small and wear it with the seam running accross the *middle* of the breast!

In defense of the busty ... sometimes when you buy said shirt, you don't realize you'll need to adjust it every three seconds to keep from doing that, since it's being in motion that causes it to happen.

TRUST ME, it hurts us more than it hurts you.
I don't like cargo pants, cargo shorts, cargo skirts - I don't understand why anyone needs or wants pockets on the sides of their thighs or their knees, barring perhaps certain professions but then you're talking uniforms which are generally purpose-designed. Conversely, I do find some utility-style vests or jackets stylish and practical (though not for me).

Why can't I find basic T-Shirts with a normal crew neck, not a scoop neck or a boat neck or a v-neck or a jewel neck - I want a decent T-Shirt with a crew neck that is actually at my neck.... And don't get me started on the necklines on shells or tanks.
Inkblot|1307976692|2944715 said:
Thank you, Circe! Pockets are a big deal! I'm not alone in my pocket rage. I have tailored jackets with pockets that are sewn shut and don't even qualify as pockets. What are they, mystery pockets?

And why, oh WHY, do women not get a line of wrinkle free separates? My SO hardly ever has to iron. His collared shirts are "wrinkle-free" and so are his pants. Just pull straight from the dryer, stick in the closet, they're good to go. I glare at him in jealousy as I iron creases into my pockety pants.

Hehe do you mean the one's that have pocket bags but are just stitched shut at the top? You're supposed to cut those open :P ! They are just hand-tacked closed so that they stay neat before you buy them... Sorry if you mean those fake pockets with no pocket bag, those are just weird...
Who ever decided to put the things that shorten bra straps in the back?? It drives me insane!! Forever they were in front so you could discreetly adjust a straying strap. When they're in back you have to get naked to shorten the idiot things. It's the dumbest idea ever perpetrated on women!

--- Laurie
I wish I could find cute size 5 shoes. My feet are tiny, I know. But that doesn't mean I'm a child. I literally wear my shoes until they are falling apart because it's so hard to find decent size 5 shoes in a store. I'm also known to buy shoes in a size 6 and just deal with them flipping and flopping! Not good when chasing a toddler down the street!

I agree with the poster that mentioned crew neck t-shirts. I'm petite with a small chest and look silly wearing something with a plunging neckline.
I just bought a pair of sandals made from recycled yoga mats, they just look like a brown thong really...actually writing this has me gagging that I bought something once drench in someone's downward-dog-sweat :knockout:
Anyway, I wore them the other day to do some banking in the city, it started to rain heavy and I happened to glance down and see my feet were FOAMING!! :o Not just a little bit either, I'm talking full, billowing wads of the stuff leaving a trail behind me, some blowing off into the air, my feet looked darn RABID.
I couldn't get it to stop, I walked in every puddle I could find to try and rinse but it just exasperated it. I guess whatever they used to clean these things never got rinsed out properly, people were staring and trying to avoid my foam...and me :oops:
These tree hugging entrepreneurs need to road test, lol!
JewelFreak|1308009282|2945123 said:
Who ever decided to put the things that shorten bra straps in the back?? It drives me insane!! Forever they were in front so you could discreetly adjust a straying strap. When they're in back you have to get naked to shorten the idiot things. It's the dumbest idea ever perpetrated on women!

--- Laurie

Bras don't come with remote controls for emergency leveling?
maplefemme|1308020600|2945262 said:
I just bought a pair of sandals made from recycled yoga mats, they just look like a brown thong really...actually writing this has me gagging that I bought something once drench in someone's downward-dog-sweat :knockout:
Anyway, I wore them the other day to do some banking in the city, it started to rain heavy and I happened to glance down and see my feet were FOAMING!! :o Not just a little bit either, I'm talking full, billowing wads of the stuff leaving a trail behind me, some blowing off into the air, my feet looked darn RABID.
I couldn't get it to stop, I walked in every puddle I could find to try and rinse but it just exasperated it. I guess whatever they used to clean these things never got rinsed out properly, people were staring and trying to avoid my foam...and me :oops:
These tree hugging entrepreneurs need to road test, lol!

That's really funny! Great way to start my day. I can't stop laughing. Sorry, maplefemme!
Zoe|1308044445|2945430 said:
maplefemme|1308020600|2945262 said:
I just bought a pair of sandals made from recycled yoga mats, they just look like a brown thong really...actually writing this has me gagging that I bought something once drench in someone's downward-dog-sweat :knockout:
Anyway, I wore them the other day to do some banking in the city, it started to rain heavy and I happened to glance down and see my feet were FOAMING!! :o Not just a little bit either, I'm talking full, billowing wads of the stuff leaving a trail behind me, some blowing off into the air, my feet looked darn RABID.
I couldn't get it to stop, I walked in every puddle I could find to try and rinse but it just exasperated it. I guess whatever they used to clean these things never got rinsed out properly, people were staring and trying to avoid my foam...and me :oops:
These tree hugging entrepreneurs need to road test, lol!

That's really funny! Great way to start my day. I can't stop laughing. Sorry, maplefemme!

Here's some peeves I'm sure will make me wildly unpopular;

Capris, skimmers, culottes, any of those short pants. I don't like the way they make women look like they have short legs. Please wear shorts or pants, the 'tweeners cut you off at the knees. DD and I call these leg shorteners.

OLWP: Old Lady White Pants! Please stop! Once you get over 50 white pants DO make your butt look droopy!

Discount Shirts; I had a whole thread on these, and I still don't like them. The "discount" refers to the percentage of chest that is not covered, as in "That discount shirt is 60% off!"

Butt Cheek Shorts; WHAT IS UP WITH THESE? I was shocked to see one of the moms (three kids!) from the bus stop power walking down the street in these. I, and the rest of the world, could see a good inch or so of her butt cheeks hanging out the back of these shorts. I was THIS close to stopping her and explaining that she must have mixed those shorts up with her daughter's shorts, but then I got to thinking about what I've learned on PS: people really DO vary. I think she wanted to have all the pickup trucks slowing down and following her down the street. :shock:
those athletic shoes with the molded toes are so horrifying. blecccccccch! TOE SHOES! *shudders*

when i see them i feel like telling the person how stupid they look. but of course, i don't. i DO, however, cringe inside.
No one over three should be wearing winnie the pooh. I have a patient who comes to every appt in this sweatshirt. And what's with shorts on guys that fit under the butt! How do you walk? And I don't want to see your boxers!
anitabee|1308060606|2945522 said:
those athletic shoes with the molded toes are so horrifying. blecccccccch! TOE SHOES! *shudders*

when i see them i feel like telling the person how stupid they look. but of course, i don't. i DO, however, cringe inside.

Aaaaaaaaaagh, the toe shoes! I HATE those things. I keep expecting the people wearing them to peel a banana with their toes.
Circe|1308064942|2945562 said:
anitabee|1308060606|2945522 said:
those athletic shoes with the molded toes are so horrifying. blecccccccch! TOE SHOES! *shudders*

when i see them i feel like telling the person how stupid they look. but of course, i don't. i DO, however, cringe inside.

Aaaaaaaaaagh, the toe shoes! I HATE those things. I keep expecting the people wearing them to peel a banana with their toes.

Hahahahaha, a solid half of my friends have those shoes! They swear by the ugly things.
JewelFreak|1308009282|2945123 said:
Who ever decided to put the things that shorten bra straps in the back?? It drives me insane!! Forever they were in front so you could discreetly adjust a straying strap. When they're in back you have to get naked to shorten the idiot things. It's the dumbest idea ever perpetrated on women!

--- Laurie

Circe|1308064942|2945562 said:
anitabee|1308060606|2945522 said:
those athletic shoes with the molded toes are so horrifying. blecccccccch! TOE SHOES! *shudders*

when i see them i feel like telling the person how stupid they look. but of course, i don't. i DO, however, cringe inside.

Aaaaaaaaaagh, the toe shoes! I HATE those things. I keep expecting the people wearing them to peel a banana with their toes.
OHMIGOD! Circe, I RARELY laugh out loud while reading, but that is exactly what I'm doing RIGHT NOW!

P.S. I own a pair of hot pink and orange Vibrams. As a muscle specialist, DH is obsessed with them.
I have a clothing pet peeve:

Button down shirts that are too wide. WHY? Why are button down shirts so wide? I am not a small person, but I cannot find a dress shirt that doesn't make me look like a wrapped gift box.
Circe, I will definitely look up Tracy M! Thanks for the tip!

Maplefemme, I'm LOL-ing at your story!
I wear shirts out side out, not inside out.

Some design today are so fricking cute that they put seams on the outside that look like they belong on the inside.
So there I am in the dark in the morning trying to figure out which side goes out. :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire:

You might ask why I buy such a shirt.
I don't buy any of my clothes; my SO does, at thrift stores.
So many good ones already mentioned!

Bras that can convert to have different straps (sounds like a good idea) but have these gaps so that every now and then you have a "SPROING" moment where your strap falls off mid-conversation :nono:

Shoes that eat socks or socks that sag -- either way. Hate it. Socks should stay on.

Socks that are too tight in the toes with some sort of funky seam thing going on -- This is why I wear FI's socks.

Nice thick sweaters that have HUGE wide arms so that they flop open. Not only can you see what I'd rather you not, but it makes me COLD -- maybe if I took the trouble to wear a thick wool sweater I don't want to have a freezing cold draft running up my arms. (my fix for this is to wear a turtleneck with said sweater. No clue if it is "fashionable" or just plain strange looking, but at least I'm warm!)

Shirts that I have no clue how to wear --- like the sweater-coat thing a relative gave me. If the tag is on the inside, the seams are on the outside. If the tag is on the outside (covered by wide collar) with seems inside, the buttons don't line up. What are the extra buttons for??? Very nice. I'm sure it is "fashionable" but I can't figure it out! :confused:

Pants with no pockets.
Pants with pockets so small they are unusable.
Pants with huge pockets.
Man-pants with huge pockets, loops and velcro everywhere.
Pockets over the chest... do you really think they'll get used :sick:

Any printing on clothing -- brands, cute sayings, whatever.
Especially across the butt or chest.

Clothing with gaping holes that have strings to tie them closed.

Jeans with "rips" in them.
Especially when these rips are intentionally different in color to draw attention and run WAY up the thigh :knockout:
Zoe|1308044883|2945432 said:
I just bought this shirt:

I really like it but I may return it. I'm not sure about the sleeves. At first I liked them -- until I raised my arms. The sleeves are so wide/open that you can see everything in there. What do I do? Keep my arms at my sides all the time or wear a tank top underneath?

Cute shirt! I have a lot of tops with wider arm holes (I have a thing for oversized tops) and I usually just wear a layering tank underneath.

Sometimes I just wear a bra under my more casual ones if it's hot out. (Only the type of bra that is basically a cropped cami, though.)
princesss|1308066899|2945593 said:
Circe|1308064942|2945562 said:
anitabee|1308060606|2945522 said:
those athletic shoes with the molded toes are so horrifying. blecccccccch! TOE SHOES! *shudders*

when i see them i feel like telling the person how stupid they look. but of course, i don't. i DO, however, cringe inside.

Aaaaaaaaaagh, the toe shoes! I HATE those things. I keep expecting the people wearing them to peel a banana with their toes.

Hahahahaha, a solid half of my friends have those shoes! They swear by the ugly things.

HA add me to the HATE list. Whenever I see people wearing them I get the urge to stomp on their feet. Maybe that would teach them a valuable lesson about wearing ridiculous shoes! :cheeky: :halo:
Okay for me, I hate:

-Synthetic fabrics
-Cheap buttons
-Obvious brand labels
-Jersey dresses, tops and skirts, and on a related note, clothing with pills
-Faded clothing-NEVER wash anything in hot water OR dry it in the dryer)
-Too tight clothing-tight clothes pretty much always make someone look bigger, no matter what their size
-Too big clothing-makes you look frumpy or larger than you are. Only exception is a well-cut oversized top in a drapey fabric
-Pants (and now maxi dresses) that drag on the ground. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?! Get them hemmed!

That's all I can think of for now but there are many, many more. I'm incredibly picky about clothes.
thing2of2|1308090196|2945981 said:
Zoe|1308044883|2945432 said:
I just bought this shirt:

I really like it but I may return it. I'm not sure about the sleeves. At first I liked them -- until I raised my arms. The sleeves are so wide/open that you can see everything in there. What do I do? Keep my arms at my sides all the time or wear a tank top underneath?

Cute shirt! I have a lot of tops with wider arm holes (I have a thing for oversized tops) and I usually just wear a layering tank underneath.

Sometimes I just wear a bra under my more casual ones if it's hot out. (Only the type of bra that is basically a cropped cami, though.)

Thanks Thing2! So, I was on the right track with thinking of wearing a tank top underneath? Cool.
rosetta|1308051310|2945456 said:
Zoe|1308044445|2945430 said:
maplefemme|1308020600|2945262 said:
I just bought a pair of sandals made from recycled yoga mats, they just look like a brown thong really...actually writing this has me gagging that I bought something once drench in someone's downward-dog-sweat :knockout:
Anyway, I wore them the other day to do some banking in the city, it started to rain heavy and I happened to glance down and see my feet were FOAMING!! :o Not just a little bit either, I'm talking full, billowing wads of the stuff leaving a trail behind me, some blowing off into the air, my feet looked darn RABID.
I couldn't get it to stop, I walked in every puddle I could find to try and rinse but it just exasperated it. I guess whatever they used to clean these things never got rinsed out properly, people were staring and trying to avoid my foam...and me :oops:
These tree hugging entrepreneurs need to road test, lol!

That's really funny! Great way to start my day. I can't stop laughing. Sorry, maplefemme!


I'm tickled my humiliation was not in vain! :lol: