this diamond looks like it might be a
little high in total depth and a little
shallow in crown angle but looks like it
may be a lot of diamond for the money if
the cut is still in an acceptable range.
scored "1.4 within BIC range" and
Very good to Excellent except "Spread" which
was just "Good" on the Holloway Cut Advisor1.09ct I VS2
6.56 x 6.51 x 4.17 mm
63.8% depth
53% table
crown angle 32.4
crown height 15.8%
pavilion angle 41
pavilion depth 43%
polish Gd-VGd
symmetry Gd
Culet None
Fl No
$3300Has laser inscription of EGL cert and
"I Love You" on girdle. Does this mean
this must be a "used" diamond? What effect
should this have on price? Thanks in advance for all opinions and input!
little high in total depth and a little
shallow in crown angle but looks like it
may be a lot of diamond for the money if
the cut is still in an acceptable range.
scored "1.4 within BIC range" and
Very good to Excellent except "Spread" which
was just "Good" on the Holloway Cut Advisor1.09ct I VS2
6.56 x 6.51 x 4.17 mm
63.8% depth
53% table
crown angle 32.4
crown height 15.8%
pavilion angle 41
pavilion depth 43%
polish Gd-VGd
symmetry Gd
Culet None
Fl No
$3300Has laser inscription of EGL cert and
"I Love You" on girdle. Does this mean
this must be a "used" diamond? What effect
should this have on price? Thanks in advance for all opinions and input!