is the GIA ever off?i recently bought a stone that was represented as a vs1, I color brilliant cut stone with faint flouresence (1.79 carats if that matters?) when i got the ring appraised by a very distinguished and reputible appraiser (to remain nameless, but he has every designation one could want, etc...) the ring appraised as a G color, no flouresence, and vvs1. now i can understand the clarity rating, but the color and flouresence confuse me...can the gia be that off? the ring was compared to master stones and put into a machine for both color and flouresence. if the ring did have faint flouresence i could understand it grading as an I, but looking like a G...just a little confused? i had a long talk with the appraiser and asked him not to "jack up" the appraisal rating, etc. but he swore that that is what the stone really was.i paid a great price for an I, vs1 stone, but a ridiculous price for a g,vvs1 -so i am pleasantly suprised. it does not mattter all that much, just wondering why maybe the discrepency.j