The day of waiting is almost over
. Been searching for diamonds for many months now, thank god I stumbled onto this site. Otherwise I would have bought something that I would totally regret now. After being skeptical about buying something that is highly priced on the internet, I gained a lot of confidence by what people in this community have to say. And also the vendors, those who go out of their way to get you the information you desire as fast as possible.
After searching for diamonds that were in my price range, I finally decided to purchase from GoodOldGold. Jonathan was very helpful, not that I asked a lot of questions. Because everything I needed was on their website. Well anyways, just wanted to say that my diamond ring is coming tommorrow. And I will try to post up some pics if I can. And again thanks everyone in here who reply with suggestions and advice. And thanks to the vendors who try to educate us as much as possible before we purchase anything.
After searching for diamonds that were in my price range, I finally decided to purchase from GoodOldGold. Jonathan was very helpful, not that I asked a lot of questions. Because everything I needed was on their website. Well anyways, just wanted to say that my diamond ring is coming tommorrow. And I will try to post up some pics if I can. And again thanks everyone in here who reply with suggestions and advice. And thanks to the vendors who try to educate us as much as possible before we purchase anything.