
Getting a New Setting for my ERing


Jun 8, 2011
Hi. I am looking for a halo semi mount for my 1 carat pear shape diamond. I have been looking at the settings of lan.bo4 and Lord of Gem Rings, and wonder if this would be a good idea. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. I wrote to lan.bo4, told him I wanted to change the prongs to five prongs: two to hold the rounded end, two to hold the curved sides of the stone securely, and one V-shaped prong to protect the point at the other end. He wrote back saying he could do that, it would not be a problem, and told me to have my stone measured, so he could customize the setting. The low price is the only thing holding me back. Can I trust this setting for my ERing?
A lot of people on the color stones forum use his settings for color stones but these are not usually rings they wear every day.
Honestly, for an engagment ring I dont think the quality is there. It is hard to find halos for pears due the difference in
shape and I think most people go custom. What is your budget?
We haven't set one yet. After 32 years, I just asked for a new setting, and he said ok. I saw some posts about Good As Gold, and they are literally 20 minutes away from me. Would they be a better bet? I guess I should really sit down and find out what my budget is. lan.bo4 just had a look I really liked. I suppose another jeweler could reproduce it. Thanks for your quick reply. Sounds like I have a lot of research to do.
The one from James Allen is beautiful, but I don't think I'm ready to drop 4K on the new setting. I am also able to go to the Diamond District in NYC. Would that be a better place to look than online?
KatC|1307625726|2941567 said:
The one from James Allen is beautiful, but I don't think I'm ready to drop 4K on the new setting. I am also able to go to the Diamond District in NYC. Would that be a better place to look than online?

I would definitely go to GOG and see what they have. They can also make custom settings
I would also contact White Flash, the have nice gorgeous halo settings for other shapes that are very reasonably priced :twirl:
If GOG is in your area it would be a no brainer to work with them. They are fantastic!
Thanks. I am trying Whiteflash and will see what GOG has to offer. And if I really want to try a lan.bo4 setting, I will get a nice Amethyst stone for one. Thank you ladies. :)