
Found and bought the perfect Whiteflash ACA but..

VRBeauty|1446603388|3945430 said:
Rosiepink|1446596777|3945367 said:
VRBeauty|1446575238|3945187 said:
Rosiepink|1446574464|3945178 said:
Should we sacrifice in some area of the diamonds quality for a larger size or keep the stone we truly love even though it's a little smaller than we originally wanted? We are starting to feel like we paid a premium for something that can only be appreciated on paper. :(

I will attach some photos of our stone.

It's a question only you can answer, but since you asked ;) ...

You won't be appreciating it only on paper, you'll also get to appreciate it on your finger once you get it set. And let me tell you, I love :love: watching the light show my diamonds put on when I wear them! A poorly cut diamond simply is not going to put on the same light show.

And BTW if your alternative is a lesser quality diamond that's only a little bigger - don't even consider it. Unless you're comparing them side-by-side, your diamond will look larger than a smililarly sized diamond that's not as well cut simply because your diamond returns more light.

Also consider that you're getting a good upgrade policy with that WF ACA, and hopefully you'll be able to use that policy on some future anniversary. Assuming, of course, that you're willing to part with your beautiful diamond at that point.

Thank you for your input. Do you have any posts of your stone? I'd love to see it, it sounds beautiful! I am concerned that since the stone (therefore facets) are smaller it might not look as sparkly or firey as a larger stone with larger facets. However, I had the same concern that a slightly bigger, lesser quality diamond wouldn't provide any noticeable size difference either way. We have no plans to upgrade so that's why we want to be sure we were making the right choice!

Rosie: My ring is a 3-stone that actually has OEC's rather than MRB's - but they perform like nobody's business in many lighting conditions, and I just don't get tired of watching the show. I now own this ring, which was originally owned by PS'er Uppy:

Wow, wow, wow! I can see why you never get tired of watching the show. :love:
shawna6841|1446602385|3945422 said:
I'm new to this forum but had to chime in and say that those hearts are very impressive even by WF's standards the hearts are perfect!

I myself have been looking for a similar diamond and most of the WF stones that I have seen with VS1 grades all have some inclusions on the table, your stone has what looks like two very minor inclusions with a very clean table. Honestly it looks more like a VVS2+! Could you tell me are there any additional comments on the certificate such as clouds not shown or anything? I would love to find a stone like yours! :love:

Hehe, she's a beauty that's for sure! :lol:
IMO you paid a premium for an exceptional diamond and I believe it was worth every penny. You mention you want fire and size but if you go for a diamond that is larger but not cut as well I think you'll be disappointed in it's performance. The only suggestion I would have to get a larger size is go down in clarity as long as it is eye clean. I have a 1.5 carat ACA and while people don't know why they notice my diamond I get a lot of comments about it. Most people think it's new or I just cleaned it (to be honest I probably did) but us PS folks know it's the cut that makes it noticeable across the room.

I believe you should have a diamond you love so hopefully you'll decide this is the one you'll want or continue to look for that keeper.

You should buy the diamond you love. If you love this diamond (and every diamond looks bigger once it's set) then keep it! I don't think people should buy stones for other people, but for your own pleasure, and it is a pleasure owning an ideal cut diamond because of the way it performs. I also feel well cut diamonds look bigger. To give you an example, my original anniversary ring had a .47 ideal cut stone, and someone asked me if it was a carat! My current ring has a .75 carat ideal cut stone and my MIL described it as "pretty" and "it's big" (don't know if the last was a compliment or a judgment but oh well).

Ways to make a stone have more presence/wow factor include a higher setting, halo, 3 stone or accent stones for extra sparkle.
I have the same experience as Marcy; when all the friends and all the diamonds are in the same room under the same lighting conditions, and my ring is sending out lasers of colored flashes, people say to me, wow who cleaned your ring--it must have just been cleaned really well." Usually (since I'm not very diligent about ring cleaning!) I say, no, this is actually a grimy ring with really well cut stones. The other disbelief people have is the "M" color of my center AVR. It's "only" 1.16 carats. It's a three stone with side AVRs that are also M color (if I recall) and 0.25 carats each. Most people say something like, how is that possible? It looks white! They don't even know there is such a thing as an "M" colored diamond.

One strategy you might use, as others have suggested, is to have a setting that is not designed to showcase size only. Get a setting that has merit on its own, even disregarding the center stone.

And remember about upgrades, as your life circumstances (hopefully) continue to improve throughout your married life. When you strike it rich you can get something bigger. But even when that happens, I bet you will continue to choose excellent cut over all else--you won't give up your Pricescope-attained knowledge. You can never go back to being an average diamond consumer, like your friends who have more money but poorer taste.
If there's some budget left over, you could get a 'travel ring' of CZ to show off. Size the CZ to be the same as a poor quality diamond with the budget paid for the real diamond so that it theoretically could be a diamond.
marcy|1446609633|3945474 said:
IMO you paid a premium for an exceptional diamond and I believe it was worth every penny. You mention you want fire and size but if you go for a diamond that is larger but not cut as well I think you'll be disappointed in it's performance. The only suggestion I would have to get a larger size is go down in clarity as long as it is eye clean. I have a 1.5 carat ACA and while people don't know why they notice my diamond I get a lot of comments about it. Most people think it's new or I just cleaned it (to be honest I probably did) but us PS folks know it's the cut that makes it noticeable across the room.

I believe you should have a diamond you love so hopefully you'll decide this is the one you'll want or continue to look for that keeper.


I totally agree, thank you! :)
part gypsy|1446648165|3945575 said:
You should buy the diamond you love. If you love this diamond (and every diamond looks bigger once it's set) then keep it! I don't think people should buy stones for other people, but for your own pleasure, and it is a pleasure owning an ideal cut diamond because of the way it performs. I also feel well cut diamonds look bigger. To give you an example, my original anniversary ring had a .47 ideal cut stone, and someone asked me if it was a carat! My current ring has a .75 carat ideal cut stone and my MIL described it as "pretty" and "it's big" (don't know if the last was a compliment or a judgment but oh well).

Ways to make a stone have more presence/wow factor include a higher setting, halo, 3 stone or accent stones for extra sparkle.

Thank you! I totally agree. It looks bigger than I expected it to for it's size. Stayed tuned for my setting debate thread! :lol:
Sagefemme|1446651554|3945594 said:
I have the same experience as Marcy; when all the friends and all the diamonds are in the same room under the same lighting conditions, and my ring is sending out lasers of colored flashes, people say to me, wow who cleaned your ring--it must have just been cleaned really well." Usually (since I'm not very diligent about ring cleaning!) I say, no, this is actually a grimy ring with really well cut stones. The other disbelief people have is the "M" color of my center AVR. It's "only" 1.16 carats. It's a three stone with side AVRs that are also M color (if I recall) and 0.25 carats each. Most people say something like, how is that possible? It looks white! They don't even know there is such a thing as an "M" colored diamond.

One strategy you might use, as others have suggested, is to have a setting that is not designed to showcase size only. Get a setting that has merit on its own, even disregarding the center stone.

And remember about upgrades, as your life circumstances (hopefully) continue to improve throughout your married life. When you strike it rich you can get something bigger. But even when that happens, I bet you will continue to choose excellent cut over all else--you won't give up your Pricescope-attained knowledge. You can never go back to being an average diamond consumer, like your friends who have more money but poorer taste.

Thank you! I am hoping for the lasers of colors too!
miraj|1446656570|3945630 said:
If there's some budget left over, you could get a 'travel ring' of CZ to show off. Size the CZ to be the same as a poor quality diamond with the budget paid for the real diamond so that it theoretically could be a diamond.

Hehe, my intentions are not to show off! Just want the best bang for my buck! :)
Rosiepink -

That three stone beauty of VRBeauty's has a center stone significantly smaller than your stone, if I remember correctly. But that ring is a finger-full! Take a look at this thread and you'll see a bunch of rings with smaller center stones than yours, which have plenty of finger coverage! A halo will pretty effectively disguise the difference between a 1.1 stone and a 1.3 stone, so I'd stick that beauty in a halo and declare victory!


I think the answer is already on your finger and exists in your words. You said this:

"...or should we keep the stone we truly love..."

"It is whiter and clearer and more sparkly than any diamond we have seen in stores. Everything about it is perfect."

"...we have never felt like a 1.0 - 1.1ct looked small..."

So Rosiepink - you don't need our opinions, you just need your own. And YOUR opinion is that you love this stone, it's perfect, it's better than anything you've looked at in any store, and you never felt as though it looked small on your finger.

Sounds to me like you've found the perfect stone. The answer is not to change the stone, but to learn to be more impervious to the values of others, and this is something you'll have to learn regardless of whether you learn it from a piece of jewelry, your house, your income, your children's accomplishments, the way you look in a pair of jeans compared to your friends - and on and on and on. There will be a LOT of times where people will compare better than you. And many times when you will compare better than them. But, as the saying goes, comparisons are odious, the piece of paper (as Kenny SO astutely said) really DOES matter - and 'it ain't just a piece of paper' since the one thing you love about it so much is the way it sparkles its head off! That is COMPLETELY quantifiable and obvious!

If you want to feel better about your diamond, let me give you a tip. Those ACA stones have a premium on them for a reason. Ask one of your competitive friends or family members to stick their hand out and compare your rings side by side. Make sure yours is nice and clean when you do this. Then watch yours return every bit of light in the room, while theirs lays there like a piece of plastic. Trust me - extra size won't be what you're both looking at then!

So - go halo that puppy and enjoy a true beauty!
I just want to see your pictures of this (not so) little stone when you get him! I bet it's gonna be a discoball!