
Found a lump...

I’m in the same place as you! I have had a swollen lymph node since Feb 2020 when I got the first Covid shot. I have an ultrasound every 6 months and 1 biopsy. Recently I have a CT scan and there are more. I keep getting sick with swollen nodes only on the left. I had two weeks of prednisone and antibiotics in February. Now I just started again with a sore throat and more swollen nodes. Back on prednisone and antibiotics and trying to get into ENT. It’s frustrating because I have had pancreatic cancer and I worry about recurrence.
@RunningwithScissors -

My DH has sarcoidosis, which means we live with lumps in this household all the time. He, too, has lumps in that general area, and as with the vast majority of lumps, they're completely benign.

As well as an inflamed lymph node, it can also just be a plain ol' cyst. Or, in my case, it can be weird clusters of random calcification caused by my auto immune. It's worth stating again, in case you find solace in this (and I know I did!) - the vast majority of lumps are benign and/or caused by something non cancer related.

Either way, I'm sending prayers that it goes away of its own accord and never comes back. Add me to the list of people wishing you the best and following this thread till everything is checked out and comes back clear. ox

@AprilBaby - I'm thinking of you, too, and hoping this resolves - soon, and 100%. Nobody needs that kind of worry.

And just to add - @Rebel Rebel - welcome to Pricescope! And - what an entry post! I'm having images now of eating, and golf ball sized lumps popping out of my face!! I'm glad all was well for you.
I'm so sorry you're going though this. I had one that was leaking fluid and was dark on my hip. Looked like a cigarette burn. The regular family doctor looked at it and said "Looks like cancer" and sent me right into the local dermatologist for diagnosis. Was a simple benign cyst, but I will always remember that worry.

Hang in there!
@RunningwithScissors -

My DH has sarcoidosis, which means we live with lumps in this household all the time. He, too, has lumps in that general area, and as with the vast majority of lumps, they're completely benign.

As well as an inflamed lymph node, it can also just be a plain ol' cyst. Or, in my case, it can be weird clusters of random calcification caused by my auto immune. It's worth stating again, in case you find solace in this (and I know I did!) - the vast majority of lumps are benign and/or caused by something non cancer related.

Either way, I'm sending prayers that it goes away of its own accord and never comes back. Add me to the list of people wishing you the best and following this thread till everything is checked out and comes back clear. ox

@AprilBaby - I'm thinking of you, too, and hoping this resolves - soon, and 100%. Nobody needs that kind of worry.

And just to add - @Rebel Rebel - welcome to Pricescope! And - what an entry post! I'm having images now of eating, and golf ball sized lumps popping out of my face!! I'm glad all was well for you.

Not to derail this important thread, but thank you! Please eat happily!
Crossing my fingers and thinking of you, RunningwithScissors.
Also wanted to add that for the past 10 years or so, I've had a low white blood cell count. I don't get sick either, almost never. The doctor had suggested a B vitamin (can't remember the exact one), and I took it for a while, but honestly just so bad with remembering pills or vitamins
I'm glad you're getting it checked out. My husband had Hodgkins. The only reason why he had them checked was because of his vanity! I would hate to think what would have happened if he had not. He was very lucky it was confined and had not spread.

So I'm glad you're getting checked. I'm hoping its absolutely nothing at all, because no one needs to go through allathat kind of hell.
So I found a lump, a fairly large one, in my neck about two months ago. It took me 6 weeks to get it looked at by my GP. I kept hoping it was an enlarged lymph node due to it being massive allergy season here and drainage and all that and that it would go down. Well it didn't, so I went in last week. GP was concerned after feeling it and this coming Tuesday I go in for imaging. GP said he has no idea what it is. Could be an enlarged lymph node, could be an enlarged salivary gland, could be a tumor of some sort. Lovely. So I'm trying not to think about it until the imaging. Also, and this is weird, my white blood cell count is too low. Geez. Okay, I'm kinda scared. But I feel totally fine. Overwhelmed with work, and somewhat stressed from arguing with my spouse recently over mundane stuff, but fine other than that. I very rarely get sick so I'm not good at this kinda thing.

Anyone gone through something like this?

A question for those of you who know more about human anatomy than I do: how can a doctor not tell if a lump is a lymph node, a salivary gland or something else? Aren't these items in different spots?

I haven't read other replies but I went through something similar. I had a tumor on my salivary gland (parotid tumor) and it felt like a little lump at first but got bigger. I ended up having it removed and it was all fine. I think you'll be ok. First step for me was imaging, and then a fine needle biopsy - which is probably what they will do with you.

Healing vibes across the miles beautiful lady. Please let us know--cuz we will all worry and are rooting for you!!

kind regards--Sharon
Thank you all so very much for the kind well wishes and personal stories. I appreciate each and every one of them. What a wonderful, caring community this is and I'm so thankful to be part of it.

To those of you who shared that you are going through difficult health issues now I'm sorry and I'm there with you too!
You guys are all right, its probably fine, or at least its likely something small that can be dealt with. I keep reminding myself that a majority of these things are nothing too bad, and that my family is predisposed to extreme longevity (my great aunties lived to 107-109) and I'm in really good health.

I'm getting a CT scan for Mr. Lumpy and two MRAs on my brain (not related to Lumpy, but because there's a minor family history of aneurysms and I've had a weird pain in one spot in my head that kicks up when I get stressed.) Good thing I don't mind crawling inside tube-like machines! My claustrophobic husband would die at the thought of having to do all that.

Thanks again for listening.
I’m in the same place as you! I have had a swollen lymph node since Feb 2020 when I got the first Covid shot. I have an ultrasound every 6 months and 1 biopsy. Recently I have a CT scan and there are more. I keep getting sick with swollen nodes only on the left. I had two weeks of prednisone and antibiotics in February. Now I just started again with a sore throat and more swollen nodes. Back on prednisone and antibiotics and trying to get into ENT. It’s frustrating because I have had pancreatic cancer and I worry about recurrence.

thinking of you too April
may it just be a big fat nothing that just goes away
I can't speak to any of your questions but I just wanted to drop a note to say I'm so sorry you're going through this. I can imagine the worry you may be fighting and I'll say a special prayer for comfort, peace, wisdom ( for all parties involved ) and healing tonight.
Lots of good advice here. We are here for you.
Sending you good through to, prayers, healing dust and hugs. Hoping it is nothing serious!
You guys are all right, its probably fine, or at least its likely something small that can be dealt with. I keep reminding myself that a majority of these things are nothing too bad, and that my family is predisposed to extreme longevity (my great aunties lived to 107-109) and I'm in really good health.

I'm getting a CT scan for Mr. Lumpy and two MRAs on my brain (not related to Lumpy, but because there's a minor family history of aneurysms and I've had a weird pain in one spot in my head that kicks up when I get stressed.) Good thing I don't mind crawling inside tube-like machines! My claustrophobic husband would die at the thought of having to do all that.

Thanks again for listening.

Oh poor you. When it rains it pours!! CT plus two MRAs isn’t any fun at all even if you don’t mind crawling into small tubes!

Your good health and your family’s longevity is so very reassuring. And I’m so glad you’ve got that comfort. Those facts work in your favour no matter what happens now: You’re predisposed to good health and I am really, really hoping that predisposition is upheld. but if there’s anything that requires treatment your body will be at its best going in. Silver lining I know. More hugs.
Thinking about you RWS. My DH had one that was benign but he still had it removed. It was an outpatient procedure. Crossing fingers for you that it’s nothing. I’m feeling positive for you. (((Hug)))
So sorry to hear this @RunningwithScissors , I have no experience or practical help to offer, but I just wanted to say TRY not to worry yourself sick. I know that’s easier said than done, just wanted you to know I’m thinking of you and sending lots of positive vibes your way.
@RunningwithScissors, Thinking of you and sending good thoughts, dust and prayers for this to be nothing to be concerned about. My brother had a salivary gland removed about 10 years ago that was benign. His was about the same size.

I’m sending dust, good thoughts and prayers to you too @AprilBaby.
I'm so sorry you are going through this. I'm praying for you and sending healing vibes to both you and @AprilBaby.

I had a lump on my neck that required surgery. Thankfully, everything was just fine. It's tough trying not to worry, but stay positive and take care of yourself.
So I found a lump, a fairly large one, in my neck about two months ago. It took me 6 weeks to get it looked at by my GP. I kept hoping it was an enlarged lymph node due to it being massive allergy season here and drainage and all that and that it would go down. Well it didn't, so I went in last week. GP was concerned after feeling it and this coming Tuesday I go in for imaging. GP said he has no idea what it is. Could be an enlarged lymph node, could be an enlarged salivary gland, could be a tumor of some sort. Lovely. So I'm trying not to think about it until the imaging. Also, and this is weird, my white blood cell count is too low. Geez. Okay, I'm kinda scared. But I feel totally fine. Overwhelmed with work, and somewhat stressed from arguing with my spouse recently over mundane stuff, but fine other than that. I very rarely get sick so I'm not good at this kinda thing.

Anyone gone through something like this?

A question for those of you who know more about human anatomy than I do: how can a doctor not tell if a lump is a lymph node, a salivary gland or something else? Aren't these items in different spots?

Best of luck, and I hope it's nothing to worry about!
Wishing you all the best and sending oodles of hugs @RunningwithScissors I know how scary it can be to wait for a test, and then wait for results. I have a lump on the side of my neck. I found it about 20 years ago, and immediately began thinking about how my kids would react to my death, etc. I didn't need to go there. The biopsy showed it was nothing, and I still have it. I also hope your headaches subside!

@lala646 I certainly hope you're feeling better! I'm sorry you had to go through all that, and I hope you have nothing but good health ahead!
Keeping you in my thoughts.