
For fun and for carnivores: how do you like your steak?

I eat my beef medium rare to rare, even my hamburgers are cooked on the rare side of medium rare. I don't care for fillet mignon, but I love rib-eyes/delmonicos, strip steaks, porterhouses, T-bones, and steak tips. Preferably served with a red wine reduction, sauteed mushrooms, potatoes and a veg like spinach, peas or asparagus.

Last night I made pulled BBQ beef in my crock pot and it was deeeeeelicious!

Cold meats-like RB on sandwiches I prefer uber rare. like carpaccio rare. And I love tartare
Jennifer W|1304756328|2914648 said:
davi_el_mejor|1304738771|2914557 said:
I wait silently in the tall grass eyeing up the herd. When I spot the perfect cow I wait patiently for it to come within striking distance. When the time comes, I pounce like a wild cat! I usually get a good chunk of chuck... who needs to cook it when you've stalked it 8-)

Hahahahaha! They need to make a documentary about you. Love it!

TGal, can you tell me how you cook your rib eye steaks? I have never managed to make it taste as good as fillet or sirloin. If I was going to cook rib, I'd get a big chunk, with maybe three or four rib bones and have it as a roast rather than cut it into steaks - I haven't had much luck grilling it. Hints and tips would be great, thanks!

My favourite steak dish is a whole fillet, seared on the outside, rubbed with fresh pesto, wrapped in parma ham and finished in the oven. That's my dad's signature dish and it's awesome. It's nice for feeding a crowd, because the thin end of the fillet will obviously cook faster while the thickest part stays rare, so everyone can have a piece done to their liking. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.

My preference is medium rare to rare. The only thing I don't care for is a noticeably colder chunk in the centre of a thick rare steak.

JW-obv I'm not TG but we cook ribeyes on the grill all the time. Probably once or twice a month in the summer. What we do is buy steaks that are at least 1-1.5 in thick (it's more forgiving than a thin cut) and let them sit on the counter for 30 minutes before putting them on the grill. This allows the meat to warm up and relax after being in the cold fridge.

I rub the steaks with kosher salt, fresh rosemary and cracked black pepper and then DH (the grill master) grills them until perfectly medium rare.

We use the squish test to assess done-ness. Take your hand and relax it. Feel the mound of flesh at the base of your thumb. When the hand is relaxed that area is soft and squishy. That's very rare. As you open your hand and stretch out the palm this area gets more and more firm. When totally stretched out that's cooked to death. You want a MR steak to be a smidge firmer than totally relaxed.

Then you MUST leave the steaks on the counter for 5 - 7 minutes to relax again and let the juices redistribute in the meat.

And that's our recipe for a perfectly grilled ribeye. In the winter months I prefer to get a standing rib roast and roast it in the oven.