Another rare lover over here. Living in Sweden that can be an issue, most of the time they just don't get it, and you end up with something medium to medium done
. I usually really emphasis that I want it bloody (direct translation for when you want it rare, Swedes have well done, medium and bloody, but most think bloody means a bit pink).
I want my meat when it has just started changing consistency. Real blue I don't really like, I think it gives less taste and the somewhat slimy consistency kind of freaks me out, also I have encountered those times when it is not even warm in the middle.
I am Latina, weaned on pieces of meat that you just browned a bit and then give to the baby to suck on, so I want my meat RARE, but I get those funny reactions since I am very pale and blue eyes so I don't look Latina (most people just think I died my hair and got a boob job

I want my meat when it has just started changing consistency. Real blue I don't really like, I think it gives less taste and the somewhat slimy consistency kind of freaks me out, also I have encountered those times when it is not even warm in the middle.
I am Latina, weaned on pieces of meat that you just browned a bit and then give to the baby to suck on, so I want my meat RARE, but I get those funny reactions since I am very pale and blue eyes so I don't look Latina (most people just think I died my hair and got a boob job