
Food confessions.

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Aug 8, 2005
My name is Gypsy and I''m a dim sum addict. There is a pretty good place 2 minutes from my work... and well, I have to stop myself from going once a week. It''s expensive, it''s YUMMY, the parking is a PAIN... but I love it there. The servers know me, and are very helpful and encouraging when I try new things (I''m fairly adventurous) and... I''m addicted.

Any food confessions for you? Can any one commiserate? I feel like Karen at the Taco Place in Will and Grace.

And I''m not talking about the understandable chocolate issues either.

I always ask people, dim sum or sushi? It's probably one of the greatest conundrums of our time.

Fortunately (unfortunately?) I live in West LA, where good food goes to die.
I think if I ate sushi every day, I would be happy for life
I have just a *mild* Skittles addiction. If there are none in the house I start to freak...When will I get my next fix...How will I get my next fix...I can''t leave, DD is sleeping, but, I''m out and I haven''t had any ALL DAY...I''ve already had too many, but, I want MORE... These are just a few thoughts going through my head daily. Fortunately for me Skittles are easier to get than your dim sum, Gypsy.
I fully understand intense food cravings and going to great lengths to get them. I also have a bit of an ice fetish. I love the ice at the Corner Bakery in the South Coast Plaza. I find myself making excuses to go there so I can have some precious ice from CB. I''m anemic so I guess that explains the ice (pica), but, skittles??? I don''t know why I crave those fruity little morsels.
Date: 2/28/2007 4:59:58 PM
Author: Miranda
I have just a *mild* Skittles addiction. If there are none in the house I start to freak...When will I get my next fix...How will I get my next fix...I can't leave, DD is sleeping, but, I'm out and I haven't had any ALL DAY...I've already had too many, but, I want MORE... These are just a few thoughts going through my head daily. Fortunately for me Skittles are easier to get than your dim sum, Gypsy.
I fully understand intense food cravings and going to great lengths to get them. I also have a bit of an ice fetish. I love the ice at the Corner Bakery in the South Coast Plaza. I find myself making excuses to go there so I can have some precious ice from CB. I'm anemic so I guess that explains the ice (pica), but, skittles??? I don't know why I crave those fruity little morsels.
I kind of feel that way about starburst. I haven't had them in awhile, but if you give me a pack, I can go through the whole thing in minutes. They are just so mouth wateringly juuuuuuuuuuuuicy! Coming in a close second is strawberry mentos.

Sushi is the winner for me, hands down over dim sum. TGuy and I have to have sushi, korean and vietnamese food often.

When grapes are in season and very sweet, I freeze them and I am addicted to those. I can eat bags and bags a day...sometimes eating nothing else.
Date: 2/28/2007 4:53:40 PM
Author: JulieN

I always ask people, dim sum or sushi? It''s probably one of the greatest conundrums of our time.
It''s funny you should mention that. FI were having a squabble about this. His vote is always Sushi (although he likes Dim Sum) and my vote is always Dim Sum (although I like sushi)... but they cost about the same... so if we are okay with the expenditure...there''s always the issue of which one to go to.

We didn''t have this problem in NJ or DC... there was only one decent Chinese restaurant in all of the DC metro area, IMO... and they didn''t offer this type of Dim Sum-- NJ? Forgetaboutit.

But I''m BACK in the Bay area!! And there is great Dim Sum AND great Sushi.

So now FI and I do every other time. We just had sushi a couple of weeks ago... so if we go out again in a couple of weeks... I get Dim Sum.

Of course. I just had Dim Sum for lunch.
I was a bad bad girl. And it was so so good.
This thread makes me laugh. I could eat dim sum and sushi every day, too. But Skittles??? Ehhhhhhhh. Hubby is a huge Skittles freak though. He buys them by the box and keeps them at his desk at work at all times. And he wonders why his teeth are always hurting!!

I''m addicted to Asian-style desserts:
* those fluffy-light cakes you can find in Chinese bakeries, with fruit on top and the lightest and yummiest whipped cream frosting ever.
* the little bowls of warm, sweet red bean soup...yes, found at dim sum outlets everywhere.
* in warm-weather, I crave the traditional crushed-ice concoctions, with condensed milk and various sweet bean toppings.

Have you ever had a Chinese bakery version of chocolate cake? I swear, you could eat 3 slices in one sitting. It''s sooo fluffy and light, not rich or buttery at all. (the Chinese have an aversion to cooking with butter....great for my waistline!) But that''s not to say it''s diet food...I gained 2 lbs in 2 weeks due to keeping a Chinese-bakery cake in my fridge at all times.
You are making me hungry with all the dim sum talk. I used to love sushi but I quit eating it while pregnant and I seem to have lost my taste for it. And Chicago isn''t exactly the place to go for sushi. I used to live in LA but those were the days that I didn''t have a nickel to my name so I didn''t get to eat out a ton but I do remember a yummy dim sum place in a strip mall in West L.A. that I could just for right about now.
Date: 2/28/2007 5:23:09 PM
Author: KristyDarling
This thread makes me laugh. I could eat dim sum and sushi every day, too. But Skittles??? Ehhhhhhhh. Hubby is a huge Skittles freak though. He buys them by the box and keeps them at his desk at work at all times. And he wonders why his teeth are always hurting!!

I''m addicted to Asian-style desserts:
* those fluffy-light cakes you can find in Chinese bakeries, with fruit on top and the lightest and yummiest whipped cream frosting ever.
* the little bowls of warm, sweet red bean soup...yes, found at dim sum outlets everywhere.
* in warm-weather, I crave the traditional crushed-ice concoctions, with condensed milk and various sweet bean toppings.

Have you ever had a Chinese bakery version of chocolate cake? I swear, you could eat 3 slices in one sitting. It''s sooo fluffy and light, not rich or buttery at all. (the Chinese have an aversion to cooking with butter....great for my waistline!) But that''s not to say it''s diet food...I gained 2 lbs in 2 weeks due to keeping a Chinese-bakery cake in my fridge at all times.

asian cakes! YUM! We won''t EVER go back to heavy, overly frosted, sickly sweet american style cakes if we can help it. I love asian desserts because they are not as sweet. Now you have me craving it...

A new popular frozen yogurt (limited stores in metro areas) is pinkberry. It seems the general consensus is that asians love the flavor, but it is too slushy and blah for American palates. I guess the way it works is when you take your first bite, you''re sort of like "meh" but by the 3rd bite you''re hooked. Love the fresh fruit toppings as well!!
ok KD i love the asian fruit cakes with the whipped cream, soo goood!!!! i love getting them for things like summer parties or bridal shower cakes etc. they are so perfect and light....!

one of my guilty food confessions are double stuff oreos. haven't had them in oh...over a year? because if i have them in the house, i will eat the WHOLE BAG. not really conducive to fitting in the skinny jeans unfortunately. but i like thinking about them all the time.

i love sushi too since we have AWESOME places here in the bayarea. i have one favorite that i almost always go to all the time solely. we used to have it once a week but i haven't gone in a while...our schedules have been crazy. i am actually hoping to get it for take out on friday night since greg has plans so i was like oooh perfect time to get some sushi and chill at home.

i love dim sum as well but i eat it very sparingly because it's SOOO not healthy, hahaha. unless you get the veggies that is. alone. with no rice. so i have dim sum like once every 2-3 months. i could imagine i'd have it more but then i wouldn't be very happy with myself. sushi is much healthier esp with the items we tend to get!

other guilty food confessions...fresh cinnamon bread loaves from bakeries. if they have it, i get one. my last one is frozen in the freezer because i was trying not to eat it so quickly, hahaha. i figure i'll thaw it out in a week or two. oh and on the same note, cinnamon rolls. i recently discovered the best tasting 260 cal, 1g of fat ones fresh baked at nob hill...they are HUGE and so yummy. so i am able to get the cinnamon roll/bread/frosting craving out of the way and not even worry about gaining any weight. double perk.

oh yeah and It's It's ice cream sandwiches. anyone love those? i adore them. except i can only find them in vanilla here...though sometimes in 7 elevens you can find them in cappucino and mint chocolate chip. omg divine. my coworkers' bf said he has seen them recently in mint choco chip and capp and we were like OH GET US SOME. so i'd die happy.

i have a lot of food confessions...because i love good food. but i tend to not overindulge on things TOO often. so then it's not so much 'guilty' as it is DESERVED! my justification anyway. whee. sushi on friday.
I am seriously weird about green olives. I would definitely call it an addiction. I have to stop myself from buying more than one jar every grocery trip because I know the salt intake is really bad. I''ll sit and eat a whole jar while watching a movie. FI thinks I''m totally crazy.

I also really really love strawberries and sharp cheddar cheese. For non-snacky foods I''ve really been diggin the japanese curry restaurants around LA lately.
we've have a taco place called Sat. co. (san antonio taco company) that is one of my favorites places to go. you fill out your order on a piece of paper circling what you want and what toppings etc then turn it in. pick up your order when it's ready (a couple of minutes) and the eat away. their cheese dip is oh so yummy as well as their, love, love it!!

oh and TN makes the best Tea cakes, i get them at this little lunch restaurant where they are made fresh every few minutes..they just melt in your mouth..
i am lulu and i love barbara''s bakery cheese puffs. seriously. so. good.

gypsy: what chinese did you fancy in DC?
oh lol thought of 2 more seriously guilty food pleasures...taco bell and KFC. greg is always like ''how can you be mexican and love REAL mexican food and still like taco bell?''...he thinks it''s so gross. i am like ''honey TB is not REAL mexican food. it''s like this weird imitation but it''s good!'' and same with KFC. i had it when i was little and growing up, so mentally it''s like this weird childhood tie-back for me. but i know both of them are not really the best in terms of quality and health and all that, so i end up having them like once every 6 months MAYBE. typically i just THINK about having them and then i just never do. it''s pretty funny actually. i think sometimes i can imagine i''ve actually had them because really does the taste EVER change? not so much. but yeah, love them.
Date: 2/28/2007 5:42:31 PM
Author: Mara
oh lol thought of 2 more seriously guilty food pleasures...taco bell and KFC. greg is always like ''how can you be mexican and love REAL mexican food and still like taco bell?''...he thinks it''s so gross. i am like ''honey TB is not REAL mexican food. it''s like this weird imitation but it''s good!'' and same with KFC. i had it when i was little and growing up, so mentally it''s like this weird childhood tie-back for me. but i know both of them are not really the best in terms of quality and health and all that, so i end up having them like once every 6 months MAYBE. typically i just THINK about having them and then i just never do. it''s pretty funny actually. i think sometimes i can imagine i''ve actually had them because really does the taste EVER change? not so much. but yeah, love them.
It''s comfort food. Every once in awhile, I HAVE to have a mcdonald''s cheeseburger. Now, everyone in cali knows that if you want a good, cheap burger, you go to in-and-out. But nothing else will do sometimes but a mickey d''s cheese.

I feel the same way about KFC, but I tend to stay away from it because unlike McD''s cheeseburgers where I am happy with just one and no fries, I can''t just have a chicken wing or something. I need an extra crispy chicken breast, mashed potatoes and the nasty drenched cole slaw. Their sides are actually so gross, but I loooooooove them.
Darn you all!
I just ran to the fridge for some kalamata olives
. Never HEARD of these asian creamy fruit cakes ... but I''m intriqued ... as I am by the Pinkberry yogurt chain now invading NYC. I''m *hoping* it''ll be like the froz yo I used to get at the tearoom on the top of Lord & Taylor in DC when I was a kid ... BEFORE fro yo caught on/tanked/resurged. It was WAY TART and kind of slightly icy ... it had ZING and was always served with fresh fruit and I love love loved it. TCBY was a let down after that stuff.

My achilles heel is those darn Belgian Cream Puffs that come frozen in tubs & have to be eaten immediatly after defrosting & only last a week even in the freezer. I cannot buy them. EVER. But god forbid I stumble on a event where they are being served ... I hover and HOOVER. It isn''t pretty.
Date: 2/28/2007 5:50:38 PM
Author: decodelighted
Darn you all!
I just ran to the fridge for some kalamata olives
. Never HEARD of these asian creamy fruit cakes ... but I''m intriqued ... as I am by the Pinkberry yogurt chain now invading NYC. I''m *hoping* it''ll be like the froz yo I used to get at the tearoom on the top of Lord & Taylor in DC when I was a kid ... BEFORE fro yo caught on/tanked/resurged. It was WAY TART and kind of slightly icy ... it had ZING and was always served with fresh fruit and I love love loved it. TCBY was a let down after that stuff.

My achilles heel is those darn Belgian Cream Puffs that come frozen in tubs & have to be eaten immediatly after defrosting & only last a week even in the freezer. I cannot buy them. EVER. But god forbid I stumble on a event where they are being served ... I hover and HOOVER. It isn''t pretty.
Deco, if you are in NY, you should be able to find those cakes everywhere. Just find an asian market (I do think the chinese do it best) or a bakery. And I''m curious if you will like pinkberry.

I have had a craving for 2 weeks now and I can''t shake it. I just may need to give into it. But it''s a RAMEN craving. Yes, those little instant noodles. Sapporo ichiban with one egg to be exact. Must have something to do with the fact that I have good kimchee now in the fridge.

This is SO not the thread I should be reading when I am hungry with not much in the house...
Date: 2/28/2007 5:20:20 PM
Author: Gypsy

Date: 2/28/2007 4:53:40 PM
Author: JulieN

I always ask people, dim sum or sushi? It''s probably one of the greatest conundrums of our time.
It''s funny you should mention that. FI were having a squabble about this. His vote is always Sushi (although he likes Dim Sum) and my vote is always Dim Sum (although I like sushi)... but they cost about the same... so if we are okay with the expenditure...there''s always the issue of which one to go to.

We didn''t have this problem in NJ or DC... there was only one decent Chinese restaurant in all of the DC metro area, IMO... and they didn''t offer this type of Dim Sum-- NJ? Forgetaboutit.

But I''m BACK in the Bay area!! And there is great Dim Sum AND great Sushi.

So now FI and I do every other time. We just had sushi a couple of weeks ago... so if we go out again in a couple of weeks... I get Dim Sum.

Of course. I just had Dim Sum for lunch.
I was a bad bad girl. And it was so so good.

Hey Gypsy- What''s the name and where is it?
i love lemonheads. i eat the sour part and throw away the rest. i always have them in the house. my sister has a friend who owns a candy store and gets me 10 lb bags so i never run out. i love mexican and spanish food. i love chocolate!!!!
Date: 2/28/2007 5:41:51 PM
Author: lovelylulu

gypsy: what chinese did you fancy in DC?
Just outside DC.

In Rockville right off Rockville Pike... there is a Double Tree hotel across from the FreshFields (Wholefoods). On the same side of the street as the Double tree, just past it, is this little strip mall with a Persian Place named Yekta (grocery is good, restuarant is okay to good depending on what you get), and next to that is a little hole in the wall called Noodle House. It used to be Joe's Noodle House, but the owners changed the name. Two woman own and run it, one does all the cooking and speaks very little english, one handles all the operations and is a DOLL. It's not a fancy place AT ALL. But it has some of the best chinese food I've had outside of the bay area. Authentic... don't expect Mu shu or mongolian beef. They have duck tongue as appetizers (pretty good honestly)... and this marinated dikon radish... the basil chicken hot pot is a thai style 'safe' food for those not feeling TOO adventerous... their whole fried fish with spicy sauces are great... and the chinese greens of the day (whatever they are offering) are just right. Oh... the green beans. YUM.

Good thing I just ate. I love that place.

I like asian cakes and desserts too-- the bakery RIGHT next to the resturant I go to for Dim Dum is wonderful. SO much lighter than american. Persians actually prefer lighter and less sweet pastries...although because of the French influence in our history, we use butter in our non-persian baking... it's much lighter than American baking though. The coconut and almond gelatins are my favorite at Dim Sum for dessert. So cool and refreshing and lightly sweet.
lol i LOVE ramen noodles. but again never eat them...heehe. i gave in and had some like a year ago and was like gosh these aren''t even that good. but for whatever reason i still think about them. cup o''noodles? ohyeah.

and lol re the sides at KFC...totally TG. but you know they have a little online calculator where you can build a meal. i built the meal i typically get and shocking of shocking it''s actually not THAT bad. i mean it''s probably less cals and fat than me splurging at a great restaurant. so...on one hand...creepy childhood comfort food or exceptional restaurant? hehe. most times i take the restaurant but sometimes you just want the creepy comfort.

oh and on the asian cakes, there is a great vietnamese bakery in mountain view that has them there, love them.
just thought of my other one. it''s skyline chili dip (chili, sourcream and cheese) and you use frito''s as the spoon
I make it every once in a while b/c you can buy the chili canned here. I grew up in cincinnati and we''d go to skyline all the time. and then of course graeter''s icecream.
Date: 2/28/2007 5:50:38 PM
Author: decodelighted
Darn you all!
I just ran to the fridge for some kalamata olives
My achilles heel is those darn Belgian Cream Puffs that come frozen in tubs & have to be eaten immediatly after defrosting & only last a week even in the freezer. I cannot buy them. EVER. But god forbid I stumble on a event where they are being served ... I hover and HOOVER. It isn''t pretty.

Anchovie stuffed Manzallia (spelling?) olives. Freshfields (wholefoods) in Silver Spring MD used to carry them... and wegmans in NJ did too... and I can''t FIND THEM OUT HERE!

And Deco. I have Belgian Cream Puff issues as well. I NEVER EVER buy them. I DYSON when those are around. It''s terrible. What''s worst is that there is this little french baker in SF that my uncle buys FRESH ones from... the spun sugar tower cream puffs for special occasions. I make him tell me if he''s going to be getting them before hand so that I can prepare myslf to avoid them for the night. It''s darn difficult though.

Oh. And I recently discovered Brownie Bits at costco. Just plain... or soaked overnight in a litte Rum. Yeah, we are NEVER buying those again either.
While I can think of many delish things I crave, the one odd food obsession I have is those disgusting personal pan pizzas from Pizza Hut. I cannot stop myself when I see those at airports or They are so nasty...but soooooo delish.
Hi my name is Donna & I am addicted to Betty Crocker Warm Delights, Microwave Fudge Brownies. I buy like 6 at a time. I was never a sweets person, dont what happened. Anyone want to take a crack at why I have a gut? I really need to read/join the weekly workout thread.
I''ve been laughing reading all the responses.

Sushi or dim sum? I wouldn''t be able to pick! Sushi is much healthier, but I feel like it''s hard to feel full unless I eat a LOT. I don''t eat either very often because they''re both expensive, but if pressed, I''d pick sushi for the health.
I also love love tempura.

Other weaknesses:
- Asian sponge cakes. They''re so light and fluffy. I''m not a fan either of heavy, rich, super-sweet cakes.
- Fruit tarts. I adore these, and I could probably eat a whole one by myself in one sitting. Love the crust and the fresh fruit and the custard.
- Red or black bean dessert over vanilla ice cream
- Pho. I could eat this several times a week and never get tired of it.
- Any food product with Snickers or Reeses. I can''t have them in the house too often.
- Once in a while I have to eat Taco Bell or In n'' Out or ramen/Cup o'' Noodles.
I''ve never had dim sum -- what exactly is it? Is it like the asian equivalent to tappas? I love sushi! I also love chocolate and my all time favorite restuarant desserts are toll house cookie pie (with chocolate sauce and ice cream on top, of course) and chocolate lava cake. The Macaroni Grill has a really yummy chocolate cake with choc. ganache drizzled over it and it''s SOOOOO good. I also love Indian food -- chicken tikka masala and basmati rice, to be more specific.
The weirdest experience I had was with Kraft mac n cheese. I hadn't eaten that stuff in like, 8 years and then I got sick and had a craving for it. I ate it for a week straight. I did make it the 'light' way but entire week of it. And I was in heaven.

There aren't many things I obsess over, but i tend to glom onto one random thing and want it obsessively for awhile and then not again for ages.

I have to be very careful with candied walnuts though...I buy them for salad and then the next thing I know, the whole bag is gone and I never made a salad.

ETA: As for dim sum vs sushi...none, thanks! I don't like fish, don't like seaweed (have actually tried sushi, but still don't like it, or Cali rolls, etc)...and thankfully not a big fan of dim sum (no seafood thing again, and I don't eat pork for the most part).
I love canned green beans. Right out of the can. SOOOO incredibly gross, but tasty. Another unbelievably unhealthy thing? Dried salted plums called saladitos, it''s my mexican mom who got me hooked on them. I love grilled cheeses on rosemary sourdough bread, with cheddar and provolone, sometimes with avocado. I am a heifer.

Anyone in CA like El Pollo Loco?

It's not an obession for me... and its pretty healthy as its mainly just grilled chicken with salsa I eat there... but after being on the east coast for so long I really get excited when I go there, and I sometimes get their twice grilled burrito-- its the without rice and beans and with extra chicken . Best grilled chicken burritos.

Other Mexican...

And in PA right in... oh what was the name of that strange little town by Frenchtown in NJ, only over in PA. Funky place. Anyway there is a Taco place called Taco Loco that's frankly wonderful there... if you all are ever in PA.

ETA: NEW HOPE, PA Taco Loco.
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