
Flight To Cancun For Proposal??Help Please!!

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Aug 11, 2002
Hello Everyone,
As most of you may already know I am going to Cancun to Propose in March at an all-inclusive resort. I have been thinking over the last few days of how to get the ring on to the plane without her noticing. We will be flying out of Boston and the security since sep. 11 is quite high. I dont want to take any chances of her seeing the ring before the big moment. If anyone may have any Ideas of how to insure this please let me know.
Thanks Everyone,
Matt Dabney
Legally speaking, the item should be declared as a temporary import into Mexico and it could actually be confiscated as an undeclared monetary instrument if not declared - in an extreme situation of misunderstanding. We only mention it because the customs officers on the borders are in a state of high alert and the odds of being searched are much higher than they used to be... We suggest contacting the U.S. Customs Department and the Mexican Consulate to determine the correct approach to this situation... The fact is that they wouldn't think twice about the ring being worn into the country by your fiance, but they might not "get it" if they find the ring in your bag... We had quite the time getting a professional camera into Mexico a few years ago because it was deemed of professional quality by the customs officer who searched our bag... They wanted to see our photographic permits for using the camera in Mexico and to know what magazine we worked for, they couldn't seem to grasp the concept that we enjoy photography and just happen to own equipment of a higher caliber than the average tourist... Our point being that you can never be too careful when passing through customs and the fact that you're wondering if you're going to be able to get the ring through without your fiance finding out might make you look suspicious to the customs agents...
Thanks for the info Niceice. Sounds like its going to be a challenge to get the ring to Cancun. I guess that’s what its all about hard work and determination. I will figure something out. Again if anyone has any good ideas feel free to share.
Thanks Again,
Matt Dabney
I know its a little risky, but what if I check the bag? Its a non-stop flight from Boston to Cancun.
Matt Dabney
Does anyone have any new ideas?
Here is advice about flying that I posted recently. And I agree with niceice in contacting the Mexican Consulate to ask their advice.

I definitely would NOT check it your bag even on a direct flight your bags can be opened and checked while out of your possesion for security reasons as well as for illegal reasons. Better to hand carry and risk blowing a surprise than to have your ring stolen.

Also, forgot in the original suggestions in the posted link - another way to insure not get stopped is to automatically remove your shoes at security area and put them in the bin with your carry-on items - this will prevent the machine from going off because of metal in shoes and prevent you from being stopped for the extra security check.

Thanks for your advice on taking off my shoes. That’s a good idea. I did a search on Yahoo for the Mexican consulate and could not find any contact info. If anyone knows how I might contact the us customs and Mexican cansulate please post the info.
Thanks Everyone,
Matt Dabney
What about mailing the ring to your hotel via FedEx or similar? Time the delivery so it gets there the day before you arrive, and address the box to the hotel with 'Guest Matt Dabney--Check In X/X/03'. I used to do this when I traveled for trade was common to ship things ahead of time that would either be a pain to travel with or might cause questions at the security checkpoints (like weird looking metal foldup booths etc). I realize that you might be skittish about mailing the ring, but there are ways to conceal it within a larger box or similar to throw someone off who might want to steal an expensive looking package. Also. you can insure the package and ask to be called when it arrives at the hotel (or call when you get the confirmation from FedEx it has arrived) then ask the hotel manager (not just a reception desk person) to put it into their hotel safe.

I know it's risky...but it sounds like all the other ideas are somewhat risky as well! Someone on here recently a few months ago had the same idea to propose in Cancun but after all the hassle of trying to figure out how to get the ring in without her knowing or it being confiscated, I think he just proposed locally and THEN went on the trip with her wearing it. Or maybe that was you and I am imagining things? Hmm.
I agree with JustMe. Definitely DON'T put it inside luggage you are checking.

If this were a domestic flight I'd tell you to put it inside a zippered pocket inside your jacket and then put the jacket through the conveyor belt. I doubt security in the US would question it. But I have no clue about Mexico.

Mara offered a great suggestion. Make sure to call the hotel ahead of time and ask to speak to the General Manager and let him know what you are trying to do. Don't tell the front desk or reservations person because 99% of the time (unless its a 5* place), nothing will be noted. Also, you could end up getting a preblocked upgraded room if you talk to the GM and he/she wants to make your stay even more special.
Sounds like a good idea. The only question I would have is will it make it there on time. I had my mother in Virginia mail me a package to Boston and it took two weeks, it normally only takes about 5 days. With all that is going on these days I’m a little skeptical of mailing my new engagement ring to Mexico. I guess I could call and speak with the GM and see what they would suggest.
Thanks Everyone,
Matt Dabney
Let us get this straight... You're actually "thinking" about sending a diamond ring to Mexico via Fed Ex? Have you been to Mexico lately? While the majority of the population is absolutely wonderful - there are just enough unsavory characters to make the concept quite scary in our opinion UNLESS you send it for STATION HOLD and we don't even know whether that is an option in Mexico... Putting the ring inside the luggage is also not a good option... We wish we had a real good idea for you, but we're stuck on this one - the only things we seem to be able to point out are the "don't do's"
My suggestion is that you propose the night before the two of you leave in some wonderfully romantic way. The next day she can WEAR the diamond through customs and all through Mexico NEVER TAKING HER EYES OFF OF IT so - you had better be alert or she will do a lot of tripping and falling as she won't see where she is going.

I guarantee you she will be so excited to put that ring on her finger and wear it in the airport, on the plane, on the beach, at the restaurant - absolutely everywhere! While you have made these glorious plans, perhaps be flexible and later them to a tremendous candlelight restaurant dinner the night before and the ring out of the old pocket and sitting on the table in its "lighted box." Sounds like a big yes to me!
There you go! The solution! It might not be as romantic as proposing on a beach in Mexico, but you can always borrow the ring off of her finger and drop down on one knee again to say "this is how I wanted to do it"...
I've got it! You can club her over the head and take her on the plane and into Mexico unconscious and WEAR the ring yourself the entire way over, then as she is waking up rubbing the bump on her head...drop to one knee, whip off the ring and...

Okay that's a bad idea too. Unfortunately all of our ideas about shipping and/or luggage etc are the really risky ideas, though they *could* work out...maybe. I agree with proposing the night before...I would tell her you want to take her a on fun trip to celebrate your x years together or a birthday or X/Y...and she may be thinking you will propose to her on the trip (if she even is hip at all to what is going on) but then you will surprise her the night before with something romantic but simple...and then your trip the next day will be an engagement trip. I think that's awesome and the 'story' is better too..e.g...I thought he was going to pop the Q in Mexico but he surprised me the night before with a dinner and then we spent a week in Cancun!

I think I might take the risk of putting the ring in my caryon luggage. If they do find it at customs check I will just have to propose in front of the hole airport,but there is a good chance I may make it if I wear flip-flops shorts and a T-shirt. This way I will make it through all the check points easily. Do you think it will work?
Matt Dabney

I initially had the same thought Mara did because I work for a large corporation that mails things worldwide all the time. Sometimes for business travel there are things that can get mailed to the hotel so we don't have to travel with them. However, that's the business world. I think NiceIce made some great points on why not to do this with your diamond.

I think Ociopia made a great suggestion. I think you should propose anytime before your trip and then celebrate the engagement in Mexico. I think I'd want that ring on her finger when crossing the border. The only ring I'd be trying to carry on me and get through the border would be a simulant.

Guess you tell I'm not a risk taker!

Good luck in whatever you choose to do. I hope it all works out perfectly for you!!

Could you put the ring in the change purse of your wallet? There's metal in there anyways. Just a thought...
Hello everyone. I was just talking to a friend about a way to get the ring to Cancun. He said just put it in my pocket. I told him it would set off the medal detectors at the airport. He said he wears his Platinum band through the detectors and it does not set them off. Does anyone know if a solitary platinum ring would be enough to set off the detectors? If it will not set them off I can just carry the ring in my pocket.
Thanks Everyone,
Matt Dabney
Different metal detectors detect different items. The detectors around US are one airport I may set off the metal detector with my plat ring, in another, I may not. I've heard this from many people....but Ihave no idea what the Mexico detectors are like. Plus when going into Mexico do you even go through a metal detector? I went once but don't recall.

Anyway--keep in mind that carrying the ring in your pocket or whatever WILL be a risk...just like all the other ideas. There is the risk that you set off the detector (if there is one), that you have to empty your pcokets, that your gf sees the ring, etc. What will you do then? Propose on the spot?

If you are considering that idea anyway...what about wearing it on your hand with the diamond turned inwards on your right hand. Can you fit it? As you are walking from the plane to the gate you can take it out of your pocket or similar, put it on your hand, hide that hand for the most part, hope you don't set off the detector, etc.

I don't know! This is very confusing. You poor thing!!
Hey Matt-

I think i have a easy solution for you. Just don't go through the security clearance together. After you have checked your bags in at ticketing, tell her that she should go to the gate as you want to pick up some coffee or a magazine and will be there in a few minutes. You can even just say that you have to go to the bathroom and have her go ahead as to not wait for you. If security does make you open your bags at least she will not be there.

I would not recommend the mail idea...just in case...anything can happen.

Let me know if you had any luck with the ring box. I am looking for exactly what you are looking for and also saw the one on the bachelor. This is as close to what i am looking for as i have seen, but i have similarly had no luck on the net. I went so far as to call Harry Winston in Bev Hills, but there is no way to get their box without buying an HW ring.
moolie--check out ebay...alot of times they have tiffany boxes and such on there, I bet if you make harry winston a search term and add it to your favorites so that eBay emails you with results daily, you will find a box for sale at some point!

btw i think that hoover is worried both about the flight TO mexico and then also when they land....they have some sort of security clearance there normally don't they? since you are entering another country. so it's a bit of a double problem! too bad the mail is so sketchy!
This was my experience at the airport in Ixtapa, Mexico before September 11. We waited in lines, you push a button and either a red light or green light illuminates. Red, they stop you ans search your luggage; green, you proceed through the metal detectors. I don't know what the security is like now.

Another consideration, do you really want her to travel with her ring? When I went to Mexico, I left all of my diamond jewelry at home, I worried about tourist muggings and didn't want to take the chance with my wedding set. Especially in Mexico because I hear there isn't much recourse for something like that when you go to the police there. Before any one gets on me about my previous comment. My ex-husband is Mexican and his family has a ranch out there so they vacation there twice a year to visit the relatives that live there full-time so I consider him a reliable source. They however do not live in a tourist area, they live about 45 minutes outside of Mazatlan.

Have you already had the ring insured here?
Wow, my post seemed really negative. I don't mean to come off that way. I promise I'm a nice girl. I was just trying to get my thoughts out quickly before they scattered.
You have all been very helpful. There are checkpoints at both Boston and Cancun so if I make it through one I still have one left. About the ring box I could never locate one. It’s the most beautiful ring box I have ever seen. I figure when it really comes down to it all she will be so happy with all the hard work and effort I have put in to this special moment the ring box will have no meaning. I have 15 days left to come up with a plan. It will all work out and if I get stopped at the airport I will propose in front of the whole crowed
Just to let everyone in on the vacation. We are going just south of Cancun to the Mayan Riviera. We will be staying at a place called the Aventura Spa Palace Resort. This is an all-inclusive adults only resort. It even includes a Jacuzzi tub for two in the bedroom. My plans are not yet final for the actual proposal but it will be magical.
Thanks to all
Matt Dabney

This is quite weird because I'm facing the same problem as you and I think I will be flying out of Logan, too. It won't be Mexico though. Probably either Trinidad & Tobago, Aruba, or St. Martin (St. Maarten). I really hope that this works for you, and if you don't mind, could you please tell us what happens when you come back? I can't sleep at night thinking about this problem and I think I have an ulcer now
Hello Roughrock,
Don't stress too bad it will all work out. I plan to give everyone a rundown on how everything goes as soon as I get back.
Matt Dabney
i have a similiar situation as well. i am going to hiwaii in may on a trip i won with the company i work for. My girlfriend does most of the packing. i have nightmares that ill hide it in a shaving cream bottle and she throws it out!! I just got my diamond delivered yesterday, a 1.07 h and a g color and I have two months left to save enough money to get the setting. Definitely let us know how things work out.
Here's a thought:

Tape it to your "friend". If the metal detector goes off, and they need to wave the wand in that area, simply tell them that your "friend" has quite a ring collection. I doubt they will pursue the issue any further.
Hi--I just wanted to post because I've traveled all over mexico, y yo hablo español muy bien y mi papá es un trazducor, and I always put my jewelry in a safety deposit box before going to Mexico.

Mexico is a GREAT country. La gente (the people) are warm, and just like us, mostly honest. However, just like any other corner of the world (including our own wonderful country) there are bad apples and people who take advantage of those do not speak the language and are unfamiliar with their surroundings.

Even if you have been to Cancun 100 times, I would not bring your ring. If you want to propose, my advice would be to do it before and drop it at the bank safe deposit box prior to leaving....or, propose without it, but give her a picture (ugh, I know, lame, sucky, but I'm all about safety while traveling).

You have to realize, most of the folks who will be waiting on you during your trip are lucky to make $20 a week. A one carat diamond is roughly $7k, that could really go a long way. People are mugged for less in NYC every day.

I have never had any problems in Mexico, but I also speak the language (been studying for a few years now) and have a family life that has exposed me to the culture quite a bit. And my father who is an interpreter was even robbed in Madrid (but fortunately, they wore money belts, and my step mom left her diamond at home---it was their honeymoon, and all the theives got was a tiny handbag with some lipstick and about $10 cash).

You are just safer leaving it home. One jeweler I know makes good CZ copies of his designs for his clients who travel abroad a lot, but wish to wear jewelry when in the company of business associates or when being entertained, yet don't want the hassle of losing their valuable pieces. You could have a copy made for her. You still run the risk of getting rolled over a copy stone though.

We spend a lot of time in Mexico, go a few times a year, and we stay in a combination of the nicest areas just outside Cancun (Riveria Maya), and some remote areas around Tulum and Vallodolid, and I only saw 2 ladies with average <1 carat stones, and they were from Mexico City.

I would liken Cancun to Vegas in that it is similar in its function as a resort-only town. And like Vegas, you have a lot of people on the make. Only problem is, that they speak another language and the police aren't the same as they are here. To quote the Frommer's guide to Cancun/Riviera Maya "the police in some areas are to be as feared as they are trusted".

If you must bring it, put it in your pocket. Women walk thru metal detectors all day long at the airport, and our wedding bands don't give us a lick of trouble. Now that underwire in our bras....LOL

Ok, don't want to be the downer, but I just wanted to give you my safety spiel. Also you may want to check if your insurer covers international loss. That may be the deal-breaker there, but it's worth looking into.

Other than that, good luck, and may this new chapter of your life bring you untold riches and happiness, it really is an amazing time! Yay!

Divergrrl..... (oh and if she dives, like moi..hence the handle divergrrl and why I hit that part of Mexico so much..amazing the cenotes --cavern diving-- just know your hands shrink so much underwater & the dive shops don't offer gloves...ring would fall off. same goes for snorkeling. Even warm water is colder than our 98.6 body temps and after awhile you get a wee bit chilly!)
Good luck. I am also in a similiar situation-
going to Puerto Vallarta to propose.

I'll be looking at everyone's ideas here and
share mine too.

Also- divergrrl just had some good info- I wonder if she knows the scene in P.V. as far
as safety, etc.

I wonder also if in-room safes are better than
maybe a hotel general safe and if letting the
hotel manager know you're storing a valuable, etc. is good or not.
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