
Fish Eye in my Cushion Cut???


Sep 22, 2010
Hi All,

As some of you know, I recently purchased a cushion cut diamond and it is currently being set.

I decided to go past a jewellery store tonight after work to see what kind of wedding bands are available. I showed the jeweller a picture of diamond and said that it was an antique cut cushion diamond. He said that it had a fish eye!! The then went on to say that it didn't look like a very good stone!!! I'm attaching the picture again so I can get some opinions but now I'm soooo worried :eek: Is there a fish eye????? Please help!!!

Jeez. Well in my experience, B&M stores will diss anything if you didn't buy it from them. I had one tell me the 55% table on my ideal H&A was too small and that it wasn't a well performing stone!

Do you have more info on your stone? I think I missed the original thread (if there was one).
no it is not a fish eye!!!
Here is the GIA cert if that helps??


Nope, the grading report is useless to judge the cut performance.
I really can't comment on the cut of a cushion as I am no where near an expert- but was his next line- "trade it in here and we will find you a better stone???"
Do not let this ignorant jerk make you feel bad about your diamond. You have a beautiful stone that does not have fish-eye. This is not someone I'd trust to purchase my wedding band from. He's a slimeball. Your ring is going to be gorgeous!
I'm no expert but I don't see a fish eye. Was he able to describe to you what he was saying in such a way that you could see it too or did he just make a statement without any evidence? It reminds me a bit of the stereotypical shady auto mechanic who, when you come in for an oil change, stands in front of the open hood of your car and says: "Your jib-flab is busted and we need to pull out the entire wizzle-piffer to get to it" while he waves his hand enigmatically over your engine.
I don't see a fish eye. Ok, but my opinion weighs in very little. See a little ways above me? There's a guy whose avatar looks as though he's been caught ogling pron but it is actually an Aset picture on the screen?

Yeah him. I'd listen to him.

Sigh, it is these stupid sentiments and cheap tricks that B&M stores try which actually put a lot of them in bad light as a whole. He IS a slimeball, and you should never go back.

Oh, except to tell him that he has a baldspot. No there. Yes, to the left. It is balding REALLY badly. Amazing how you didn't notice it the first time. Must have been standing on the wrong side. Cheerio.
Question: Is this possible to have a fish eye in a cushion cut?
TristanC|1311954169|2979774 said:
I don't see a fish eye. Ok, but my opinion weighs in very little. See a little ways above me? There's a guy whose avatar looks as though he's been caught ogling pron but it is actually an Aset picture on the screen?

Yeah him. I'd listen to him.

Sigh, it is these stupid sentiments and cheap tricks that B&M stores try which actually put a lot of them in bad light as a whole. He IS a slimeball, and you should never go back.

Oh, except to tell him that he has a baldspot. No there. Yes, to the left. It is balding REALLY badly. Amazing how you didn't notice it the first time. Must have been standing on the wrong side. Cheerio.
Ahahaha, Tristan, your whole post tickled me. :appl:

For real, it is so frustrating to read stuff like this where some jerk puts the fear of ugly diamonds in to some poor customer just to try to squeeze a sale out of them, and perpetuates the stereotype of dishonest jewelers. Sigh. Unfortunately, this is an all-too-common sales tactic where a jeweler puts down somebody's diamond hoping they can convince them to return it and buy from them.

In short, no, your cushion doesn't have a fisheye. A very shallow stone with a huge table is the type that would possibly fisheye. A deep cushion with a tiny table is, well, absolutely the polar opposite of the type of cut. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Bwaahahaha... that is the maltese cross and it is supposed to be there. What a doofus jeweler!
stci|1311961555|2979894 said:
Question: Is this possible to have a fish eye in a cushion cut?
yes but this isn't one.
ugh. What retailiers will do to make a buck makes me sick. I'm hardly a diamond expert, but your stone is gorgeous.
Yesterday, I was wandering the mall shoe stores because I'm going to have to buy some good shoes after my bunion surgery (tomorrow.) This salesmen tells me: you don't need surgery, you just need a good pair of shoes, like theses (holds up the ugliest shoe I've ever seen.) Thanks a lot Al Bundy, I think I'll trust my MD + all the research I did to make this decision.
Trust your instincts and friends on PS with this one, not some guy who wants to make some money off you.
Good to hear from you, Karl!!! :appl: :wavey:
LGK|1311961660|2979898 said:
Ahahaha, Tristan, your whole post tickled me. :appl:

:bigsmile: I'm glad someone enjoyed it (Karl might not have though :tongue: ).

Seriously if Karl weighs in and says no fisheye without needing to see more pictures, I would take that to the bank.
isaku5|1311964873|2979957 said:
Good to hear from you, Karl!!! :appl: :wavey:
howdy!! :wavey:
TristanC|1311991387|2980249 said:
:bigsmile: I'm glad someone enjoyed it (Karl might not have though :tongue: ).
I cracked up lol
Ridiculous! There's no fish eye in your stone. You should give that fear-mongerer a piece of your mind.
I agree. Go back and let him know he's full of it.
Thanks for all the comments, feeling much better about my purchase now!!

The jeweller basically said that all antique cushion cuts were 'recycled' as no cutters these days would cut a stone into an antique cushion because they just 'don't' sparkle. Mind you, all the cushions he had set were cushion modified brilliants! He also said that the cushion stones they carried were all GIA certified and the cut grade was excellent. After being a PS lurker for a little while I remembered reading that GIA doesn't give fancy stones a cut grade. He then said that this is not true and when he showed me a GIA report is only listed Polish and Symmetry. He said that Symmetry is basically the cut grade!! At that point, I wonder how he managed to get a job selling diamonds :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: