
Finally tested positive for Covid

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
People should be allowed to attend weddings and go to church if they are allowed to pack into a plane, just don't make any sense to me.


Jun 8, 2008
People should be allowed to attend weddings and go to church if they are allowed to pack into a plane, just don't make any sense to me.

IMO this doesn't make sense. Some people have to travel and have no choice. Attending Church can be done online. Flying obviously cannot. And no one (IMO) should be traveling for social reasons though I know that is happening. JMO. But comparing Church and travel are not analogous IMO.

No, the only difference is that wife and I have to babysit our grandkids so no social distancing for us.

Well you don't have to. But I understand. Are you at least wearing masks when you baby sit? That might be sufficient protection. I hope you and your wife can get vaccinated soon @Dancing Fire.
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Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Well you don't have to. But I understand. Are you at least wearing masks when you baby sit? That would be sufficient protection. I hope you and your wife can get vacccinated soon @Dancing Fire.
so you will come and baby sit for us? :bigsmile:. we don't wear a mask when we baby sit b/c the kids will pull it off when we play with them.


Jul 27, 2007
@Dancing Fire I like you and that is why I am not ignoring you like some here do. Please take this in the manner I am sharing it...with my best intentions.

The media has not been saying it is a death sentence for most. Where do you get your information?

Rather, Covid 19 is unpredictable with who it can and does kill. Not only the ill and weak and elderly but also young and healthy individuals can die from contracting this disease. Not to mention the side effects that linger for goodness knows how long. Some who are still experiencing the effects of this disease a full year after contracting it.

Please don't make light of it and don't belittle those who take this disease seriously. It is a serious and bad a** disease. That can and does kill without discrimination. And you just don't know how your body will react if you contract it.

Be smart and be safe and take as many precautions as necessary not to get this disease. As that wise quote ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

@Mrs_Strizzle sorry for the mini threadjack and continued healing vibes and good wishes are being sent out to you. May your recovery continue to be smooth and relatively easy without any lingering effects. Enjoy a healing and restful weekend!

this. 1000%


Jun 8, 2008
so you will come and baby sit for us? :bigsmile:. we don't wear a mask when we baby sit b/c the kids will pull it off when we play with them.

How much does the job pay?

@Dancing Fire if you lived on the East Coast (near us) and if we weren't in a pandemic situation, sure I would. :)

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
How much does the job pay?

@Dancing Fire if you lived on the East Coast (near us) and if we weren't in a pandemic situation, sure I would. :)
We get 0 pay, but we enjoy being with them every minute.

Don't worry. our grandkids are Covid free. Grandma and grandpa are still alive! :lol:


Sep 24, 2011
No, the only difference is that wife and I have to babysit our grandkids so no social distancing for us.
I think you mean to say that you are choosing to babysit. Which is fine. But you don't HAVE to---I'm sure there are other options. Such as a different babysitter or a parent working from home or reducing their work hours to share childcare between the 2 parents. Even one parent taking a year or two off work until most of us are vaccinated.
There are always choices.
And your choice is to baby sit--your choice. And your family has chosen that choice and that risk. I hope it works out well for you and that none of you get COVID, or spread it to others.

While it is not a death sentence, it can be deadly. We know a healthy 18 YO who died very quickly with Covid--no underlying issues.
So be aware and be cautious. You don't want to be one of the exceptions.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
I think you mean to say that you are choosing to babysit. Which is fine. But you don't HAVE to---I'm sure there are other options. Such as a different babysitter or a parent working from home or reducing their work hours to share childcare between the 2 parents. Even one parent taking a year or two off work until most of us are vaccinated.
In the meantime will you pay their mortgage? . This may shock you but not everyone have the luxury of working from home.


May 13, 2018
People should be allowed to attend weddings and go to church if they are allowed to pack into a plane, just don't make any sense to me.

Since @Dancing Fire is bringing this up multiple times and making quite a show of making this a big deal, I'd like to provide facts and scientific evidence.

Try to understand that article. Basically, being in close proximity on an airplane is NOT the same as being at weddings and church events because people are not raising their voices as loudly or jubilantly and therefore not expelling as many respiratory (potentially virus containing) microdroplets into the air.

Suppose you have a COVID-positive person on an airplane and a COVID-positive person at a wedding over church event. The one at the wedding or church event will likely talk more (thousands times more viral particulates compared to a person just breathing but not talking to anyone else) and talk at a higher volume (tens or hundreds of times more viral particulates compared to a person speaking softly to someone right next to them). Singing loudly is the worst. There's a reason why safe physical distance for conversational talking is six feet, but safe physical distance for singing is at least twenty feet generally.

You can wear mask always, but no mask is 100% effective, and an environment where there are people raising their voices in celebration offer worship is scientifically more risky all else being equal because humans making a higher volume of sound put more microdroplets, which potentially contain virus, into the air.

Just wanted to state the facts above. Making a fuss based off a personal assumption that there is absolutely no basis for allowing airplane flights while disallowing wedding and church gatherings is, here comes my opinion, 无理取闹.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
In the meantime will you pay their mortgage? . This may shock you but not everyone have the luxury of working from home.

I know its hard for a lot of people right now.
I hope your grandbaby's parents realize how generouse you and your wife are to do this and im not talking about it being free

i know you love your grandaughter and you love looking after her
please all stay healthy DF

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
@voce where do you live ?
I had a feeling singing was banned in some places


Jan 11, 2006
@Mrs_Strizzle , I am so glad to hear you are doing well and improving! I have heard a lot of people talk about mild cases with lingering fatigue, so just don't go back to work too soon or maybe go back half days until you regain your strength! We have been fortunate to not yet get it, but thankfully all our friends and family who've had it had mild cases and were ready for fairly normal activity after the quarantine period. My friend's 80+ year old parents did fine with it, too.

@Dancing Fire We also babysit for our grandchildren. It's an essential service, period. I'd prefer to help with the children than to have the parents lose their jobs and home and have to all move in with us, that's for sure! :lol: (We also go to church (socially distanced seating). The Supreme Court just ruled that your state had to treat churches like any other place with 25% occupancy. They were treating churches more strictly.)

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Just wanted to state the facts above. Making a fuss based off a personal assumption that there is absolutely no basis for allowing airplane flights while disallowing wedding and church gatherings is, here comes my opinion, 无理取闹.
And how about funerals? Will people be talking and singing out loud too?

Wish I can read Chinese.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
My friends flew to Houston to connect to Chicago and they were literally the only 2 people on the plane.
one in a million flights.


Jun 8, 2008
And how about funerals? Will people be talking and singing out loud too?

Wish I can read Chinese.

Yes. My MIL died in June and my husband's brothers were insistent on having a funeral for her a week later. All the churches and funeral homes had re opened by then. Long story short thank goodness no one who attended got sick. And both of my brothers in law and their families had to fly here as they live far away.

And there certainly was talking and singing at the Church and at the Funeral Home too many people were packed inside. I am so thankful nobody got sick because while we were all wearing masks we weren't social distancing well at the Funeral Home. It was too crowded. Believe me I was super concerned. Greg and I specifically asked our friends not to attend but most of them insisted. At the Church there was singing. And the choir members singing were not wearing masks.

As for reading Chinese I googled and I agree 100% with @voce :)
But I still care about you @Dancing Fire I guess I have a soft spot for stubborn older men haha.


Oct 7, 2004
And how about funerals? Will people be talking and singing out loud too?

Wish I can read Chinese.

Wait, you can't? I thought you were from HK?

People cry, hug, and talk at funerals. There's sometimes singing too. Outdoor memorials are allowed here, no indoor service. But man, the cemeteries cannot keep up with the sheer volume in LA County. The wait was up to 2 months at one point, just a few weeks ago. This is where my grandparents are buried. I believe it's one of the largest cemeteries in the US and they couldn't keep up... cars lined up to go in/out all day, every day.


Feb 29, 2012
That's sounds wonderful. The reason I hate flying, pandemic or no, is being packed in like sardines with a bunch of strangers!

I know they had a steward take a pic of them and they posted a joke on FB about how they bought a new private plane lol


Jan 29, 2021
Is it possible to get the virus twice? I was sick in Nov for 2 weeks and then again in Dec. My symptoms fit Covid, but were not serious...


Jun 8, 2008
Is it possible to get the virus twice? I was sick in Nov for 2 weeks and then again in Dec. My symptoms fit Covid, but were not serious...

Yes unfortunately it is very possible. Though because they were so close together it could just have been the first infection lingering... Glad you have recovered fully and that it was a mild infection.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Is it possible to get the virus twice? I was sick in Nov for 2 weeks and then again in Dec. My symptoms fit Covid, but were not serious...

Do they not urge you to get tested in your country ?
I wonder if they would count you twice on the offical count ?

Hopefully you are better now


Aug 16, 2007
I too are fearful of this virus but just not as fearful as most PSer. On a scale of 1-10 I'm at 5.

Here's my Q for PSers...if we are so serious about Covid then why aren't all passenger planes grounded in the US?. Why aren't the subways in NYC closed? . Social distancing my A** :wall:.

This virus will be with us in the foreseeable future but probably under different strains. We'll need to be vaccinated every fall, so either we live with it or hide under our bed for the rest of our lives... JMO

I work in NYC and live very close to it so I can speak to this. Unfortunately, people HAVE TO GO TO WORK AND SCHOOL. The subways are necessary in NYC to do this. Public transit is a way of life here. It's unavoidable for most (don't own cars). When schools were closed the subways were mostly empty. Truly. As soon as schools opened and people were expected back to work they got crowded again. Technically masks are required and individuals are fined and removed from transit if not complying. I assure you, most of us in NY and especially NYC are very serious about this virus. I don't know anyone who doesn't know SOMEONE who died from this.


Jun 8, 2008
I work in NYC and live very close to it so I can speak to this. Unfortunately, people HAVE TO GO TO WORK AND SCHOOL. The subways are necessary in NYC to do this. Public transit is a way of life here. It's unavoidable for most (don't own cars). When schools were closed the subways were mostly empty. Truly. As soon as schools opened and people were expected back to work they got crowded again. Technically masks are required and individuals are fined and removed from transit if not complying. I assure you, most of us in NY and especially NYC are very serious about this virus. I don't know anyone who doesn't know SOMEONE who died from this.

I have to agree completely with all you have written @Asscherhalo_lover. People have no choice and must go to work to feed their families and keep a roof over their heads.

In fact, from what I can tell (being in both NY and NJ and hearing from friends in other states) the culture in NYC is that one wears a mask all the time outside not just inside. Whenever we head to NYC for doctors appointments everyone we see is wearing a mask outdoors. That is taking it above what we see in NJ where most do not wear masks outdoors here. The mask wearing/Covid protecting culture in NYC is very serious and IMO wise.


Jan 29, 2021
Do they not urge you to get tested in your country ?
I wonder if they would count you twice on the offical count ?

Hopefully you are better now

I am fine now, once I got sick I decided that unless it was necessary to go to the ER I would self quarantine. My husband didn't get sick, went out only as necessary and wore a mask and used sanitizer, etc. Yeah, they urge us to get tested...once I was better I was at the ER with hubby (he had kidney stones) and asked where to get tested in my town. The ER staff didn't know!! Sometime I think the water supply in this town has stupid pills in it...


Feb 5, 2014
Not a single person is flying here. Nor has it been allowed for months. Pretty sure I have been through it. It is a weird disease that lingers on. Others I knew have died. I want to be very cautious and responsible. I do not think social events should be allowed. In fact, policies should have been stricter, i.e. Second and full Home quarantine. We can survive but the virus cannot spread. This should be taken very seriously in my opinion.


Aug 16, 2007
I have to agree completely with all you have written @Asscherhalo_lover. People have no choice and must go to work to feed their families and keep a roof over their heads.

In fact, from what I can tell (being in both NY and NJ and hearing from friends in other states) the culture in NYC is that one wears a mask all the time outside not just inside. Whenever we head to NYC for doctors appointments everyone we see is wearing a mask outdoors. That is taking it above what we see in NJ where most do not wear masks outdoors here. The mask wearing/Covid protecting culture in NYC is very serious and IMO wise.

Agreed. When I go to 47th street I take the LIRR to 34th and walk down the rest of the way. Nearly everyone is masked outside, myself included.
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