
#TBT FINALLY! (Gorgeous!) new fishtail pave set from WF. ..

Wow! These are the most spectacular of all!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know how some artists say, "I was influenced by Van Gogh and Rembrandt''s use of light" & etc.?


Way to go, ladies! We should name a new movement after you.

How about the LemonPieism? A Study in Diamond Heads. Or the Ringaissance?
Date: 9/26/2006 5:19:33 PM
Author: Julian
Wow! These are the most spectacular of all!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know how some artists say, ''I was influenced by Van Gogh and Rembrandt''s use of light'' & etc.?

Haha! Thanks -- how awesome is that!

Well, we have the same camera, and virtually identical diamonds... and I think we are both like dogs with bones
when trying to master something!

Wow... whatta compliment. WOO HOO, I''m running with the *BIG DOGS* now!
Well, I hope you all have enjoyed the diamond eye candy! Thank you for looking.

I have saved my favorite for last. I think this one may be the best of all... my finest work
... my pièce de résistance... my magnum opus!

I call it "Oh my lord! #2"
because it took my breath away. Enjoy!

LYNN I love it!!! We will have to meet up one day, clean our rings maniacally and then take pictures of our diamonds all day long. Imagine our two beauties with our two same cameras and an armload of flowers. Woo hoo!!!
Date: 9/26/2006 5:35:45 PM
Author: Mara
LYNN I love it!!! We will have to meet up one day, clean our rings maniacally and then take pictures of our diamonds all day long. Imagine our two beauties with our two same cameras and an armload of flowers. Woo hoo!!!
Girlfriend - that is a DATE! Oh, can you imagine how much *FUN* we would have?!!!
I''m not sure what I am more impressed with - your gorgeous ring or your photography. My ring is about two weeks from being done. Is there a tutorial somewhere on how to take amazing pictures??
Lynn, just beautiful. I so LOVE the pic with the close up of the head. I so love your set!!! Yowza. If I ever get around to resetting my soliatire, I''ll do your ''head'' setting. L.O.L. Just call up Wf and request the "Lynn B Special."
Gorgeous photos!
Got some new roses and took a few more photos... I suppose they will all be rather anti-climactic from here on out. I mean, once you've posted your *MAGNUM OPUS*, I guess there's no way but... down!

Both rings in the rose...

I LOVE the spectral colors in this one...

Last one for now. This one was actually taken a few months ago... but I forgot to post it. It's a lovely one of the ring, of course... but mainly I adore the FLOWER!

Just smashing! I totally love the peachy color of the roses. And the last picture, simply perfect. What kind of flower is that? It''s purdy. You can never post too many pics of that gorgeous ring. Okay, so I totally want your ring.
Ooh Lynn! Those are gorgeous. The colors are just incredible! Thank you so much for the pics!
Hi Lynn - it''s picture perfect! I love the setting and your diamond is ON FIRE!!! Thanks for the pics!
Got a couple pretty ones tonight... I LOVE this one. YUM!

I am also really a'lovin' this camera! It is sooooo fun to take pictures with!

I also really LOVE this one, I think the diamond looks so soft and delicate... almost... ethereal. Maybe I should title this one, "My Angel"!

Oh my gosh, BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! I have never seen that style of pave (I''m still a little bit setting-ignorant) before, I am in LOVE!! If you don''t mind, I''m gonna have to save some of those pictures to my hard drive for my future asscher :) :)

Can''t stop staring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, Lynn, you REALLY got the colors in that diamond of yours! I don''t know how I missed this thread, but what a beautiful set and that diamond is killer diller. I can''t believe how many colors are reflected in the not-fire shots like the one in your avatar. I saw your avatar and thought it was touched up with some kind of Andy Warhol kind of effect. Amazing that it''s just the way the stone looks in some light!!!

Thanks, Lynn! Got a lot of photo tips off your thread from Mara. Oh, if I can just wait for Wednesday and hopefully it will be sunny!!!
Date: 10/7/2006 8:52:36 AM
Author: lumpkin
Wow, Lynn, you REALLY got the colors in that diamond of yours! I don't know how I missed this thread, but what a beautiful set and that diamond is killer diller. I can't believe how many colors are reflected in the not-fire shots like the one in your avatar. I saw your avatar and thought it was touched up with some kind of Andy Warhol kind of effect. Amazing that it's just the way the stone looks in some light!!!
Thanks for the note, Lumpkin. Yep, all my photos are just the real-life colors of my diamond. I LOL'ed when you said you thought my avatar was touched up somehow!
Haha! I wouldn't know the FIRST thing about touching up ANY photo! I am the world's biggest techno-idiot!!! It's actually quite pathetic. I can CROP in Photoshop and that is IT.
Date: 10/7/2006 3:29:34 AM
Author: musey
Oh my gosh, BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! I have never seen that style of pave (I''m still a little bit setting-ignorant) before, I am in LOVE!! If you don''t mind, I''m gonna have to save some of those pictures to my hard drive for my future asscher :) :)

Can''t stop staring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Musey! I''m glad you like my setting. And OF COURSE I don''t mind if you save some pictures to your hard drive. Can you spell F-L-A-T-T-E-R-E-D?!!
Yayers, new pics! And great ones! There are never going to be enough pics of your beauty on your thread.
Date: 10/7/2006 7:06:45 PM
Author: kcoursolle
Yayers, new pics! And great ones! There are never going to be enough pics of your beauty on your thread.
Awwwwwwww.... thank you! xoxoxo
Hi Lynn ~

Gorgeous rings
... more gorgeous

Lovin'' every shot! Keep them comming!!

Have a wonderful day!

Please forgive me if this is entirely rude to ask (and just ignore this post if it is), but how much do the fishtail pave settings generally run? That one's the front runner for future ering and I'm trying to budget the center stone against it.
I loooooove LOVE your rings!
wow wow wow! first of all, whiteflash needs to hire you as their photographer! they''d sell tons more rings if these pics were on their site!!!
your rings are absolutely gorgeous and that stone is BEAUTIFUL, i can only imagine how much it sparkles in person!
Date: 10/19/2006 6:10:17 AM
Author: musey
Please forgive me if this is entirely rude to ask (and just ignore this post if it is), but how much do the fishtail pave settings generally run? That one''s the front runner for future ering and I''m trying to budget the center stone against it.
I loooooove LOVE your rings!

Thank you so much for the compliments, and NO, of course your question isn''t rude! But there are just so many variables, plus the ever-rising prices of diamonds and metal, so I think the best answer is to just advise you to call or e-mail WF for a quote. But I can definitely assure you that WF''s prices are quite competitve, and I think you''ll be pleasantly surprised.

And please keep us posted on what you decide!

Date: 10/19/2006 3:52:04 PM
Author: DMBsGirl
wow wow wow! first of all, whiteflash needs to hire you as their photographer! they''d sell tons more rings if these pics were on their site!!!
your rings are absolutely gorgeous and that stone is BEAUTIFUL, i can only imagine how much it sparkles in person!
Awww, thanks!

OH, whatta great idea! I would LOVELOVELOVE to be a photographer at WF... can you even imagine a more swoon-worthy job???!!
But heck, to be around all those gorgeous diamonds all day I''d settle for cleaning the bathrooms!!!

The only drawback is it''s a liiiiiiitle far for a daily commute... (I live in PA!)
Hi fishtail pave twin!

I love the latest pictures. Now I can clearly pciture what my matching wedding band will look like! I really need to practice getting shots that close up and IN FOCUS. I was going to ask you a question...but for the life of me I can''t remember what it was!
I guess the new pics took my attention! LOL
WOW your new photos are GREAT. I really like some of the pale flower shots as well as "Oh my Lord #2" Love the colors and the reflections of color coming from the stone.