
Filled Ruby vs. Corundum


Aug 5, 2010
I should probably know the answer to this, but I was reading Kay's thread on rubies and LD's response and it made me start wondering. Why is it that filling is such an issue with rubies and not so much with other corundum? Is it because the red has more inclusions and therefore more room for improvement if glass or lead filled? I know there are more and more insidious and scary treatments with both, but it seems that good rubies are almost a lost cause...

LD? Gene? Anybody?
The issue would be the same for both Minou.

For me, and happy to stand corrected here, filling of Rubies is (or certainly was) more common than Sapphires. Be diffusion was more common in Sapphires than Rubies (when it first began) now you see it much more with Rubies. I would assume that with Sapphires in more abundance than Rubies this has something to do with it also.

Sweeping generalisation but, for me, filling is a no go area in corundum.
LD|1351356558|3293552 said:
The issue would be the same for both Minou.

For me, and happy to stand corrected here, filling of Rubies is (or certainly was) more common than Sapphires. Be diffusion was more common in Sapphires than Rubies (when it first began) now you see it much more with Rubies. I would assume that with Sapphires in more abundance than Rubies this has something to do with it also.

Sweeping generalisation but, for me, filling is a no go area in corundum.

I agree completely - its just that I've observed that so many rubies are filled whereas not so much - at least yet - with sapphires. I was attributing it solely to the greater likelihood of inclusions in ruby, but I was completely conjecturing...

I would not touch a filled ruby with 10' pole, which is why I own no rubies - too afraid of being duped since so much of the rough these days is already treated.
Because naturally clean rubies are incredibly rare compared to naturally clean sapphires. Chromium has a tendency to affect the internal growth of a gem, so whilst it imparts better colouration, it also has a tendency to challenge its clarity as well.
Yes, there have been huge deposits found of 'Ruby' that are great candidates for lead glass filling while huge deposits of Sapphire have been found that are great candidates for Be. Either can be done to both but it is all about the best way to market a find. Best regards, Lee
So even a ruby from a PS trusted vendor that says 'heat only' is probably from lead filled rough? Bugger. I've been wanting a small pair for earrings. :blackeye:
Highly unlikely, which is why they made it on the list in the first place.
JaneSmith|1352485537|3301943 said:
So even a ruby from a PS trusted vendor that says 'heat only' is probably from lead filled rough? Bugger. I've been wanting a small pair for earrings. :blackeye:

No, what I meant is that if you look at the rough sources that many cutters use, these reputable rough sources sell much of their ruby rough already treated as I imagine the majority of it is treated right away. If these rough dealers have untreated ruby rough, they mark it and sell it as such. All of these folks are generally reputable, and with the exception of the occasional mistake, it is fair to feel that you can trust the vendors listed above, who, in turn, trust their dealers. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't ask and then verify with a lab report; but it does mean that if they say it it untreated or heat only, it very likely is...I hope that clarifies things a bit.
Actually wherever you get it from the sensible thing to do is get it checked out. You're more sure of being in good hands with most of the vendors on the list in this forum BUT you're a buyer and buyer's have to do their own research and checking.
minousbijoux|1352488932|3301988 said:
JaneSmith|1352485537|3301943 said:
So even a ruby from a PS trusted vendor that says 'heat only' is probably from lead filled rough? Bugger. I've been wanting a small pair for earrings. :blackeye:

No, what I meant is that if you look at the rough sources that many cutters use, these reputable rough sources sell much of their ruby rough already treated as I imagine the majority of it is treated right away. If these rough dealers have untreated ruby rough, they mark it and sell it as such. All of these folks are generally reputable, and with the exception of the occasional mistake, it is fair to feel that you can trust the vendors listed above, who, in turn, trust their dealers. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't ask and then verify with a lab report; but it does mean that if they say it it untreated or heat only, it very likely is...I hope that clarifies things a bit.

Oh good. I was worried for a bit there. Thank you also Chrono and LD.
I'm unlikely to do any further testing myself on such wee rubies, so I'll just have to trust the vendors and the reports.