
Fancy Yellow Diamond

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Jan 9, 2003
Hello everyone, I am currently looking at the following: please help with price quotes. I am a novice buyer but I do love my diamonds. I trust the party who is selling this to me, he has never let me down in five plus years of buying from him.


emerald cut
7.11*4.66*3.23 mm
1.00 carat
depth 69.3%
table 66%
girdle thin to slightly thick
culet none
polish good
symmetry good
clarity vvs1
origin natural
grade: fancy intense yellow
dist even
flour: none

Happy New Year to you all and thanks in advance!
Hi Odell. Fancy color diamonds are the most subjective category of diamonds when it comes to pricing. As with fine colored stones, color is everything. A slight nuance of color can mean a difference of thousands of dollars.

One of the biggest factors is the modifying hue. Very few fancy color diamonds have a pure primary hue. They are usually modified by a secondary color, which can dramatically affect the price. A diamond can be graded as an "intense yellow", yet still have a modifying hue which (for reasons I don't understand) is not described on the cert. Brown in particular drives the price down on a fancy yellow.

There also is a range of tone involved in each fancy color category. These ranges tend to be wider than the fine tuned system of color grading for white diamonds.

With a white diamond, unseen pricing is possible if you have an accurate picture of color, clarity & cut. With a fancy colored diamond, unseen pricing is difficult, if not impossible, to do.

Perhaps it might be better to post the price of the diamond you're considering. The experts on this board will let you know if it sounds unreasonable. Or conversely, they'll let you know if it seems "too cheap" for a fine color. Price is often an indicator of something amiss.
Thanks Richard, the party in question is asking $10K for the stone.....he has a GIA cert which I copied all info from. Like I said, I am a novice...esp when it comes to fancy coloured stones. This diamond has no brown in it is absolutely lovely!!! It is set in platinum surrounded by four (4) sapphires......the party who sold the ring gave my jeweler friend the box the ring came in as well as recpt. He paid over $20K for the ring, he flew to Paris to have the stones set, it was not done in the US. The Hallmarks on the ring are on the outside, not the inside like usual work I have seen....if this helps please let me know, if not advise as to what more you need.


Hi MrOdell,

Richard is right, Pricing of Fancy colored diamonds is very sujective.
When I look at your GIA colored diamond report, I can see this diamond about 75% clearly Why? The fancy color grading has wider spread than D E F G H,..Etc...
Few poins are very clear from the report and that is the color grade, is pure yellow without secondary hues, color distribution even and color grade Intense. Clarity VVS1(nice but not as important)
When it comes to natural Yellow color grades,
GIA considers the first shade of yellow color pure yellow Y-Z shade, often called the Light yellow,... The next shade darker is the first Fancy color, Fancy light Yellow. A beautiful shade of distingt yellow,.. This greade is wide lets say so you can immagine how wide it is, compare the D,E,F to distance apart about one inch, and the Light Yellow approx, three feet! The next shade is Fancy Yellow, ( also three feet of it ) and next is Fancy Intense Yellow. This shade is much Wider than three feet, The highest color is Vivid yellow witch is extremely rare and redicoulously expensive. Vivid yellow is a gorgeous canary color and the diamond just glows with rich yellow color the tolerance is much less in this grade than the rest of yellows.
One think I would like to tell you before you invest in expensive diamond like this , is that Emerald cuts are also fairly rare cut to find in natural yellow diamonds. This is a great thing for collector, however if you are looking for getting the value you are paying for, not a good idea,... Why?
Emerald cut does not retain color, so your expensive stone may have a fancy certifficate, however the appearance would be equal to lesser shade of yellow and as low as Fancy light yellow under bright light,... It will look intense in low light only. So depending what the price of the stone is, unless you have to have it in your collection, I would look at other possible cutting styles available. Possibly Radiant cut with proper depth.

I have a pictures of two Intense yellow diamonds one is an Emerald cut and one Radiant I would like to share with you, however I cannot post them on this page because they both are compressed files and too small to fit the format of this page. Resizing them would damage the resolution and the colored diamond would look bad on the screen . If you wish I can email them to anyone privately. You would than understand my point and see the difference of the Intense colors between the two different cutting styles.

GIA rarely makes a mistake, however depending on the lab, if grading Emerald cut diamond the mistake can often be done . I have seen it happen several times! If the diamond looks to your eye like the color is as strong as comparable Intense yellow Radiant cut. Chances are that he stone is either bordering with Vivid Yellow or it is a Vivid yellow,... In that case I would buy it!
Prices for 1 carat for good color of Fancy Intense yellow are $10 000 + per carat with GIA certifficate. Em cuts asschers or stones lesser of clariy,.. less. Vivid yellow? Don't as me, I havent seen one in a loong time the price can be interesting,...

GLE Gem Imports
Thanks to everyone thus far that has provided me with some basic knowledge regarding fancy coloured stones.

If you would please email me the pictures you have I would GREATLY appreciate it.

I do not know if I can post my email addy here so when you have a moment will you tell me how to contact you via email....thanks!

Hello, here is a pic of the diamond(and ring for that matter) in question.....please shed any light you can. $10K is not childs play and I do not want to get "stuck" with something that isn't whatI think it is.


Being a gemstone lover, I would like to add my two cents worth on this fancy yellow diamond.

I have a fancy diamond ring myself too. The centre stone is a fancy intense yellow diamond (GIA), weighted 1.04 ct, cushion brilliant cut, even colour distribution. Along side there are two princess cut diamonds; E colour and total to 0.32 ct.

The only defect on the diamond is that inclusions can been seen under a 10x loop. However the colour is truely yellow but no hint of brown/orange, not a fancy deep / fancy dark, and the diamond still gives a lot of fire and shine.

I paid US$5500 for the ring. Since the asking price of your ring almost doubles than what I am paying, I doubted if it is a good deal.

For a collector piece, I would suggest fancy vivid grade diamond :)
A couple things...

First, Odell, the ring pictured is one sharp looking ring. You mentioned the hallmarks are on the outside of the ring. Usually this accompanies a French or Russian made ring of fine manufacture.

Secondly, do you feel the picture accurately reproduces the depth of color in the diamond? Was a flash used? If so, do you feel that it washed out the color somewhat?

The reason I ask is because the tone of color depicted looks more like a fancy yellow than a fancy intense yellow. Possibly even approaching fancy light. George's comments regarding emerald cut fancies may be apropos in this case.

If indeed the diamond is a fancy intense yellow with a deeper tone than pictured, my gut instinct without viewing the diamond firsthand is that $10,000 is an excellent price for the ring. The mounting with sapphires alone is probably worth $2000 to $2500 retail.

Mr Moraq, the price you paid for your diamond seems very good indeed. What kind of clarity does it have? Is the "cushion brilliant cut" a modern cut, or an Old Mine Cut? What lab certified the stone? It almost seems to good a price for a fancy intense with a pure hue. Did you buy from a retailer, a wholesaler, the internet, or a private individual? Was the seller motivated by some extenuating circumstance?
Sorry I posted twice.
Hello everbody.....thank you all so much for taking the time to respond. Enough knowledge never hurts!!!!

As for the pic Rich, yes what you are viewing is a pic used with flash(my beloved Sony Mavicka)......the dealer advised the ring was customized in France. You concurred that thought when I denoted the hallmarks on the outside of the ring.

The dealer in question has the ring on hold for me so I might make a deal this week in the consensus holds true that $10K is fair.

I attempted to attach another pic minus the flash but for some reason I could not do so......all replies GREATLY appreciated.

One way in which you could do the purchase without suffering any surprises is to make it contingent upon review and confirmation from an independent appraiser.

It is a reasonable request, and most sellers will go along with it.
Hey Rich, since you are in FLA can you email me so we can discuss rates etc for you being the go between for this transaction.

Secondly, do GIA cert dates make any kind of a difference when buying fancy colour stones?????????
Sorry for the delay I think you fingd this interesting . Attached GIA Fancy Intense Yellow/ VS1 .47ct Radiant cut . You may need to click on the ettachment to open
Following post will show the same color and the difference of color visible to the eye

1.41/IF Fancy Intense Yellow Asscher cut

And finally Fancy Intense Yellow Emerald cut .77ct/ VS1.
This will tell you the difference of color retention by different facetting styles. The Radiant looks trully intense to the eye . The Asscher and emerald cut do not retain the color as good .
The pictures were donated my good friend of mine.
If yu asked me the diamonds are for sale, I would not know at this point,...
One may be,...
As far as my comment to the pricing of Fancy colored diamonds goes,...
The price of Yellow Fancy Yellow diamonds has incteased rapidly within the last 5 years or so,.. I would say the price now multiplyed 5 X since 1997
Why/ they are extremely popular and rare,..

Great photos George. A picture is worth a thousand words.

It's hard to believe that emerald cut got a grade of fancy intense yellow, eh?
To everyone who has contributed to this thread:




George, thanks for the pics.....would you be so kind as to email me a price quote for the emerald cut if your friend is selling.........or any of the three for that matter.


Guys, please check out my new thread entitled OLD GIA CERTS....I am very confused and it has everything to do with this thread.

Hi MrOdell,

One think I mentioned in my previous post and that is the WIDE range in Fancy Intense yellows and I hope my pictures are saying it all when it comes to choice of cut for natural colored diamond.

I personally own the .47ct/vs1 FIY . I use it as color sample when buying Yellow diamonds. I personally believe that GIA went off the line issuing a grade for this stone of Fancy Intense Yellow. In my opinion the color grade should be Vivid Yellow. Or if it isn't it has to be right bordering with Vivid yellow.
True, I had a lot of fun with it and never seen a Intense Yellow that can measure up with the color, so it was a good luck stone for me.
However I would possibly cosider selling it since I don't really need it anymore.
If you wish you can contact me at [email protected]

GLE Gem Imports.
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