
Fall Healthy Living Thread


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Equinox - okay it’s tomorrow morning but I plan to be sleeping when it occurs at 5:06 AM ET tomorrow morning. As Sharon mentioned yesterday fall is such a beautiful time of the year. The leaves are turning because, rich colors, the weather is cooling down but still very decent. My favorite style of clothes are in the stores - jumpers, sweaters, jackets. All warm and comfy clothes for me.

Summer is often a busy time of year and while it offers us all a chance to get outdoors and put in some time exercising, it also is full of picnics, trips and special occasions which of course generally involve food and or alcohol that can derail our good intentions to make wise food choices and burn off a few extra calories.

The farmer’s markets are full of great produce this time of year. My favorite fruit is plentiful right now - yummy peaches. I usually only buy a few at a time because if they aren’t very good I usually don’t eat them. The cooler temperatures makes our morning or evening runs / jogs or walks a lot easier on our bodies.

Also, it’s not a bad idea to revisit our goals so we can be ready to handle the holidays. Halloween candy is already out and I sure love candy corn. What I do if I break down and buy a bag of candy corn is I’ll have some and take it to work the next day to get rid of it. I usually find if I go ahead and eat what I want but in moderation I won’t self destruct tomorrow and eat everything in sight.

So are you ready for a new season? Are you going to make any changes in your dietary intake and or exercise? I think I need to revisit a food journal and tracking food. I am going to go back to only one glass of wine instead of two when we go out to supper and get out for some lovely evening walks.

Take care. :wavey:


Jul 22, 2007
Hi, Marcy and all HLTers!

I've fallen off the wagon so badly, I'm ashamed of myself. After I had Lily, I lost 30 lbs. I was well on my way to my goal and feeling great. Due to my own failures I have gained every single ounce back. I haven't made time to workout because it is very hard when you have a little one to care for. I am hoping to get into the gym in my town. They have a child care area where Lily could play so I can get in a few proper workouts a week. My other failures are of the food nature. I have let DH talk me into too many pizza nights and McD runs. So, I'm getting back on track and I'll need support!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Shiny. It is so hard to get to the gym with a little one to keep you busy and eating pizza and fast food is sure easy when you are busy. Don't beat yourself up though - all you can do is try again tomorrow. It is only a bump in the road. Just wanting to work on living a healthier life is a major part of the battle. It sounds like the gym has a nice place for Lily so that might work out great for you. It's good to see you here again. :wavey:

My day was eventful. Marty's bat phone went off about 3:30 am so we had a short night. I am really tired tonight. Of course since in was tired I had cocoa, a donut and a Coke during my day at work trying to wake up. Good call, Marcy. Not! We had fast food for supper too but I had a junior hamburger and a few of Marty's fries. He was going camping and star gazing this weekend but was too tired. He is going in the morning. My sister will be here in the morning so I will be busy with her in town for a day.

Well I am going to get ready for bed. Maybe I will get some sleep tonight.



Apr 27, 2007

Marcy-I agree with you about fall clothes! I meant to put away a few summer things today and pull out a few sweaters, and I ended up putting away almost all of my summer clothes and dragging out all of my fall and winter things. I've always been too self conscious to be comfortable in short sleeves & shorts, even when I was a skinny high school kid. I much prefer sweaters, pants, jackets and boots. I hope you and your sister had a good day together today. Matt bought a bag of candy corn this week and I have forbidden him from bringing another bag home because I can't resist it!

Hi shiny! I hope you can get into the gym with the play area for Lily. I haven't been good the last few weeks to get my 4 mile walk in each day. It's easy to get out of the habit!

After eating really bad yesterday (but still staying in my points for the week), I did pretty well today. I feel like I gained a few pounds after my trip last week, so I really have to get back with it and not continue to backslide. I had fruit for breakfast and then we went to a Mexican restaurant for dinner. I was able to resist the chips, and I had grilled chicken, rice & beans for my meal. We walked this evening and I could tell that I haven been exercising like I should. I got pretty winded. I was bragging on my ear feeling better yesterday and of course it has been bugging me really bad all day today. I have a referral for an ENT doctor and I think I'm going to have to go. My ear started ringing on the day we got back from the mountains (Aug 13) and it hasn't stopped. I'm going nuts from the noise!

My goal for the fall is to get back to being strict with my portions, stop eating junk, and get my lazy self back into
exercising regularly. When I exercise regularly I feel so much better and I don't gain weight. Why is it so easy to get out of the habit? Have a great day tomorrow!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone! I hope you had a great weekend. We actually slept in until about 7:30 to 8 on Saturday. It was nice and certainly needed. I ran and bought us fast food breakfast. Marty watched TV for awhile and worked on getting packed to go camping. My sister got to town about noon so we went to lunch with her and my parents. Marty left right after lunch. My sister and I went to the mall and then I made her stickers and business cards. My sister, parents and I went to supper then I came home and watched a movie.

This morning I went grocery shopping and then started working on laundry. Marty got home about 11 am and was starving so I made our lunch then. We had rice, asparagus and split a steak. Marty left for the airport at 2 pm for a quick trip for work. He'll be back early Tuesday.

I rented 2 VOD movies this weekend and both of them were pretty good. They were Bridesmaids and Something Borrowed. Bridesmaids was better than I thought it would be.

Deegee, I am so sorry to hear your ear has a ringing in it. My mom and MIL have had problems with that and I know it is miserable. I hope the ENT gets that fixed for you. It sure is easy to get out of a good habit and it's hard to break a bad habit. Darn it anyway. I feel very uncomfortable in short sleeve clothes but when it's in the 90's I wear them around the house.

I was up way too late last night so I plan on getting to bed by 10 today. I am even ready for bed already.



Feb 27, 2007
Hi. I had a long day at work. I was greeted at the door with a problem. We made a mistake that was completely mine. I didn't compare a new schedule and missed something. Aak. So far it doesn't seem like we'll get in much trouble about it. I saw my boss's boss at lunch today and we talked about it and he was fine about it.

I had one on ones with my 2 newbees and they are happy in our department and seem to be doing well. That is nice to hear.

I am coughing a lot today. I still think it's allergy / asthma problems. Since Marty is out of town I stopped and got supper at a restaurant. I had 1/2 of a sandwich, 12 fries and some OJ / 7 Up.

I got dishes done when I got home and I am going to watch TV all night. You know watching programs I want since my remote "controller" is out of town. LOL.

Take care.


Feb 27, 2007
Marty got back from his business trip tonight. He didn't sleep well last night and I slept about 3 to 4 hours so I am kind of shocked we are still awake. Ugh.

I was up late with a problem at work last night then couldn't shut my mind down when I went to bed about 1 am. Marty texted me at 5:30 this morning so it was a short night.

I had several one on one's at work today plus chased down some problems so that kept me busy. We had an updated version of our software program installed and we found 2 major issues with it immediately. Aak. The put our previous version back on the system for us too so we can use which ever one we want until they get it fixed. The new version had about 2 dozen bugs fixed for me. Rats.

Our got a new PC at work today and wow is it faster than what I have been using. They upgraded me to the latest Windows and Office and I was pretty lost today. I had Office 2010 right before I got my Mac but that was about a year ago. I had it pretty much set up by the time I went home today.

I had my other half of sandwich for lunch and a few cheetos. I was starving by 4:30. I picked up tacos for us for supper. Marty had a haagen daz bar and I had a ww bar for dessert.

I am starving again right now, coughing (stupid cold / allergies) and thinking of going to bed early. Good plan.



Apr 19, 2004

Out to the pool today for my usual. Don't know if I'll go back tomorrow or to yoga and again on Friday. I like to be active exercising when I am not working.

Had lunch with a friend today and she commented that she'd never seen me eat dessert before (we shared a berry crumble)--bet she can't say that about having wine!



Feb 27, 2007
Sharon, as always you are so good about getting out there and exercising. You are an inspiration to us all. I am glad you enjoyed some dessert. I am with you though I'd rather have some wine.

Today was a milestone day for us. Marty turned in a 3 plus week notice at work to accept another job. It is all very exciting and scary for us. It is a nice offer and I am excited for him. He is faxing in his papers right now. Send PS dust our way that everything works out well for him.

Work for me was insane today. I lost 2 people within the last 6 weeks or so. Another One of my best employees is training my 2 newbees so he is busy and our new software program is creating all sorts of issues. Aak. We are busy busy busy.

Tonight Marty and I plus a friend of his went to supper to celebrate his accepting a job offer. Then we went to the club and had a few drinks. I think it helped Marty move in to a celebratory state of mind. I know the next few weeks will be full of many difficult moments. He has been with our company for 13 plus years.

Well I best start getting ready for bed.




Apr 27, 2007
marcy-congrats to Marty! Is he excited/nervous/scared/all of the above? Will he travel less with his new job? Do you get to stay put or have to move? I hope everything works out really well for him & you both. I'm sorry to hear of your troubles at work. Hopefully things will run smoother for you when everyone is trained and you're fully staffed. Supposedly I'm getting a new computer for work too. They ordered a notebook computer for me which I can connect to my 2 monitors on my desk. Since we're supposed to take our laptops home with us every night as part of the disaster recovery plan, the notebook will be many pounds lighter to carry. My current computer in its bag weighs 13.7 lbs. Juggling that thing, my work bag, my purse and a jacket on the way to the car is a pain sometimes.

Sharon-I rarely eat sweets and people always comment when I order dessert. Certain restaurants have carrot cake that I just can't pass up, and I'm not sharing it either!

This has been a lousy week. I'm ready to get in bed and hide under the covers until next week. On Monday I dropped Matt off at work and ended up benind the school bus on the dinky, curvy little road as usual. The bus had just picked up about 15 little ones from the daycare center and pulled up to its next stop, put on its flashing lights and put out its stop sign. I stopped behind the bus, the car coming the opposite direction stopped for kids crossing to the bus, and then a speeding pickup truck came around the bend, swerved to miss the stopped car and hit the bus head on. Thankfully no one was seriously could have been bad. That was a very stressful morning and I should have gone home after the accident because I was pretty freaked out, but I went to work and proceeded to have a lousy day. Tuesday was no better because I had meetings all day, one right after the other. Yesterday was Board meeting day and about 2 hrs into the meeting I started getting a migraine (probably because I'm always in meetings!). They announced a new director for our agency at the end of the meeting so now we have new boss. I ate a fast lunch and headed to another meeting for the rest of the day. My head has not stopped pounding, and add that to my ringing ear. I stayed home today and slept most of the day. We worked a lot of extra hours on our trip a few weeks ago so I have a few extra days I can take off. Matt and I are going out for comfort food when he gets home. I have been a little queasy all day and haven't eaten anything. Mashed potatoes sounds good, and this just may be a carrot cake evening. Hopefully tomorrow is better! Have a great evening!!!


Feb 27, 2007
Deegee, sorry you have had a lousy week. I hated to hear about the bus accident. That is so scary that kids could have been hurt. I know just seeing a bad accident is very difficult for you. I am sure that bothered you quite a bit. I am sorry to hear the ringing in your eye is still ongoing. I sure hope that goes away soon. That will be nice for you to have a lighter laptop. Marty has a smaller one that I might see if we can switch it out with mine. It is be lighter for me to carry around. Since he is the IT manager right now he should be able to arrange that for me. Lol. I hope you had carrot cake tonight. You deserve some comfort food after the week you've had. Thank you for the Congrats to Marty. He is all of the above but I think he is getting more excited about it. His last day at work is the 21st then he'll start the new job on the 24th. He will probably be gone more than not for awhile. We don't really know yet. He will either work at home or travel. Right now we don't have any plans to move and I'll keep my job.

Work was hectic today but we made it through the day. My new bees are doing good. We went to supper with the in-laws. Marty went back out to play poker with some guys from work. Tomorrow is finally Friday.

Take care.


Apr 19, 2004

Deegee--how upsetting! I didn't witness an accident yesterday--drove by the EMS vehicles near to a school--but it was disturbing nonetheless. Sorry for your continued ear issues.

Didn't get to the gym yesterday--but felt all the housework I did constituted a workout!



Apr 27, 2007
Howdy all.

Marcy-hopefully Marty will get a lighter laptop lined out for you while he's the IT manager. I'm looking forward to getting mine. I'm not in my office much anymore and move about a lot during the day for various meetings, and lugging around that darn 13.7 pounder gets old! Will Marty still be doing the IT manager thing with his new job? Poor Matt is doing triple duty right now. He was a Principal Engineer and is trying to wrap up the projects he was working on, and he was also assistant department manager for 60 employees located in 2 cities. They haven't replaced him for either of those roles, so he's still checking engineering packages before issue and doing other ADM duties plus his new job. He's pretty tired.

Sharon-housework definitely constitutes a workout! I cleaned out my closet last weekend and the next day my leg muscles were so sore!! I counted exercise points for the day. Sadly with the bus wreck, other people were hopping put of their cars and running towards the accident to try to help before emergency crews got there. I sat in my car in sheer panic mode with a death grip on my steering wheel. I'm not good in those situations, to say the least.

I have been in bed for the past 3 days, and most of today. After Matt and I went to eat Thursday, I came home and went straight back to bed. I slept all day on Friday and most of yesterday. We went to eat late yesterday and stopped by Kohl's (I had $40 in Kohl's cash and a 30% coupon that I couldn't waste) but had to leave because felt like I was going to pass out and my head started throbbing again. I went to bed when I got home. I feel really tired today, but my headache seems to finally be gone and I'm no longer sick at my stomach. That was by far the worst migraine I have ever had, or I had a bad reaction to my flu shot or I had the cantaloupe/listeria thing! If I start feeling lousy again, I'll go to the dr tomorrow. I'm hoping for a symptom-free Monday because I'm sure I'm waaayyy behind at work, and we have a new director starting tomorrow. That probably means meetings, meetings, meetings! Have a great day!!


Dec 29, 2006
Hi everyone!

How's everyone doing? Deegee -- I hope you feel better soon. I've been around but haven't posted yet here since the fall thread started (thanks, Marcy!). I'm going to the gym 2-3 days per week to swim and once a week for a session with my new personal trainer. She seems great. I miss my other trainer, but he moved out of state. I've been really sore this weekend, so I think we had a good session. :bigsmile: I still have so many cravings and that's been frustrating. I'd love to get to a point where I don't even want sweets.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. We had a busy weekend. We went to a friends house for supper and cards on Friday night. Saturday we got up early and went out to breakfast. Thence were killing time till 9 am so Marty could get a haircut so we went to SAMs. Bad idea. I now have a white iPad 2 and we bought the Star Wars blue ray set. I got the 32 g hard drive on my iPad 2. It is more than I need but I thought it was not a bad idea for $100 more. I am selling my iPad to a friend. I am letting her have it for less than I can get for it but I feel funny selling things to friends too.

Last night we watched the first 3 episodes of the Star Wars series. I made us a batch of popcorn and that was our supper.

Today Marty had a 7:45 tee time. I got up and went to the grocery store tight away. When ingot home I started cleaning house. I decided to wash all our bedding and change sheets too. I was still working on it at one when Marty got home.

This afternoon I had to make up the astronomy newsletter and get it posted online. I am down to 2 more batches of laundry then I can play with my iPad. It fell on the floor already too. Darn it. I had it setting on my Mac and it slid off and hit the floor. I can't believe I did that on the second day I owned the darn thing.

Sharon, seeing emergency vehicles at a school is disturbing. I think our house work constitutes a work out.

Deegee, I am sure you'll enjoy getting a smaller laptop. Yes I hope I can get Marty's smaller laptop before Marty leaves work. Matt sounds like where Marty would be if he stayed with our company. Doing both jobs. I am sure Matt is tired with all his responsibility. Marty will not be doing any IT with his new job. He is a senior engineering manager now and has three departments with about 75 employees across them all. He'll be the only person on his new job and no one working for him. It will be a big difference. Marty won't be getting the bat phone calls all the time so that will mean more uninterrupted nights of sleep. I am sorry to hear you have been so sick. Get better.

Zoe, it's good to see you here again. I am glad your new trainer is great. Sounds like you have some good workouts planned for the week. Sweets are tough to pass up. Sometimes if try something really strong that can curb a sweet tooth. I find dill pickles can be a good trick because they are so tasty, spicy and sweets don't go well with them.

Well enjoy the rest of your weekend.



Apr 27, 2007
Yay Marcy for getting the iPad 2! I'm amazed at how much I use mine. Matt has officially taken over my MacBook pro, and I don't even miss it. I downloaded the app Noteshelf and bought a stylus, and now I don't take notebooks to meetings anymore. Oh, and i meant to tell you that the hard back i bought for it cracked & I took it back. I'm having no luck with cases-although I do like my smart cover. And a huge yay for Marty and no more bat phone (and hopefully full nights of sleep)! Matt's new position is kind of like that too. He's the Quality Manager for 2 offices and doesn't have anyone reporting to him, but he has the go or no-go say so for the projects before they are issued. He will have to spend 3-4 days a month out of town in the other office Louisville, KY). I'm not going to like that part.

Zoe-that's great that you're getting to the gym 3-4 days a week. Too bad your other personal trainer left though. Sounds like you're getting a great workout anyway. My poor hubby has the biggest sweet tooth of anyone I have ever known, but he's doing really well controlling himself lately. He has lost 17 pounds. He still buys sweets but limits himself in portion. I try not to have anything I really like around the house or I'll eat it!

We went to Cracker Barrel for dinner and I had dumplings, carrots and green beans. I'm till pretty queasy and couldn't eat much, but hopefully it was enough to give me some energy for tomorrow. I have been sleeping so much the past few days that I'm going to have to get back on a regular sleep/eat/exercise schedule tomorrow. Have a great Monday!!!


Feb 10, 2006
Hi Ladies,
Well, I haven't posted on this thread in a LONG time! Thought I'd come back and try to get back on track!
About the time I last posted, I was losing weight, doing pretty well. I've gained some of that weight back and lately, having a hard time staying motivated, staying on track. So here I am. Trying to get back on track and STAY there!

My fall goals are to fit into my fall clothes! I've been in warm climate for awhile so haven't had to wear my fall clothes. Now, they're feeling tight. I don't want to buy new, bigger clothes; I want to wear my old, smaller ones.

So I'm going to start back and try to stick with 4-5 days working out, eating healthy. I'm thinking of joining WW, not quite sure. I have to find a way to workout on days I want to do anything but workout!

I look forward to being back in touch with everyone.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. Today was a little crazy at work so the day zipped by. We went to a funeral at one, of course that is always a sad occasion.

We took our own cars today so I came home and started cooking supper. I made tacos. I waited till about 6 and finally ate. About 6:15 I texted Marty and he was just done playing golf and was having a hot-dog at the club. The goofus. Now that is golf buddy is back in town in should know better. Lol.

I am playing with my new iPad tonight. I like it. It is clearer and quicker than the first generation.

Deegee, I am glad you are using your iPad so much. I still pick up my Mac but less and less. I got the Belkin back at Target and it's just like Marty's. His is all broke and chipped already too. I ordered one from with a picture of the Trifid Nebula on it. I'll let you know if I like it. Marty will take my back when I get it and if my new one is nice he will order one. They have plain, designs, images, etc you can get. My laptop had a fried mother board so they have to order me a new one. Rats. Hopefully it is smaller and lighter. I am really dreading how much Marty will be gone in a few weeks. Rats. I hope you felt better today.

Dixie, it is good to hear from you. Good idea to set an exercise goal for the week. Having a goal of better fitting clothes is something that is pretty easy tom judge how we are doing.

Take care.


Apr 27, 2007

Marcy -I'll have to check the website you listed. I had the clear Belkin back and it was cracked after 2 weeks. You'd think I throw this thing around with the way the way the cases are NOT lasting for me. I have been playing around with the Noteshelf app and my stylus for the last hour. I'm such a dork! Sorry you had a funeral to go to today. I hope things are getting better for you at work.

Hi Dixie! I lost my weight on WW and have kept it off for nearly 2 years now. I still religiously track everything I eat. I live by the "if you bite it, write it" rule. My hubby joined his WW at Work group about 2 months ago and has lost 17 lbs so far. He is the biggest junk food addict alive, and the WW plan is working really well for him. I lost from a size 18 to a 4, and I absolutely refuse to buy clothes even a size bigger. I'm afraid I'll start that downward spiral again! Keeping in the same size clothes is a great motivator, and working out 4-5 days a week is a great goal too.

And speaking of working out, haven't exercised in nearly a week because I've been under the weather with one thing or other, and today I have a fever. Maybe I'm trying to get a full cold & flu season's worth of illnesses out of the way here at the start so I can be healthy for the rest of the season. Work was busy and I crashed at about 2, but I managed to finish the day. We're off tomorrow for a special election for governor. I brought my laptop and computer project work home and I'm hoping to get in 4-5 hours tomorrow if I don't end up sleeping all day again. We had homemade chicken & noodle soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner, which tasted so perfect to me. I didn't walk because it's cold outside and I have a fever, but Matt walked Lily for 3 miles without me. I'm really proud of him for trying so hard with his weight loss. He has 18 lbs to go and he's decided to take it slow by making lasting changes in his diet. I don't think he minds too much that he's the only guy in his WW group either. Have a great day tomorrow!!!


Apr 27, 2007
marcy-I checked out that website and of course I had to order a case. I tend to like patterns, so I ordered a black/gray damask patterned case. I can't wait to get it! I also can't wait for the iOS 5 update to come out next week. My good friend at work is getting an iPad 2 for her birthday at the end of the month, and the wait is absolutely about to make her explode! I feel kind of bad for deciding that I wanted one and then getting it, and she's been begging for one ever since the first version came out. Clearly I have no patience. I hope work is going well for you and your new people are catching on.

I was off today for the special election, but ended up working for almost 5 hours on the computer project. We're at crunch time for this phase and have to have everything complete by the end of the month. Matt and I did our civic duty and voted this evening, and then went to the tasty pizza place that's walking distance from our house for spaghetti. Yum. We took Lily for her 3 mile walk. It's not as cold as it was last night, and my fever is gone today. Yay! That extra vitamin c I've been taking everyday must be kicking in to keep the colds away. Have a great day tomorrow!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. Yesterday was absolutely a horrible day at work. We went to supper last with my in-laws to celebrate Marty’s birthday (this Friday) and I had about 2 glasses of wine with dinner then we went to the club and I had a very full glass of chardonnay. I was going to get another drink but Marty “cut me off”. LOL. Probably a good call.

Work was much better today. Thank goodness. Marty went to play golf after work so I went to supper with a friend of mine tonight. I got home about 6:45. About 7 pm Marty called to see where I was. There were a bunch of sirens going off near the mall and he was worried about me. What a nice guy, huh? Sometimes I’ll go to the mall when I am bored and he is out doing something.

I had a subway sandwich for lunch and a taco for supper. Hmm, I am hungry now and it’s only about 8:30. Rats.

Deegee, I hope we like our cases. I was looking at the patterned cases too. I am sure happy with the case I got from them for my iPhone. I am so glad to hear you are feeling better today. Some rest and vitamin c can do wonders. I’ve been drinking OJ in the morning since I’ve had a sore throat. I will be anxious to see the updates to the OS. I am sure your friend will have a tough time waiting until the end of the month to get her iPad2. I am right there with you on not being the patient type.

Well, take care.



Apr 27, 2007
marcy-I'm sorry your day at work yesterday was so lousy. Sounds like you had a little liquid "therapy" afterwards. I decided to have a little of that after dinner tonight myself. Are your new employees doing okay? I have a dry erase board in the hallway in my section. One side is titled "bummers" and the other side is called "yippees." We write the day of the week at the top (for instance, on Monday we write Yuckday), and then write little notes in the appropriate column as the day goes along. It really lightens our moods, and I've discovered that I have a couple of artists - hence the D's head exploding on the plane picture. People from all over the office stop by to read our board at some point during the day. Happy birthday to Marty! How sweet of him to worry, and how funny he knew you'd possibly be near the mall! Are you guys doing anything special for his birthday over the weekend?

We had a somewhat eventful day at work yesterday. 15 rail cars in a 102-car train jumped the tracks 2 streets behind my building. We thought we were having another earthquake. We had to go check it out at lunch today, and there are mangled rail cars everywhere. They landed in driveways, yards and the road, took out trees and power lines and left piles of coal and coal dust all over the place. We saw one car mostly standing up lengthwise with its top resting in a split tree. The whole area stinks like grease and coal. I'm sure it will be a while before it gets cleaned up. Meanwhile, everyone is walking around with their mouths hanging wide open from shock. It was quite a sight! Nobody was hurt. I ended up working extra a few hours tonight, so I made a quickie dinner of tacos and rice and a Guinness for me. I'm heading to bed. I think I'm still recovering from that nasty migraine from last week. I've been tired and in bed early all this week. Matt plans to pick me up at lunchtime tomorrow, and we're going to go have a fun day. I'm looking forward to it. Have a great Friday!


Feb 27, 2007
Deegee, how awful about the train derailment. I am glad no one was hurt. I hope your migraine is all gone soon. I like your white board idea. It sounds fun. Are you taking off the rest of the day tomorrow? I hope so. You deserve it. Marty is coming home after lunch. We have a memorial service to go to tomorrow evening. Right now we don't have any plans for Marty's birthday. He will probably get a new watch but it is up to him. We kind of pick our own presents. We are going to Denver later this month so he will probably shop then.

We went to Old Chicago for supper. I had one piece of pizza and a glass of wine. Marty went out to play poker tonight.

We are getting chilly wether for a few days. Aak. Q

Take care.


Apr 27, 2007
Good evening!

Marcy-yes, Matt and I took off this afternoon. A few weeks ago we took a Friday afternoon off and tried a new restaurant town (Pies & Pints...a very eclectic pizza & craft beer place), and then spent the rest of the day just hanging out togrther. We had a lot of fun, and we decided we need to make it a point to do that more often. We're a lot like you guys with picking out our own gifts. We never get gifts on the actual day of whatever event we're celebrating either. Matt did surprise me last year with earrings on our anniversary,but he hasn't surprised me like that since he proposed! I love Old Chicago. We don't have one, but we went to one somewhere on an out of town excursion.

After lunch today, we headed about an hour north of town to a Fiesta retail store. Fiesta dinnerware is made in WV, so the retail shop had a huge selection. I bought 4 colors, 2 place settings each color. We got 8 Fiesta glasses free with our purchase. My kitchen looks ready for a party! We stopped at a farmers market and bought mums and pumpkins for the porch. We stopped for dinner on the way home. I had tomato basil bisque soup and a side salad. This restaurant has Dead Guy Ale on Tap and I usually get one or two, but I'm still having balance issues and I'm a little afraid to drink alcohol if I'm not at home. I think it's early to bed for me tonight. Have a great day tomorrow!


Feb 27, 2007
Deegee, having Friday afternoon off is awesome. Marty actually came home early today but I stayed until 5. We got an Old Chicago here about 2 years ago. It's not as good as the ones in Colorado but it's not bad. Good idea not tom drink when you are having balance issues. I think Marty and I have out Christmas and birthday gifts already for the next 25 years. I remember your pretty WF earrings. How fun to get assorted colored dishes. I think that is a very neat idea. In hope you catch up on sleep this weekend.

We went to a memorial service tonight. A guy at worked died Monday morning. He was 57. Very sad. His wife was treating people when we got there. I feel so bad for her. We stopped and bought fast food afterwards. We are watching one of the Austin Powers movies. They are always good for a laugh.

Tomorrow begins my cleaning out and reorganizing our spare bedrooms. Fun for me.



Feb 27, 2007
We had a snow storm today. I think we had about 4 inches of snow. It was really wet snow too. Marty got our RV winterized but didn't get our sprinklers blown out yet. We started our house clean out and reorganization today. We threw out 3 bags or trash and tons of clothes. I now have to clean out my stuff in our computer room then have Marty move my old desk tom our spare bedroom and move the treadmill in the spare bedroom to the garage. He starts his new job on the 24th so we are trying to get him an office that is all his. I think that was a workout for both of us.

I made homemade beef noodle soup today. It hit the spot on a snowy day.

Tomorrow I am meeting a friend for lunch. She is having a tough week. Her boyfriend lives and breathes college football so ignores her all weekend and her sister and brother in law just left for Africa for 2 years in the peace corp. She is very emotional now so insaid I'd meet her for lunch. Maybe in should have her come back with me and have her help me clean the bedrooms out. Ha ha. She would be sorry. I have a lot of teaching stuff left that in plan on throwing away. I have tons of things to shred. I need a better shredded too that is why i don't use it.

Well, take care.



Dec 29, 2006
You had a snow storm yesterday, Marcy?! Wow. It was 81 yesterday and it's 85 today, which is unusual for October in New England. Mother Nature's an odd duck, sometimes.

I need to keep coming back to this thread more often. I hope everyone's doing well. I went to the gym this morning. My new trainer had told me once that although she doesn't usually work on the weekends, she'd be willing to meet me there on Sundays, so she worked with me today. She said it helps get her day started, too, and I'm glad she suggested it. I was SOOOOOO overtired though that as soon as I got home, I had a laughing attack. I guess it's better than crying, right? :bigsmile: My husband looked at me like I was crazy because I couldn't stop.

Now we're off to spend the day with his parents. I'll try to catch up later.


Feb 27, 2007
Zoe, I hope you do stop by more often! That is wonderful your trainer agreed to meet you on Sunday. Sounds like it worked well for both of you. Too funny you had a laughing attack when you got home. I hope you had fun with the in-laws today. I guess we ended up with 7 inches of snow. It was really wet and places around town had power outages. We just were leaving the grocery store this morning and the power went out there. I am glad we were checked out already. I am glad you are having a nice fall there.

I just told Marty I didn't realize his new job would be so much work for me. :lol: I am BEAT. I got up about 7. Marty wanted some homemade biscuits for breakfast. We had so much snow on the ground i knew he wouldn't be going to play golf so I asked him if he would cook lunch for me and my girl friend. I was going to meet her for lunch so he made us some Indian food. After lunch she and I made chocolate chip cookies. I sent a lot of cookies home with her and froze some. The little baggie of cookies in the kitchen is going to work with me tomorrow.

Back to being beat, we started working on our spare bedroom today. I have a lot of my pictures, crafts, nickknacks, blankets, nail polish, books, etc in there so we moved things, dusted, vacuumed, threw a ton of things out and then moved my old desk in there and put the treadmill in the garage. Now I have a little desk, TV room where I can escape to if I want. I will plug in my iPhone and iPad in there and get those cords out of the living room. We still have to clean out the computer room. I told Marty our house has to weigh several hundred pounds less now. The computer room will be another huge project. We will work on it next weekend. I am motivated to get our main floor cleaned out so that will leave the linen closet, entry way closet, pantry and spice corner (a lazy susan). Then I will have to make sure and not clutter it up again.

I will be glad to go back to work tomorrow just to rest up. :wavey:

Take care.


Apr 27, 2007

Marcy-I can't believe you had snow! We had a beautiful weekend with temps in the high 70's. We got the yards cleaned up and trimmed back some shrubs and rose bushes that take a growing spell in the fall. The cars and Lily got baths too. Doesn't it feel great to clean and get rid of things? Sounds like your spare room had quote a lot of stuff. That's great that you have your own little escape room now. I guess the living room downstairs would be considered my room and the family room upstairs would be considered Matt's. I spend a whole lot more time in my room in the fall/winter because of the gas logs and because Matt is always watching football in his man room. I like football on Saturday, but I'm tired of it by Sunday!

Zoe-that's great that your trainer will meet you on Sundays. You sound so dedicated to your workouts! I hope you had a great day with your in-laws. I hide from mine.

We spent the day at my parents house. Mom made chicken, mashed potatoes & gravy, and green beans and corn from the garden. The salad fixings came from the garden too so everything was super fresh and tasty. Matt and the kids played football instead of wiffleball, and I took my usual spot as the heckler on the sidelines. They act like they hate to get heckled by Aunt Dee, but I can see them laughing. Matt and I love our Sunday afternoons in KY, although I practically had to wrestle my iPad away from one of the twerpy kids when we left. I'm off tomorrow for the holiday, and I have big plans to get caught up on laundry. I really need to clean Matt's study, but I don't know that I'm brave enough to tackle that room. Have a great day! (Marcy-get some rest!)


Apr 27, 2007
Hello! Lily and I enjoyed a beautiful Fall day today. The temperature was perfect. I got caught up on the laundry today with the last load drying right now. I haven't felt well the past few weeks and Matt had been bringing work home in the evenings, so neither of us has gotten to the laundry for some time. I made spaghetti and salad for dinner, and ended up eating without Matt because he got home after 8 and I just couldn't wait that long. I feel like such huge bum lately for not faithfully taking my evening walks, so my Fall goals are to get back into walking 3-4 miles each day and drinking more water. I'm drinking way too much Diet Dew these days. I'm super stressed at work right now and all that caffeine probably isn't helping (but it seems to be helping at the time). Have a great day tomorrow!!
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