
F.Y.I.-returning a diamond FEDEX (can''t insure it!)

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Jan 30, 2003
I just wanted to post about the run-around I got today when trying to return a diamond that I bought via FEDEX. I went to the local FEDEX drop-off counter today after calculating a rate at their online site. When I told the counter clerk that I would need insurance on the diamond being returned, she exclaimed "we can''t insure any jewelry for over $500, that is the maximum we will insure for jewelry." I thought that this was ridiculous for a major carrier to insure other items for high dollar amounts but to decline to insure jewelry, but that''s what I was told. Then she jotted down a phone number for some insurance company "that would insure the diamoind and still ship it fedex?" This made no sense to me, so I went home and looked up the local UPS facility and took it there without a hassle. I just wanted to help anyone else who may be in a similar situation. I bought a diamond classified by a site as ''ideal'' before I discovered pricescope, and now after educating myself further, I will be buying a branded ideal from a site that shows testing done to classify as ideal (as some of the better vendors do now). I will post further on the 2nd purchase, but the contact I''ve had so far with a certain vendor has been nothing but exceptional.
Hello Diamondshopr;

Most diamond dealers and jewelry stores who use FEDEX have third party insurance to cover whatever is shipped.
Usually when a customer is returning the item, the vendor has the customer return the item by Registered U.S. Mail which they will Insure for up to $25,000.

UPS is another option.

Brinks or Dunbar if the value gets $50K and up.
Believe it or not, most of the pros use the U.S. Postal Service, registered and insured. I've done it myself. Not a problem! Just be sure your send and return address doesn't imply what the contents might be. Also, the U.S.P.S. has a specific way registered and insured items are to be wrapped and sealed or they won't accept them.

The U.S.P.S. has plenty of insurance capacity and a security system that keeps registered stuff locked up and documented from acceptance to delivery. Your little innocuous box gets jumbled in with all the legal documents and who knows what. You don't have to tell them what it is --just the value. If I recall rightly, Harry Winston mailed the Hope diamond to the Smithsonian. But I doubt he insured it!!
Try these if you need fast overnight or next day service.

I do use FedEx, I almost never use the postal service but I do have third party insurance.

I had two loose diamond I had sent to me from GOG to view. Just sent them back to Rhino on Monday via Registered mail. Declared value was $11,000, shiped from Mich to NY and cost $23.00.

Not to bad, plus really secure. They make you seal the box completely with special tape, and they stamp the entire box to verify it has not been tampered with. Then anytime it changes hands in the USPO someone has to sign for it.

The only downfall is it takes 4-5 days or more, but I feel very comfortable that it will get there with no problems.
We use a third party insurance company to insure the packages we ship Fed-X but we do not use One Service anymore since they failed to pay a claim last year AND failed to return our telephone calls on several occasions! An insurance company is only as good as their ability to process claims quickly and efficiently and we give One Service a BIG FAT "F" on that!

I think what is clear from this thread is that if you are a VENDOR and use a third party insurance, then FEDEX is a safe way to overnight diamonds. The problem was that you are a consumer trying to ship one single item, once.

Just wanted to clarify this as most of us vendors use FEDEX to overnight diamnds to the customer and it is a safe and reliable means, as long as you have the additional insurance. R & T, sorry to hear about your negative experience with OneService. We have always found them to be great, extremely accessible whenever we have had "exceptions to the rule" when shipping a package.

Sorry to drag up this older topic - but I am in need of some serious help and would sincerely appreciate any input. I live in Alberta Canada. I am interested in purchasing a diamond engagement ring from an individual (not a company-I found this ring listed on eBay) based in Virginia. This is a one-time, private sale. The value of the ring is approx. $4000 US funds. I have contacted all the "main" shipping companies (FedEx, UPS, USPS, Purolator). I have found that they either do not ship jewelry (period) or they will only insure up to $500 (FedEx) or $1000 (USPS Reg'd mail to Canada).

I am trying to search the internet for a way to safely ship this ring with full insurance to Canada. I have spent the last hour searching the archives for information and this is the most relevant post I can find. I have emailed the company "Parcel Pro" to see if they can help. Can anyone help me or perhaps point me in the right direction? I would really appreciate your input.
Parcel Pro is probably you're best bet Lando, but we're not sure whether they will work directly with the public, especially for an international shipment because of all the hassles involved with customs... The hassles can extend beyond the normal paperwork, try this on for size... Two weeks ago we ship a loose diamond to Canada, the harmonized code for an unmounted diamond is 7102100000 (we mention this because it sounds as if you might need this information) which is what we declare as the contents of the package... The box gets held up in customs because they are looking for a Kimberly Diamond Certificate which at this point in time, does not exist except for diamonds produced in China... This is explained to the customs agent who decides that the best way to circumvent the (now required) entry on the computer screen is to change the harmonized code from that for a loose diamond to one for a mounted diamond (7113200000) which enabled the package to sail right through... Now why it is apparently okay for a mounted diamond to be imported into Canada without a Kimberly Certificate and it is not okay for a single loose diamond to be imported without a Kimberly Certificate seems beyond reason, but that is another subject entirely... So the package is received by our customer complete with an airbill displaying the same tracking number we sent the package out with, but when our customer opens the package she finds not one, but fifty two diamonds!!! Instead of receiving the single 1.5 carat diamond we sent out, she discovers 52 forty point diamonds... As she put it, her "puppy had puppies" while in transit, and thankfully she wasn't upset about it... As near as we have been able to determine, Canadian Customs opened the box of another diamond dealer to inspect the contents and intended to open our box for the same purpose, but then did not open our box because it eventually was delivered to our client in it's original condition (we triple box and our client indicated that our internal security measures were intact) and somehow managed to place one of our airbills on the other diamond cutter's box and sent that out to our client while ours sat in customs waiting to be cleared... To their credit, Fed Ex Security was prompt and efficient in clearing up this disaster, but this is not the first time we have seen the wrong contents be delivered when international shipments are involved... A few months ago, we received a lithograph machine instead of an extremely heavy Gem Cam that we ordered from Israel... Imagine our surprise when we opened up the crate which was addressed to us and found a lithograph machine instead of a camera... And you'd think that it would be something which was simple to solve? Oh no, it took two weeks to arrange for the product to be exchanged and six months later we were still fighting over the duty paid for the wrong box... It is for reasons such as these that you might find it challenging to ship a diamond internationally and which might explain why several of our competitors have stopped shipping international packages... Depending on where you are located in Canada, it might be easier to have the seller send the diamond to a destination close to the border and then you can travel over the border to pick it up and declare your purchase upon returning to Canada...
Thanks for the input. I have thought of shipping to somewhere closer to the border, but I don't know anyone well enough to trust sending the ring and hold onto it for me to arrive and pick it up. I have considered driving the whole way, but my MS Streets and Trips calculates the drive at 3800km each way (that is about a 40 hour drive each way!), not to mention gas and rental car costs. Does anyone else have any solutions? Does anyone know if 3rd party insurance on the FedEx packages would be available to private individuals or is that only for companies? If 3rd party would be available to individuals, who would I contact?

On a side note, I attached the file with the GIA report and welcome any comments. I appreciate any help - thanks again!

Can anyone offer me some more information please?
"I have thought of shipping to somewhere closer to the border, but I don't know anyone well enough to trust sending the ring and hold onto it for me to arrive and pick it up. "

Have you considered having them hold for pickup at the FedEx location closest to your nearest border crossing?
You can ship with USPS $5,000 in value overnight with Express mail. You can ship up to $25,000 with insurance coverage USPS Registered Mail.

Mounted jewelry, but not unset gems, can be shipped with UPS for up to $50,000 insured overnight, two day, three day or ground. They do not accept loose stones. Don't fool yourself.

Fed-Ex offers no coverage for jewelry. Even the $500 limit is not for jewelry or gems. Private carriers sell dealers coverage, but this cannot be obtained by the public.

If your shipment by Registered Mail is over $25K you must declare the full value and pay a surcharge based on the declared value, but your insured coverage is still limited to 25K.

The Hope diamond was sent via registered mail for a million dollars coverage (or more), but only the first 25K of value was covered by the post office. The rest was private insurance coverage.
Yes I have already went through the USPS website. I live in Canada, they state on the website that they will only cover up to $1000 for registered and insured shipments to Canada. Obviously the limit is $25K for domestic (US) shipments, but that won't apply to me. That might still be my best option, and just pray nothing happens to it.

I have never heard of this Fed Ex drop box thing. Would they let someone from Canada show out of country identification to pick up a parcel? I would think they would be somewhat anxious about doing that. Plus Fed Ex won't have the coverage I require, it would be better with USPS to somewhere just south of the 49th.

Any other thoughts or ideas please help!
Thanks for the help - I found someone through my Dad's work that lives in Minot, ND and will drive down and pick it up.

I do have another quick question. The rings I am looking at are size 6, platinum setting. My girlfriend has a size 7 1/4 ring size. I should have no problems getting it resized correct? I am not sure because it is going "up" in sizes.

Also, any comments on the diamond itself?
You'd get more responses if you start a new thread. Where are you getting the ring from? They should be able to size it for you before you buy it.
It is so nice to see the forumites exchanging ideas and much of the logistics in shippings gems and diamonds. Indeed, it is much easier to have that done in the US. But in our own business , we ship also regularly via UPS. If anyone had done business with Stuller , they put in a temp ring setting and the diamonds and via UPS. Thus far, in my use of the UPS from China and gems from Thailand are being sent via Fedex. UPS sending rough from Brazil into Shenzhen for processing and back into the US. Often it comes in less than 22 hours gaining from the 12 hours from Asia and US.

I am working on a separate logistics where funds transfer will cost on an average of US 20.00 instead the cost of fund wiring or credit card.

I would like to explore other services. Thanks you for sharing
Robin & Todd --

I'm trying to use FedEx to ship my diamond ring to England. The shipping form asks me for a "Export License Number". Do I need to get one of these and where do I get it?

Thanks for any help you can provide.
We use UPS and Parcel Pro insurance to ship overnight diamonds and jewelry BUT Parcle Pro does not insure consumer shipments. You need to be in the biz for them to handle your shipping insurance needs. Parcel-Pro can also insure Fed-Ex, but it costs more and there is no reason to pay more.

Be very aware that UPS will NOT cover diamonds set into temporary, clip style mountings as if they were real rings. They will not provide coverage for this. If they catch you doing it, you will get your package back. It will not even get delivered. They reserve the right to open any package and check the contents.

Unset diamonds, or diamonds in clip mounts may only be insured with USPS for consumers and those dealer without Parcel-pro, One service or Fed-Ex DVX. You can insure with USPS via registered mail up to 25K value and up to 5K value for "nearly" overnight Express Mail. Never underdeclare the value as it will void your coverage. Have proof of value in case of loss. It will take months to settle any claims with the USPS, so just be aware of the possibility. It is rare they lose something, but I believe we have had 3 packages disappear in 35 years.
"BUT Parcle Pro does not insure consumer shipments. You need to be in the biz for them to handle your shipping insurance needs..."

Welll..... in the biz, or sending something to someone in the biz. I recently sent a stone to Rich Sherwood, and he provided instructions on how to properly package and insure it with ParcelPro. It was also billed to an account, FWIW.
Yes, someone with Parcel Pro can sometimes arrange for a consumer to send in something with Parcel Pro coverage. However, this is not always an available option. It depends on what ParcelPro considers the risk involved with various Zip Codes and the value of the insured item....
This seems like a lot of trouble to be going to to get a ring from eBay. Does the seller have a good record? Can you provide a link to the auction? Is $4,000USD what you're paying for it?

You'll need more information than what is on the GIA cert to determine if the stone is well cut.
Dave, Has UPS always provided insurance for mounted rings or is this relatively new? Last year, I was told they didn't.
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