
Extra facet and Clarity Grading

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Feb 19, 2003
Does anybody know the impact of an extra facet on the grading of clarity?
Could an extra facet with size comparable to half a star facet be graded as VVS?
Need to see the diamond, but as far as I know the extra facet will not have an impact on clarity. Yes,..diamond with extra facet can be graded VVS.
The extra facet can be an indicator of many things depending on the diamond,
good or bad,...
GLE Gem imports Ltd
Matter of fact even an IF can have an extra facet. Seen it.
Lacina and Rhino,

Thanks for your comments. I understand that the diamond cutter may deliberately cut an extra facet to remove chip, indented natural etc. in order to conserve carat and clarity. I also heard from somebody else that diamond with an extra facet may be graded with "excellent" symmetry.I am a layman in diamond but it doesn't make sense to me. Common sense tells me such kind of diamond is not symmetrical at all. As you can't arbitrarily draw a straight line through the diamond centre to give two identical halves.

Provided that an extra facet doesn't affect the 4 C's and other parameters that have an impact on the diamond value, would a diamond cutter ambuse the use of cutting an extra facet? Is it fair to the consumer that pay so much for the diamond?
Hi Edmund,
I understood that this was a question in regards of clarity,...
When it comes to symmetry, that is another factor witch can possibly be affected by an extra facet depending on its size and location.
As I said I would need to see it.
Extra facets are not unusual to see and you are right, the cutters when maximizing their rough sometimes go back to remove a natural if it improves the diamond's value. I don't think this is unfair, however if you feel you are being cheated, look for a stone without the extra facet.
Please do not confuse this with some Russian cutting styles where extra facets are the key to their unique cutting diagrams .
If the diamond you are looking at is GIA certified and has an extra facet listed on the grading report with symmetry graded as excellent, it most likely is. There are other factors that are more important to the symmetry.
If the extra facet wasn't listed on the report, it is an indication of it being added after the stone was submited to the lab. This would however make the cert no longer valid.


While shopping, I went to Shreve Crump & Low and they have what they are calling the "Astral Cut" diamond which has an extra Facet, purposely. They say it is supposed to give it more fire and sparkle. I had a hard time telling the difference between that and their "Master Cut". All there diamonds come with grading reports GIA AGS Sarin. (not sure if you actually get all 3) I saw one stone that had the AGS and Sarin reports.
A diamond with a tiny extra facet might get an excellent symmetry grade. Not often, but it is possible. It depends on the size, location and visibility of the extra facet. An extra facet can downgrade the clarity, but similar rules about size, location and visibility apply. Obviously, a branded special cut diamond with a series of purposeful extra facets laid out in a symmetrical manner, is not downgraded in clarity or symmetry. It is a case by case basis.

I would be much more careful of branded diamonds touting extra faceting. These stones are notorious for being cut in a way that is self-serving to the cutter by way of retaining added weight. Be very vigilant of the total depth of the stone as many or too deep. The pavilion angle may be less than ideal with extra faceting below the girdle.
Pavilion angle is crucial to light return.

This is a general situation, and may not apply to every extra facted branded diamond. If there are some that put out more light because of their extra facets they can jump to defend themselves, but many I have seen don't warrant extra credit for extra faceting.
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