
Experts: Tiffany & Co. IS IT REALLY WORTH IT?

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Feb 8, 2003
Hi there.
I need your honest opinions on this. Is it really worth it to buy an engagement ring at Tiffany''s? I know that they mark up their prices a little higher than everyone else, but do they offer anything else other than their name and fancy blue boxes to justify the price?

Who does their certificates?
Do they offer some kind of lifetime warranty?
Do they offer cleaning anytime?

and finally, is it safe to assume that they are 110% trustworthy?
I''m looking at getting my girl the Lucida. Can that be copied? Are there any bad reviews on the Lucida?

Experts! Please give me your advice.

Thanks in advance.
There's a good thread that talks about both your Tiffany question and your Lucida question at:

In additon there's plenty of threads you'll pull up if you do a search under either name.
It is only worth it if your girl is going to drop you if you do not give her the blue box

Could be a great way to save on divorce costs
Barney,Tiffanys doesn't mark them up a bit higher-they REALLY mark them up. You can probably buy the stone loose from a reputable jeweller,spend less and get a better stone! After all Tiffanys diamonds come from the same mines as all the other diamonds. Think of a really neat way to give it to her (without a box) then the 'blue box' won't be a problem!!! and with all the money you save,you can take her to the Caribbean to give it to her!! Trust me as a woman-I would MUCH prefer the romantic surroundings!!! Good Luck!
Just remember get a fine cut!
Since other people have been so helpful when we were looking at stones, I thought I might contribute my 2 cents as well on this one since we went through the EXACT same thing:

We went to Tiffany in NYC to look at the Lucida and one of the ones we looked at was 1.23 H VS1....and it was $12,800+ (plus tax). Another one was .97 carat, I, VVS1 for ~$10,000. Finally, a third was .65 Carat, F, VS1, and that was about $6,500.

We then went to the diamond district and there, we found someone (after doing our background homework first to understand quality etc. and shopping around a bit) who obtained a number of stones for us (Radiant cut, or on the GIA cert called a "cut-cornered rectangular modified brilliant". We gave the criteria of H color or better, VS1 or better and 1.0 carat+. Let me just say that the stones that he offered us to view were all GORGEOUS and MUCH MUCH cheaper...a 1.09 ct, H, VS1 was less than $5,000, and the helpful folks on this forum checked the measurements and let me know that we are not getting taken for a ride (ballpark it's a good amount to pay for what we are getting). Finally, when we told the jeweler the setting we wanted, he will try to find us something comparable, or even custom make the setting from scratch to match the Lucida bezel-set, for less than $1,000. All in all, a larger, better stone for about half the price.

I do think that you are paying for a HUGE markup on a Tiffany diamond, and from what i'm reading on this forum it's not necessarily worth it given quality etc. You CAN be certain that if you buy from Tiffany you won't be getting anything fake or fraudulent, but in terms of bang for buck you probably won't be getting your money's worth. As for the "blue box" you can always look on Ebay and buy an empty box for usually <$10.

Finally, a number of our engaged/married friends have all bought their stones from various jewelers in the diamond district, for exactly the same reason as we are - did not want to pay for the huge Tiffany markup and would rather put the money either towards a larger/better stone, and/or something else going on in their lives.

The Lucida is really a cut-cornered square or rectangular modified brilliant cut stone (I believe); there are many similar ones out on the market. I think with a little homework, you can find something that you like just as much and looks just as (if not more) beautiful than a Lucida.

Hope this helps, good luck!
As far as I know Tiffany sells their stones with their own appraisal, I don't think they come with lab certification though I may be wrong. I know they give you a letter saying you bought the stone from Tiffany, their own internal appraisal for the amount of worth..but I think that is it. Oh and the blue box which is purchaseable on eBay for about $1. I got a set of 8 legit Tiffany boxes with ribbons and bows for $10!

You buy the brand at Tiffany and the markup is outrageous. What they sell is most likely top quality, but I would definitely suggest what many other people have done here, build your own using a similar cut stone and the Vatche XProng that is very very similar to the setting that Tiffany uses for their Lucida ring. The differences will be minimal, and you will save alot of money and also get the satisfaction of knowing what you are putting into that ring as opposed to just buying blindly from the rows at Tiffany. Also, an extra perk is the whole 'I built this for you' feeling which goes a long way for a girl in the romance dept in my book!!
I have a different perspective than the others who have replied here. The way I see it, is that a diamond is a totally useless thing to spend money on. Whether I spend money to get a slightly larger, albeit still useless stone, or spend that same money on a stone with a certain name affixed to it is of the same consequence.

Some people like the larger stone, while others prefer the name brand. IMO, both are equally valid. If my girl wanted a Tiffany stone, then she would get one, but it would be substantially smaller than what I would have bought normally, due to the price premium.
Mara -- I trust T&co's certs more than many EGLs...

One more thing... I think that each diamond ring comes with a Tiffany cert, unless it's D color or IF clarity... In this case it comes with a GIA report... I may be wrong, but I think this is howT&Co works...

Man, you guys aren't making this easy...

but I've made this decision:

I am willing to pay a premium for a Tiffany ring. BUT...not the premium they ask for (up to 2x the price!). When I finally price out a custom made ring, I will see what the price difference is. If it is near the premium that I would pay for Tiffany ($1000 Canadian Dollars (approx. $650 U.S.)), then, by all means, Tiffany it is.

Something tells me that it won't be that close......
Sounds like a great plan Barney..let us know how things turn out!
On 2/8/2003 6
2:43 PM TigerWoods wrote:

Hi there.
I need your honest opinions on this. Is it really worth it to buy an engagement ring at Tiffany's? I know that they mark up their prices a little higher than everyone else, but do they offer anything else other than their name and fancy blue boxes to justify the price?

Who does their certificates?
Do they offer some kind of lifetime warranty?
Do they offer cleaning anytime?

and finally, is it safe to assume that they are 110% trustworthy?
I'm looking at getting my girl the Lucida. Can that be copied? Are there any bad reviews on the Lucida?

Experts! Please give me your advice.

Thanks in advance.

Just go for the Harry Winston! LOL

I bought the classic tiffany brilliant cut for my wife when we got engaged. It all comes down to this. Is she worth the extra cash? Of course she is. And a couple of months down the road you'll forget all about the money you spent and she can walk around with her tiffany ring on her finger for the rest of her life. If she prefers the tiffany name then buy it. I am very happy i did. We even bought our wedding bands there. Good Luck.

- Mike
I thought you bought a stone & ring already - tiger woods. Or is this another tiger woods?

I think the question is

Will your "to be" prefer a .50 diamond from Tiffany's or an equally nice stone in about .85?

I'd take the .85 all day long.
This thread was back from Feb but then verve responded to it today and it popped back up to the top! So TG may have bought something else already between Feb and today?
Ah good catch Mara. That's why I was confused. Tiger didn't buy a Tiffany ring. He got a really nice stone. I think Rich appraised it.
Is your wife worth the extra cash? Of get her a bigger diamond, or a weekend at the spa, or a nice dinner. Paying the extra dough to Tiffany has nothing to do with the value of your wife, it has to do with excellent marketing strategy and a huge profit margin for Tiffany's. One does not love someone more for presenting a blue box. Does the lucky lady wear the box? No. Would you ever consider presenting the diamond without the blue box, no. Heck no, ya paid thousands for that box. Point is, Tiffany & Co. conveys a feeling and and image. A physically identical rock can be purchased most anywhere for way less. An engagement ring is an illogical gift. Ya can't drive it or eat it or crawl under it to get out of the rain. It is an emotional token to say I love you. Tiffany's ingenious packaging and marketing simply plays on these emotions in order to convince people that they are loved more if they get a little blue box. Some people are all about brands. Others are more practical and would like the extra money to be spent on say.....a romantic honeymoon? Whatever the case, I feel that the box has nothing to do with how much a man loves his women. Tiffany is high quality but they are also very overpriced.
This question's been asked by someone before you

Here's something I wrote that still holds true..........

She won't be wearing that little blue box
She'll forget it and tuck it away
It's the beauty of the diamond
That's there with her to stay.

Put your time and care and money
Toward the stone she's longing for
This forum's an excellent place to start
For a diamond she'll adore!

All the best to you!

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