Hello! New user here. I've been doing a lot of research on finding my own stone online.
I've been on BN, Zoara, JA and found this diamond with an ASET available. After browsing through some ASET posts on this forum, I thought to add mine here for review. My first impression was that the performance didn't look very impressive, possibly poor? Would love to get some insights on this.
Here's the GIA report: http://www.gia.edu/cs/Satellite?rep...ename=GIA/Dispatcher&c=Page&cid=1355954554547
Thanks for your help!

I've been on BN, Zoara, JA and found this diamond with an ASET available. After browsing through some ASET posts on this forum, I thought to add mine here for review. My first impression was that the performance didn't look very impressive, possibly poor? Would love to get some insights on this.
Here's the GIA report: http://www.gia.edu/cs/Satellite?rep...ename=GIA/Dispatcher&c=Page&cid=1355954554547
Thanks for your help!