I know a lot of you don''t post/read BWW so a quick run-down on what happened (original thread here):
~I did everything for her for her wedding
~Last week or so I wasn''t there as much as she wanted me to be so she yelled/cursed me out at the rehearsal dinner
~We stopped being friends
After the whole rehearsal dinner fiasco, I sent her an email because I needed closure. She has treated me like complete crap over the years and I''ve never said anything. I knew the friendship was coming to an end and I wanted to have my final words. The email wasn''t mean at all but I did tell her that what she did to me was unacceptable. She sent an email back that was probably 100 times more horrible than cursing me out in front of her guests and we sort of left things like that. That was right before Christmas.
Today I get an email from her that says:
I need to go see my Dad (he isn’t doing well…) and I am stressed because I cant afford a measly 250 dollar round trip ticket for this trip, not to mention the 250-400 dollar ticket I will have to buy ASAP when he really goes down hill (if you know what I mean).
Life pretty much sucks and it’s hard to get out of bed every morning. I need my friend.
I don''t know what to do. I know she has had a really hard time with her father. He left them when she was 5, tried to come back in her life around 25 but she wouldn''t have it, and then last year (almost 10 years later) she finally decided to give him a chance. So I know she''s hurting. At the same time, I''m so tired of always being her shoulder. Nowhere on there does it say ''how are you? how have you been? Can we talk about what happened?" No, just "I need you." That''s so typical of her. I haven''t responded yet because I don''t know if I want to start down that emotional mess with her again.
~I did everything for her for her wedding
~Last week or so I wasn''t there as much as she wanted me to be so she yelled/cursed me out at the rehearsal dinner
~We stopped being friends
After the whole rehearsal dinner fiasco, I sent her an email because I needed closure. She has treated me like complete crap over the years and I''ve never said anything. I knew the friendship was coming to an end and I wanted to have my final words. The email wasn''t mean at all but I did tell her that what she did to me was unacceptable. She sent an email back that was probably 100 times more horrible than cursing me out in front of her guests and we sort of left things like that. That was right before Christmas.
Today I get an email from her that says:
I need to go see my Dad (he isn’t doing well…) and I am stressed because I cant afford a measly 250 dollar round trip ticket for this trip, not to mention the 250-400 dollar ticket I will have to buy ASAP when he really goes down hill (if you know what I mean).
I don’t do well with death…not that anyone does…and I am not doing well with the idea that my dad will be dead before the year is done… and most likely before my next birthday…
Life pretty much sucks and it’s hard to get out of bed every morning. I need my friend.
I don''t know what to do. I know she has had a really hard time with her father. He left them when she was 5, tried to come back in her life around 25 but she wouldn''t have it, and then last year (almost 10 years later) she finally decided to give him a chance. So I know she''s hurting. At the same time, I''m so tired of always being her shoulder. Nowhere on there does it say ''how are you? how have you been? Can we talk about what happened?" No, just "I need you." That''s so typical of her. I haven''t responded yet because I don''t know if I want to start down that emotional mess with her again.