
Ever consider going without makeup for a week?

missy|1414401706|3773220 said:
Calliecake|1414376984|3773137 said:
OVincze|1414316365|3772824 said:
I am one of those that always wear makeup, always. I feel naked without it and feel that people stare at me thinking I am ugly if I do not. It has happened and I was shocked when I was complimented on my face without makeup. I go from light to full usually. My problem is that I have huge undereye circles. I have to always wear concealer if I go somewhere or otherwise I look dead. I also have deep set eyes and have problems in the eyelash department, some eye makeup is a must and something for my lips as otherwise they bleed in cold weather but my lips are large so not really a problem there. I also love wearing color to match my colorful dresses. I love playing art with my face, I feel that I would miss something if I could not do that. I do have natural makeup days but go bold too at times with teal on my eyelids. What I no longer do and used to is bold red lips and the like, people all voted that down, with my full lips I guess I do not need more attention on them and it is not very classy when they stand out so much.

What was an interesting test for me is when I had eyelash extensions done. Nothing I love more than the effect they create. They really emphasize my eyes and when I do that I feel I look good with a tadbit of concealer and blush, anything else would be too much. I loved looking natural and good at the same time. It felt really liberating that I did not have to do much to look ok and I looked fine even in the morning. The only problem is that they do not really last on me and are not comfortable to wear but I get them done whenever I can so I can go as bare as I want. When I am working I still do a bit of foundation, blush, concealer and perhaps some shadow and if I go out like last weekend to a ball I will wear full evening makeup and lash extensions but the way they transformed my face, opening up my eyes, making me look alive even in the morning really helped me understand why I was doing so much makeup before and what I do not like about myself. Sometimes one thing makes all the difference. It is strange but a great feeling too that I do not need to get up as early in the morning.

Sorry for the quick threadjack. OVincze, have your tried using Latisse on your lashes. Makes them much longer and thicker after a few weeks use. So much better than eyelash extensions!

Hi Callie and Ovi, just be careful with Latisse as there may be some side effects the most serious one being that it could turn lighter eyes brown and another side effect is that it can discolor your eyelids. The turning one's blue or hazel eyes brown is a permanent side effect if it happens so just be careful and discuss it with the prescribing (you should always get a prescription and not through any other means) doctor.

Latisse is the same formula as Lumigan which is an ocular drop for glaucoma so it is serious medication. And as you probably already know it only works as long as you are using it and if/when you stop your lashes will go back to what they were before you started using it.

The only time I wore false eyelashes was for my wedding and I cut them down to half because I wanted it to look natural and it was very pretty. I definitely see the temptation for longer lashes as it really makes ones eyes beautiful. However I am too risk adverse for Latisse (plus it's expensive and adds up) and too lazy and low maintenance for false lashes. But I appreciate how they can transform one's appearance as long as done reasonably. I am sure most of us have seen badly applied false lashes/too much mascara blobbed on and well, not a pretty sight. :knockout:

Another question for those who wear makeup most of the time. Do you apply before you go to the gym or workout or go for a run etc?

To my knowledge, Bimatoprost (the clinical, official name of "Latisse") has had no documented cases of iris color change when used as directed. To say that it can turn light eyes brown is not entirely true either - it can cause darkening of the iris (in the form of darker or brownish spots), but it's not like you go to bed one night as a blue-eyed beauty and wake up the next morning with brown eyes :lol:
The risks associated with use are very slim (again, when used as directed). My lashes are amazing on Latisse and when I stop using it, they go back to normal.
momhappy|1414419964|3773315 said:
missy|1414401706|3773220 said:
Calliecake|1414376984|3773137 said:
OVincze|1414316365|3772824 said:
I am one of those that always wear makeup, always. I feel naked without it and feel that people stare at me thinking I am ugly if I do not. It has happened and I was shocked when I was complimented on my face without makeup. I go from light to full usually. My problem is that I have huge undereye circles. I have to always wear concealer if I go somewhere or otherwise I look dead. I also have deep set eyes and have problems in the eyelash department, some eye makeup is a must and something for my lips as otherwise they bleed in cold weather but my lips are large so not really a problem there. I also love wearing color to match my colorful dresses. I love playing art with my face, I feel that I would miss something if I could not do that. I do have natural makeup days but go bold too at times with teal on my eyelids. What I no longer do and used to is bold red lips and the like, people all voted that down, with my full lips I guess I do not need more attention on them and it is not very classy when they stand out so much.

What was an interesting test for me is when I had eyelash extensions done. Nothing I love more than the effect they create. They really emphasize my eyes and when I do that I feel I look good with a tadbit of concealer and blush, anything else would be too much. I loved looking natural and good at the same time. It felt really liberating that I did not have to do much to look ok and I looked fine even in the morning. The only problem is that they do not really last on me and are not comfortable to wear but I get them done whenever I can so I can go as bare as I want. When I am working I still do a bit of foundation, blush, concealer and perhaps some shadow and if I go out like last weekend to a ball I will wear full evening makeup and lash extensions but the way they transformed my face, opening up my eyes, making me look alive even in the morning really helped me understand why I was doing so much makeup before and what I do not like about myself. Sometimes one thing makes all the difference. It is strange but a great feeling too that I do not need to get up as early in the morning.

Sorry for the quick threadjack. OVincze, have your tried using Latisse on your lashes. Makes them much longer and thicker after a few weeks use. So much better than eyelash extensions!

Hi Callie and Ovi, just be careful with Latisse as there may be some side effects the most serious one being that it could turn lighter eyes brown and another side effect is that it can discolor your eyelids. The turning one's blue or hazel eyes brown is a permanent side effect if it happens so just be careful and discuss it with the prescribing (you should always get a prescription and not through any other means) doctor.

Latisse is the same formula as Lumigan which is an ocular drop for glaucoma so it is serious medication. And as you probably already know it only works as long as you are using it and if/when you stop your lashes will go back to what they were before you started using it.

The only time I wore false eyelashes was for my wedding and I cut them down to half because I wanted it to look natural and it was very pretty. I definitely see the temptation for longer lashes as it really makes ones eyes beautiful. However I am too risk adverse for Latisse (plus it's expensive and adds up) and too lazy and low maintenance for false lashes. But I appreciate how they can transform one's appearance as long as done reasonably. I am sure most of us have seen badly applied false lashes/too much mascara blobbed on and well, not a pretty sight. :knockout:

Another question for those who wear makeup most of the time. Do you apply before you go to the gym or workout or go for a run etc?

To my knowledge, Bimatoprost (the clinical, official name of "Latisse") has had no documented cases of iris color change when used as directed. To say that it can turn light eyes brown is not entirely true either - it can cause darkening of the iris (in the form of darker or brownish spots), but it's not like you go to bed one night as a blue-eyed beauty and wake up the next morning with brown eyes :lol:
The risks associated with use are very slim (again, when used as directed). My lashes are amazing on Latisse and when I stop using it, they go back to normal.

Hi momhappy, I would just caution you because with continued usage there is an increased risk of possible side effects. Remember, the company Allergan doesn't even know why it causes hair to grow and it was through a series of accidents they realized it could make lashes grow (as well as other hair-there have been some instances of cheek hair). Personally I have seen 2 cases of where it changed iris pigment to darker so while it may be low risk it isn't no risk. And unfortunately one patient lost many of her lashes but it was due to an allergic reaction to the Latisse. Sometimes allergies to a med don't occur till one has been using it for a while so always be aware of any changes.

Make sure (as I am certain you do) to apply only to the base of the lashes and try not getting any in the eye. No matter what you do however some will get absorbed into the eye but you want to keep that to a minimum because that is where the problem occurs. Also the main risk is for those with hazel eyes or blue/brown or green/brown. Pure blue and pure green don't have enough melanocytes to get darker. However this med is not without side effects (no med is) so just be aware. The iris change happens gradually over time with long term use so that is why it is important to know about it so if you were to notice any changes you would stop immediately obviously.

I am glad you are happy with its effects for you. I do think eyelashes can make the most dramatic change to our facial appearance.
Thank you Missy for your post. I'm very careful not to get the soution in my eye. I also cut down the sides of the brush applicator so I use considerable less solution. A bottle with one months of solution will typically last me close to 3 months. My doctor is very conservative Andy went over everything you mentioned before he gave me a prescription.

After using for a couple months I have found that it's not necessary to use everyday to achieve the same results results. I can't believe the difference it has made in my lashes.
Calliecake|1414423999|3773350 said:
Thank you Missy for your post. I'm very careful not to get the soution in my eye. I also cut down the sides of the brush applicator so I use considerable less solution. A bottle with one months of solution will typically last me close to 3 months. My doctor is very conservative Andy went over everything you mentioned before he gave me a prescription.

After using for a couple months I have found that it's not necessary to use everyday to achieve the same results results. I can't believe the difference it has made in my lashes.

That's fantastic Callie. I wish I wasn't so risk adverse about meds as I really love how long lush lashes look on women. Isn't it funny that more men seem to have naturally lush lashes than women? I notice it all the time and it makes me jealous and I tell them so! 8-)
missy|1414423122|3773338 said:
momhappy|1414419964|3773315 said:
missy|1414401706|3773220 said:
Calliecake|1414376984|3773137 said:
OVincze|1414316365|3772824 said:
I am one of those that always wear makeup, always. I feel naked without it and feel that people stare at me thinking I am ugly if I do not. It has happened and I was shocked when I was complimented on my face without makeup. I go from light to full usually. My problem is that I have huge undereye circles. I have to always wear concealer if I go somewhere or otherwise I look dead. I also have deep set eyes and have problems in the eyelash department, some eye makeup is a must and something for my lips as otherwise they bleed in cold weather but my lips are large so not really a problem there. I also love wearing color to match my colorful dresses. I love playing art with my face, I feel that I would miss something if I could not do that. I do have natural makeup days but go bold too at times with teal on my eyelids. What I no longer do and used to is bold red lips and the like, people all voted that down, with my full lips I guess I do not need more attention on them and it is not very classy when they stand out so much.

What was an interesting test for me is when I had eyelash extensions done. Nothing I love more than the effect they create. They really emphasize my eyes and when I do that I feel I look good with a tadbit of concealer and blush, anything else would be too much. I loved looking natural and good at the same time. It felt really liberating that I did not have to do much to look ok and I looked fine even in the morning. The only problem is that they do not really last on me and are not comfortable to wear but I get them done whenever I can so I can go as bare as I want. When I am working I still do a bit of foundation, blush, concealer and perhaps some shadow and if I go out like last weekend to a ball I will wear full evening makeup and lash extensions but the way they transformed my face, opening up my eyes, making me look alive even in the morning really helped me understand why I was doing so much makeup before and what I do not like about myself. Sometimes one thing makes all the difference. It is strange but a great feeling too that I do not need to get up as early in the morning.

Sorry for the quick threadjack. OVincze, have your tried using Latisse on your lashes. Makes them much longer and thicker after a few weeks use. So much better than eyelash extensions!

Hi Callie and Ovi, just be careful with Latisse as there may be some side effects the most serious one being that it could turn lighter eyes brown and another side effect is that it can discolor your eyelids. The turning one's blue or hazel eyes brown is a permanent side effect if it happens so just be careful and discuss it with the prescribing (you should always get a prescription and not through any other means) doctor.

Latisse is the same formula as Lumigan which is an ocular drop for glaucoma so it is serious medication. And as you probably already know it only works as long as you are using it and if/when you stop your lashes will go back to what they were before you started using it.

The only time I wore false eyelashes was for my wedding and I cut them down to half because I wanted it to look natural and it was very pretty. I definitely see the temptation for longer lashes as it really makes ones eyes beautiful. However I am too risk adverse for Latisse (plus it's expensive and adds up) and too lazy and low maintenance for false lashes. But I appreciate how they can transform one's appearance as long as done reasonably. I am sure most of us have seen badly applied false lashes/too much mascara blobbed on and well, not a pretty sight. :knockout:

Another question for those who wear makeup most of the time. Do you apply before you go to the gym or workout or go for a run etc?

To my knowledge, Bimatoprost (the clinical, official name of "Latisse") has had no documented cases of iris color change when used as directed. To say that it can turn light eyes brown is not entirely true either - it can cause darkening of the iris (in the form of darker or brownish spots), but it's not like you go to bed one night as a blue-eyed beauty and wake up the next morning with brown eyes :lol:
The risks associated with use are very slim (again, when used as directed). My lashes are amazing on Latisse and when I stop using it, they go back to normal.

Hi momhappy, I would just caution you because with continued usage there is an increased risk of possible side effects. Remember, the company Allergan doesn't even know why it causes hair to grow and it was through a series of accidents they realized it could make lashes grow (as well as other hair-there have been some instances of cheek hair). Personally I have seen 2 cases of where it changed iris pigment to darker so while it may be low risk it isn't no risk. And unfortunately one patient lost many of her lashes but it was due to an allergic reaction to the Latisse. Sometimes allergies to a med don't occur till one has been using it for a while so always be aware of any changes.

Make sure (as I am certain you do) to apply only to the base of the lashes and try not getting any in the eye. No matter what you do however some will get absorbed into the eye but you want to keep that to a minimum because that is where the problem occurs. Also the main risk is for those with hazel eyes or blue/brown or green/brown. Pure blue and pure green don't have enough melanocytes to get darker. However this med is not without side effects (no med is) so just be aware. The iris change happens gradually over time with long term use so that is why it is important to know about it so if you were to notice any changes you would stop immediately obviously.

I am glad you are happy with its effects for you. I do think eyelashes can make the most dramatic change to our facial appearance.

Thanks, missy, but there really is no caution needed:) Before considering Latisse, I did extensive research on it and then got my prescription from a doctor, who monitors my use (my prescription has to be renewed about every 6 months, so I visit my doctor for review & renewal). I am aware of the risks, side effects, etc. and I know how to use the product. Sure, side effects can happen (as with ANY medication), but I've been using Latisse for years with no complications (I have blue eyes). I am happy with my results and I use the product about every couple of days to maintain my lash growth/thickness.
You're a dream patient momhappy. I wish all patients were like you!
^My husband is a medical professional, so I'm sure that helps ;) I know that using a prescription around the eyes can be scary, but I feel pretty confident that I'm doing everything I can to protect myself/minimize risk. I have heard of people misusing the product and/or not using a prescription and that's scary stuff. I appreciate your words of caution and I agree that it's not something to take lightly.
A week without makeup? Not a chance in hell. I will be 52 in the blink of an eye. My overall coloring has faded, my eyebrows are much MUCH lighter and thinner than in my 20s, my eyelashes are shorter and thinner, and while my skin is generally good, I have broken capillaries, uneven skin tone, and redness in spots. There is zero way I will go out sporting all that. I'm not trying to be great looking, I'm trying to NOT be a scary distraction to myself and others. The first thing out of anyone's mouth if I was to go to work without makeup (perish the thought) would be, "Are you feeling bad?? You don't look like you feel good!"

Sorry, I'll pass. The artful application of spackle is how I disguise the fact that hey! I DON'T feel all that good anymore! As often as not, I get "Hey, you look like you feel good/better today!" than not, simply because I know how to do makeup really well.
LaraOnline|1414248186|3772467 said:
moneymeister|1414244013|3772456 said:
As a woman "of a certain age"...ahem....I find my natural complexion looks much better naked (with sunscreen and exfoliated) than with foundation. The little lines tend to show up a bit more with foundation, no matter how carefully I apply it. I need the mascara though. I have gone weeks without now. At a younger age, I would not leave the house without full make-up.

An aside, to you younger ladies - Wear sunscreen! It will help prevent wrinkles when you become older.
I had good skin (almost no lines at 46) up until 2 years ago. That is when I bought my mid-life convertible. I noticed my skin was looking older faster and concluded it was my age. My decolletage started to look ancient and I could not understand why the rapid aging and then it struck me - it was sun damage from the convertible summer, not rapid aging! OOPS. I started keeping my convertible top up and wearing sunscreen and the lines are easing up.

Humph! How unfair is it that a super-cool convertible has the UNCOOL effect of extra sun damage.
My sister has recently bought a fabulous yellow convertible and occasionally I do dream of doing same!
But I am skin conscious and will try to avoid cooking in our harsh sun.
So it is annoying to hear that your fab convertible had such an unfab effect on your skin!

Thank you Lara. Nothing a little sunblock can't cure. I just make sure I limit my exposure to sunblocked skin..ON having a convertible, It HAS been glorious to ride "top down"...especially at night :)
I'm jealous of you ladies who can rock a bare face with confidence! Although I have generally smooth and unblemished skin, foundation really helps to even out the coloring and I NEED a little bronzer as to not look like a corpse. Same with my eyes. When I don't wear some eyeliner and mascara I get asked "What's wrong today?" and "Are you feeling ok?" Even for the gym I put on a light layer of tinted moisturizer, a little dusting of bronzing powder and mascara.

I feel like I have a decent facial structure to work with, but my natural coloring gets washed out and ghastly (unless I have a nice tan which of course only makes things worse later on). Makeup can make me feel like a million bucks so I feel it's worth the time each day.

I once heard a comedian say (about his girlfriend getting ready for bed at night) that Marliyn Monroe walks into the bathroom and Marilyn Manson walks out. :lol: It's sad, but I can definitely relate to that!
Callie you are just like me then. The reason I first got extensions as I got two types of mononucleosis and at the time doctors thought it was lymphoma. Anyhow not only my whole neck looked like a mountain but also I lost all my eyelashes on both eyes. I looked hideous. When they started growing back someone recommended extensions so I started them and as my own were very weak I had to go back every two days sometimes to get fillings. At first it was ok but after a while I developed severe allergies to the glue and yes same time, I looked like someone beat me up, I had to use steroids on my eyelids which were peeling off and yes I lost my own eyelashes once again. It was also happening to me that I was losing the extensions together with my own lashes. So totally like you.

Now they must be using a different type on me as I am tolerating them well as far as allergies and my own lashes staying goes. My lashes tend to fall out from some mascaras too. The only problem is that my body does not tolerate foreign objects it appears as the extension simply fall out sometimes in chunks. It appears that Latisse may be a really good option for me, can you girls tell me more about it? I just hope that it is available in Europe. Since I too have very dark brown eyes I guess discoloration would not be an issue for me. I really want to try this as I would like to find a solution that works.
Wow Missy, thanks, even if it is available here I should be very cautious if I even want to proceed, if anyone can get allergic to something that will definitely be me. I posted somewhere my wonderful attempt at permanent hair removal, which also got me in the ER with 2b degree burns in May, antibiotics and horribly stinky ointment to use in the office, they were the ones that sent me to ER right away and by that time I had a fever, the doc said he had never seen anything like this and told me they that they should break the hand of the person that did this to me. Anyhow, it may have been me, the machine, her, she was a friend beautician and I ended up wearing long sleeves all summer and took me a year of whitening scar removal until they finally and luckily went away as I am also prone to hyperpigmentation. After this I am not so sure I would like to venture into the area of risky beauty methods.

As to skin, I really did have dream skin, it was one of my favorite features. I know some will flame me for saying this but I never used much sunscreen except for natural as I am allergic to most chemical ones. I am 38 and have no lines anywhere but my skin has started suffering more of red spots and flaking with the cold weather and though I never used to have pimples, lately I seem to be reaching puberty.:))) So some foundation I can definitely use and concealer on my dark violet eye circles.:)))

We will see about this eyelash situation but I am probably on my last attempt of trying the shortest extensions to see if I can tolerate them some, if not then I am at my wit's end.
OVincze said:
Wow Missy, thanks, even if it is available here I should be very cautious if I even want to proceed, if anyone can get allergic to something that will definitely be me. I posted somewhere my wonderful attempt at permanent hair removal, which also got me in the ER with 2b degree burns in May, antibiotics and horribly stinky ointment to use in the office, they were the ones that sent me to ER right away and by that time I had a fever, the doc said he had never seen anything like this and told me they that they should break the hand of the person that did this to me. Anyhow, it may have been me, the machine, her, she was a friend beautician and I ended up wearing long sleeves all summer and took me a year of whitening scar removal until they finally and luckily went away as I am also prone to hyperpigmentation. After this I am not so sure I would like to venture into the area of risky beauty methods.

As to skin, I really did have dream skin, it was one of my favorite features. I know some will flame me for saying this but I never used much sunscreen except for natural as I am allergic to most chemical ones. I am 38 and have no lines anywhere but my skin has started suffering more of red spots and flaking with the cold weather and though I never used to have pimples, lately I seem to be reaching puberty.:))) So some foundation I can definitely use and concealer on my dark violet eye circles.:)))

We will see about this eyelash situation but I am probably on my last attempt of trying the shortest extensions to see if I can tolerate them some, if not then I am at my wit's end.

Hey Ovi, I am sorry you have had so much trouble finding products that don't irritate/aggravate your skin and lashes.
I have something called Dermatographic urticaria and so I can relate a bit to some of your experiences. Do you take any allergy meds/antihistamines?

As for sunscreen I recommend a physical sunscreen. One that doesn't have any chemicals but only contains zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide. I also react to all chemicals in sunscreen and this works well. My favorite sunblocks are CotZ for the face and Vanicream spf 60 for sensitive skin.

If you decide to try one of these do a patch test first to make sure you don't react. On a small area of your face put a bit and wait the day to make sure all is OK. I hope one of these works for you! I tell you, sunscreen is my one big beauty effort. I think I can attribute my youthful appearance (I'm 49) largely due to the fact I always wear sunscreen on my face if I will be exposed to UV rays.
Good luck!
No, you cannot be 49! What? You have got to be kidding Missy, with your looks I thought you were at most my age while looking younger. You sure are gorgeous but this goes to show that age has nothing to do with beauty. I mean that. Some people while they of course do age in some ways remain very youthful and gorgeous, my mom is still really good looking at almost 61. Lines have nothing to do with beauty either, while I inherited my dad's skin and my mom has some lines, they truly do not matter. I will definitely try those products. I have tried some natural products and they probably helped, these may be better. My skin never burns anyhow, it seems to simply not react to the sun, it is funny, I caramelize a little but that is about it. Fortunately, I am not allergic to the sun.:))) Yes, I have to take allergy meds, actually I take double dose every day but that is also due to ending up in ER several times with food allergies and those can be life threatening. Thanks for the advice, great appreciated!
It's my pleasure Ovi and thank you for your lovely compliment.

At least you are not allergic to the sun. I actually am if you can believe it. Haha I know pretty ridiculous all these allergies but perhaps that is what has made me all the more vigilant about sun protection. I have PLE-polymorphic light eruption and those rashes mean business so I feel for all you have been through.

Hopefully that is all behind you now and your lashes will grow in better than ever...sending lots of thick lush eyelash dust your way!
Lol, thanks for the eyelash dust.:))) I guess in the big scheme of things lashes do not really matter but nice ones do make one feel good. Oh, no Missy, that is awful, I know my mom gets horrible itchy blisters from the sun too. I only get them from heat but not from sun exposure. Knowing that these products work for your skin, I will have to give them a try. What is your other skin condition you were talking about? I wanted to look into that.
Other than spot concealer for breakouts, I never got into habit of using makeup. Routine is washing face, cetaphil facial moisterizer, and then dabbing concealer on spots. In my 30's I had a tube of lipstick but it ran out and I couldn't find a replacement so haven't replaced that either. That said, I turned 47 and do feel it would be nice to look more polished, such as refining and and darkening my brows, something stronger than lip stain/lip gloss, etc. but I don't want anything heavy on my face or something that takes a lot of time. also, my skin is very reactive to stuff, so I'd be afraid i'd end up looking worse with makeup than without!
Kelli|1414438236|3773461 said:
I'm jealous of you ladies who can rock a bare face with confidence! Although I have generally smooth and unblemished skin, foundation really helps to even out the coloring and I NEED a little bronzer as to not look like a corpse. Same with my eyes. When I don't wear some eyeliner and mascara I get asked "What's wrong today?" and "Are you feeling ok?" Even for the gym I put on a light layer of tinted moisturizer, a little dusting of bronzing powder and mascara.

I feel like I have a decent facial structure to work with, but my natural coloring gets washed out and ghastly (unless I have a nice tan which of course only makes things worse later on). Makeup can make me feel like a million bucks so I feel it's worth the time each day.

I once heard a comedian say (about his girlfriend getting ready for bed at night) that Marliyn Monroe walks into the bathroom and Marilyn Manson walks out. :lol: It's sad, but I can definitely relate to that!

I'm not jealous of a woman who is confident with no makeup. I think that an appropriate amount of makeup makes someone look polished and put-together. If someone chooses not to wear makeup (for whatever reason) then that's their prerogative, but it's not something that I'd be envious or jealous of (probably because it's not something that I have interest in doing myself). I enjoy wearing makeup - it's part of my daily routine. I take pride in my appearance just like I take pride in my house, which is why I do things to enhance it's appearance (like planting flowers, etc.). I don't wear a lot of makeup, but since I am fair-skinned, I like to highlight certain features (mostly my eyes) and brighten things up a bit. Like you, I think that people would perceive me as being tired and/or sick if I wore no makeup at all.
My makeup look is very subtle but makes a huge difference. As I get older, I add more products to my routine. I think everyone looks better with a little makeup. That said I wear very little on my days off. I hate to leave the house with mascara. That is my one must have. I feel I look very tired without it. I don't think I could go a week without it.
I go without makeup all the time. Not because I don't think it makes me look better - it definitely does. And definitely makes me look more polished and put together. But aside from just plain laziness most of the time, I think I'll have to wash my face later...and then that it's probably better for my skin to let it breathe...and then other times what goes through my head is that if I wear it every day then when I get dressed to go out at night it's not that much change so not as special? (even though I know that's not really 100% accurate...) These are all the things I think to myself...but mostly I think I'm just used to not wearing it. I wonder if other people think I look really that I'm older, I probably should wear it more often.
CJ, I agree with letting the skin breathe. I wear BB cream to work but none on days off. I guess I feel like mascara is so easy and fast to out on and on my face makes the most difference. I look way better with eyeliner (people have made comments) and rarely wear it out of laziness. Same with lipstick. I always forget to reapply.
I lam enjoying reading all the responses. What I really love is we have the freedom to do what we like regarding wearing makeup or not. That is the true measure of a confident woman IMO. Those of us who wear it much of the time do it for themselves and no one else and same for those who don't.

Not feeling pressured to wear makeup or not as we are at peace with who we are and we do what we do for us. That is what I am getting from the replies here and I love that. We wear makeup when we want to for us and for nobody else. You go girls!

And fwiw I agree wearing makeup the correct way (and less is more IMO) makes us more polished and perhaps less tired looking but sometimes I like just being free of it and letting myself be "naked" so to speak. BUT I don't agree with the poster who compared it to wearing sweatpants in public because that is something I would not do personally. Even if I had the flu lol.

So I guess we all have our personal hot buttons that way and where I have no problem (usually) being without makeup in public I would never be caught wearing anything less than stylish outside even when going to PT!

I would love to see before and afters but I have a feeling most wouldn't want to post those pics...but if anyone was game I would be too. Just don't want to be the only one. :cheeky:

ETA: Momhappy, just read your response about wearing makeup means you take pride in your appearance and I get from that you feel not wearing it means the opposite. If I am wrong about what you meant please ignore as I don't mean to offend but just wanted to clarify for all of us who choose not to wear makeup much of the time. I take pride in my appearance as well and not wearing makeup much of the time doesn't mean I don't take pride in my appearance. I feel good about myself and my appearance either way.
Why doesn't the cosmetics industry push make-up more strongly towards men?
Chrono|1414498160|3773777 said:
Why doesn't the cosmetics industry push make-up more strongly towards men?

Exactly. It's such a double standard and that is one of the reasons I feel good not wearing makeup. Men don't need it and it is all geared towards making women feel as if they do need makeup to be their best. Again I am not judging and goodness knows that if I am going somewhere special I will apply makeup just because it is fun to play with your appearance that way but there is pressure on women to look a certain way that men just don't get.

Men don't "need" makeup to look polished yet women feel that societal pressure that they "need" it to look their best. I am not talking about the PSers here btw. Just women in general.
In terms of taking pride in one's appearance, women who don't wear makeup or blow dry/flat iron their hair/wax their eyebrows seem to exhude more confidence in my eyes. Their face is their face and they are proud of it just the way it is. I wish I could pull it off.
Elliot86|1414498703|3773783 said:
In terms of taking pride in one's appearance, women who don't wear makeup or blow dry/flat iron their hair/wax their eyebrows seem to exhude more confidence in my eyes. I wish I could pull it off.

Is this because women are conditioned to do this at a very young age, watching their mothers, aunts, cousins, friends and etc do this, hence believing that unless one doesn't wear makeup or blow dry or wax their eye brows, we are somehow not beautiful or polished? I grew up in a family and culture where we did none of these things so to me, I feel normal as I am (with my zits, ache scars, wrinkles and ugly mug) :lol: .
Chrono|1414499013|3773787 said:
Elliot86|1414498703|3773783 said:
In terms of taking pride in one's appearance, women who don't wear makeup or blow dry/flat iron their hair/wax their eyebrows seem to exhude more confidence in my eyes. I wish I could pull it off.

Is this because women are conditioned to do this at a very young age, watching their mothers, aunts, cousins, friends and etc do this, hence believing that unless one doesn't wear makeup or blow dry or wax their eye brows, we are somehow not beautiful or polished? I grew up in a family and culture where we did none of these things so to me, I feel normal as I am (with my zits, ache scars, wrinkles and ugly mug) :lol: .

Women are conditioned to do a lot of ridiculous things, unfortunately. That is why I find the women who don't 100% buy into it more attractive than a woman who has a full face of makeup on at the gym. Everyone should of course do the things which make them feel most beautiful, as long as they don't feel hideous without it!

We women are oftentimes much too harsh on ourselves. I was just commenting to my children this morning that I was on the fat side (and need to do something about it) but they said I'm perfectly normal (average sized).
Missy - Thank you for the information regarding Latisse! I have been thinking about it, but haven't actually done anything besides thinking (mostly because I'm lazy) but now you've given me a concrete reason not to do it! :)

I can't be bothered to do anything other than wax my eyebrows, so I was thinking that perhaps Latisse would be an easy way for me to look more "polished". Sounds like too much work to me and not really worth the risks!

I wear makeup very infrequently and it's becoming more and more infrequent every year. In my late teens/early twenties, I would never have dreamt of leaving home without eye-pencil and eye shadow. There might even have been a period of about 6 months when I wore something on my lips too (not traditional lipstick, some sort of shimmery lip whatshermecallit that was a cross between lip gloss and lipstick).

Since then, I only wear some eye pencil maybe once a month? If that? Eye shadow even less frequently than that and I can't even remember the last time I used anything on my lips but regular ol' lipbalm. When I have an important event I might do eyes with *gasp* eye liner and eye shadow, but I never do anything beyond that. No foundation, mascara, lipstick or whatever else it is one is supposed to use.

I guess I'm lucky in having a naturally tinted skin tone and black lashes. If I didn't, I might feel differently.

I was sort of thinking that perhaps I should wear makeup for a week and see if I am treated any differently, but meh. Can't be bothered. :lol:
Trekkie|1414500067|3773797 said:
I was sort of thinking that perhaps I should wear makeup for a week and see if I am treated any differently...

This would be an interesting study if any non make-up wearers can be persuaded to try this. I am sure the response in the US will be very different than in other countries where makeup isn't the norm. I think it is most likely to be seen as having a positive effect (more attention from males).