I have spent the last few weeks educating myself about buying a diamond engagement ring. I started buy going into jewelery stores to learn the basics and get a ballpark idea of what to expect. Then I researched gemologists in the area that were recommended by the American Gem Society. The recommended gemologist introduced me to 8 star diamonds. After talking with her and veiwing the difference in diamonds under the fire scope, I am leaning toward 8 star. I have a couple of issues though. First, I do not know whether the jewelers asking price is too high. I do not know whether it is appropraite to try to negotiate the price down. Consequently I have a couple of questions that I would greatly appreciate the forum helping me with. First, how can I find out the prices to expect for 8 star diamonds? Am I approaching my engagement ring search the correct way? I have not asked advice from any friends and family because I want to make it a surprise. The dangerous part of this approach is that I have nobody to bounce my ideas and questions off of.