
Ellen''s treasure trove

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Thanks for the link, Beacon! I''m heading that way right now...

WOW. What a collection!

The jar thread pieces are really neat.



What a stunning collection!!!
Maybe I should know this...but where did Ellen Barkin get all this stuff? I gather she married well??

Date: 9/22/2006 4:51:52 PM
Author: widget
Maybe I should know this...but where did Ellen Barkin get all this stuff? I gather she married well??

She was married to Ron Pearlman of Revlon cosmetics.
There was an article on this in the New York Times yesterday. There are 17 pieces from the "cult-Parisian" jewelry designer JAR in the auction alone.

I have seen her in person 2 times here in NYC- once when I first moved here and she and Ron were walking up Madison Ave together (he fully has a body guard) and once when she was by herself. She is quite lovely in person- beautiful, but real.

The jewelry she is auctioning off is AMAZING. I don''t think I could bear to part with ALL of it (she is only keeping one ring because she considers the designer J. Rosenthal of JAR to be a friend) but she one smart cookie- this auction has been getting press for sometime now and I am sure she will do very well!

She says the jewelry is "unapologetic" and she wore it unapologetically. The article mentions how she was always seen wearing and fiddling w/ fabulous pieces.
Thanks dtnyc...

Great collection. The JAR thread rings are interesting, but probably not for me. She''s got some nice Deco stuff, and I LOVE some of her pearl necklaces....

Thanks for the info dtnyc. I was wondering who she is and how she got such an amazing collection!!

Thanks Beacon for the link--I have been waiting for this!!

I greatly admired many of the vintage pieces--but those JAR topaz/ruby earrings are to die for. Not to mention the turquiose pieces and emerald/pearl/diamond drop earrings. Wow.

Wow she has some amazing stuff! Anyone know why she''s auctioning her stuff? It is because she owns too many pieces?
Love this 22.76 ct. oval ring.

Thanks for that great link! I''ve been waiting to see her collection. Holy cow, she''s got a large collection.

I think she mentioned that she doesn''t want the memories associated with these gems. Hey, does not matter, with the proceeds she can buy whatever she wants and start fresh. What I really love is that most of this stuff is brand spanking new and so I can view the certs on GIA.

That oval ring, last in the auction and pictured above is 33mmx15mm. I whipped out my handy mm ruler (used so much the numbers are rubbing off) and man, that thing cannot even fit on my finger. It would be more like wearing a cast than a ring! But, jeez.....
Wow, some of those pieces are unbelievable!
She was one smart cookie. They probably had a pre-nup, but she gets to keep all her personal jewelry, which will now give her a significant fund for her new single life.
She must''ve done nothing but work on one jewelry project to the next the whole time. Hmmm, wonder if Ron is available?
She is selling the pieces because Ron Perleman rather unceremoniously and adbruptly dumped her in January, I believe she was his 4th wife. One of the many stunning rings (the 32 ct apricot diamond I believe) for sale is something he gave her weeks before he filed for divorce and posted security guards at the door of their townhouse watching her as she moved out, obviously she did a FABULOUS job packing as she probably will get 15M for all of the jewels she is auctioning off.

JAR only makes 80-90 pieces a year, so her selling off 17 items at once is considered extraordinary.

"Now Ms. Barkin, 52, has chosen an equally public denouement by putting up for auction the extravagant jewelry that Mr. Perelman lavished on her, having decided to part with more than 100 pieces valued at $15 million — a symbolic and literal purging of the union.
"These are just not memories I want to wear out every day,’’ Ms. Barkin said."

Basically she feels that the jewelry (all amassed over their 6 year marriage and perhaps year long courtship?)

She also got about $20M in the divorce per the terms of their pre-nup.
She has started a film production company with her brother and plans on using some of the proceeds from the auction to fund the production company.

This is my fave quote from the article-
"She routinely wore a 16.94-carat diamond pendant, valued at $600,000 to $800,000, to bed. Several years ago, she was seen at New York fashion shows absently fidgeting with a nickel-size diamond ring. "

ETA: She was married once before- to the actor Gabriel Bryne with who she had kids.

I love all the culets!! I really love the pair of 7+ carat (each!) earrings and it just kills me that they''re including a cert on how they can be recut
I believe that Ellen was his 4th wife- he was previously married to Claudia Cohen, Patricia Duff and I think that there was another one in there somewhere.

Ron is a troll and really not at all attractive. I know that diamonds can blind a girl, and I think I would need that amount of jewelry to compensate for the fact that he is not attractive and quite obviously is a jerk.

Here's another link to a story about their divorce.

"Barkin also liked Perelman’s charm, generosity, and impulsiveness, a friend of Barkin’s says. He sent her a gold Cartier watch on her birthday after knowing her only two weeks, the friend says; his marriage proposal followed just two weeks after that."
WOW>... Look at those color lovelies!!!


But... can you guess my favorite!!??

Wow, she really has some beautiful jewelry for sale!! I didn''t even know they could make pave look like a knot, very cool. The stones on those rings look huge.
Oh I hadn''t realized this topic had it''s own thread.
Her collection is amazing! He must be loaded, I wonder what his other three ex wives have?
He is an animal. I have not ever heard nice things about him. Sad, but she will be alright, hopefully. Hate to say it, but that oval stone looked shallow or it is the photo?!
After searching the lots on the auction site, I can only say she sure amassed quite a collection in six years. I get why she wants to be rid of some of it, but really, some of those pieces sounded amazing. The d vvs1 30 carat emerald cut?! SIGN ME UP, WOW/ But I guess she is starting afresh and this stuff complicates it for her. He apparently just dumped her without any real warning...and was likely cheating and getting wife number 5 lined up. Yuck.
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