
Edwardian Dinner Ring - with rubies red as strawberries


Jul 13, 2012
I cannot get enough of this ring! I love the artistry in the old rings; they are truly one of a kind. Congratulations!


May 27, 2010
Very Stunning piece!! Absolutely Beautiful on your hand!! Love those rubies and diamonds and detail...oh my!!!


Jan 11, 2006
So happy that this ring went to you, Circe!!! :appl: it is absolutely gorgeous! :love: The only reason I wasn't competing for that ring was that my finger is too short below the knuckle! One of my favorite colored stone rings ever!


Apr 26, 2007
It's here! I may have even had it sized a tad bigger than necessary ... it fits on my right middle finger AND on my left forefinger. More options now, but I hope it won't be too loose in winter! But I'll cross that bridge when I come to it ... in the meantime, what do you guys think looks better? Anybody know if dinner rings were specifically worn on any one digit in particular?

P.S. - I've never been one for naming my jewelry, but Rosebloom dubbed it Strawberry Delight in another thread, and damn if it hasn't stuck in my head ....




Apr 26, 2007
And here on my left hand, with my french cut and emerald cut eternities on the other hand to balance things out ... the weather is not cooperating for photos, but I'm okay with that since it's the first time I've been willing to be outside in weeks! Perhaps there might be outdoor photos a'coming, if I can convince the spouse to come for a picnic with me. :Up_to_something:





Jan 28, 2009
Just gorgeous! I was wondering who this piece would go to and am glad it's now yours. Looks fantastic on you!


Apr 20, 2010
Hi Circe it is truly beautiful! I must say I am partial to a dinner ring myself :)) ihave a lovely diamond and sapphire deco dinner ring. My jeweler told me that this type of ring was often referred to as a glove ring and would have been worn over satin elbow length gloves ::) tres chic!


May 23, 2012
A ring like this deserves a moniker. And because "most-amazing-ring-ever-created" might be considered by some to be more than just a wee bit ostentatious, we may have to settle on Strawberry Delight. Although I'm sure you could figure out a charming and whimsical fairy tale reference name that would be loads more creative.


Oct 24, 2012
Gorgeous piece!! Strawberry is right! I especially love it on your second finger. Congratulations!!

Lisa Loves Shiny

Nov 1, 2007
Congrats!!!! I have long admired this ring. Wear it in good health. :)


Apr 26, 2007
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, finally, some breathing room to respond to these nice comments!

junebug17|1373501050|3480676 said:
This is seriously one of the most beautiful rings I have ever seen *sigh* :love: :love: :love: I keep looking at your wonderful pics and admiring all of the amazing details - the workmanship, the diamonds, those delicious rubies, the overall design - it's just a joy to look at! I think it's going to look perfect on the middle finger too, good plan! :cheeky:

Junebug, thank you! I know you're a big vintage aficionado, too, and I take that as high praise!

yennyfire said:
I'm so glad that it stayed in the PS family so that I can oogle it now and then! It is one of my fav colored stone rings on PS!! Those rubies are TDF!

Wow, Yenny, thank you! I feel much the same about your gorgeous oval. I like the idea of all our pieces being "cousins" of sorts .... :rodent:

woofmama said:
I lusted over this beauty when she was for sale :devil: I tried to justify buying her...but just couldn't. It is one of the coolest rings I've ever seen, a real beauty, and definitely fits your style :)) Enjoy and post a lot of pics, I will admire her from afar :love:

Thanks, Woofmama! I had the same internal tug of war, and finally figured it would be worth it to me to finally clean out my rat's hoard of stuff I love but don't use. So it turned out to be a double blessing. I love photographing this thing!

lorrissey said:
I'm sooo jealous! LOVE this!

Thank you Lorrissey!

Ashleigh said:
It's :love: Congrats and wear it in good health.

Thank you Ashleigh! I love the invisible language of icons that shows up when you quote - I totally make that face at it once in a while. And that IS what it means!

peacechick said:
*THUD!!!* drop dead gorgeous! How beautiful are those strawberries? :appl: glad this ring joined your collection so we can see it every now and then.

Thank you! It seems happy with it's new friends. :cheeky:

Rosebloom said:
Your collection is far and away my favorite on PS and this is my favorite part of your collection. It is PERFECTION. I too was frantically figuring out what I could sell to purchase it but when I saw you got it I was thrilled that it was going to such a deserving home.

You have some extraordinary jewels, Circe!!

Aw, that's the nicest compliment! Thank you! I think it's the collecting bug that will keep me from ever having a One Ring - I just like the hunt too much! But curating said collection more properly ... definitely my new goal!

HotPozzum said:
Dying wityh envy right now. Begged hubby for this ring but no funds (well we did just get a new car...) :blackeye:

Glad it went to a wonderful home where I can admire it from afar. :love:

Thanks, HP! A car miiiiiiiiiiiiiight be more useful, even I have to admit. The ring won't be chauffeuring me in air-conditioned comfort!

arkieb1 said:
Another confession to lusting after this one but I have too many other things to pay for right now *sigh* but I am glad it went to a great PS home!!!!

Thank you Arkie!

Demelza said:
Absolutely gorgeous! I agree with Missy that this ring suits you to a tee. Honestly, they just don't make 'em like they used to -- outstanding old-world workmanship on this ring!!

Thank you, darlin'! I feel v. flattered that you guys think it's a good fit. Self confidence? Boosted!

luv2sparkle said:
I love that ring! I was so surprised when SDL put it up for sale. I am so glad you were able to purchase it Circe. What a wonderful piece.
I hope you wear it a lot, it is so wonderful. The rubies are stunning, and really so are the diamonds. Love love love.

Thank you, Luv! It's become a staple. :love:

Yssie said:
Oh I'm SO glad this went to another PSer!! Circe, it'll be fabulous on your middle finger :sun:

Thanks, Yssie! I'm still oscillating between middle and forefinger (I have the sneaking suspicion that there will be sizing beads come autumn), but as I love it on either, I'm happy!

canuk-gal said:

Gorgeous ring. It waited for you! (altho I do admit, like others, to have SERIOUSLY thought about it...)

I think it will look perfect on your middle finger.

You took some great pictures--details captured so well, you can even see the different colors of the stones!

Wear this ring in health. I am not saying I am not jeali! :devil:


Thanks, Sharon! You're right, one is a tad pinker than the other. No time to drop it at AGL before I leave, but I'm deeply curious about what they'll have to say!

PintoBean said:
This ring looks like it was tailor made for you! :appl: :love:

(Now tell me about this time machine of yours...)

Thanks, Pinto! And I would, but apparently I need it, 'cause I can't remember what I said about it! Wayback machine, take me awaaaaaaaaaay!

meg_ said:
Wow! So gorgeous! :lickout: :lickout:

Thank you, Meg!

pandabee said:
This is seriously so perfect for you Circe!!! It is totally your style and I love how in love you are with it ::)

Thanks, PandaBee! It really does make me preen a little every time I see it on my hand. Motivation for manicures!

Emproctor2986 said:
I'm wild with envy, this ring is gorgeous. Love and treasure it always!

I will take it as an express command. :rodent: Thanks, Emproctor!

ClassyRocks said:
I cannot get enough of this ring! I love the artistry in the old rings; they are truly one of a kind. Congratulations!

Thanks, Classy! That's what I love about them, too. I like things with ... individuality, for lack of a better word, and old jewelry tends to have it in spades.

ZestfullyBling said:
Very Stunning piece!! Absolutely Beautiful on your hand!! Love those rubies and diamonds and detail...oh my!!!

Thanks, ZB! BTW, have I mentioned that every time I see your screenname I start singing the song? EVERY TIME. It's like the perfect earworm. :lol:

diamondseeker2006 said:
So happy that this ring went to you, Circe!!! :appl: it is absolutely gorgeous! :love: The only reason I wasn't competing for that ring was that my finger is too short below the knuckle! One of my favorite colored stone rings ever!

Thank you, DS! Although I have never seen the purported shortness - you have such beautiful hands! - I won't say I'm not grateful, if it meant I got ahold of this!

Baby's up, so just a quick pic and more responses later ....



Mar 29, 2008
Yayayaya, Circe!! I had no idea who snagged this ring. Good for you!
As another PS'er who adores the old style dinner rings...I completely appreciate this specimen. Wear it in good health.

btw, I finally had mine sized so that I could wear it on my middle fingers. I felt too insecure with it on my index finger. I kept thinking I would lose it or whack it.
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