
Ebay pros, what's a good "offer"


Jul 10, 2017
I'm looking at something from an Ebay antique seller (from a solid US seller, 100% positive feedback, seller for years) but I don't know what's a good offer/not insulting. They are asking $550, I would think it's a deal at $350, but don't want to pay more than $450. Item has been with them since at least October (seller on IG too ). They are open to offers.... what should I offer? I don't shop Ebay much so I don't know the protocol.
$385 if you’re feeling ballsy and want 30% off, and maybe they’ll counter and you could get it to no more than $440 (20% off).

@Bron357 & @Niel are the eBay pros. Would love to have them weigh in as well!
So it might not seem rude to ask "would you take $400?" , that's kind of where I would be ok, like: I got a deal but didn't steal it.
I think a 30% discount is too much to expect, remember their eBay/ PayPal fees equal 13% as well, so that’s a total 43% discount, nearly half price for them.
If the item has a “make offer” button, I’d offer 20% less and see if they counter offer. Anything greater and they’ll probably not even respond.
Sellers on Ebay can set an amount for offers, like decline all offers below $275 on a $450 item for example, if they do that it's automatic through EBay and the seller doesn't even see your offer.
I’ve often wondered the protocol on this. I never know what to say.
@PreRaphaelite I know it's probably awkward on both sides of the fence! But I'm only considering offering less because she's had the item awhile and I would need to size it and have the gem repolished... it can't hurt to try, I guess ;). It seems like 20% is a good place to start.
20% is probably fair, consider that they have EBay fees so that eats into their profit a bit as does free shipping if that's included.
I’ve often wondered the protocol on this. I never know what to say.

On IG I’ve asked what their best price is, or “would you consider $xxx.” The last time I asked I was able to bring the price down to 27% off, though admittedly I’m bad at haggling and I hate asking!
She's a longtime ebay seller, but this is through her fees. We were dm'ing yesterday. I told her it was just priced higher than I was wanting to pay considering what I'd have to do after purchase. Asked her to tell me her best price if it doesn't sell.
But then, I realized she's had this since October. So I'm wanting to get back to her with a solid, fair offer she won't refuse.
She's a longtime ebay seller, but this is through her fees. We were dm'ing yesterday. I told her it was just priced higher than I was wanting to pay considering what I'd have to do after purchase. Asked her to tell me her best price if it doesn't sell.
But then, I realized she's had this since October. So I'm wanting to get back to her with a solid, fair offer she won't refuse.

Oh that changes things. If she takes PP outside eBay and she’s been sitting on it for a while, then I hope she gives you 20-30% off. I should add that it really does still depend on the seller though; there are some who do have thin margins so 15% off might be pushing it.

Edited to add: Sorry, reading this and realized my reply isn’t terribly helpful. I think 20% off would be safe to offer.
I generally think in $25 intervals instead of percent %. Just my non-maths way of looking at it.

If you did the math for the 20% or 25% discount, and made an offer slightly higher to correlate to the nearest $25. Maybe that’s just me but somehow my brain likes it!
My standard is 20%. Way back in the day I used to attend so many antique shows that vendors started saying that I could always ask for 20% off because they saw me every time. So I did. :P2
I would have lost quite a few deals following the advice in this thread.

I think it's completely fine to start at 30% - 35% off. Sellers have a "counteroffer" feature.

You may hear of the occasional seller who is way too emotional and will block you just for "lowballing" them but that hasn't happened to me. Most of the time, they are happy to counteroffer.
Sellers on Ebay can set an amount for offers, like decline all offers below $275 on a $450 item for example, if they do that it's automatic through EBay and the seller doesn't even see your offer.
The seller can see auto-declined offers. It's actually kind of informative as to what people are willing to pay. Most are real low-ball offers, tho.
The seller can see auto-declined offers. It's actually kind of informative as to what people are willing to pay. Most are real low-ball offers, tho.

Yes they can see them but they don't get sent to the seller for review like normal offers. I learned this when selling on EBay recently and yes the offers were ridiculous, boardering on insulting actually.
Yes they can see them but they don't get sent to the seller for review like normal offers. I learned this when selling on EBay recently and yes the offers were ridiculous, boardering on insulting actually.
Yes, true. I actually like the auto-decline feature for that reason. If I had wanted to put my item up for 15% of retail, I would have to begin with. LOL
Yes, true. I actually like the auto-decline feature for that reason. If I had wanted to put my item up for 15% of retail, I would have to begin with. LOL

Right?! EBay has gotten so bad, people think it's like a flea market where everything should be $1!
Between all the low-ball offers, fraudsters and scammers, not to mention untrustworthy PayPal (with all those lawsuits filed against it by attorneys general of several states), now you know why I left eBay as a seller. I’m happy to pay the Etsy fees and take a slightly bigger loss to avoid the anxiety!
I think so long as you are polite, you can ask if they would accept whatever you are prepared to offer. They can always counter-offer (in fact, I would expect it). If they can't make their margins at the price you are willing/able to pay, they will let you know. So long as you are gracious if they can't meet you where you'd like them to, you've lost nothing and neither have they (including your relationship with them).
A former boss worth listening to, used to ever offer half of the asking; it worked as a prank - 'just to start somewhere' ...