
Ear inflammation/ blockage and dizziness

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@DAF thanks for sharing your knowledge! It's hard to get information on this and most regular ENT doctors don't really know much about vestibular problems.

@Phoenix good to hear the medication seems ro work!!! Hope it means your pn the right track!!!!

I hope and pray - very hard!!!
The best way to assess if there is nystagmus is with the VNG test. You would have infrared goggles on and would be in the dark, which would not allow you to suppress nystagmus because you have nothing to fixate upon. Positional testing often reveals nystagmus. I also cannot stress enough that the gold standard for assessing the functioning of the balance canals is to do the caloric testing, during which cooler and warmer than body temperature air is blown into the ear canal for a minute, which makes the fluid in the horizontal balance canal change density and move. You will feel the sensation of turning, and your eyes will beat in hypo direction (nystagmus). The speed of that nystagmus is measured for each side and compared to see if there is hypofunction on one side. Your physicians need to start ruling things out so they can get you headed in the right direction.

Where do you live, BTW? I tried the link for the ENT doctors you found, but it won't open for me.

Ok, I will insist that they do the VNG test for me next time I go.

I am feeling less blocked and dizzy yesterday and today. I am still skeptical (but hopeful, does that make sense? lol). Let's hope the new ENT was/ is right. I guess I'll find out soon enough.

I live in Singapore, @DAF. This is what I wanted to link you to (btw, here they call "dizziness" "giddiness". They mean the same thing):


Thank you sooooo much for replying again, @DAF.
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I’m so sorry @Phoenix I haven’t read every page but you are still going through a lot. My heart goes out to you and prayers for your recovery.
Thinking about you every day @Phoenix. I hope you get better soon.
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