
E-Ring Design help


Jul 25, 2011
So ive looked and looked and being new to rings i dont know how to describe what i want so i dont seem to be getting anywhere with jewellers here =/

I'm looking at a blue sapphire ring with a white gold or platinum base. I was thinking something engraved and kind of ornate, but it cant have the gemstone sticking out (andno claws on the setting)

looking at [URL=''][/URL] i was otiginally thinking something similar but with the stone more in set and rather than claws, the top bands join so they hug the outside of the stone.

I also cant draw for the life of me so that doesnt help

Also does anybody know where i'd be able to get a reasonably priced sapphire (natural)

My buget for the whole thing is the torture point, i'm looking at something like $2500AU



Dec 17, 2008
If you dont want the stone to stick up and you dont want prongs then you probably want it "bezel" set. Here are a few links
to bezel set rings. However, stones do tend to darken when you put them in bezel settings so you might take that into

[URL=''][/URL] /* one of my favorites for diamonds */

I cant help you with the stone. I'm too new to colored stones but there are lots of people here that can.


May 1, 2011
Aw, I'm glad my ring is some sort of inspiration for you :) I'm a big bezel fan, but I didn't want to bezel my centre stone, as it would have darkened it too much for me, and hidden a lot of the beautiful gem faceting too.

What I'd do in your shoes is keep looking in these forums at as many rings as you can bear ;-) to get even more inspiration. You could search for "bezel ring" as tyty suggests, but also if you look further and further, you may find even more solutions to how you want the ring to look. You seem to be describing a kind of tension setting, or something imitates tension setting - which is kind of what I've done with my side stones in my design, snuggling them between two vines - so you should look into that kind of setting too. You don't need to be able to draw if you can find enough pictures to be able to show a jeweller what you'd like :D

I'm afraid I'm a big newbie re sapphire-hunting too, but several people here seem to have found great sapphires from Jeff White @ You will see them by searching in the Coloured Stones forum. You could maybe contact him and see what he suggests?

It's usually better to source the stone first and then decide how to set it afterwards.

I also think your budget will be fine, but possibly not for platinum, if you want the ring to be ornate. You could look into palladium for a similar look at a more affordable price?

Good luck! - and keep us in the loop with your journey :twirl:


Jul 25, 2011
Si ive just been advised one of my fathers current clients travels to burma/myanmar quite regularly so that may end up being an option

Additionally after picking my girls brains ive found she likes dark ones... si i might possiblyu go for an australian one

looking at some designs i think a tension set might be the ray to go, but one thing i know is that the only way i'll get her to wear more than one ring (i.e. wedding & engagement) is if they either make a set
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