
E or F ?

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You do know what i''m thinking. Thanks

I''ll get some picture uploaded once i get the setting done.

Any thoughts of what setting would be lovely , i''m totally clueless.....btw, do you leave your rock with your jewel or request that they do it infront of ya
Date: 7/22/2008 1:02:33 PM
Author: Eijnaix

You do know what i'm thinking. Thanks

I'll get some picture uploaded once i get the setting done.

Any thoughts of what setting would be lovely , i'm totally clueless.....btw, do you leave your rock with your jewel or request that they do it infront of ya
You're welcome.

Well, are you thinking of getting this set with a jeweler in your town? (they usually just have you leave the stone while they set it. You can go over the stone with them first, to make notes of what it is/looks like before they set it, then go over with them after to confirm it's yours and it's in the same shape)

Or, have you considered having GOG set it with something from one of the many lines they carry? I would suggest this option, if you can find something you like, as GOG will take responsibility while setting the stone, in the rare instance where something might happen to the diamond.

And what type of setting do you think your girl would like? What other types of rings does she wear? Are they simple/understated, or a bit more flashy?
Haha, the rock is already here in Asia, Singapore. I doubt i''ll sent it back over to GOG to redo the setting

But she''s not the fancy type, but did mention a 4 prong setting would be good as she doesnt want any other " distraction " , from the " Main " thing .
I vote for the F because both are beautiful and with the F you''ll get a bigger stone.
In this situation...I would go for the "F"
Date: 7/23/2008 10:12:14 PM
Author: Eijnaix
Haha, the rock is already here in Asia, Singapore. I doubt i''ll sent it back over to GOG to redo the setting

But she''s not the fancy type, but did mention a 4 prong setting would be good as she doesnt want any other '' distraction '' , from the '' Main '' thing .
Great, please post pics when you can!
That beautiful stone would look gorgeous in a 4 prong setting!
Date: 7/23/2008 10:12:14 PM
Author: Eijnaix
Haha, the rock is already here in Asia, Singapore. I doubt i''ll sent it back over to GOG to redo the setting

But she''s not the fancy type, but did mention a 4 prong setting would be good as she doesnt want any other '' distraction '' , from the '' Main '' thing .
Sorry, I momentarily confused you with someone else and forgot you had your stone!

I would just get something simple, like a not too wide, plain band, and the four prongs since she mentioned that. Do you know which type gold she prefers?
She would prefer White gold, do you have any picture on how a 4 prong may look like ?
whats a trellis style look like ?

* Hint Hint*

Here''s a thread of mine, I have the D''Vatche X-Prong. A trellis has the band/shank come right up to the side of the diamond.

However, I will add, if you are wanting the diamond to look it''s biggest/pop, this style won''t do that as much as a thinner band.

If you want a thinner 4 prong setting, I would look for something like this. This is based on the Tiffany setting. Very classic.

If you care this much about color, I'd get the E for $400 more.

I'm the wrong person to ask though because my favorite color is H.
Sorry didn''t read whole post but there is a discernable diff. between E & F but only really close-up.

If $ is no object then go w/ the E, hell get a D if you can!
What would you think of Cartier Setting, seems kinda nice to me ?

Does Cartier have so signature cutting to their diamonds as well ? <---- Their signature setting seem very lovely, but i'm kinda worry it'll be too thick...wouldnt it ?
I can't get the setting to come up E, though I sort of remember what it looks like. But to say whether it would be too thick or not, I couldn't say right now. The thing is, unless I'm wrong, you have to purchase the stone and setting both from Cartier. I'm pretty sure you do.
Hmm...i do know some local jewel shop who got some skilled blackmith that claim they can do it the same ?
That's a possibility. I would ask to see some of their custom work (preferably that setting if they have one) to see how well they do (check out smoothness, prong detail and how well it's set on the stone, overall symmetry of the setting, etc.). Also, find out if there is any type of return policy if you're not happy. Or if they will remake it to your approval.
how do i post a picture ?
Finally it's all done, Our wedding bands & a simple 4 prong with rock

Another one

Beautiful! Well done.

I see you got a lil bling yourself. Way to go.
Yay! I love your wedding bands.
Hehe, i love the bands as well. The interesting part of the band is that the center potion of the band where the row of diamonds sit on can be spin round
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