
Dust for my husband please


Nov 16, 2008
My husband had back surgery a week ago and has been having complications...his chest became sore and tight when he would lay down and just not feeling good even though his back was much better.

He went to urgent care two days ago and they said everything was fine. He went to a follow up yesterday and they ordered a CAT scan for precautionary measures...and he has blood clots in his lungs.

They admitted him to the hospital and are starting him on blood thinners. If you can spare sone dust and prayers, I would be grateful. He's a healthy otherwise 29 yr old who shouldn't have these problems! Its scary! If anyone has had experience with blood clots in the lungs and it was ok, please let me know, bc im freaked out since this is what my grandma died from just a month ago.

Thanks PS family!
oh no charbie... Buckets of dust, and your family will be in my prayers.
I'm sorry your husband is going through this Charbie. Best wishes on his recovery. I had a pulmonary embolism occur while I was in the hospital once for something else. It made it almost impossible to breathe, and they thought (and so did I) that I was having a heart attack. It was scary and left me emotional, but the treatment was straightforward and I had no repeat episodes. I'm on aspirin low dose therapy and it's something that is just taken into consideration now. At first I was on shots of fragmin? Then coumadin for about 6 months with regular blood tests. Then just the aspirin therapy for the last 7 years or more. I hope this is also a straightforward case for your husband! Take care.
Dust, dust, dust Charbie!! I've known two people (young, 20s, with no other health problems) that have had blood clots in their lungs, and everything turned out perfectly fine!! Obviously you're going to worry anyway, but it will be OK!

Sending all my dust/thoughts/positive vibes your way!
Tons of dust and healing thoughts to your husband! I hope he's back to 100% ASAP!
Sending lots of dust to your husband, Charbie. I hope he gets well soon.
Clots are not unknown in young people post surgery, particularly if they are bed ridden for a while. Blood thinners should sort it out.

Much luck and dust to you!
oh no! Dust! a good friend of mine went through this last year with blood clots in her lungs. Things all worked out in the end- and I know they will for your husband as well :saint:
I'm so sorry! Prayers and dust to both you and your husband. I hope he gets well soon! ((hugs))
((hugs)) hope he's on the mend soon.
A special clot dissolving dust cloud is headed your way.
Charbie...lots of "get well soon dust" coming towards your DH.
***DUST*** I hope your DH feels better soon!

Lots of dust!

I have patients who have blood clots in many different areas....some had them in the lungs, some in the legs, some in the abdomen. It is definitely very scary.

The good news is that all of them have been ok in my experience.

Did they starting him on Heparin or Warfarin or a diff anticoagulant?

We're actually taking a test on this very subject tomorrow.
lyra|1308265838|2947810 said:
I'm sorry your husband is going through this Charbie. Best wishes on his recovery. I had a pulmonary embolism occur while I was in the hospital once for something else. It made it almost impossible to breathe, and they thought (and so did I) that I was having a heart attack. It was scary and left me emotional, but the treatment was straightforward and I had no repeat episodes. I'm on aspirin low dose therapy and it's something that is just taken into consideration now. At first I was on shots of fragmin? Then coumadin for about 6 months with regular blood tests. Then just the aspirin therapy for the last 7 years or more. I hope this is also a straightforward case for your husband! Take care.

This right here.

Its possible but not definite that your DH will need to have some form of therapy after and blood tests will be a definite if he does. They monitor something called aPTT or PT/INR depending on what kind of drug therapy it is just to be sure that the doses are at a therapeutic level but if not he doesn't need additional therapy after, even better =]

Healing vibes across the miles....

Kind regards--Sharon
Heaps and loads of dust headed your way!
Sendings tons of dust and prayers for your husband charbie! I hope that he recovers quickly and is released from the hopsital asap...
That's so scary. Sending dust and prayers your way.
You all are making me feel so much better, I sincerely appreciate the thoughts and positive vibes.
The positive stories are helping me tremendously! Lyra, im sorry you had to have this happen yourself, as it is a very scary experience. Crazy part is, DH was only short of breath when laying down or taking very deep breaths. Not a terrible pain otherwise, causing me to brush it about feeling terribly guilty now!

So we are chillin at the hospital. Since i work in healthcare, im soaking it all in and translating for the family. I will be able to stay the night. In all this craziness, we are supposed to close on our new house and move this weekend. Eeek! So we are now waiting until the morning to find out when he might be discharged, otherwise we have a whole lot of scrambling and eliveries at the new house to cancel!

AN: since I also am super curious about all medical tx... He's got an IV of Heparin going, and they gave him a dose of Warfarin as well. He will probably be on that for 9 mos or so and get his PT/INR checked as well. Tomorrow we will have a clear plan of tx going forward.

Thank you Sharon, AN, DF, purselover, VL, HH, Italia, AB, rosetta, maryp, thing2, elle, lyra, and D&T!
Thank you yenny, Kim, chemgirl!
Oh, Charbie--I hope he gets better soon. I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through all of this.
charbie|1308276620|2947999 said:
You all are making me feel so much better, I sincerely appreciate the thoughts and positive vibes.
The positive stories are helping me tremendously! Lyra, im sorry you had to have this happen yourself, as it is a very scary experience. Crazy part is, DH was only short of breath when laying down or taking very deep breaths. Not a terrible pain otherwise, causing me to brush it about feeling terribly guilty now!

So we are chillin at the hospital. Since i work in healthcare, im soaking it all in and translating for the family. I will be able to stay the night. In all this craziness, we are supposed to close on our new house and move this weekend. Eeek! So we are now waiting until the morning to find out when he might be discharged, otherwise we have a whole lot of scrambling and eliveries at the new house to cancel!

AN: since I also am super curious about all medical tx... He's got an IV of Heparin going, and they gave him a dose of Warfarin as well. He will probably be on that for 9 mos or so and get his PT/INR checked as well. Tomorrow we will have a clear plan of tx going forward.

Thank you Sharon, AN, DF, purselover, VL, HH, Italia, AB, rosetta, maryp, thing2, elle, lyra, and D&T!

Ah ok, I see. Keep us updated! Lots and lots of recovery dust :halo:
Oh charbie, so sorry to hear this! Just want to add my positive thoughts and good wishes that your husband recovers quickly - a scary thing, but sounds like he's in good hands and getting good care. (((hugs)))
Healing dust and positive thoughts to your DH! I hope everything is okay.
I am late in seeing this. Many many prayers to you and your husband. We had this happen in our family. I know how scary it is. Big HUGS. Hang in there. And know we are here for you...
Lots of dust for your hubby Charbie and for you too, I know it's very stressful for you both.
He's young and healthy and this is really not uncommon, I see it in my patients too and he's on the right path to recovery.
I'm also very sorry to hear you lost your Grandmother recently. I know it's awfully worrying as she passed from this, please know that it's because your husband is young and healthy that whilst it is the same diagnosis it is very different for him.

Big hug your way
charbie much dust to you and your husband.
The thoughts and dust are working their wonders. DH still has a lot of unanswered questions and getting lots of testing to discover the cause of the clots but we are feeling good!
As for our closing and move, apparently if mortgage company wants their money they will work with you! The closing officer is coming to the hospital! Never in a million years did I imagine we would close on the house from a hospital room but whatever we have to do! DH is in great spirits and you never would guess he's got anything wrong, besides the IV. He's even in street clothes.

Thank you to Haven, june, Kaleigh, merilenda, maple, and slg!

Maple, thanks for the first hand experience reassurance and condolences!
Glad to hear DH is improving and you can sign the closing documents in the hospital. Sending more dust your way so DH gets out of the hospital soon and your move goes well this weekend.