
DSS? Already?? Would this be madness...


Apr 25, 2014
Right, well, as you will have seen from my other post recently, I now have an amazing 0.67ct CBI diamond in my possession and it is beautiful to behold and sparkly like I can't believe :love:

It is not too big (so will please the other half who doesn't want a big 'flashy' diamond ring because she does not like to 'show off' and doesn't want to risk damaging it while at work) and it's not too small (which pleases me because despite her protestations, I refuse to buy her anything less than something beautiful that will make people go 'wow' ;) :P ) and in F VVS2 it meets my 'mind clean' criteria :)


.. there has been another stone that has drawn my attention while I've been looking, with similar cut / clarity / colour but 6 points bigger and $900 more (+20% VAT on that $900 on import).

Would it be completely ridiculous to upgrade to the larger stone?? :?

As it crosses the 0.7ct mark it is a lot more expensive per carat than the 0.67ct, and the difference in size is under 0.2mm in diameter / 6% in face up size:

I am sure that the missus will kill me as it is for getting the 0.67ct (she's been sending me pictures of cheap and very low quality 0.25-0.5ct rings!) but I think I just have man-problem size issues :oops: :lol: and in my head the larger stone would look a little bigger while still not being OTT...

Is $900 more (+ $180 VAT) worth it for such a small difference?? :? I think I can tell the difference by looking, marginal though it is, but I am sure the other half would not even notice or care...

I'm not sure if I'm looking for you all to talk me down from the ledge or give me a nudge to jump :lol: as it feels like an itch I simply have to scratch despite the additional expense (+ return shipping and shipping insurance of the current stone) and likely verbal beating I will get from the other half, but then I am struggling to find a setting I like apart from $$$$ settings like Sholdt tension settings so should probably stick with the current stone and put that $1k towards the setting!

I hate you all, you with all your massive rocks that give us smaller rocks inadequacy issues ;)) :lol:
:devil: I'm going to say yes... That's a nice size... It will be beautiful... I would even drop a color and clarity level and the additional $$$ might not be as significant... :bigsmile:
No, it will be barely noticeable side by side.
I think in your case, no I would not go for the larger size - per your OP, I don't think the very slight larger face-up size is worth the shipping/tax hassle and $$$ increase - your first choice was solid and meets both your need for size/quality and your SO's voiced preference - take off the PS diamond goggles (lol)!
As someone who second guesses just about every purchase, I would keep the CBI diamond and never look back. :appl:
I doubt it will be a noticeable difference but I'd drop the color a tad and the clarity just a smidgen and it will still make people go wow! (and you can save money!)
I doubt it will be a noticeable difference but I'd drop the color a tad and the clarity just a smidgen and it will still make people go wow! (and you can save money!)
I doubt it will be a noticeable difference but I'd drop the color a tad and the clarity just a smidgen and it will still make people go wow! (and you can save money!)
I doubt it will be a noticeable difference but I'd drop the color a tad and the clarity just a smidgen and it will still make people go wow! (and you can save money!)
Umm. i greatly apologize for repeat post. 3 times lol. must be a glitch
I have not seen your other thread or the diamond you got but honestly it sounds like a top diamond and I would never look back. Cut is top on it, color and clarity ditto. If your girlfriend does not want a big diamond it will be absolutely perfect and it sounds like she does not want a big stone. Honestly, even I would be perfectly happy with such a stone. It is a minute difference in weight and many times it will not show at all especially since stones have different depths and widths. I am also not sure whether the new diamond you are considering is also CBI but if not then I would most definitely not get the new one instead. Yes, you could have gone down in clarity especially for a larger stone but there is nothing wrong with making this choice either. I actually think that Fs are very beautiful and it is a matter of preference. I do love icy white stones personally but I also own and like lower colored stones. Sounds to me like you really got a great diamond in the first place.
I knew it and I was waiting for it, didn't take as long as I thought....

The real cost of doing this (I have looked into this previously):

Approx £70 for Fedex back to HPD
Plus your insurance cost (Fedex only insure up to $1,000)
PLUS cashflow loss on diamond (not sure on HPD policy - probably about a week to clear in your account)
PLUS cashflow loss on VAT reclaim (around 2-4 weeks depending on how much paperwork you retained/original packaging/did you get a copy of the VAT invoice from fedex yet? if not, ask them to send you one ASAP with copy by email - 08456070809 for international fedex)
PLUS 2.5% surcharge from Fedex for your original 20% VAT (this is non-refundable)

The size increase is not significant and you go from getting an an excellent value underweight to one that just creeps over the 0.7 threshold.

It wont shine like an infinity, unless its another one from HPD

It wont be mindclean on cut if you change since you have now been thoroughly spoiled.

Dont jump!
Lorelei|1402045073|3687600 said:
I knew it and I was waiting for it, didn't take as long as I thought....

Are you a Wizard? You are good at this pricescope stuff lol

If this happens to me later on Lorelei, please be gentle...
As Maryam mentions, you have been diagnosed with two common diseases caused by infectious viruses from places like PriceScope Forums, diamond shrinkage syndrome as you are already aware and Pricescope Goggles. Both are common conditions transmitted by lurking or contributing to said forum.

There are various treatment options to date.

1) Let the diseases run their course and upgrade to a bigger stone even though the size increase would not be noticeable. If the intended upgrade is not an Infinity, go to number 2. Bear in mind that even if you did upgrade to the .70, then it's possible that should a .80 or larger come along, that might also start looking mighty appealing....


2) Really think about who it is that actually wants this bigger diamond.... :tongue: The OH has stated in simple terms that she doesn't want a big ring and she will probably be telling you off anyway for spending so much on the existing diamond, in between giving you hugs and kisses of appreciation and a big old fashioned yes. Bear in mind too once the diamond is set, it's going to look bigger and especially here in the UK, that's a big rock!!! It's going to be huge compared to the vast majority.

You must do what's right for you and the OH Oosh, I don't know what the best decision is but I hope the above gives you some food for thought!
Plus you will get screwed three times on the currency conversion

1 - original purchase
2 - refund
3 - new purchase
Agree that for UK standards, that is a very nice size indeed.
proto|1402046199|3687604 said:
Lorelei|1402045073|3687600 said:
I knew it and I was waiting for it, didn't take as long as I thought....giggly.gif

Are you a Wizard? You are good at this pricescope stuff lol

If this happens to me later on Lorelei, please be gentle...



I promise to be good Proto if it happens to you! Not that I am trying to pry or anything, is your return period up now...? :halo:
proto|1402046047|3687603 said:

The real cost of doing this (I have looked into this previously):

Approx £70 for Fedex back to HPD
Plus your insurance cost (Fedex only insure up to $1,000)
PLUS cashflow loss on diamond (not sure on HPD policy - probably about a week to clear in your account)
PLUS cashflow loss on VAT reclaim (around 2-4 weeks depending on how much paperwork you retained/original packaging/did you get a copy of the VAT invoice from fedex yet? if not, ask them to send you one ASAP with copy by email - 08456070809 for international fedex)
PLUS 2.5% surcharge from Fedex for your original 20% VAT (this is non-refundable)

The size increase is not significant and you go from getting an an excellent value underweight to one that just creeps over the 0.7 threshold.

It wont shine like an infinity, unless its another one from HPD

It wont be mindclean on cut if you change since you have now been thoroughly spoiled.

Dont jump!

Nice write up on the maths Proto, I am going to save this post if you don't mind as it will come in very useful as reference for our other UK PSers!
Lorelei|1402046559|3687611 said:

I promise to be good Proto if it happens to you! Not that I am trying to pry or anything, is your return period up now...? :halo:

Still in return period but the missus doesnt want to exchange for a better cut.

Cutsom setting from whiteflash has been ordered and should be on its way to me before 5pm today.
Lorelei|1402046772|3687612 said:
proto|1402046047|3687603 said:

The real cost of doing this (I have looked into this previously):

Approx £70 for Fedex back to HPD
Plus your insurance cost (Fedex only insure up to $1,000)
PLUS cashflow loss on diamond (not sure on HPD policy - probably about a week to clear in your account)
PLUS cashflow loss on VAT reclaim (around 2-4 weeks depending on how much paperwork you retained/original packaging/did you get a copy of the VAT invoice from fedex yet? if not, ask them to send you one ASAP with copy by email - 08456070809 for international fedex)
PLUS 2.5% surcharge from Fedex for your original 20% VAT (this is non-refundable)

The size increase is not significant and you go from getting an an excellent value underweight to one that just creeps over the 0.7 threshold.

It wont shine like an infinity, unless its another one from HPD

It wont be mindclean on cut if you change since you have now been thoroughly spoiled.

Dont jump!

Nice write up on the maths Proto, I am going to save this post if you don't mind as it will come in very useful as reference for our other UK PSers!

This is for loose diamond only.

For settings (gold/plat) and diamonds which are set, you must also pay 2.5% import duty. I think this is non-refundable but I am not 100% sure.
That's great, thanks Proto!

In that case, you are going to have to get a ' guymond' for yourself Proto as Oosh is considering...! :halo:
I officially hate you for that ^^^ suggestion ;) It hadn't really crossed my mind but then you reminded me of it and I also read about Kenny's Octavia Asscher! :cheeky:

Sadly they are $$$$$ for the sort of size I might like, so that will have to go on the backburner as a wedding ring, perhaps, as we have a house to buy in 3 years..

Anyway, thank you very much for the replies, all, especially Proto for detailing the additional costs I hadn't got round to working out! It would also be major hassle sorting out the VAT refund element of a swap so I'd rather not go through that.

I think these are the main problems:
marymm|1402022017|3687460 said:
take off the PS diamond goggles (lol)!

Lorelei|1402046323|3687605 said:
As Maryam mentions, you have been diagnosed with two common diseases caused by infectious viruses from places like PriceScope Forums, diamond shrinkage syndrome as you are already aware and Pricescope Goggles. Both are common conditions transmitted by lurking or contributing to said forum.



I think the posts pointing out that I would probably be buying for myself, really, if I did go bigger :bigsmile: are very likely to be correct - my personal taste is for simple and uncluttered but 'chunky' or 'substantial' objects that are a bit 'different', be it jewellery, furniture, architecture, kitchenware, etc , so I personally would have picked something like a 0.85ct or even a mid-0.90's stone if I had had my choice (and budget lol). I did check out a couple in the shops when I was looking the other week and thought they were a nice size, but the other half's previously posted pictures she sent me while shopping with her girlfriends probably indicate that I am already stretching the limits!! :shock:




Lorelei|1402046323|3687605 said:
Bear in mind too once the diamond is set, it's going to look bigger and especially here in the UK, that's a big rock!!! It's going to be huge compared to the vast majority.
I think this is also a key thing - on its own in the paper and in the stone holder tool the stone looks a reasonable size, but in the temporary ring setting it is held quite far off the finger and looks so 'dainty', up in the air on its own, that I worry it will look insubstantial! (But, then, as I have pointed out above, it is probably only really me who will worry about that... lol :tongue: )

I think the other thing that seems to be causing me to vacillate is that the stone looks bigger in flat light than it does in direct sunlight, somehow :? The white light return over the whole stone face in a flat light makes it look pretty big, but once its in sunlight the stone itself seems to look almost dark / see-through because, I presume, it has so few inclusions to be lit up and affect the light while it's in the stone? And as your sight is now dominated by the sparkle and fire, and the stone looks darker, the edges of the diamond are not so defined as the flat white look, meaning it looks somehow smaller... :? I guess once it's in a ring the edges will be defined by either the prongs or the tension setting, so my stresses should go away?? Can anyone confirm my thinking??

Is a 0.67ct stone really that big over here, though? I guess I don't notice a lot of big stones but then I am not always looking lol :confused:

Once its in a setting it will undoubtedly look 'more of a piece' and less insubstantial, I just have to find a setting that she will like that isn't too 'sticky up', too 'heavy' or too 'delicate' (to please her) but is also a bit different and keeps my taste somewhat satisfied! The Sholdt tension settings are appealing but I'm not sure if she might find them a bit 'heavy'-looking and I can't spend as much as the stone on just the band, that would be crazy... :shock:

Thanks again everyone for putting up with my ramblings and noob nerves :oops: lol :)
Miracle Setting?? :eek:

Haven't heard that one before.... :lol:
OoohShiny|1402063769|3687771 said:
I officially hate you for that ^^^ suggestion ;) It hadn't really crossed my mind but then you reminded me of it and I also read about Kenny's Octavia Asscher! :cheeky: As Kevin said to Buzz '' I'm sorry...'' :tongue:

Sadly they are $$$$$ for the sort of size I might like, so that will have to go on the backburner as a wedding ring, perhaps, as we have a house to buy in 3 years...Maybe you will come into a windfall so your dream 1ct F VVS Octavia could become reality....

Anyway, thank you very much for the replies, all, especially Proto for detailing the additional costs I hadn't got round to working out! It would also be major hassle sorting out the VAT refund element of a swap so I'd rather not go through that. I can't say I blame you.... :?

I think these are the main problems:
marymm|1402022017|3687460 said:
take off the PS diamond goggles (lol)!
Remove with solvent if necessary.

Lorelei|1402046323|3687605 said:
As Maryam mentions, you have been diagnosed with two common diseases caused by infectious viruses from places like PriceScope Forums, diamond shrinkage syndrome as you are already aware and Pricescope Goggles. Both are common conditions transmitted by lurking or contributing to said forum.


:lol: :praise: If I had a pound for every time I have diagnosed DSS,I would be a very rich lady.

I think the posts pointing out that I would probably be buying for myself, really, if I did go bigger :bigsmile: are very likely to be correct - my personal taste is for simple and uncluttered but 'chunky' or 'substantial' objects that are a bit 'different', be it jewellery, furniture, architecture, kitchenware, etc , so I personally would have picked something like a 0.85ct or even a mid-0.90's stone if I had had my choice (and budget lol). I did check out a couple in the shops when I was looking the other week and thought they were a nice size, but the other half's previously posted pictures she sent me while shopping with her girlfriends probably indicate that I am already stretching the limits!! :shock: Definitely but how amazed will she be and you will be considered a legend by all who behold your triumph all encapsulated in that sparkling gem on her fingie....Your mates will hate you as their OH's will nag them endlessly as to why they didn't get such a beautiful diamond for them....




Lorelei|1402046323|3687605 said:
Bear in mind too once the diamond is set, it's going to look bigger and especially here in the UK, that's a big rock!!! It's going to be huge compared to the vast majority.
I think this is also a key thing - on its own in the paper and in the stone holder tool the stone looks a reasonable size, but in the temporary ring setting it is held quite far off the finger and looks so 'dainty', up in the air on its own, that I worry it will look insubstantial! (But, then, as I have pointed out above, it is probably only really me who will worry about that... lol :tongue: ) I think so too.
I think the other thing that seems to be causing me to vacillate is that the stone looks bigger in flat light than it does in direct sunlight, somehow :? The white light return over the whole stone face in a flat light makes it look pretty big, but once its in sunlight the stone itself seems to look almost dark / see-through because, I presume, it has so few inclusions to be lit up and affect the light while it's in the stone? And as your sight is now dominated by the sparkle and fire, and the stone looks darker, the edges of the diamond are not so defined as the flat white look, meaning it looks somehow smaller... :? I guess once it's in a ring the edges will be defined by either the prongs or the tension setting, so my stresses should go away?? Can anyone confirm my thinking?? Totes normal the behaviour of your diamond, yes once the stone is set visually it will appear larger, fear not.

Is a 0.67ct stone really that big over here, though? I guess I don't notice a lot of big stones but then I am not always looking lol :confused: Yes it really is, unless you live in Chelsea.

Once its in a setting it will undoubtedly look 'more of a piece' and less insubstantial, I just have to find a setting that she will like that isn't too 'sticky up', too 'heavy' or too 'delicate' (to please her) but is also a bit different and keeps my taste somewhat satisfied! The Sholdt tension settings are appealing but I'm not sure if she might find them a bit 'heavy'-looking and I can't spend as much as the stone on just the band, that would be crazy... :shock:

Thanks again everyone for putting up with my ramblings and noob nerves :oops: lol :)
Your ramblings and nerves are rather entertaining and endearing, post away!
Keep your .67 beautiful stone and upgrade to a much larger stone for a big birthday, celebration or anniversary.
Thanks again for the replies :)

I think it is a good plan to stick with what I have now - it hits my/my other half's ideals or compromises to an acceptable level in all the 4Cs and also budget :appl: so I must stop doing the man thing and comparing it to others and feeling inadequate... :? LoL :lol: (although I may well do that once it's mounted, so I can check out this large-for-the-UK theory! :tongue: )

Coming soon, though, a thread on finding a decent 'delicate' tension or bridge setting! :D

In the meantime, does anyone want a kidney? Might get me halfway to that Octavia Asscher... lol
OoohShiny|1402098677|3688183 said:
In the meantime, does anyone want a kidney? Might get me halfway to that Octavia Asscher... lol

If you're just dying for an Octavia send me both your kidneys, I'll send you my Octavia Asscher. :lol:

Just kidding.
Put that knife away. :errrr:

I'm sure your diamond ring will be beautiful and bring you much joy.
I would keep the diamond you have and put the extra money into the setting.

Also, the sunlight thing, if you do a search for "diamond looks dark in sunlight" or something you'll get a LOT of scientific explanations. It has something to do with the super-bright sparkles being unable to be resolved by your eyes OR SOMETHING IDK SCIENCE *handwaves of magic* Basically it's completely normal behavior for a well-cut diamond.

OoohShiny|1402063769|3687771 said:
I can't spend as much as the stone on just the band, that would be crazy... :shock:

Get over that thinking! If you think she'll be happy with the size you got and she isn't going to want to upgrade, spend however much on the setting as you need to in order to get her something she'll love. Most people don't look at it as stone + setting but as a complete ring. I mostly have colored stones and almost all of the settings are at least the cost of the stone - sometimes several times it. But if the stone isn't in the right setting, it's not going to be as impactful, so imo it's worth it to spend more to get the right one.
kenny|1402100071|3688190 said:
OoohShiny|1402098677|3688183 said:
In the meantime, does anyone want a kidney? Might get me halfway to that Octavia Asscher... lol

If you're just dying for an Octavia send me both your kidneys, I'll send you my Octavia Asscher. :lol:

Just kidding.
Put that knife away. :errrr:

I'm sure your diamond ring will be beautiful and bring you much joy.
Note that I didn't specify that it would be my kidneys... :wink2: :naughty: :bigsmile:

They're in the post! I will look forward to receiving probably the best looking men's ring I've seen on here shortly :tongue: lol