
Dossier Report (GIA)

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Apr 25, 2003
I got a GIA cert and it is a ''Dossier Report''. The only real difference I can tell is, that it does not have a diagram, showing the size and location of any inclusions. Its an VVS1 Emerald cut.

I did a search and people seemed to say that a Dossier report was cheaper/simpler form of GIA grading. I can understand this, being that there is no diagram. What concerns me is finding out that the charecteristics are a little over stated. If Im paying for a certain color/clarity I dont want these values to slip.

If there is no big worry about the dossier thing and the sarin checks out. I think I have found the one..
With all respect, it doesn't make that big a difference. I'd say that 99.99% of consumers won't be able to spot a VVS 1 size inclusions in a diamond with a loupe... They'd need at least a 40-60x magnification. I hope ou don't get me wrong.
However, I see your point, and I advise you to bring the stone to a qualified appraiser, who will check the stone's specs professionally...

BTW, Would you mind sharing with us the specs of this diamond??
Emerald Cut
E Clarity
Crown Height= 11.2%
Girdle = 1.2%
VG Polish/Sym

Hmm Im sort of dissapointed. These Sarin numbers are significantly different from the Cert. The table is 2% difference and the depth is 4% different. Initially it looked like a 1-2A but slipped to a solid 2B on the AGA scale. The cost is a little higher due to the E/VVS1 which is fine but Im hung up a little on this cut grade.

I am not in any rush to buy, Im debating weather I should keep looking. Any thoughts?
I think GIA issues the less detailed report on all diamonds under 1ct (or something like that...). I don't think that they can request a report with fewer details for less money.
GIA will issue a full grading report on diamonds less than 1 ct. Most brokers won't request the full grading report for anything less than a ct. My radiant is only 0.58 and has a full grading report.
The GIA will issue a full diamond grading report for any diamond that is sent to them for grading providing that the diamond has not been clarity enhanced in which case they will not issue a report for the diamond because the treatment is not permanent. The GIA Dossier is a less expensive alternative than the full report and is available for diamonds weighing less than one carat. Instead of a plotting diagram, the diamond grading report number is laser inscribed along the girdle edge of the diamond to assist with identification... It is merely an alternative to the traditional diamond grading report.

The Sarin / OGI results for fancy shape diamonds will differ from the results indicated on the lab report, this is because of a difference in how the GIA / AGS equipment measures the length / width of the stones slightly different than how the Sarin and OGI do... As we understand it, one measures the stone from tip to tip along the sides of the stone and the other measures it across the stone and thus there are differences in the measurements... Don't freak out about it too much
Ahh, well color me wrong.
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