
Does this look like a good diamond?

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Dec 31, 2002
This is my first time on this site, and I was wondering if anyone could give me some diamond advice....

Does this look like a good diamond?

1.31 cts, SI1, H
round brilliant

7.01-6.95 x 4.42 mm.
depth: 63.3%
width: 57%
height: 15%
pav. depth: 45%
girdle thick.: med, faceted

polish: good
symmetry: very good
culet: none
fluorescence: none

Comments: "premium cut" stone....

Can anyone help? I'd appreciate it!!!!!

Also, does anyone have any idea what the price range should be? The appriasal says $12,900.


Hi Whitacres,

What is the selling price for this diamond?

Buy Informed!

Hi Whit. Nice color, decent clarity, with an AGA "2B" cut class stone, which is translated as a "fine" (not premium) cut.

The pavilion depth is a bit deep, which will create some darkness under the table area. A DiamondCalc computer simulated rendering of the diamond comes up with the following light return analysis:

Light Return (mono)…...: 0.90 Good to Very Good
Light Return (stereo)…..: 0.93 Very Good to Good
(Non) Leakage (mono)..: 0.56 Poor
(Non) Leakage (stereo).: 0.57 Poor
Contrast........................: 1.00 Very Good
(Non) FishEye Effect…...: 1.00 Very Good

The poor ratings for leakage come from the light leaking through the center, creating the darkness I was telling you about. The word "poor" is a little strong for how this diamond probably looks to the eye. "Fair" would probably be a little more kind in describing this aspect of the stone.

This "darkness" can be corrected by recutting with a shallower pavilion angle. Something to be considered if you're getting the diamond for a bargain. Recutting is not all that expensive.

The appraisal is figured at a high retail value. A quick check on PriceScope (at the top of your screen) showed diamonds ranging from $5000 to $6500 for similar quality stones. In my opinion, a close match to this particular diamond could probably be found on the Internet in the mid to high 5's.

Rich, Independent GG
Sarasota Gemological Laboratory
I'm attaching a DiamondCalc computer simulated IdealScope image for you. The light leakage created by the deep pavilion is shown in the white area under the table. In the IdealScope image it shows up white, and in the PhotoReal image following it shows up dark.

Disclaimer- The facet arrangement and symmetry of the image will probably vary from your actual diamond, which may affect the light performance indicated. The computer simulation is reproduced best when the actual diamond is being viewed and the image "tweaked" to the appearance of the diamond. However, this "blind" reproduction should be fairly close on the major points.

Whit IS.jpg
Rich, you are like a kid in a candy store w/ this diam cal. :bigsmile: Your services are appreciated :appl:
Thanks to all!

Especially Richard! Wow, what a wealth of information...

A kid in a candy store doesn't come close to the fun I'm having with that DiamondCalc program, Fire...

You're welcome, Whit. How much were they asking for the diamond?

Rich, Independent GG
Sarasota Gemological Laboratory
Rich --

They are asking $6000 in a white gold setting, with 4 princess cut diamonds channel set on either side (small diamonds = .5 total, I believe). We know the jewlers pretty well... but I wanted to make sure I was informed.

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