
does Florescence make that much difference in price?


Oct 14, 2010
There are two diamonds that I found on bluenile. Other than the fact that one has medium blue Florescence, everything else seem pretty much the same to me. I don't know much about diamonds, could someone who knows a bit more tell me if there is anything else that I've overlooked? I see that there are some debate on the forum about whether florescence is a good thing or a bad thing. Regardless, could medium florescence make that much difference in price? Thanks.

princess 1:
Stock number: LD01859850
Price: $12,104
Bank wire price: $11,923
Price per carat: $8,016
Carat weight: 1.51
Cut: Signature Ideal
Color: E
Clarity: VVS2
Depth %: 71.7%
Table %: 71%
Polish: Very Good
Symmetry: Excellent
Girdle: Thick to Thick, Faceted
Culet: None
Fluorescence: Medium Blue
Measurements: 6.40 x 6.28 x 4.50 mm
Length/width ratio: 1.02

princess #2:
Stock number: LD01691500
Price: $15,885
Bank wire price: $15,647
Price per carat: $10,520
Carat weight: 1.51
Cut: Signature Ideal
Color: E
Clarity: VVS2
Depth %: 72.0%
Table %: 72%
Polish: Excellent
Symmetry: Excellent
Girdle: Medium to Slightly Thick
Culet: None
Fluorescence: None
Measurements: 6.40 x 6.24 x 4.49 mm
Length/width ratio: 1.03
I think rapapport magazine indicates that faint florescense does not affect price at all but other levels of florecense decrease price the more colorless the stone (D,E,F,) and increase price for stones with more color.
I can't imagine there would be that much of a difference between med flour and no flour... unless, maybe, the med flour had a detracting cloudy quality but to my knowledge, that only occurs in a very, very small percentage of "very strong" flouro stones (aka - overblue).

I thought maybe the flouro was yellow, but that isn't the case.

Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will come along.

ETA - I'll take another wild stab. Even though the cheaper one is a VVS2, maybe the tiny feather happens to be in one of the sharp corners? (integrity risk?) I highly doubt it, but I can't see any feather on that graph. It has to be somewhere.
Hm ... 3K *is* a significant difference. My pendant stone has SB fluor, and it was about a grand cheaper than comparable stones: sometimes it just happens that way. A VVS2 shouldn't have any structural issues, or it would be graded lower, so I'm stumped, too ... but for 3K, I think it's worth the gamble. BN has a good return policy, right?

P.S. - Keep in mind, not all fluor is graded equal. It's a completely subjective part of the assessment, and some "medium" graded stones are stronger than other "very strong blue" stones. When I ordered mine, I was actually assuming it had to be discounted because the fluor was eye-visible ... and, no dice (I was actually disappointed, since I love fluor). Other posters here with medium stones can see the effects in the sun. Again, I think it's awesome, but I thought you should be aware of the possibility.
There is a possibility that there is a serious difference in cut-quality, which cannot be derived from any of the data on the GIA-report.

Live long,
Paul-Antwerp|1290686587|2778945 said:
There is a possibility that there is a serious difference in cut-quality, which cannot be derived from any of the data on the GIA-report.

Live long,

If they are both signature ideal, would there really be a risk of a SERIOUS difference in cut quality? Not being sarcastic, but is there that much difference within the same cut rating? In addition, are these GIA, because GIA's top cut grade is excellent and not signature ideal?
These are qualifications of the vendor, based on possibly not having seen the stone. Thus, yes, there is a serious possibility of a big difference in cut-quality.

Live long,