
do you think Weiner posted the picture?

IMHO... of course not. :nono: Especially after hearing John Stewart's response! :lol:
asymons412|1306990112|2936018 said:
IMHO... of course not. :nono: Especially after hearing John Stewart's response! :lol:

Ha that was hilarious!

Yeah, the whole story doesn't add up. Particularly because anything that comes from Andrew Breitbart tends to turn out to be not true.
Yup, I do think there's a good chance he did. Otherwise, why wouldn't he be at the FBI's door in 2 seconds flat to find out who's roaming through his twitter acct? Any legislator would be VERY worried, it seems to me, to suspect somebody's hacking his communications. He refuses to say if the pic is actually him or not. It's just a little fishy.

As for being stupid, look at all the turkeys who do incredibly dumb things, from John Edwards to the IMF guy to Larry Craig (think that's his name). There's something about guys in power; they get to believe they're invincible after a while. Brains go to mush! :|
I think it's pretty fishy that of all the twitter users in the world, only this one woman got the picture. This one 22 year old woman. Right, I'm sure.

It's not his account that was hacked, it was hers, she hacked it to make it look like she got it. It's not hard. I can send out and email from the White House right now, with a white house email address as the return. It's called e-mail address spoofing. I'm sure this little twit did something like that.

Anyone that has watched this guy over the years Knows he is not the type. At All. I would hate to see one of the few good guys left in Congress get messed up by some 22 year old little twinkie.
I don't know but I wish politicians didn't have twitter at all! And they should stay off Craigslist!
Of course he posted it - this is a prelude to his announcing that he's going to run for president. Now that the truth is out there, Trump won't have to ask for a long form certificate to verify that Weiner has a weiner.
It's not his account that was hacked, it was hers, she hacked it to make it look like she got it. It's not hard. I can send out and email from the White House right now, with a white house email address as the return. It's called e-mail address spoofing. I'm sure this little twit did something like that.

iLander, that's a good thought. It's a possibility, definitely. But still, in that case, why wouldn't he want the FBI to investigate & clear his name? His reputation & career are being trashed, if that's right, by a creep. His reaction is more confusing than the act itself. And he says he can't tell if the pic is him or not? C'mon!

I agree, he doesn't seem the type -- but we sure know by now that you can't always tell. At the beginning of his presidential run, would anyone have expected John Edwards to be going so off the rails? There are countless others who've done likewise.
He has admitted that there is a *chance* that the photo is actually him. He said "I cant say for sure that it is NOT me". Regardless if he meant to send it or not, it IS HIS PHOTO. That's why he is avoiding those questions about if it IS HIM or not (until this latest statement). He kept saying I have been hacked but had REFUSED to answer if the "Weiner" was actually his.

He sent it, or sent it *by accident* over Twitter. If he was honestly hacked, there would be a big outcry to find the Hackers.
Madam Bijoux|1307018814|2936133 said:
Of course he posted it - this is a prelude to his announcing that he's going to run for president. Now that the truth is out there, Trump won't have to ask for a long form certificate to verify that Weiner has a weiner.

:lol: :lol: :lol: The jokes were really flying at my house last night...
iLander|1307009256|2936088 said:
I think it's pretty fishy that of all the twitter users in the world, only this one woman got the picture. This one 22 year old woman. Right, I'm sure.

It's not his account that was hacked, it was hers, she hacked it to make it look like she got it. It's not hard. I can send out and email from the White House right now, with a white house email address as the return. It's called e-mail address spoofing. I'm sure this little twit did something like that.

Anyone that has watched this guy over the years Knows he is not the type. At All. I would hate to see one of the few good guys left in Congress get messed up by some 22 year old little twinkie.

Or perhaps he INTENDED for JUST HER to get it?
I can't understand why some guys believe girls actually want to see pics of their weiner. There are few things in life more unsettling than a weiner pic in my inbox. A weiner is appreciated for its function, not its form.
JewelFreak|1307019115|2936136 said:
It's not his account that was hacked, it was hers, she hacked it to make it look like she got it. It's not hard. I can send out and email from the White House right now, with a white house email address as the return. It's called e-mail address spoofing. I'm sure this little twit did something like that.

iLander, that's a good thought. It's a possibility, definitely. But still, in that case, why wouldn't he want the FBI to investigate & clear his name? His reputation & career are being trashed, if that's right, by a creep. His reaction is more confusing than the act itself. And he says he can't tell if the pic is him or not? C'mon!

I agree, he doesn't seem the type -- but we sure know by now that you can't always tell. At the beginning of his presidential run, would anyone have expected John Edwards to be going so off the rails? There are countless others who've done likewise.
yeah,why not clear your name?... :confused:
At the very least, I'd expect him to just say "No, I didn't send that picture" when asked. His response when asked really made him look rather guilty. Saying that you aren't going to take any time to address an issue (repeatedly) takes a lot more time than a simple "No."

I'm actually sort of torn. I'd like to believe that his account was hacked (not exactly uncommon these days) but his behavior just seems to point towards him being guilty. (especially not letting the FBI investigate)
mrs jam|1307026396|2936202 said:
I can't understand why some guys believe girls actually want to see pics of their weiner. There are few things in life more unsettling than a weiner pic in my inbox. A weiner is appreciated for its function, not its form.

:lol: A *tiny* Weiner no less :lol:
mrs jam|1307026396|2936202 said:
I can't understand why some guys believe girls actually want to see pics of their weiner. There are few things in life more unsettling than a weiner pic in my inbox. A weiner is appreciated for its function, not its form.

OMG. ROFLMAO over here. That's awesome.
Gypsy|1307050547|2936447 said:
mrs jam|1307026396|2936202 said:
I can't understand why some guys believe girls actually want to see pics of their weiner. There are few things in life more unsettling than a weiner pic in my inbox. A weiner is appreciated for its function, not its form.

OMG. ROFLMAO over here. That's awesome.

That's classic. . . should be published somewhere - ha!
mrs jam|1307026396|2936202 said:
I can't understand why some guys believe girls actually want to see pics of their weiner. There are few things in life more unsettling than a weiner pic in my inbox. A weiner is appreciated for its function, not its form.

Thank you- this just made my day! :lol:
mrs jam|1307026396|2936202 said:
I can't understand why some guys believe girls actually want to see pics of their weiner. There are few things in life more unsettling than a weiner pic in my inbox. A weiner is appreciated for its function, not its form.

You are correct! I didn't see the photo, but someone who did told me it just looked like an ordinary photo in a Sears Catalogue. That would be embarrassing.

Weiner just admitted that he sent pictures of himself everywhere.

PLUS: During today's press conference, a reporter said that there were also X-rated pics out there, and could Weiner confidently deny their existance? Weiner said no, he couldn't be sure. :shock:


I thought he had some integrity, apparently I was fooled.

Doesn't anyone have integrity anymore? ;(

Anybody? :blackeye:
I can't wait to see the headlines on tomorrows Papers..

My kids learned about a certain act back when Clinton was President.. They were little and I was like god how do I explain this??

This is just another policitican gone bad... Wonder what Arnold has to say?? :rolleyes:
Kaleigh|1307399782|2939271 said:
I can't wait to see the headlines on tomorrows Papers..

My kids learned about a certain act back when Clinton was President.. They were little and I was like god how do I explain this??

This is just another policitican gone bad... Wonder what Arnold has to say?? :rolleyes:

As someone said in another thread, the one thing all these people have in common is a penis. Women have extramarital sex, too, but somehow they just don't do the same things men do. For instance, they don't take pictures of their genitals and send them to everyone they know! My daughter, before she was even 18, received some pictures of boys' penises! Why would they think she wanted them? (The pictures, that is. I know that boys often think that all girls want their penises!!!)

Kaleigh|1307399782|2939271 said:
I can't wait to see the headlines on tomorrows Papers..

My kids learned about a certain act back when Clinton was President.. They were little and I was like god how do I explain this??

This is just another policitican gone bad... Wonder what Arnold has to say?? :rolleyes:
iLander|1307399193|2939263 said:

Weiner just admitted that he sent pictures of himself everywhere.

PLUS: During today's press conference, a reporter said that there were also X-rated pics out there, and could Weiner confidently deny their existance? Weiner said no, he couldn't be sure. :shock:


I thought he had some integrity, apparently I was fooled.

Doesn't anyone have integrity anymore? ;(

Anybody? :blackeye:

That about sums it up for me! I think it's a prerequisite for most male politicians to be total hubris-filled d-bags.
"he can't be that stupid,can he?... "

Well, kinda looks that way . . .

That's what comes of thinking with one's weiner. :bigsmile: