
Do you jog alone in the early morning?

Would you continue jogging despite the early hour with no one else around?

  • 1. Yes, don't be concerned, live your life and enjoy.

    Votes: 13 35.1%
  • 2. No way, you're crazy, it's too risky.

    Votes: 20 54.1%
  • 3. Other option and I will explain in my post below.

    Votes: 4 10.8%

  • Total voters


Feb 11, 2006

Missy I apologize as I didn't read all the responses. My suggestion is to look for a health club that has a jogging run. I'm assuming that the area you live in may have some upscale health facilities. That way you can jog at any time for the temperature will be controlled.

I would worry. As you said, it only takes one.



Jan 3, 2013
Here is my protection. It fits in my waist band or is easily carried. I think that between this, my awareness and my phone, I’m about as protected as I can be. In my residential neighborhood I have been approached by men, “looking for the restaurant,” :roll2: as well as unleashed dogs running at me. I also recall the Howard Beach murder. In broad daylight!!
Please be safe @missy


May 19, 2020
Isn't it sad that we even have to question our safety when exercising in our own neighborhoods? :(


Dec 12, 2006
Jog?? nope not this old lady lol....however I do walk 5 times a week and most of the time its by myself and I walk after if its raining or dark or cold I walk on my treadmill


May 19, 2020
but ww are kidding ourselves to think anywhere is safe no matter were we live
even in broad daylight

I would love a treadmill but we don't have the room

Very true, no where is safe anymore :( the world is a very difference place than what it used to be. I can't even count how many times I've been stalked, chased, followed.


Apr 19, 2004

I walk to work all year long; in the winter when it is dark. I have my phone with me, and the paths are well travelled. Still I have some trepidation. Stay safe Missy! (you could always run up and down your street 500 x LOL)



Aug 4, 2008
Get more than one and practice with it:

see video here:

For practice with the sabre products or others with the swivel top safety:
Last edited:


Apr 19, 2004

And I am totally impressed @missy that you can run with that hardware in your leg!



Feb 11, 2006

You could also wear a 911 emergency button around your neck. This really works. You push the button and the 911 operator comes on. You must give your location and they will send police. You must test the devise to see if it works where you jog.

I got mine from HSN for 59.00. It is extra protection and is light weight. I do wear mine all the time and have had oe occasion to use it.


Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
I carry a stun gun when we go walking with our grandkids.


Aug 22, 2012
If no one is around yet I would jog in the street or on the sidewalk and then as a few more people are around then perhaps end your run on the path. A wooded or beachside path is too isolated for me if no one around. Also, in case you fell you may have to wait around a bit until some one comes by to help.


Sep 25, 2016
Omg over 5 miles and you just started??? I've been jogging on and off since last August and can barely do 3.5 miles. And I'm only doing 11:45 per mile. I don't know why I can't run longer or faster...

I voted I jog alone (can't stand exercising with others) but I jog around prospect park around 6am so there's plenty of people. Your path seems secluded but so beautiful. I would not feel comfortable jogging alone but maybe I'm used to seeing tons of people.

I don't use earphones or take my phone, but I do have my smart watch with cellular service and can make calls from there. Of course the downside is I don't have a camera to capture the scenery. I'm already struggling to jog, I can't stand the thought of holding my large phone as well.

I'm sure since you take all precautions and have a phone with you it's okay. I mean, people get attacked in the city with people all around... I think I'll be more worried about falling or wild animals. But you won't have to worry about covid.


Sep 25, 2008
Just want to say the obvious - how SAD is it that this is even a conversation we need to have? ;(

I say go for it with a few precautions:
  • Tell someone where you are going and roughly what time you'll be back. They should raise the alarm if you don't turn up
  • Take you phone and use tracking
  • Vary your route each day!
  • Don't jog in the dark
  • Wear brightly coloured clothing
  • Carry pepper spray (if legal)

Miss Marple

Jan 19, 2018
I would go with precautions. Lots of good advice on this thread. A couple of items I did not see mentioned—assuming you use an iPhone. You can dial 911 by holding the power button and a volume button simultaneously.

An Apple Watch would be easier than carrying a phone in your hand. additionally it has a fall detection feature that automatically dials 911 and your emergency medical contacts (if you add the info) if you don’t respond in a timely manner.

if you only want to take a watch and not a phone, you can get the cellular version of the watch. The downside is that the initial cost is higher, there is the monthly cellular service fee and the battery life is not as good.


Oct 23, 2011
I watch way too much dateline, 20/20 and ID channel to feel safe jogging alone at any time. Please be careful!! These are crazy times.


Sep 1, 2009
Around here, it would be crazy for many reasons. Cougars rarely attack people. When they do, it is usually a jogger alone in the early morning. We also have bears, coyote, wolves, and more. As to the two legged risks, they can be anywhere. "Safe" areas often become targets because people are so used to feeling safe that they get relaxed and unguarded.

If you are going to jog alone, please make sure you have your phone! Have you thought about maybe you jogging while Greg peddles along next to you?


Jun 8, 2008
Thanks everyone. I really appreciate your input and I am off jogging in 2 minutes but will come back to reply to everyone individually. I just wanted to say it is aggravating we live in a world where we have to carry mace/stun guns/pepper spray etc just to be able to enjoy outdoors and the fresh air and exercise. I know the world we live in but it is still no less upsetting.

And @Dancing Fire I am so sorry you have to carry a stun gun. They are illegal here (as is Mace and a number of the pepper spray items which I don't understand but I did manage to order one pepper spray gel and hopefully it will arrive this week) and I don't know about where you live but I don't blame you one bit with all that is happening in the world now. You have to do what you have to do. It makes me angry that we have to worry about being safe. So upsetting.

And what you have all shared has given me lots of great info. I ordered a number of things but it won't be arriving til Thursday afternoon/evening. Unfortunately Amazon isn't as fast as it used to be.

I am so not in the mood to go running today LOL. OK see you later and thanks.


Oct 7, 2004
This was advertised to me just now, a little after I read your thread. It's the first I've seen it and I have not tried it, but sounds like a useful product.



Jun 8, 2008
This was advertised to me just now, a little after I read your thread. It's the first I've seen it and I have not tried it, but sounds like a useful product.

That looks really good. Thanks @ForteKitty I am going to evaluate it further.

I watch way too much dateline, 20/20 and ID channel to feel safe jogging alone at any time. Please be careful!! These are crazy times.

Yeah for sure, thanks @nala. Today I went half an hour later and I saw dozens of people unlike yesterday where I saw a total of 2. So strange how different today was than the past two days. I felt 100% safe today not that I didn't feel safe the other days but there were so many people out today.

Around here, it would be crazy for many reasons. Cougars rarely attack people. When they do, it is usually a jogger alone in the early morning. We also have bears, coyote, wolves, and more. As to the two legged risks, they can be anywhere. "Safe" areas often become targets because people are so used to feeling safe that they get relaxed and unguarded.

If you are going to jog alone, please make sure you have your phone! Have you thought about maybe you jogging while Greg peddles along next to you?

Thanks @TooPatient it just wouldn't work because I go too slow for Greg to cycle next to me. I felt very safe today and I bought my pepper spray just in case. I had to unwrap it from the packaging as I bought it May 2020 when Covid was at a peak and I never took it out of the package. I tested it and it's easy to use and I held it in my hand the entire jog. But today was relatively crowded so go figure.

Screen Shot 2021-05-18 at 7.55.12 AM.png

I would go with precautions. Lots of good advice on this thread. A couple of items I did not see mentioned—assuming you use an iPhone. You can dial 911 by holding the power button and a volume button simultaneously.

An Apple Watch would be easier than carrying a phone in your hand. additionally it has a fall detection feature that automatically dials 911 and your emergency medical contacts (if you add the info) if you don’t respond in a timely manner.

if you only want to take a watch and not a phone, you can get the cellular version of the watch. The downside is that the initial cost is higher, there is the monthly cellular service fee and the battery life is not as good.

Thanks for the suggestions. I will look into them.

Just want to say the obvious - how SAD is it that this is even a conversation we need to have? ;(

I say go for it with a few precautions:
  • Tell someone where you are going and roughly what time you'll be back. They should raise the alarm if you don't turn up
  • Take you phone and use tracking
  • Vary your route each day!
  • Don't jog in the dark
  • Wear brightly coloured clothing
  • Carry pepper spray (if legal)

Yes thank you. I carried pepper spray with me today. It is sad we have to worry about this but it's good to be prepared.


Jun 8, 2008
Omg over 5 miles and you just started??? I've been jogging on and off since last August and can barely do 3.5 miles. And I'm only doing 11:45 per mile. I don't know why I can't run longer or faster...

I voted I jog alone (can't stand exercising with others) but I jog around prospect park around 6am so there's plenty of people. Your path seems secluded but so beautiful. I would not feel comfortable jogging alone but maybe I'm used to seeing tons of people.

I don't use earphones or take my phone, but I do have my smart watch with cellular service and can make calls from there. Of course the downside is I don't have a camera to capture the scenery. I'm already struggling to jog, I can't stand the thought of holding my large phone as well.

I'm sure since you take all precautions and have a phone with you it's okay. I mean, people get attacked in the city with people all around... I think I'll be more worried about falling or wild animals. But you won't have to worry about covid.

Well I am not jogging the entire time. I am also walking fast. Your time is awesome @dizzyakira. No way could I do 11:45 per mile ever. I think you are doing amazing. I am with you in that I prefer to exercise alone (or with my DH) as I don't want to have to make small talk and we all have our individual levels. I love taking photos with my camera as I jog/walk. Look who said hello today. Awwwww.

Screen Shot 2021-05-18 at 7.59.28 AM.png

I mean you cannot beat that right?
It doesn't surprise me that prospect park is crowded at 6AM and I too would feel perfectly safe jogging there at that hour. I do remember however a friend got mugged in the park over 20 years ago. In the middle of the day! 2PM. That changed my cycling there alone and unfortunately I stopped feeling safe so I stopped cycling alone in the park. :(

If no one is around yet I would jog in the street or on the sidewalk and then as a few more people are around then perhaps end your run on the path. A wooded or beachside path is too isolated for me if no one around. Also, in case you fell you may have to wait around a bit until some one comes by to help.

Thanks. There were lots of people today. So strange from one day to the next how different it was. I do feel safe there and I think I am probably overthinking this but I am glad I started this thread as now I am more prepared should g-d forbid anything happen.

Interestingly enough, I'd decided to give all the women in my life *these* this Christmas:

I've heard this one - it's LOUD.

I'll check it out thanks. I ordered the one Dee recommended so that should be sufficient but this one looks very good too.


You could also wear a 911 emergency button around your neck. This really works. You push the button and the 911 operator comes on. You must give your location and they will send police. You must test the devise to see if it works where you jog.

I got mine from HSN for 59.00. It is extra protection and is light weight. I do wear mine all the time and have had oe occasion to use it.


Thanks Annette. I couldn't find it on HSN for some reason. It sounds great and glad you have it for protection.

I carry a stun gun when we go walking with our grandkids.

I am glad you are keeping yourselves protected. It's a crazy world we live in and you cannot be too careful.


Jun 8, 2008

I walk to work all year long; in the winter when it is dark. I have my phone with me, and the paths are well travelled. Still I have some trepidation. Stay safe Missy! (you could always run up and down your street 500 x LOL)


Haha my neighbors already think I am crazy probably lol I could just imagine running up and down the street 500 times :lol:


And I am totally impressed @missy that you can run with that hardware in your leg!


Thank you Sharon! You know what? I totally forgot the surgeon told me not to run anymore. OMG. But I guess if I can run without pain it is OK right? I cannot believe I forgot he told me no more running. See what we can do despite what our doctors tell us? There are no limits. Only self imposed ones.

Get more than one and practice with it:

see video here:

For practice with the sabre products or others with the swivel top safety:

Thanks Karl! I ordered the set that has the practice pepper spray and I also tried the one I have today and it works. Appreciate the info and links.

but ww are kidding ourselves to think anywhere is safe no matter were we live
even in broad daylight

I would love a treadmill but we don't have the room

Exactly. Bad things happen at all times of day. I feel safe jogging in the early morning here. I really do. Thanks Daisy.

It was a beautiful morning jogging today. I saw a gorgeous egret (photo in an above post) and it was a serene morning.

Screen Shot 2021-05-18 at 8.01.59 AM.png


Oct 2, 2014
I haven't read all the responses, but I am a very cautious person when it comes to physical safety, and there is no way that I would jog in a deserted area, no matter the time of day or night. What could happen simply is not worth the risk.

I would find another way to exercise, if it was me.

Lisa Loves Shiny

Nov 1, 2007
Ask yourself- Is this a good place for a rapist or serial killer to pick a victim? If the answer is yes avoid it.


Feb 11, 2006
Hi Missy,

HSN is out of them. You can go to the manufacturer and read about it/or purchase it. Just google 911 Help Now +. It is now 79.00. It is worth a look. You do have to push the button for 5 seconds before a 911 operator comes on. I forgot that it took 5 seconds of depressing the button and I thought my battery had gone dead. I tested the garage to make sure it worked there.

I think this is easier than a phone. Better than a stun gun. However I am considering a stun gun, but wouldn't use it for running,


Jun 8, 2008
I haven't read all the responses, but I am a very cautious person when it comes to physical safety, and there is no way that I would jog in a deserted area, no matter the time of day or night. What could happen simply is not worth the risk.

I would find another way to exercise, if it was me.

Thanks for sharing your POV @Jambalaya. I am pretty risk adverse too. I think I am A OK jogging where I am jogging. I called the police station and asked about crimes on that path and also looked up stats and well no one has reported anything happening there.
Of course I remain vigilant.

Ask yourself- Is this a good place for a rapist or serial killer to pick a victim? If the answer is yes avoid it.

I think in this case the answer is no. It isn't an easy on and off for a killer or rapist to make a quick escape. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me and I agree. If it was a place where a criminal could easily get in and out then I would not take the chance.
Of course anything can happen anywhere. I shared above how my friend was mugged in the middle of the day in Prospect Park on the main path. She was terribly injured and never the same. So sad. And that changed my behavior as I stopped cycling there during the weekdays alone. I missed doing that but I wasn't taking any chances. Sad we have to live defensively like that but it is what it is and we cannot change criminals but we can change our actions.

Hi Missy,

HSN is out of them. You can go to the manufacturer and read about it/or purchase it. Just google 911 Help Now +. It is now 79.00. It is worth a look. You do have to push the button for 5 seconds before a 911 operator comes on. I forgot that it took 5 seconds of depressing the button and I thought my battery had gone dead. I tested the garage to make sure it worked there.

I think this is easier than a phone. Better than a stun gun. However I am considering a stun gun, but wouldn't use it for running,

Thank you again Annette. I will check it out. Stay safe and be well.


Apr 21, 2010
Just because you *can* run doesn't mean you *should* run ... particularly if your doc said no running ... maybe shoot him an email or phone call to let him know you are running 5 miles per run X times a week ... see what he says?
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