
Do You Feel Pressure to Wear Makeup?


Sep 17, 2008
I rarely wear makeup. At most these days eye shadow and lip stuff. I don't do mascara anymore (irritates my eyes badly!). I used to wear bronzer /highligter on occassion but its hard to find one that dosen't make me look like I took a glitter bath!!

I'm starting to see some wrinkles around my eyes and so be it. I'm not a spring chicken though I still don't look my age. Besides, I spent a BUNDLE on makeing my skin look good. No way am I hiding that under makeup!


Jul 24, 2016
I don't feel pressure exactly, but I think the ladies I work with wonder why I don't wear a lot of makeup and probably think I would look younger/better with it. My husband could care less, and my daughters (naturally gorgeous) wear hardly any makeup as well.
As others have said, I have to be careful not to irritate my eyes, so the makeup I would really like to wear (like eyeliner and mascara) are trickiest for me to use.
I too have no eyebrows left! So I do fill in with a pencil. AND I have recently discovered the world of BB and CC creams so I do wear a little bit of that every day.


Jun 26, 2007
My very awesome grandmother used to say "Never leave the house without lipstick!"
And my sister added "Never leave the house without lipstick or earrings!"


Jun 8, 2008
My very awesome grandmother used to say "Never leave the house without lipstick!"
And my sister added "Never leave the house without lipstick or earrings!"

Haha @stracci2000 that reminds me of my dear grandma. She used to say to me you’re so pale shayna maydeleh why not put on some makeup. Lol. Loved that woman so much. :kiss2:


Jul 13, 2007
In younger years I wore makeup every day. Now I'm 56 and I almost never wear it. I concentrate instead on skincare. I don't ever wear foundation. Makeup for me these days is just mascara and a neutral lipstick. Full makeup looks really bad on me now.


Apr 19, 2004

No associations whatsoever with make up and pressure to wear it. Quite simply I wear it because it improves the way I look!:lol-2: But frequently I am fresh faced or just have a dab of lipstick and don't give it a second thought. (I even go out with no jewellery at all!!)

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Feb 12, 2018
My very awesome grandmother used to say "Never leave the house without lipstick!"
And my sister added "Never leave the house without lipstick or earrings!"
Mine told me “Whores use rouge! Ladies pinch.”

Not really but it’d be hilarious if she did. :lol:


Sep 23, 2017
i think i look better without it but i do the need to wear makeup if "dressing up" - client meetings, fancy night out, etc. looks like something is missing otherwise. :mrgreen2:

Maria D

Jan 24, 2003
I don't feel any external pressure, just internal. Which isn't so bad, because I've always loved makeup and I'm very good at applying it. And I've learned a lot watching Lisa Eldridge's videos. That and just the working properties of the makeups now, are SO much better than when I was in my 20s or 30s, and there area SO many more choices.

Oh, and I'm not wrinkled like that lady up there, but I AM losing anything resembling eyebrows, at a clip.
I will NOT be seen in public without a minimum of eyebrow pencil. Period. I have like zero expression without them. The trick of course, is to put age-appropriate brows on - too much and you'll look silly, because everyone's brows either thin or lighten with age.

Thanks for posting the link to this video a while ago - I learned a great deal from it! (That was you, right?)

I too have always loved makeup. I don't feel pressure to wear it; most of the women I work with do not. I wouldn't know if I'm treated differently because unless I'm going to be exercising or headed to the beach, I do not venture out without makeup. For me it's part of getting dressed. I wouldn't think of leaving the house with a bare face any more than I would go out in pajamas and slippers. It takes me exactly 12 minutes to apply moisturizer, foundation, under eye cream & concealer, powder, blush, eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara. Lipstick goes on at a traffic light on the way to work.

The Amy Schumer skit is pretty funny and on point. It's been my experience that when men say they don't like makeup they mean they don't like caked on obvious makeup. Many men (including my husband) don't get that the natural look they like isn't really natural. The first time my husband saw me without any makeup (back when we were dating) he exclaimed "what's with your eyes? they look.. wild; are you OK?" I assured him I was fine, just not wearing any makeup - to which he said, "you wear makeup?" jeesh


Jun 7, 2014
I have never felt any pressure to wear makeup. I just feel better and look better when I’m wearing it. I’ve always felt the extra effort it takes to put makeup on was well worth the way I feel wearing it. I don’t leave the house without it. People should do what makes them happy. If you don’t like wearing makeup, don’t wear it.
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Jul 17, 2008
The Amy Schumer skit was hilarious! I started takin my excellent care of my skin in my 20’s and I’m approaching my 60th bd. I don’t need any makeup. I have a beautiful complexion. A touch of red lipstick or red balm and I hit the road.


Jun 7, 2014
You do have beautiful skin @April Baby!

@Maria D , I laughed out loud when I read the comment about what men think is natural and no makeup. My husband probably thinks Christie Brinkley is 100% natural and doesn’t wear makeup.
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Maria D

Jan 24, 2003
I have never felt any pressure to wear make up. I just feel better and look better when I’m wearing it. I’ve always felt the extra effort it takes to put make up on was well worth the way I feel wearing it. I don’t leave the house without it. People should do what makes them happy. If you don’t like wearing make up, don’t wear it.

I feel the same way but have to admit I'm judgmental (internally) about poor execution. No half measures! Either wear nail polish or have bare nails, no chipped polish. Either wear makeup or not, no last-night's-make-up-still-smudged-around-the-eyes; wash it off! Either go gray or keep up with your roots, no skunk stripe!

On that last one, this type of product has been life changing for me:


May 23, 2017
I never feel pressured to wear makeup or feel like I would be treated differently either way, even though I deal with people from all different backgrounds daily.

I have noticed that I prefer less makeup now that I am in my 40s than I did when I was younger. It may just be that I have gained more confidence with age or stopped caring what other people think? There is something freeing about my 40s=)2.

That being said.....I am really big on skin care now and really wish I would have always been this way. I do monthly appointments with my aesthetician and use good products for skincare at home. I never go anywhere without sunblock. Ever. I use a sheer tinted sunblock, some blush and mascara daily. I never leave home without chapstick as well. I had my eyebrows mucroblsded so they are always "on".

I am also around horses daily as well and I know they love me with or without makeup ...even more so if I bring cookies :mrgreen2:


Jun 7, 2014
On that last one, this type of product has been life changing for me:[/QUOTE]

@Maria D LOL. I always have five of these on hand, just in case they quit making it. Glad to see I’m not the only one who loves this product.

Clariol makes a similar product that is much cheaper. I haven’t tried it so have no idea if it works as well as Color wow. I believe it is around $10.


Jan 30, 2008
Thanks for posting the link to this video a while ago - I learned a great deal from it! (That was you, right?)

I too have always loved makeup. I don't feel pressure to wear it; most of the women I work with do not. I wouldn't know if I'm treated differently because unless I'm going to be exercising or headed to the beach, I do not venture out without makeup. For me it's part of getting dressed. I wouldn't think of leaving the house with a bare face any more than I would go out in pajamas and slippers. It takes me exactly 12 minutes to apply moisturizer, foundation, under eye cream & concealer, powder, blush, eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara. Lipstick goes on at a traffic light on the way to work.

The Amy Schumer skit is pretty funny and on point. It's been my experience that when men say they don't like makeup they mean they don't like caked on obvious makeup. Many men (including my husband) don't get that the natural look they like isn't really natural. The first time my husband saw me without any makeup (back when we were dating) he exclaimed "what's with your eyes? they look.. wild; are you OK?" I assured him I was fine, just not wearing any makeup - to which he said, "you wear makeup?" jeesh

Too funny! And so typical. :rolleyes:

Yes, that was me who posted that video. I do love Eldridge - I've been watching her for years. Her site is really fun, and she is lovely to everyone she makes up. Lots of educational stuff out there too - how to choose a foundation, how to use concealer, how to put on false lashes, just lots of cool technique type videos.


Feb 3, 2008
I don't feel pressure to wear it at all. I love make up. I am a little sad that as I get older I can't wear the same thing I used too. I definitely wear less now, but sometimes I see myself in a photo and think I look a little lacking in color. There used to be days that I didn't put makeup on if my DH was working but now that he is home every day, I pretty much put make up on ever day. It is usually my lite foundation a little blush and mascara. Frankly, I would scare myself looking in the mirror without it.


Mar 1, 2005
I wish I didn’t have to wear makeup, but I have some blemishes on my face that need daily concealer. So I put on some makeup almost every day. If I’m leaving the house, I always wear it. I’ve gotten better though, if I’m going to the gym I won’t wear it.


Oct 2, 2014
Very interesting responses.

As someone who loves makeup and has always loved it since being a child, I'm probably pressure-proof regarding makeup since I naturally want to wear it, so I was interested to hear what other people's experiences are.

Missy, I can't believe your friend pressured you to wear it!

Monarch, it's interesting that you feel pressure NOT to wear it. Where/from whom does that pressure come from? Very funy about your husband and his eye product! Agree that men should face the same face-based pressures!

Chappy - yes, the video is pretty funny! It's very well-done, with the boy band and the dancing and the lyrics. "I didn't know your lashes were so stubby and pale/Just wear some mascara and you'll look female"! And the chorus in the first half is "Wipe it off, wipe it off" and in the second half, "Put it on, put it on"!!

Dancing Fire - you know there is a movement for men to wear makeup should they so please? Check it out! We're happy to give you some tips. :twisted2:

Ksinger - great video!

Sorry I don't have time to reply to every response. Night work takes it out of you! But I'm reading and re-reading all of them. So interesting!

I think women are in a double bind when it comes to makeup. We're supposed to look nice - no dark circles, a rosy, healthy glow on our cheeks and lips etc - but we can't be seen to wear or care too much about makeup. I think Monarch touched on this, with feeling pressure not to wear it, but there's probably still pressure on her to look good at the same time. (Pressure in the sense that women in America are very much judged on our looks in general, I feel.)

It's like with dieting. Can't be seen to be making too much effort. Check out the negative reactions when a woman refuses dessert.

It's like, you have to look slender and glowing but you can't be seen to be putting too much effort in, you know? If women break cover about how much discipline this lithe, glowing look really takes, she's denounced as caring too much about her appearance/being shallow, etc. But society says you should still look good!


Oct 22, 2011
Actually I just want to ask, do you guys feel comfortable with makeup on? Like, physically. Because I physically feel uncomfortable with even the slightest smudge of pencil liner. It makes my eyelids feel really heavy and sleepy and I just don't feel good. What am I doing wrong? And even BB cream (which should be lighter than standard foundation) makes my skin feel choked and unhappy.

Do you have to get used to that feeling, or did you never feel it at all? Is it like smoking where you cough at first but then get used to it? :confused: I'm not using the cheap products either, so, idk why!

I'd actually love to master makeup because it seems fun and other people look great wearing it, but it feels and looks like crap on me.


Jun 6, 2013
I like to wear makeup. I think it’s a form of creativity and people who can create different types of looks or make people feel different about themselves are real artists. How I feel about makeup is that it should be a way to express yourself and not ruled by convention or the rules of makeup. For example, I adore eyeshadow but hate mascara so I will do eye looks sans eyeliner and mascara. There are days also I wear only bright lipstick with blotchy naked skin.

I count myself lucky that I have always lived in countries who don’t overly prioritize makeup: UK, Canada, Singapore. It’s easy to get judgy about makeup, especially if one wears goth makeup or drag inspired makeup. Living in Singapore, the culture still disapproves of wearing too much makeup and the natural look is heavily favored alongside Korean beauty trends. I don’t think I could pull off green or blue lipstick here except for Halloween.

Even then I’ll take being judged for wearing too much makeup to having to conform to a standardized culture of makeup, such as what you see in Japan, Korea, UAE, where there is a constant need to look flawless and perfect from morning until night. The pressure is such that women can’t appear out in public unless they have a full face on. I’ve met backpacker girls doing their makeup inside the sleeper train with limited light early in the morning before everyone wakes up and girls putting on a full face in the changing room after a relaxing spa when a tinted moisturizer would be easier. Perhaps it is their preference... when it becomes hard to differentiate between choice and expectation, that’s the line for me.


Feb 24, 2017
Actually I just want to ask, do you guys feel comfortable with makeup on? Like, physically. Because I physically feel uncomfortable with even the slightest smudge of pencil liner. It makes my eyelids feel really heavy and sleepy and I just don't feel good. What am I doing wrong? And even BB cream (which should be lighter than standard foundation) makes my skin feel choked and unhappy.

Do you have to get used to that feeling, or did you never feel it at all? Is it like smoking where you cough at first but then get used to it? :confused: I'm not using the cheap products either, so, idk why!

I'd actually love to master makeup because it seems fun and other people look great wearing it, but it feels and looks like crap on me.

I’ve never been able to ‘feel’ my make up, I put it on and don’t notice I’m wearing it at all.


Jul 7, 2013
Full paint work adds powder foundation and eye shadows, and that will take about an hour excluding time to paint the nails.
DK :))

I forgot to include blusher - to add some colour back to my cheeks on top of the powder foundation.

DK :))


Jun 8, 2008
Missy, I can't believe your friend pressured you to wear it!

LOL yes because she is very polished and sophisticated and very on point with everything and also part of a snootier upper crust NYC crowd...that is so not our scene at all but Greg is good friends with her dh and she and I clicked immediately despite the obvious differences. Sometimes opposites do attract and I don't judge her for wearing heels and makeup and I know deep down she doesn't judge me either...she is just trying to get me to be (what is in her mind) the best I can be if that makes sense...and honestly now she is much more easy going and laid back about things like this. I was recalling how she was decades ago. She has since mellowed.:halo:

Interestingly I just came across photos (looking for photos of my great grandma's ring) of me over 2 decades ago and somehow I was wearing makeup here lol. Definitely mascara and eyeliner and tinted lip gloss. So I didn't always eschew makeup and wore it occasionally. Just not often. And the eyebrows believe it or not have NO makeup on...these were my natural brows...miss them.;(


I think women are in a double bind when it comes to makeup. We're supposed to look nice - no dark circles, a rosy, healthy glow on our cheeks and lips etc - but we can't be seen to wear or care too much about makeup.

Yes this is true. But it also depends on who you hang out with...the great majority (all really at this point) of my friends accept me for exactly who I am because at this stage of my life I have no energy for nonsense. And I accept them for who they are. And good friends don't judge one another. And I don't give a fig about what "society" thinks. Age has afforded me that luxury and yes I am very fortunate that I don't have to be concerned with societal pressures and "rules". And haha you can see I am not wearing a bra in the photo. I really never cared about society's "rules".

Actually I just want to ask, do you guys feel comfortable with makeup on?

@chappy, I get what you are saying...and no I never felt comfortable with lipstick on...always felt like I had something on my lips. Hated that feeling. Lip gloss/lip balm however is a different story and makes my lips feel better when they are dry and I need it. I feel OK with mascara and eyeliner when I wear it. Never wore blush or foundation etc so cannot speak to that but yeah with lipstick I hated the feeling so I get what you are saying.


May 1, 2007
Actually I just want to ask, do you guys feel comfortable with makeup on? Like, physically. Because I physically feel uncomfortable with even the slightest smudge of pencil liner. It makes my eyelids feel really heavy and sleepy and I just don't feel good. What am I doing wrong? And even BB cream (which should be lighter than standard foundation) makes my skin feel choked and unhappy.

Do you have to get used to that feeling, or did you never feel it at all? Is it like smoking where you cough at first but then get used to it? :confused: I'm not using the cheap products either, so, idk why!

I'd actually love to master makeup because it seems fun and other people look great wearing it, but it feels and looks like crap on me.

Chappy, this happens to me too. Blush and lip balm are always fine and comfortable. Eyeshadow sometimes makes my eyes heavy and itch, and sometimes it is fine. I don't put much on though, just one color, along my crease. Mascara starts feeling tight, makes my eyes itch, and gives me a headache because I think it somehow makes me keep my eyes open wide with less blinking!

Foundation or BB cream make me feel self-conscious both mentally and physically. They usually feel tight or itchy or heavy. I always end up washing it off before going out. Then I put them away and eventually throw them out... only to try another round again in three years! :lol:

I enjoy how makeup (foundation or coverup) looks on me but at the end of the day, no, it's not comfortable. I have sensitive skin - with clothing, most materials outside of cotton are itchy to me. With cosmetics, even moisturizers are a nightmare for me. I have tried a million and all of them break me out a little, most without even working. I have found only one that doesn't still leave me a little tight and itchy, but it still keeps me in a mild breakout so it's a trade-off. UNTIL I tried the Avene micellar water... now I just wash with it in the AM and PM and my complexion feels and looks great. It's not completely blemish-free, but it has left my skin glowing with tightened pores and perfectly moisturized. A little BB cream or foundation makes my complexion look truly perfect, but since it's so uncomfortable, this provides me with the next best thing!
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Jan 15, 2010
I think it’s pretty rare in this country to go out completely bare faced. I’ve done it sometimes and I think people assume I’m sick!

Unfortunately I am really sensitive to fragrance and makeup, so I can’t wear foundation or eye make up without feeling hot and nauseated. I do put on lightly tinted spf, comb my eyebrows, and put on tinted lip balm.


Oct 2, 2014
Missy, you look just as lovely with or without makeup.


Jun 8, 2008
Agree that men should face the same face-based pressures!

Just seeing this @Jambalaya and wanted to comment. I think these days men *do* feel pressure to looo good. Too maintain a youthful appearance to keep up at least superficially in the workforce. Appearance does not only matter for women tough yes it is still unbalanced. But the pendulum is moving and many men do feel pressure to look “good” however one defines that.

I know plenty of very vain guys too. I mean more than I can believe lol. I think it comes down to the human existence. I think we are a vain lot for the most part.

Missy, you look just as lovely with or without makeup.

Thank you sweet Jambalaya. :kiss:


Mar 10, 2017
I do feel pressure to wear makeup. I wear it to look grown up and professional. If I am at home or with outdoorsy friends I don’t wear it. I live in a part of the US where women are more made up generally. I am not sure those women are judging me but I am trying to fit in somewhat as a natural tomboy.

I do what I think is a minimal no-makeup look. I am rather pale, so a bit of mascara is almost essential. Usually a bit of crayon liner and a neutral shadow. One of those long wearing lipsticks that you don’t have to reapply all day—kind of a matte stain that makes my lips look like they have some color. Otherwise they are as pale as my skin. And unless it’s rainy, I try to make myself put on sunscreen every day. I use a Neutrogena “healthy skin enhancer”—lighter than foundation.

I have some guy friends who do a better smoky eye than I do. The kids are having fun with blue and pink and purple hair colors. I think the trend might go toward men using a bit more color.
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